Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Arkansas School Board VP Clint McCance To Resign After Anti-Gay Facebook Tirade
"I'm sorry I've hurt people with my comments," Clint McCance, vice-president of the Midland School District in Pleasant Plains, Arkansas said. "I'm sorry I made those ignorant comments and hurt people on a broad spectrum." McCance wrote on his personal Facebook page that he wanted gay people to commit suicide, according to The Advocate, a newspaper focusing on gay news. McCance used the terms "queer" and "fag" repeatedly, promised to disown his own children if they are gay and stated that he enjoys "the fact that [gay people] give each other AIDS and die." On Thursday, he disowned the comments. "I would never support suicide for any kids," he said. "I don't support bullying of any kids. I'd like to extend apologies to those families that have lost children, for all those children who feel that suicide is the only way out, especially for the five families who have already lost children," he said, referring to a rash of recent suicides by gay teens. "I brought more hurt on them... they didn't deserve that and I do feel genuinely bad for them."The Human Rights Campaign reacts via press release:
"Clint McCance's decision to resign from the school board is a step forward for the community he represents. We are hopeful the wounds that were inflicted will soon be healed," said HRC President Joe Solmonese. "What remains troubling is that Mr. McCance focused his regret on particular word choices not the animus behind those words. We hope he will take this time to reflect not only on the language he used but on what he can do to make the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning young people better."I'll have video of McCance's CNN appearance shortly.
Labels: Arkansas, bullying, education, LGBT youth, suicide
I Am Not A Bush. I Am You.
NOTE: I totally HAD to steal the headline of this post from a Gawker commenter. Had to.
UPDATE: In the several hours since Gawker's post went up, the story has exploded across the internet, yielding both widespread condemnation of Gawker for running the story and fevered attempts to identify its anonymous author. Which has happened. I'd agree that it's a sleazy story, but in the Department of Giving-A-Fuck, I'm filing this under: Do Not. This is a woman who went on a years-long campaign of demonizing gay people, telling that them that they were sick and that she had the cure: Jesus Christ. No blow is too low for these repulsive creatures.
UPDATE II: O'Donnell campaign has posted a statement.
Classless Coons goons have proven yet again to have no sense of common decency or common sense with their desperate attacks to get another rubber stamp for the Obama-Pelosi-Reid agenda. Such attacks are truly shameful, but they will not distract us from making our case to Delaware voters -- and keeping the focus on Chris Coons’ record of higher taxes, increased spending, and as he has done again here, breaking his promises to the voters."UPDATE III: O'Donnell appeared on Fox News tonight where she appeared to blame the Gawker story on her opponent (without commenting on it directly).
Labels: 2010 elections, abstinence, Delaware, Gawker, liars, teabaggers
Sarah Palin: I'll Run For President In 2012 If There's Nobody Else To Do It
Mama Grizzly + Mary Hart = Double extra seizure!
Labels: 2012 elections, GOP, Sarah Palin, teabaggers
Texas NBC Station Apologizes For Homophobic Viewer Call-In Segment
Calling it "poorly worded at best and inappropriate altogether at worst," the general manager of the Texas NBC affiliate that broadcast yesterday's "Will homosexuals bring about America's destruction?" segment has issued an apology. The story became national news after being posted here on JMG thanks to a tip from a reader in Texas. CORRECTION: The below apology is from the manager of the radio station whose program was simulcast on the television station referenced further down in this post.
There are many issues surrounding homosexuality that are fair game for discussion in the media and in opinion journalism. The proper role, if any, for openly gay individuals in the military, the legitimacy of same-sex marriages and the public behavior by some individuals at gay and lesbian events held outdoors in public view are among topics about which reasonable people may disagree. These and other topics surrounding homosexuality are topics that talk radio hosts and opinion journalists may legitimately pose to their respective audiences.GLAAD has gotten involved and convinced the station to remove the offending clip from their site. (My mirror of the clip remains on YouTube.) Additionally GLAAD is working to have Fort Worth City Councilman Joel Burns appear on the station to talk about homophobia in the media. GLAAD reports that the above-mentioned station manager will go on-air to denounce the piece.
With that said, the way our Talkback question was posed might be seen as asking, “Do homosexuals, by their very existence, threaten to bring down America?” We believe that such a question, posed in such a manner, is likely to generate more heat than light. I understand how those who either heard, or heard about, KTBB’s Talkback question on Wednesday might have been offended. For the offense that was taken, we sincerely apologize.
General Manager Dave Tillery has also responded to our request that he appear on-camera to speak on behalf of the station. Dave realizes how important it is that the station acknowledge in front of their viewers what they’ve acknowledged to GLAAD over the phone – that a segment like Wednesday’s has no place on the airwaves of a reputable news organization. Furthermore, Dave plans to acknowledge the potential harm that could be caused by Wednesday’s report and will commit, on behalf of the station, to being more careful in the future. Lastly, KETK is rethinking how they will repackage KTBB Talkback content for future newscasts. KETK General Manager Dave Tillery shared with GLAAD that he will be meeting tomorrow with Paul Gleiser, KTBB’s owner/general manager.This story isn't over yet, but we've seen quick movement in the right direction thanks to GLAAD and to the readership of this blog who deluged the right parties with complaints.
Labels: GLAAD, homophobia, NBC, television, Texas
It's Us (Christians) Vs Them (Heathens)
Right Wing Watch tips us to this Sharron Angle spot produced by friend-o-Jeebus Ralph Reed's Faith and Freedom Coalition.
Labels: 2010 elections, Christianists, Nevada, Ralph Reed, Sharron Angle
NEW YORK CITY: Jury May Be Deadlocked In Craigslist Slaying Of Gay Reporter
Jurors in the Brooklyn murder trial of the teenager accused in the sex-charged stabbing death of WABC newsman George Weber yesterday told the judge they were deadlocked but will return today for further deliberations. In the middle of their second day of deliberations, the jurors sent out their note telling Judge Neil Firetog for the second time that they were having difficulties. Earlier yesterday the jury asked Firetog a second time to explain "reasonable doubt." John Katehis, 18, is charged with stabbing Weber, 47, more than 50 times in the March 2009 slaying.The then 16 year-old Katehis was hired on Craigslist for an S/M "smothering" scene with Weber. Defense attorneys have painted the victim as a sexual predator, despite the confession and despite ample evidence of the killer's violent tendencies, including internet postings in which he brandished his extensive collection of knives and swords.
UPDATE: A mistrial HAS been declared due to one holdout juror who would not budge on the issue of intent. As in Katehis didn't INTEND to keep stabbing his bound victim 50 times? Prosecutors have vowed to try him again. Meanwhile, he gets a fucking bail hearing next week.
Labels: Craigslist, George Weber, John Katehis, murder, NYC
Homophobia Literally Kills: Texas Edition
The latest edition in the series by JMG reader Sean Chapin.
Labels: homophobia, journalism, NBC, Sean Chapin, Texas
Safe Sex
Labels: prostitution, safety, Spain
November 8th In NYC: Fundraising Concert For The Ali Forney Center
It’s no secret. Our LGBT youth are suffering now more than ever before, as you may have seen in recent news. These teens need support, they need help, and most of all, they need friends. For these reasons, Alan Cumming, Ari Gold, Billy Porter and I have founded a benefit we are calling The Friends Project. It is my pleasure to invite you to a ONE NIGHT ONLY EVENT with me and my friends. Together, we will raise awareness of this grave issue, celebrate life and release the world premier of our new music video, “That’s What Friends Are For.” All proceeds will benefit the Ali Forney Center, an organization that works tirelessly to serve New York City’s homeless LGBT youth. The center sees vulnerable LGBT teens through that fragile transition between adolescence and adulthood. We are friends of the Ali Forney Center and we are friends to the city’s struggling LGBT teens.Get tickets here!
Labels: Ali Forney Center, concerts, good work, homelessness, LGBT youth, NYC
Deep Jury Doody
A Staten Island human-resources manager with a history of financial scams doctored a jury summons to weasel out of work for a Baltimore getaway that included taking in a comedy show -- and now she faces up to 14 years in prison, authorities said yesterday. Rebecca Thybulle, 32, was nabbed after her boss found evidence on her desk -- while she was out for eight days on supposed jury duty -- that she had altered a juror summons originally sent to her dad, according to court documents. Thybulle was busted Tuesday after returning to the Amboy Road offices of Children's Home Intervention Programs, a state-funded program for autistic kids, said Staten Island DA Daniel Donovan's spokesman. She was ordered held lieu of $25,000 bond yesterday. Sources said Thybulle -- who claimed to be a juror on a vehicular-homicide case -- later tried to justify her cut-and-paste forgery job by saying, "I needed to take some personal time off. My boss would not allow me to without a good excuse, and even then would badger you about it."(Image via Gothamist)
Labels: dumbassery, Facebook, NYC, Staten Island
HomoQuotable - Michelangelo Signorile
Labels: 2010 elections, Democrats, HomoQuotable, Michelangelo Signorile
WIKILEAKS: American Gov't Kept Quiet About Murders Of Gays In Iraq
“The male was shot (___) times in the chest, and a note was discovered on the body stating that the man had been killed by ___ for stealing cars and being homosexual,” read the January 1, 2005, memo, in which some words were redacted. The body was discovered in Ramadi, a city in central Iraq, and a note was left at the scene by the gunmen who killed the man. The fact that the note was written in advance of the killing suggests that the gunmen knew whom they were targeting and why they were killing him, and had time to plan and prepare for the murder.Read Duncan Osborne's complete report.
“After talking with the locals (through an ___), a CO discovered that the male was killed at approximately 1545C by gunmen driving past in a vehicle,” the memo read. “The vehicle drove past, fired, dropped the note, and then fled. The note is being brought back to - -___ for further analysis. No friendly casualties or damage to equipment reported.”
Gay City News found the memo by searching on with keywords such as gay, lesbian, homosexual, fag, and faggot. The 2005 memo was the only document Gay City News found that related to the killings of gay Iraqis. Gay City News first reported on such killings in March of 2006. Reporter Doug Ireland, who authored that first story, found killings that occurred as early as April of 2005. An April 2006 report from the United Nations added further evidence that gay, lesbian, and transgender Iraqis were being targeted.
Labels: Duncan Osborne, Gay City News, Iraq, murder, Pentagon
Ken Buck On The Gays
From the official YouTube channel of Sen. Michael Bennet.
Labels: 2010 elections, Colorado, Senate, teabagggers
Sharron Angle: The Wicked Ways Of Gay Marriage & Medicare Are Destroying Us
"I confess that we are a nation who has killed our children. I confess that we are a nation who has walked away from the family and allowed divorce even among our ranks. We have walked away from the biblical definition of marriage; one man, one woman, the two become one flesh," Angle said. "We as a nation have been walking away from our constitutional freedom and relying on government instead to take care of the widow and the orphan...we're saying 'well, the government we have all these programs now, aid for families with dependent children and medicare and social security."According to Angle, "the people" should help their needy, not the government.
Labels: 2010 elections, bigotry, Jeebus, Nevada, religion, Sharron Angle
CALIFORNIA: AG Jerry Brown Holding Nice Lead Over Meg Whitman
Labels: 2010 elections, California, Jerry Brown, Meg Whitman
Quote Of The Day - Rebecca Kleefisch
Labels: bigotry, Quote Of The Day, religion, Wisconsin
Anderson Cooper On Clint McCance
He may not be officially out, but Anderson Cooper is a consistent, articulate, and passionate advocate for his people, particularly its gay youth.
Labels: Anderson Cooper, bullying, LGBT youth, Texas
Tweets Of The Day - NOM
Labels: bigotry, dumbassery, NOM, religion, WTF
Open Thread Thursday
What are your favorite scary movies, classic and recent? I always loved the dystopian stuff like Omega Man and more recently, 28 Days Later. Could never get into the campy slasher flicks like Freddy Krueger and Halloween.
Labels: Halloween, movies, Open Thread Thursday
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Obama's First Sit-Down With Bloggers
But perhaps more interestingly, the president revealed that his position on marriage equality was "evolving" and he hinted that a formal change may be coming.
"As you say, I have been to this point unwilling to sign on to same-sex marriage primarily because of my understandings of the traditional definitions of marriage. But I also think you’re right that attitudes evolve, including mine. And I think that it is an issue that I wrestle with and think about because I have a whole host of friends who are in gay partnerships. I have staff members who are in committed, monogamous relationships, who are raising children, who are wonderful parents. And I care about them deeply. And so while I’m not prepared to reverse myself here, sitting in the Roosevelt Room at 3:30 in the afternoon, I think it’s fair to say that it’s something that I think a lot about."Cynics will, of course, deride today's meeting as a last-minute stunt to pull the wavering LGBT vote out of the fire. That's probably at least partly true. And the president did express some obvious resentment at LGBT activists for doubting his sincerity. Still, I felt somewhat more encouraged. Hit the link and read Joe Sudbay's entire report.
Labels: AmericaBlog, Barack Obama, DADT, Joe Sudbay, LGBT rights, marriage equality
Arkansas Department Of Education Condemns Anti-Gay Remarks Made By School Board Member Clint McCance
The posting said to be from Midland School Board member Clint McCance came after last week's nationwide move for people to wear purple ribbons in support of gay and lesbian youth. The posting, first reported on The Advocate's website, said that the only way McCance would wear purple is "if they all commit suicide." McCance couldn't immediately be reached for comment Wednesday but told the Arkansas Times that the issue had been "blown out of proportion" and he plans to issue a statement later in the day. The Facebook page has since been disabled but a screen-grab remains on The Advocate's website. The Human Rights Campaign has called for McCance's resignation. The state Education Department's statement Wednesday said it is "dismayed" over the posting.A Little Rock-based television station is looking for McCance.
After receiving several emails alleging Midland school board member Clint McCance made disparaging remarks about gay students, Today's THV is investigating the allegations. McCance is accused of posting on his Facebook page that several recent suicides of gay students across the U.S. were due to those students' sin. He also allegedly made other comments bashing gays. Today's THV has not confirmed McCance actully made the posts, but B.J. Steed is in Midland, which is just outside Batesville in Independence County, trying to contact McCance as well as other school board members. Today's THV contacted Superintendent Dean Stanley's office, but he is out until Friday. Midland Principal Donna Clark would only reply "no comment" to all our questions. In response to the comments on Facebook, someone set up another Facebook page calling for McCance to be removed from the board. THV's BJ Steed will have more on this developing story on Today's THV at 5, 6 and 10 p.m.MSNBC is reporting on the story as I type this. I'll have video ASAP.
UPDATE: Here's the statement from the Arkansas Department of Education.
The Arkansas Department of Education strongly condemns remarks or attitudes of this kind and is dismayed to see that a school board official would post something of this insensitive nature on a public forum like Facebook. Because Mr. McCance is an elected official, the department has no means of dealing with him directly. However, the department does have staff who investigate matters of bullying in schools and we will monitor and quickly respond to any bullying of students that may occur because of this, as we have with other civil rights issues in the past.UPDATE II: The Advocate reports that McCance may keep his job.
“In Arkansas law, the only way to recall a school board member is over a felony [committed by him or her] or absentee issues,” said Julie Johnson Thompson, the director of communications for the Arkansas Department of Education in Little Rock. Thompson says McCance, as an elected official, answers to voters, not Midland school district’s superintendent. “[The Arkansas Department of Education] doesn’t have any control over his job,” Thompson pointed out.UPDATE III: MSNBC's openly gay host Thomas Roberts covers the story.
UPDATE IV: The executive director of the Arkansas School Boards Association reacts.
Members of the Arkansas School Boards Association Board of Directors and staff were appalled to read the comments purportedly made by the Midland School Board member in which he denounces gay students. Our organization expects school board members to support the education and promote the welfare of all students in their districts. With 1,500-plus school board members in Arkansas, we are saddened that the comments made by one individual will reflect poorly on other board members who work hard on behalf of the children in their communities. ASBA has no tolerance for bullying or attacks on children, and we certainly would not tolerate such actions, either physical or verbal, by adults. When school board members take the oath of office, they swear to uphold the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Arkansas. ASBA expects board members to adhere to state and federal laws, and bullying would certainly fall under those statutes.
Labels: AIDS, Arkansas, education, hate speech, suicide
Vote Homo, Not Cuomo
I almost fell out of my chair when this ad from former madam and New York gubernatorial candidate just ran on local NYC television.
Labels: 2010 elections, Andrew Cuomo, marriage equality, New York state
Just Posted To Sharron Angle's Channel
Sharron Angle sent Joy Behar a huge bouquet of flowers with the note: "Joy, I raised $150,000 online yesterday thanks to your comments."
Labels: 2010 elections, Joy Behar, racism, Sharron Angle
PhoboQuotable - Cardinal Raymond Burke
Labels: 2010 elections, bigotry, Catholic Church, Catholics, PhoboQuotable, religion
Cool Art Watch
Labels: art, coolness, Vancouver
LA Gay Men's Chorus - It Gets Better
A soothing brain salve for all the hatred below, courtesy of the LA Gay Men's Chorus and Cyndi Lauper's True Colors. Feel better about the world for five minutes.
Labels: Gay Men's Chorus, I Love My People, LGBT youth, Los Angeles
Texas NBC Station Asks Viewers: Will Acceptance Of Gays Destroy America?
UPDATE: I've moved their clip to YouTube. The unbridled hatred is staggering for a supposedly mainstream television station.
UPDATE II: A Facebook complaint page has been launched by JMG reader Sean Chapin. Hit the link, please.
(Tipped by JMG reader Mitch)
Labels: assholery, NBC, Texas, Westboro
Anti-Gay Christian Hate Groups Issue Joint Statement Denouncing Bullying Education
Authentic Christians will remember several key concepts from Scripture:And who are the signers of the statement? All your old favorites.
1. Homosexual behavior is always a sin, God's plan for sexuality is male/female marriage, and God has not changed His mind about this (Genesis 19; Leviticus 18:22; Matthew 19:4-6; Romans 1:24-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11)
2. Jesus described marriage as the union of one man and one woman, and that humans were created male and female "from the beginning." Gender change is a defiant and ungrateful sin against God's direction and design (Matthew 19:4-6)
3. Violence against children is wrong. Jesus was very clear in his protection of children and also had harsh words for those who would forbid children from knowing His truth and love ( Luke 17:2; Luke 18: 15-16). "Gay" activists want to keep children from knowing, loving and following the real Jesus Christ. At the very least, schools must not interfere in the desires of parents to raise their own children to follow Christ and live out biblical morality.
4. School boards aid child corruption and insult faithful families when they allow "gay-straight alliances," homosexual indoctrination programs, permission for use of opposite sex restrooms, and any of the other ridiculous demands of the "gay" lobby.
Buddy Smith, Vice President, American Family AssociationMission America's Linda Harvey: "Communities must not allow themselves to be manipulated into supporting pro-homosexual bullying prevention plans, and believers in Jesus Christ need to stand up against this corruption of youth."
Phil Burress, President, Citizens for Community Values
Mathew D. Staver, Founder and Chairman, Liberty Counsel
Peter LaBarbera, President, Americans for Truth
Gary Glenn, President, AFA of Michigan
Diane Gramley, President, AFA of Pennsylvania
Micah Clark, American Family Association of Indiana
J. Matt Barber, Director of Cultural Affairs, Liberty Counsel
Rena Lindevaldson, Liberty Center for Law & Policy
Matt C. Abbott, Catholic columnist,
Labels: AFA, bigotry, bullying, Christianists, education, hate groups, LGBT youth, Linda Harvey, Matt Barber, Peter LaBarbera, religion
Joy & Whoopi Make A Pledge
Sharron Angle, helping poor people with AIDS whether she likes it or not!
Labels: AIDS, Joy Behar, Sharron Angle, The View, Whoopi Goldberg
HomoQuotable - David Mixner
"Why is it important to vote? Let's get right down to it: If the House and Senate fall into Republican Tea Party hands on November 2nd, the LGBT community will be facing the most hostile United States Congress in our history. The election of these bonafide Teabagging wing-nuts could cause chaos, fear and intimidation in our political process. Their ascendancy to power would validate some truly dark and despicable forces operating in American politics. If we think it is hard to achieve equal rights now just try and do it in a Tea Party dominated Congress." - David Mixner, writing on his personal blog. That's just the first two paragraphs, hit the link and read the rest.
Labels: 2010 elections, David Mixner, Democrats, Obama administration, teabaggers
Barney Frank Vs. Sean Bielat
As seen through the wingnut lens of Sean Hannity.
Labels: 2010 elections, Barney Frank, Fox News, Massachusetts, Sean Hannity, Tea Party, teabaggers
NEVADA: Nate Silver Sees Harry Reid's Chances Shrinking Against Sharron Angle
Labels: 2010 elections, Harry Reid, Nate Silver, Senate, Sharron Angle, teabaggers
Less Spam? Thank Russia
Russian authorities have shut down a single scamster who was estimated to be responsible for 20% of all the spam on the internet.
You may not have noticed, but since late last month, the world supply of Viagra ads and other e-mail spam has dropped by an estimated one-fifth. With 200 billion spam messages in circulation each day, there is still plenty to go around. But police officials in Russia, a major spam exporter, say they are trying to do their part to stem the flow. On Tuesday, police officials here announced a criminal investigation of a suspected spam kingpin, Igor A. Gusev. They said he had probably fled the country. Moscow police authorities said Mr. Gusev, 31, was a central figure in the operations of, which paid spammers to promote online pharmacies, sometimes quite lewdly. suddenly stopped operating on Sept. 27. With less financial incentive to send their junk mail, spammers curtailed their activity by an estimated 50 billion messages a day.The above-linked article notes that the spammer was shut down shortly before a Governator-led trade delegation from Silicon Valley arrived in Moscow to discuss moving Russia more fully into legitimate internet businesses.
Labels: Arnold Schwarzenegger, internet, Russia, spam
CALIFORNIA: Sen. Barbara Boxer Holding Decent Lead Over Carly Fiorina
Labels: 2010 elections, Barbara Boxer, California, Carly Fiorina, Senate
Lt. Dan Choi: The Bad Lieutenant
There's no doubt that when Choi came out last March on MSNBC as a gay soldier, he helped take the movement to a whole new level. "When he appeared on the Rachel Maddow Show, he was very buttoned-down, very conservative, very professional—and clear as a bell," says Rick Jacobs, leader of a group fighting California's anti-gay Proposition 8, The Courage Campaign. But Choi isn't buttoned-down anymore. There are many across the political spectrum who wish the lieutenant would be quiet once in a while. He angered the right by appearing as the grand marshal at last year's San Francisco and New York Gay Pride parades, where, as he puts it, he was gleefully "breaking 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' all up and down the street!" (In uniform.) He has angered the left by not being lockstep antiwar enough at times, and by warmly welcoming Ken Mehlman, Bush's campaign manager, to the gayborhood when he came out. In a movement awash with political correctness, Choi decidedly isn't.Read Steven Thrasher's entire piece, it's worth the time.
Labels: activism, DADT, Dan Choi, Steven Thrasher, Village Voice
Olivia Kickin' Chipotle Glazed Time-Warner, Rebel Fighter From The Future, Wants You To VOTE On Nov. 2nd
Don't let Olivia and Alfonso Petfinder dot Flavorblast down!
Labels: 2010 elections, brilliance, FTW, MoveOn
Kylie Minogue On DWTS
SORTA RELATED: This week Get Outta My Way becomes Kylie's fifth #1 single on Billboard's dance chart. Over in Britain, of course, her success has been far greater. To date she's notched 32 UK top ten pop singles, including six #1s. Kylie has only reached the top ten of the U.S. pop chart twice, with 1988's cover of Little Eva's 1962 smash The Loco-Motion (#3) and with 2001's summer earworm, Can't Get You Out Of My Head (#7).
Labels: dance music, Dancing With The Stars, gay icons, Kylie Minogue
NEBRASKA: Omaha Rejects LGBT Rights
Yesterday the city council of Omaha, Nebraska voted to continue to allow businesses to fire someone for being gay, to deny someone service in restaurants for being gay, and to deny housing to someone for being gay.
If you were planning on any business or personal travel to Omaha, let the Chamber of Commerce know if this news changes your plans.The measure failed on a 3-3 vote. Councilman Franklin Thompson, who has called for a public vote on the issue, abstained. Councilmen Ben Gray, Pete Festersen and Chris Jerram voted in favor of the ordinance; Jean Stothert, Garry Gernandt and Thomas Mulligan were opposed. Gray, author of the ordinance, proposed that gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people be a protected class under city code — protection they don't currently have under state or federal law. He amended the proposal to exclude religious organizations, but members of the Omaha business community also opposed the ordinance. The council held a public hearing Tuesday on Thompson's proposal to put the issue to a public vote, in the form of an amendment to the City Charter. The vote on Thompson's measure is expected next week. “I find it offensive that we would equate this with civil rights,” Pastor Cedric Perkins, pastor of Pilgrim Baptist Church said. “Those rights were based upon a person's color of their skin, which they could not change.”
Labels: bigotry, ENDA, LGBT rights, Nebraska, religion
ALASKA: Rachel Maddow Corners Teabagger Loon Joe Miller On Gay Issues
And the answers were (murkily) what you'd expect. Miller says if elected to the Senate, he'd support an constitutional amendment banning same sex marriage. He is currently in a three-way tie with Democrat Sam McAdams and write-in GOP incumbent Sen. Lisa Murkowski.
Labels: 2010 elections, Alaska, homophobes, Joe Miller, Senate, Tea Party, teabaggers
Glee Spoiler: Rocky Horror
Labels: GLEE, spoiler alert, television