Since the AP did a piece on the DNC fundraiser, we should, too. After all, AMERICAblog helped get the ball rolling
on this issue.Coincidentally, I got a phone call from the DNC today. I looked at my caller ID, which read "DEM NATL COMM" -- and, thought, that can't be. After the woman started her pitch, I said, stop. I'm not giving to the DNC until the Obama administration shows some real action on gay issues, specifically the repeal of DADT and DOMA. I told the telemarketer to put that in my record so no one else would ask. She told me it had only been less than 200 days (that's the "give it some time" argument, which might have worked a month ago) to which I responded, read the DOMA brief.
That's what really caused the rift. The DOMA brief.
The hateful, vicious DOMA brief. I'll never forget reading through that document for the first time, not really believing what I was seeing. And,
Robert Gibbs told us that the President stands by that brief. Fine. But, don't ask me for anything til it's fixed.
Meanwhile, a lot of gays want things from the administration -- like jobs.
Mike Signorile has been asking people who are going to the DNC fundraiser why they're still going. Funny thing how both Joan Garry and Dixon Osborne have sent resumes to Team Obama at one time or another. I also bet we could find another defender or two -- or many -- who have been looking for administration jobs. I know we could. They should just be honest about their motives.
Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN) will be protesting at the DNC fundraiser tonight. 265 people have been discharged since Barack Obama became president. That's just wrong. And, how any self-respecting member of the LGBT community can walk right by them tonight is beyond me. But, like I've written before, self-respecting is the operative word.
I really don't think people in DC get the real anger in the LBGT community over this mess. People were already angry that we lost rights in California last November. That really stings and made many of us much more fervent advocates. It's palpable. People in this town insulate themselves from reality -- even on gay issues. Insiders want to blame the furor on a few blogs or agitators. But for the record, this blogger and John supported Barack Obama last year during the primaries, which caused us a lot of grief. On June 3, 2008, the night Barack Obama secured the nomination, John got a
text message "shout out" from Deputy Campaign Manager Steve Hildebrand thanking us for all we did. John and I both contributed to the campaign and did everything asked of us (and we were asked to do a lot.) What a difference a year makes.
We had high hopes that a president who was of our generation wouldn't be swayed by the backwards thinking of the Bush and Clinton administrations. But, Obama stocked his West Wing with people who think gays are trouble. So, this is where we are. And, it's not a good place. We tried to warn people. No one listened. But, to get this White House to listen, you have to play hard ball. For the LGBT community, that means shutting down the ATM.
The apologists are going to keep placing blame elsewhere. But, the blame lies within the White House. They created this mess. They have to fix it. And, no one who goes tonight or to the A-list party on Monday is going to change a thing. They're just enabling it.
I hope it's worth it for everyone who gets a picture with Joe Biden tonight. Smile pretty. But heed the words of Richard Socarides, who was quoted in the
latest AP article:
"Unless the president on Monday articulates a strong action plan, and is willing to do it with cameras rolling, it is going to go from bad to worse," said Socarides, the Clinton adviser.
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