Saturday, June 05, 2004

Reagan's death - political impact?

Well, by now you've all heard. Most of political Washington is wondering, though not admitting it, what impact Reagan's death will have on the election. While I'll be writing more on Reagan over the coming days, here are a few initial thoughts:

1. Bush might get a slight bump out of Reagan's death if the public senses he's handling himself in a "presidential" way. Making good speeches, looking appropriately presidential standing side-by-side with all the ex-presidents. It will be interesting to see how Kerry reacts. My suspicion is that he'll, wisely, shut up.

2. We're still 5 months before the election - by the time the election occurs, any "bump" Bush gets will be gone.

3. Reagan's death obliterates any news bump Bush would have gotten out of Sunday's 60th anniversary of the Normandy invasion. Bush went to France to get a nice little presidential photo op with the allies and on the beaches, at the cemetery, etc. Now, he'll get some coverage, but the news tomorrow will be Reagan, Reagan, Reagan.

4. It's not at all clear how the Republicans soon-to-be-unleashes pro-Reagan orgasm will affect Bush and the election. It won't take folks long to realize what a great president looks (looked) like, and Bush won't compare well at all (think of the beginning of the administration when they were afraid to put Powell or Cheney out in the public eye, lest it show people how bad Bush really was in comparison). You can squabble about whether Reagan was "great," but I mean it in the sense that he was a powerful president, a powerful communicator, and a powerful force to be reckoned with. Bush is none of the above.

Sure, the Republicans will use - and I mean that word in the crassest sense possible - Reagan's death for every political advantage they can squeeze out of it. But in the end, while it might help get a few more buildings named after the man (maybe we can name the quagmire in Iraq after him?), I'm not convinced any of that benefits Bush. And actually, if the Republicans even attempt to use Reagan's death to gain favor in the election, hopefully the Dems will turn that around on them the same way the Republicans used Wellstone's funeral to pummel the Dems (of course, they're good at pummeling, our boys suck).

More to come on this analysis.

JOHN Read More......

So this is the thin end of the wedge?

The first gay marriage arrived here in France today, despite threats of legal action by the conservative government. (The Socialists are also very divided on the issue, with former PM Jospin recently speaking out against it as well.) I absolutely love the response by the couple when asked, what they are going to do next?

"We are going to go and buy a house and get on with our lives."
Oh dear, the end of the world sounds like it is right around the corner. Can you imagine what would happen if everyone just got on with their lives and bought a house? Read More......

Who's defending their marriage?

Mini-me is seeking an anulment from a model. You know it's your fault.

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Reagan may only have weeks to live

Oh man, get ready for the Reagan-was-a-god orgasm. They are going to milk his death for all it's worth - partly to benefit Bush's campaign, and partly to help enshrine Republicanism in the national consciousness. I sincerely hope "our side" is ready to respond with the facts. The last four years - Republican White House, House and Senate - are the true face of republicanism. The country wanted to see what happens when Republicans get their wet dreams fulfilled? Well, now we have the answer.

Q: Who are the two presidents who got us into the biggest budget deficits of our lifetimes?

A: Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. Read More......

The real axis of evil

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Anti-semitism & racism: the 800 pound gorilla in the room for Europe

Another day, another anti-semitic attack in Europe. On the eve of the 60th anniversary of the D-Day invasion, Europe continues to battle with anti-Semitism. I applaud Chirac's effort to clamp down on the criminal elements who are committing these disgusting attacks though I still wonder when Europe will come up with a serious, long term plan for integration. There are many disturbing trends in Europe with racism and it is high time someone gets serious about the problem. So far in government circles, this issue has been the 800 pound gorilla in the room that nobody wants to seriously address. How many more violent attacks will it take for somebody to get serious about it? For me, dealing with this issue is a critical piece of the real war on terror. Read More......

Prison abuse even extends to US soldier in training drill

Another disgusting coverup by the military, this case involving a US soldier who was a dressed up like a prisoner at Guantanamo Bay. After the suffocation and beating that Kentucky National Guard Specialist Sean Baker suffered during the training exercise, he eventually had to be given a medical discharge for continuing problems with a traumatic brain injury. A young family man, he now is unable to work, has seizures and the doctors are changing their story. The video tape of the the "training exercise" has gone missing as well. What the hell is going on in the US military these days and who is running the show around there? Read More......

Singapore to Rumsfeld: US part of the problem

Even traditional friends of the US are speaking out but it does not seem that anyone in the Bush administration is listening. With Bush talking more about unity this weekend, traditional allies are surely waiting to hear Bush admit mistakes as well but let's not get our hopes up for that. Those guys never make mistakes, at least in their minds. Read More......