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  1. @heavyhokie if your expectation is no higher than "very pretty woman kicks booty" sure, why not?
  2. Techcrunch is somehow more ridiculous than politico. Smh at tech "journalism"
  3. Saw Colombiana. Had some gigantic plot and logic holes, but zoe saldana looked real good shooting people
  4. unconfirmed report: 12 dead, 30 injured ... VIDEO: Plane Crash At Reno Air Races
  5. @Carrera13 why not?
  6. VIDEO: Plane Crash At Reno Air Races
  7. @JazzShaw but the crazy.... it compels me! #hamradiotv
  8. #glennbeck (i know im the only one watching) just blamed executive orders on "progressives" dont tell him abt this:
  9. @interactionswst go for it...
  10. @keder except i didnt say so, but keep on making things up.
  11. yes, including from the WaPO RT @TheFix President Obama ignores the D.C. echo chamber. But should he?
  12. Mining Boss With Record Of Big Dollar Safety Violations To Raise Money For Rick Perry #p2 #tcot
  13. fyi @keder ive never said conservatism is rooted in racism. its just unashamed of using it as a means to an end.
  14. @keder if anything, hrc is slightly more conservative than obama in how she handles things (supporting iraq war) but ideologically the same.
  15. i lol'd at his tweet too RT @emptywheel HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! @EricCantor now a fan of working together! Comedy gold.
  16. @keder ugh, then i must be wrong. :)
  17. i like how ppl pretend gop congress and con dems would have worked better w hrc. if anything, woulda been worse.