October 05, 2011

Dem Russ Feingold Supports Occupy Wallstreet Protests: Does He Hate Jews?
Is He a 9/11 Truther?
Is He a Racist?


Far left Dem Russ Feingold on Occupy Wall Street protests: "This is like the Tea Party, only it's real"
Real as in F**k the Jews, F**k Israel?

Real as in this crazy racist?

Real as in this 9/11 truther?

I could go on and on. The links above are to commentary and videos of anti-Semitism, racism and 9/11 trutherism.

The Tea Party is "real", this Wall Street shite is nucking futz.

Fatah: US aid is a Palestinian "right," since the US is "morally responsible" for Israel's creation

Crazy Islamotards, Mars created Israel!!

Via Palwatch

Throughout 2011, Palestinian Authority leaders have mocked and minimized the significance of US aid, and even dared the US to cut off its funding of the PA.

Now that the US has announced a freeze of $200 million dollars, PA leaders are criticizing the US, claiming the freeze is "blackmail." Fatah added that the US and other countries owe the Palestinians financial aid on moral grounds, calling US aid to the PA an "obligation" and a "political and moral right" because the US "aided in the establishment of the State of Israel."

Earlier this year, both PM Salam Fayyad and Chairman Mahmoud Abbas criticized the US for linking its financial support to the PA's political cooperation. Fayyad called US requests "extortion" and Mahmoud Abbas said: "The US is assisting us in the amount of $460 million annually. This does not mean that they dictate to us whatever they want." (See quotes and sources below.)[Continue reading]

No, they don't have a "right" to our tax dollars. In fact, they should be receiving zero, zilch, nada damn thing.

Radical Preacher Anjem Choudary: Is the Assassination of Obama Legal?

Britain's Islamist group, Muslim Against Crusades, may have just stepped over the line of "free speech". Notice the "red spot" on Obama's forehead and the image of a sniper on the left. Choudary knows damn well radical Muslims are upset over the killing of bin Laden and Awlaki and using this to light a fire under them.
President Barack Obama is treading on very thin ice. In the space of less than half a year he has proceeded to murder what are probably two of the most influential Muslim men in modern day history: Sheikh Usamah bin Laden (rh) and the US citizen Sheikh Anwar al Awlaki (rh)

His brazen attacks and cowardly drone strikes have shattered any hope of reconciliation, for he has made it clear: America is out to shoot and kill and is taking no prisoners. No negotiations, no rule of law, no due process – nothing.

Human rights and justice have lost all relevance in Obama’s war, as assassination takes over as his preferred weapon of choice. He has managed to convince the whole world that he is right, that murder, rape and torture can be justified as long as you can be labelled as the enemy. Are his actions to be taken as an example for other US citizens to imitate? In light of this we would like to introduce a new question into the psyche of the West by asking: “Is the assassination of President Barack Obama now legal?” What we mean by this is, if the President of America were to be caught off-guard in Washington or St Louis, would his death be justified given his new criteria in light of his horrific track record against Islam and Muslims and his own confessions?

If the answer is no, then we ask, why not? And if the answer is, yes, then we ask how many people would be likely to want to repeat the horrors of 1963 against this very evil man?

No one should threaten my president and get away with it. Just sayin...

UPDATE: File a complaint with their provider, be sure and be polite:

IP address:
Server Location: Montreal, Quebec in Canada
ISP: iWeb Technologies
Email: abus@iweb.com

October 04, 2011

'German Taliban Mujahideen' Leader Thought Killed In U.S. Airstrike

Awesome if confirmed. More please..


The leader of a terrorist group known as the German Taliban Mujahideen is rumored to have been killed in a US airstrike in the Afghan-Pakistan border region.

Gazavat Media, a jihadist propaganda website that caters to Turkish jihadists belonging to the Taifatul Mansura, or the Victorious Sect, posted that Abdul Fettah al Almani, the head of the so-called German Taliban Mujahideen, was killed in a US airstrike. The statement, which was translated by the SITE Intelligence Group, did not give the exact date or location of the strike, and was clear the report is unconfirmed.

"Gazavat Media received unconfirmed news that Abdul Fettah al Almani, the leader of the group known as the German Taliban Mujahideen, was martyred. According to the source, the factor that caused the martyrdom of Abdul Fettah Almani was a missile fired from either a helicopter or a drone."[More..]

h/t ZIP

I'm Disappointed That We Didn't Make John Jay's List

....of people that should be boiled in oil.

I mean we work so hard to piss people off that its heartbreaking to find you missed one.

Our apologies to John for leaving him out, we'll get around to you. We swear.

New Jihadi Comic: "Son of a Martyr"

Ever wonder what it would be like if Speed Racer had a bastard son with Aafia Siddiqui who used remote controlled toy cars to blow up US troops? Face it, we've all asked that question more than once. Well, wonder no more!


I'm pretty sure SITE's translation of the comic's title is wrong. I think it should read Son of a Whore.

Cyber Hezbollah: Watch Out, the Yankee Imperialists Are Watching You!

It's like Hezbollah, only cyber. Which makes it super scary and super high tech.

And while Cyber Hezbollah is scary, watch out -- the bogey man is watching you!

Abbasi warned about the close monitoring of Iranians’ web traffic by Western intelligence services, particularly the American National Security Agency (NSA). Addressing students who use the internet, he said that even though they currently do not possess important information that can be of interest to foreign intelligence services, they must exercise caution on the web, because someday they will have important and sensitive information that can be exposed by those who follow their online activity. He noted that the NSA is the organization that actually controls the world wide web....

Abbasi added that the United States intends to carry out a massive September 11-like cyber attack on Iran. He warned that the United States is looking for excuses to instigate wars across the globe to rescue its declining economy. Accordingly, Cyber Hezbollah activists must act cautiously to foil the plots hatched by the enemies and not give them any pretext to take action against Iran. They must also act in the cultural sphere against American websites and spread the message of the Muslim world in cyberspace (Fars, September 23).

This is me shaking in my boots.

More information on Cyber Hezbollah's website here.

WaPo Wonders if AQAP's Inspire Magazine Will Continue Post Awlaki?

The last edition of Inspire magazine teased the jihadi readers with the promise of an upcoming article by Anwar al-Awlaki. Given that al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula's magazine was the brain child of Samir Khan -- who was killed along with Awlaki in last week's strike -- it's an interesting question:

Samir Khan, another American who was killed in last week’s strike, functioned as editor and publisher of Inspire. It’s not clear whether Khan had enough support staff to carry on.
I'm guessing that someone will take up Samir's slack. And if I had to merit a guess, it would be that the new editor won't be physically present in Yemen.

Oktoberfest .... in the Palestinian Terriritories?

Once the Palis completely take over, I don't expect you'll be seeing many more of these.

ATTN YouTube User islamfighters6

You are also my bitch, bitch!

He/she/it linked to a terrorist website in his 'about' on each of his videos:

ATTN: LASHKAR.TK (Lashkar-e-Taiba)


h/t Mean Kitteh for tip

Target list at YouTube of LeT supporters here which Andrea made made for us

Syrian President: 'If NATO attacks Syria, we'll fire missiles at Tel Aviv'..

Someone is getting nervous

Syrian President Bashar Assad warned western countries on Tuesday that if Syria comes under NATO attack it would fire missiles at Tel Aviv, Iranian semi-official news agency FARS reported.

During a meeting with Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmad Davutoglu Assad allegedly threatened: "If a crazy measure is taken against Damascus, I will need not more than 6 hours to transfer hundreds of rockets and missiles to the Golan Heights to fire them at Tel Aviv."

According to the report, Assad also reiterated that Damascus will call on Hezbollah to launch such an intensive rocket and missile attack on Israel.

The Mad Mullahs of Iran are truly mad:
All these events will happen in three hours, and in the following three hours, Iran will attack the US warships in the Persian Gulf and the US and European interests will be targeted simultaneously," Assad said, according to FARS.
h/t @candace_irvin.

'Israel warns Assad: Attack us, we'll hit you personally'

$10 Million Bounty Offered for al Qaeda in Iraq Leader


Whatever happened to the good ol' days of "Wanted: Dead or Alive"? At what point did we decide the money would only be given for information leading to the man's arrest?

Because, personally, I'd find it a lot more gratifying if he was just dead.

The U.S. State Department's Rewards for Justice page:

Abu Du’a
Up to $10 Million

Place of Birth : Samarra, Iraq
Date of Birth : 1971
Sex : Male
Hair : Black
Eyes : Brown
Complexion : Olive
Aliases : Dr. Ibrahim ‘Awwad Ibrahim ‘Ali al-Badri al-Samarrai’, Ibrahim ‘Awad Ibrahim al-Badri al Samarrai, Abu Duaa’, Dr. Ibrahim, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

Abu Du’a is the senior leader of the terrorist organization, al-Qaida in Iraq (AQI). Abu Du’a is in charge of overseeing all AQI operations and is currently based in Iraq. AQI was listed by the UN 1267 Committee in 2004 under permanent reference number QE.J.115.04. Abu Du’a is responsible for managing and directing AQI large scale operations, such as the AQI August 28, 2011 attack on the Umm al-Qura mosque in Baghdad which killed prominent Sunni lawmaker Khalid al-Fahdawi.

In a statement eulogizing Usama bin Ladin, Abu Du’a threatened violent retaliation for bin Ladin’s death. Three days after bin Ladin’s death, Abu Du’a claimed responsibility for an attack in Hilla, Iraq, that killed 24 policemen and wounded 72 others. On August 15, 2011, a wave of AQI suicide attacks began in Mosul, Iraq, which culminated in over 70 deaths. Shortly thereafter, Abu Du’a pledged on AQI’s website to carry out 100 attacks across Iraq in retaliation for bin Ladin’s death.

So, if you know where Abu Du'a is please call the nearest US embassy.

Or just kill him and save us all the hassle.

YouTube Helping Hamas Abuse Children

Watch these Hamas kids gettin' jiggy wit it. And by "it" I mean assault rifles and other weapons.

ATTN: LASHKAR.TK (Lashkar-e-Taiba)

Taking down terrorist websites --- it's just what we do.

My inbox regarding the terror group LeT's (Lashkar-e-Taiba) website:

As your email is alerting us of ABUSE by a holder of a Dot TK domain, we have researched the case. The user is in fact a Free Domain registrant, therefore because of the ABUSE violation, the domain has been canceled and the registrant has been removed from our database.


You're my bitch, bitch!

Thanks to Dot TK for their quick action on my complaint. Also, thanks to Mean Kitteh for the tip.

Mogadishu: American Traitor's Terror Group Al Shabaab Kill 65 With VBIED

American traitor Omar Hammami (aka Abu Mansour Al-Amriki)


Eyewitnesses said a truck carrying explosives was driven into a gate near a government ministry and detonated.

A spokesman for the Islamist militant group al-Shabab told the BBC it had carried out the attack.

It is the largest attack since al-Shabab withdrew its forces from Mogadishu in August[...]

Among those killed were students who had been queuing at the main gate to take an exam at the education ministry in order to gain a scholarship to study in Turkey.

Ali Abdullahi, a nurse at Medina hospital in the city, said victims were being brought in with horrific wounds, including burns and lost limbs. Some had been blinded, he said.

Wanted, more U.S. bombs dropped on al-Shabaab bast**ds please

Yemen's King of Spin

I began calling Yemeni President Saleh the King of Spin in 2005 when i realized that everything out of his mouth is a lie, propaganda or half truth.

My article at PJM today touches on one aspect of this mass duplicity--the double game they are playing and have been playing for a decade, paying al Qaeda while sucking up US CT funding. Meanwhile the CT commanders are the president's relatives and have been directing violence against the protesters. Its here: Yemen’s Theater of the Absurd

October 03, 2011

Egypt: Gama'a al-Islamiya Proposes To Swap Alleged Israeli Spy For Omar Abdel-Rahman

Ilan Grapel 27, a dual U.S.-Israeli citizen and a law student at Emory University in Atlanta, was arrested in June in Cairo on suspicion of espionage. As David Lat said at Above the Law: he's no Austin Powers. A Jew in Egypt? Why he must be a spy!!!

"The Blind Sheikh" aka a convicted terrorist Omar Abdel-Rahman, was/is the leader of the Egyptian terror group, who claim they have changed, Gama'a al-Islamiya.

Cairo - An militant Egyptian Islamist group demanded Monday that the country's ruling army council trade an alleged spy being held in Egypt for the group's spiritual leader Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman being held in the US.

Members of the al-Jamaa al-Islamiya group have held several protests in recent months in front of the US embassy in central Cairo for the release of Abdel-Rahman, who is being held in connection with the 1993 World Trade Center bombings[...]

According to the report from the London based al-Hayat newspaper, US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta is set to arrive in Egypt on Tuesday and will 'take Grapel with him at the end of his visit.'

No way would the US release that bas**rd shiekh.

h/t interlwire

Terror Supporter YouTube User Islamians2010 Has 3 Strikes:
Does YouTube Support LeT Terrorists?

Update on my previous post on him.

1. video with image of slain Israeli child Elad Folger - YT removed
2. reuploaded same video - YT removed
3. video praising LeT - YT removed

It's channel hasn't been terminated. It still has 1 video left.

3 strikes you're out doesn't matter if you are a terrorist supporter.

Reference for Googles's YouTube:

1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBEN1v3hUmc&feature;=channel_video_title
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXSd7NdVVyI&feature;=channel_video_title
3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zedl6igZBbw&feature;=channel_video_title

White House Refuses Darth Cheney Demand

Back story on this is Cheney was interviewed on CNN regarding Awlaki's body sploded into pieces. He wanted an apology from Obama adminstration over what Obama had stated in Germany, mainly[HuffPo]

The thing I am waiting for is for the administration to go back and correct something they said two years ago, when they criticized us for quote overreacting to the events of 9/11," Cheney said. "They in effect said we had walked away from our ideals, taking policy contrary to our ideals when we had enhanced interrogation techniques. They have clearly moved in the direction of taking robust action when they feel it is justified. In this case, it was. They need to go back and reconsider what the president said in Cairo."

The former vice president was referencing the speech Obama delivered in Cairo in 2009, in which he said the the trauma of 9/11 caused American to "act contrary to our ideals" and announced that "I have unequivocally prohibited the use of torture by the United States" and ordered Guantanamo Bay to be closed.

GITMO is still open, Obama has stepped up the drone strikes..which is good. But, leftist are criticizing due process of law over killing of Awlaki. Some HuffPo readers had forgotten that cuz any mention of the name Cheney drives them nutzo. HuffPo removed several comments from yesterday calling for the killing of Liz & Dick Cheney.

Via GoogleNews

WASHINGTON — The White House Monday rejected a call for an apology by ex-vice president Dick Cheney, who said a US strike against a top Al-Qaeda suspect in Yemen vindicated harsh Bush-era anti-terror policies.

Cheney had argued that the US drone attack last week that killed US-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaqi equated to tough treatment meted out by the previous administration to Al-Qaeda suspects, including enhanced interrogations.

But White House spokesman Jay Carney said that the Obama administration's record on chasing down terror suspects showed that America could make itself safe without compromising its ideals.

"If specifically, he's saying that an apology is called for because of measures that were taken that this president absolutely does not believe is the right way to go, he's not going to apologize," Carney said.

BTW, HuffPo is pushing Awlaki was evil cuz of Booosh!!

Video: British Guy Calls al Qaeda Leader "Martyr", Prays for Awlaki and bin Laden

A British Muslim laments the "martyrdom" of the "shiekh" Anwar al-Awlaki, a leader of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. Oh, and then he prays that God will give Osama bin Laden the highest level in jannah (heaven).

You can wrap your treason and support for terrorism in religious terms, but it's still treason & support for terrorism.

He claims the ideology we are fighting is Islam. Which an odd statement given that the vast majority of those killed by al Qaeda are Muslims, and the vast majority of those fighting al Qaeda are also Muslims.

Barack "The Uniter" Obama Marched With Black Panthers

From BigGovernment:

New photographs obtained exclusively by BigGovernment.com reveal that Barack Obama appeared and marched with members of the New Black Panther Party as he campaigned for president in Selma, Alabama in March 2007.

The photographs, captured from a Flickr photo-sharing account before it was scrubbed, are the latest evidence of the mainstream media’s failure to examine Obama’s extremist ties and radical roots.

In addition, the new images raise questions about the possible motives of the Obama administration in its infamous decision to drop the prosecution of the Panthers for voter intimidation.

Read more and view the damning pictures at BigGovernment.