John posted the huge story which the
Washington Post broke today further linking DeLay and Abramoff. Now, DeLay's spokesperson,
Kevin Madden, is defending the integrity of his boss:
A spokesman for embattled Rep. Tom DeLay on Saturday disputed any assertion that donations to a nonprofit group linked to the congressman influenced his legislative agenda.
Those donations, to a now-disbanded nonprofit group called U.S. Family Network, came from interests close to indicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff, according to a story in Saturday's Washington Post.
In an e-mail, DeLay spokesman Kevin Madden said the donations were not a factor in the congressional activities of the Texas Republican and former House majority leader.
Yeah, right. Now, that would be the same Kevin Madden who misled the press earlier this week about the appeal of DeLay's case in Texas:
Media reports that U.S. Rep. Tom DeLay had convinced the state's highest court to hear his appeal were as widely circulated as they were, well, wrong.
Justices for the Texas Court Criminal Appeals agreed merely to consider hearing DeLay's money laundering case. They never said they would accept the case, said Edward Marty, the court's general counsel.
The erroneous media reports, which the San Antonio Express-News published in a wire story and displayed online, come from DeLay's spokesman, Kevin Madden, in an e-mail sent to reporters Tuesday evening, after courts had closed for the night.
“FYI-Breaking news out of Austin, TX,” the e-mail stated. “The state Court of Criminal Appeals has agreed to hear Mr. DeLay's habeas motion that was filed at the end of last week. The court has set a one-week deadline for briefs to be filed by the parties involved. The court could essentially decide to end Ronnie Earle's prosecution after hearing this motion and the facts presented.”
Madden said this afternoon that he made an error and never intended to “spin” the story.
“In an effort to be instantaneous, I wasn't precise.....My understanding (of the decision) was correct. The way I relayed it wasn't,” he said.
Kevin seems to have accuracy issues with his emails. So, now, when he says his boss isn't a crook, we should believe him, right? Can you imagine even having the job of trying to defend DeLay's integrity...and doing it with a straight face?
The MSM falls for the lies of the GOPers all the time. Just because they say it, doesn't make it true.
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