In Kerry Eleveld's latest column, we learn that the Pentagon now claims surveys were conducted before Truman integrated the military. Yes, the Working Group's chairs, General Carter Ham and DOD's General Counsel Jeh Johnson, asked the Pentagon's historians to find that info. It makes me realize just how defensive the Pentagon is about this aspect of the DADT repeal process.
But, Kerry Eleveld is worried. And, if Kerry Eleveld is worried, all advocates and activists who want repeal should be worried:
Despite the new revelation from DOD today, I am beginning to worry that the U.S. is quickly on its way to becoming a lesson in how not to integrate the military. Unlike some repeal advocates and LGBT activists, I don’t believe Defense Department leadership is being intrinsically mischievous, yet there’s not a shade of doubt in my mind that the premise of such an extensive survey sent to 400,000 troops to gauge their feelings about repeal is inherently homophobic even if it wasn’t intended to be.
First, it’s not clear the Pentagon has encountered enough concerns that would warrant the type of wide-scale inquiry that Morrell said during the briefing was “costing us an extraordinary sum of money” – about $4.5 million to be exact. (In a subsequent interview, Morrell said the cost of administering the survey alone was closer $850,000, but the fact remains that the DOD’s contract with the polling company, Westat, is about $4.5 million in total.)
During the forums that have been conducted by the working group at about 30 installations across the country, anonymous sources have told me that the first question asked is always, “Do you think you’ve ever served with anyone you believe to be gay or lesbian?” The sources report that about 90% or more of the approximately 250-300 service members present consistently raise their hands. Then soldiers are asked to keep their hands raised if serving with someone they believed to be gay bothered them, and sources said the vast majority of the hands usually drop.
Given this information, one wonders why the working group felt so compelled to assemble the survey and why Secretary Gates strongly recommended that they increase the sampling size from 200,000 to 400,000.
One does wonder why. The last line of Kerry's column should be a wake up call:
Unfortunately, it's increasingly difficult to see how the those who favor repeal at the Pentagon will win the war when they continue to lose the battles.
We've still got a long way to go before DADT is over. There's still a Senate battle and a House-Senate conference committee to get through. Then, the games could really being.
So, be worried. Be very worried.