Buried in the "controversy" over Bradley Cooper's selection as People's most recent Sexiest Man Alive is a little known fact: If you had polled American Muslim women the winner would have been -- wait for it -- Jon Stewart.
The statistics for maternal mortality have improved by 34 percent. That means a woman is no longer dying every minute, but one woman is still dying every minute and a half.
I encourage us all to make the New Year's resolution to spend more time discovering and experimenting with who we are and what drives us.
I managed to live in New York for two years without it once occurring to me that I had so recently been a believer. Then I was reminded -- at exactly noon on a weekday in the spring of 2007.
The two most inspiring news stories of 2011 were about a brilliant business mogul and a protest movement that decried big business. How very American.
"DO YOU WANT TIGHT ARMS, TIGHT ABS ... ? Yes, I said somewhat meekly through my agony. I certainly do.
It hurts to live in a house with a best friend who doesn't make time to see you, and gives you the vibe that you're a pest they wish wasn't around.
Qualified women aren't rising to the top because they are advancing the hard way -- without mentors, the right meeting skills, and, often, without the right mindset.
Which is worse: coming up against one of life's Epically Awful Moments only to find all of your friends spewing some tired old cliche, or attempting to comfort someone who's just endured an Epically Awful Moment of her own using the only thing you can come up with -- the same cliche?
I've learned that using the energy behind your anger to do something positive for yourself is the best revenge, much more satisfying and emotionally healthy than walking around angry.
The name of the problem is weight discrimination no matter how the issue is soft-pedaled or worded.
Although an older woman chasing younger men has been around since history began, today we are seeing older women being deliberately hunted by younger men. Why? Younger men are enthralled, intrigued, and turned on by being with an older "hot" woman.
No matter how curious you are about what your ex is up to, there's never any good that can come out of scrolling through his/her Facebook page. Let go of this bad habit and let go of the ex so that you can move on to better things.
I wonder what my life would have been like had Teen Mom been popular when I had my son at age fourteen. I wonder if the stares would have lasted as long or if the shame would have moved inside of my heart where it lived for years.
Make sure you want the relationship, not the rock. (Or whatever it is you're after.)
As 2011 draws to a close, we take a moment to recognize the following Muslim men, who were selected by others for their individual contributions to the lives of women and, thus, humanity at large.
There is a pervasive cultural phenomenon telling you how to improve upon your weaknesses and fix what you are not so good at. I'm here to tell you that you are not broken!
Soraya Chemaly, 2012.01.02