Well, the jerk was apparently supposed to go on Good Morning America to be a counterpoint to the lesbian couple from Vermont involved in the latest religious right homo-cartoon scandal, Postcards from Buster. Buster is a rabbit who apparently is a bit too tolerant of children who have gay parents. PBS is pulling an episode of Buster's kids' show because he had the audacity to visit in Vermont with lots of kids and their parents and - eh gads - two of the parents were women! The religious right freaked, Bush's education secretary freaked (no word on what the education secretary thinks of Ken Mehlman refusing to speak on the record about his sexual orientation - is Ken okay around kids?). As an aside, Buster also visits with Muslims and Mormons. No freaking out yet on that one, but stay tuned.
Anyway, the "ex"-gay is now ticked because the Vermont couple didn't feel comfortable being in the same studio with him. And can you blame them? I've debated these religious right freaks before, in person, and it's not fun. They're sick. Either they're total freaks, like Peter LaBarbera who went nuts on me in a green room once, or they're so nice to you one-on-one when you're alone in an elevator with them that it's a bit creepy, if you get my drift, like Robert Knight.
Well the "ex"-gay is now screaming "intolerance, intolerance" because the lesbian couple didn't feel comfortable being with an anti-gay Bible thumper after everything else they've been through. And who can blame them. Anyway, I've posted the "ex"-gay's response to all of this below, it's priceless. Just read it. And tell me if this sounds like something a straight guy would write. Not to mention, this religious right "I'm pulling all the strings and I'm a victim" crap has really got to stop.
Good Morning America Appearance CancelledRead More......
The producers of Good Morning America called me and articulated the two lesbians felt uncomfortable with me being in studio and wanted to set me up in a satellite studio in another state. That seemed to me that they were very "intolerant" and disrespectful toward me.
I assured the producers I would show the lesbians nothing but love and kindness in addressing the issue at hand.
Good Morning America just called minutes ago and said, "We've had a change in plans." They basically said "...logistics" couldn't be worked out (for the three of us to be in the same room together,) nor could they "find an available satellite studio." I have a studio I work with only minutes away that I frequently use that is ALWAYS available.
It seems to me I have just experienced the brunt of "intolerance and bigotry" by two lesbians who couldn't even stand to be in the same room with me, nor respectfully debate me on national television. How shameful, unprofessional, one-sided and immature.
Thus, ABC opted to have the lesbians on to share "their story" -- and "can" me from sharing America's deep concern and objection of our children being force-fed homosexuality via our tax-payer funded, children's programming.
So who are the "intolerant and bigoted" ones here?