Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Blue Haired Woman Does A MIKE CHECK @OWS About NDAA And The Men In Black Take Her Away~~~O Sweet Irony !!!

It will be interesting to see if the blue haired woman in the video is disappeared and taken away and never seen again without a trial. The selfsame things she was talking about, the NDAA, were being put into action by arresting her for whatever it is they thought she was doing. The irony, in real time, is in-CRED-ible

To See What Other People, Other Powerful People, Think About the OWS and  NDAA Watch Colonel Larry Wilkerson, the former chief of staff to Colin Powell, say that the authoritarians are afraid of the OWS movement and that is why they passed NDAA, and NOT because of "real terrorists".

Speed up to the 8:35 mark to hear Larry rip NDAA and the Military Power associated with it and OWS a new truthful asshole.

LIAR LIAR Pants On Fire~~~~ Nobody Upon Nobody Calls Anybody A Liar On National Tee Vee & That Is Why Newt's Comment Is So OutRageous

Gingrich Calls Romney a Liar -

The fact that Newt Gingrinch called Mitt Romney a LIAR on National Tee Vee Is Not About the the Super Pacs per se, the story is really about somebody calling somebody else a LIAR on National Tee Vee.

Believe me when I say I've watched enough American Tee Vee To know the word LIAR is never used on National Tee Vee.

People will use other words to call a spade a spade. Words like "not telling the truth" and "falsehoods" are used on National Tee Vee to describe what someone has done, but never the word LIAR.

That's why the reporter was in such shock disbelief when Gingrinch used the word LIAR on National Tee Vee Nothing More.

It's as if Gingrinch broke the 1st Commandment of National Tee Vee.
He openly called someone a LIAR, and them is fighting words.

It's On !!!!!

And that is the biggest (holding your stomach) belly laugh joke that any American could ever mockingly conceive.

Another politician calling another politician a LIAR !!!

How dare he !!!

I too am shocked.

But not for the same reasons as everyone else apparently.

Overdosed America: It's A Free For All..... Excerpts from Chapter 14

Overdosed America: Excerpts from Chapter 14:
This is for all the "PillBillies" Here In These United States. If you don't know what a PillBilly is, Google it, because I surely didn't make the name up.
 "The drug companies have no more responsibility to oversee the public's health than the fast-food industry has to oversee the public's diet."
  Controlling medical costs in this near free-for all commercial grab is not just impossible, it is a contradiction in terms. Does it make sense to talk about reducing national expenditures for cars or clothes or beer? Medical care, by far the largest consumer commodity in the United States, is now no different.(taken from the book blog OVERDOSED AMERICA)
When you look around and see the all the overdosed American zombies walking around like the night of the living dead characters, adults and children alike, look no further for some of the answers than to the American BIG Pharma Corporations.

They don't care about you and yours.

All they care about is money and greed and power.

Power, in this case is the ability to rule your life through pills.

They want each and every American on at least one of their scripts and they want repeat customers for the rest of their American lives.

RSA Animate - Crises of Capitalism

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Art Student Hangs Up Own Painting at National Museum .....So There !!!

Art Student Hangs Own Painting At National Museum....So There !!! 

If you see this photograph
hanging in an art museum
with the signing of k.a.m (the kamera).
It's Mine.

I hung it there because
I am role modelling and copying
the art student who recently did the self same
outrageous thing.
This idea could catch on
for people who do not have time to
wait for "the rest of the world"
to discover the new artist.

It's an ingenious idea and
courageous too.
 Full of shameless
self promotion,
without any of that
"Who Do They All Think They Are"
authoritarianism that always keeps
people in the rightful places.

You, my friend, are going to die waiting
for that starving artist moment
and every artist knows that for a fact.

It's called "The Artist's Lament"

Here's an idea that might catch on. HangUp Your OWN painting at an art museum and see how long it takes the authorities to notice. In this case of the art student, it took them 3 days to notice.
Mr Sobiepan's justification for hanging up his painting without the museum's permission was that he did not want to “wait 30 or 40 years” before his work was displayed in such places, TVN24 reported him as saying.

I just might try this at some point in time, just to see if anybody notices and how long it takes them to catch on. I am an artist. We are known to do eccentric, outrageous things. So If you see a painting or a photograph in the museum done by an artist named k.a.m (the kamera).......

It's mine.

So there.

To see more of k.a.m. (the kamera's) shameless
self promotion techniques go here

You'll be glad you did.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Ben Stein + Menial Jobs = Ben Gets His Hollywood Mansion and Pool Cleaned By Somebody Else 'Cause He Ain't Gonna Do It~~~~Ben Does "GOD'S WORK"

Ben Stein's latest moral money rant about "menial jobs" and the OWS and "artists" is laughable at best.  How Stein has managed to combine the very serious money and economics issues and be an expert at it, with comedy is beyond anyone's guess.  Why anyone would listen to him, let alone take him seriously about money issues, class warfare, jobs and who gets what, is a study in the philosophical and moral outrage about money that is happening NOW in America. Yet, Ben seems to attract the suits to himself like a well oiled jewish business man. In October  of last year, Ben was invited to speak a convention of sorts.  Here a blogger, from SHRINKING THE CAMEL , which connects business life with spiritual life, tells what he experienced as he listened to Ben speak:

Once Mr. Stein took his place at the podium, he started ranting a bit about the Occupy Wall Street uprising, politely inquiring about the goals of the movement, and wondering how they might channel their vague attacks on corporate greed into something more productive.
Also, he mentioned several times his concern with their dress code and general standards of cleanliness.

Ben Stein rambled on for a few more minutes and then ended the session with a surprising benediction:

“Don’t ever forget,” he said, “Your Work is God’s Work.”

Well. That came right out of left field, but I caught it.

The blogger from Shrinking The Camel which Connects business life with spiritual life, got IT and so did I.  

Those words "Doing God's Work" came right out of Lloyd Blankfein lips to God's ears as he testified before congress about Goldman Sachs role in the money market meltdown. Goldman Sachs according to Blankfein was doing God's Work.

Ben Stein is not a funny Jew.

Now this guy Andy Borowitz is. He tells it all on Goldman Sachs the good old-fashioned way.  He uses sarcasm and satire and mockery to get his point across which adheres more to the truth than Ben's way.

So the next time you hear the mentally ill Stein rant on and on and on on any of the Network Channels like CNN et al, about menial jobs and picking and selling oranges alongside the highway Mr and Miss College student. According to Ben you who should do those jobs and take them away from the illegal immigrants, just remember Ben and his ilk are doing "God's Work" to make money, not you, you menial/manual job doer, laborer you.

Now Go go out and do the right thing and become a new slave society as of yore, all ye Job seekers.

First stop should be Alabama because farmers there are hurting for tomato pickers. All the new slaves (of a lighter skin tone) that we've replaced with the old slaves, that were (a darker skin tone) of American's  slave working past have fled the state and the country because Alabama invoked new illegal migrant farm worker laws. Apparently even the negro's won't pick cotton anymore, been there done that.

We desperately need new slaves who will do the backbreaking labor that holds the economy together.They've all gone south, literally.

Like gravity.

Did Psychopaths Take Over Wall Street? - Bloomberg

Cohan: Did Psychopaths Take Over Wall Street? - Bloomberg:
How do you really really know that Psychopaths did indeed take over Wall Street when there is no blood, no guts and no gore to be found at the psycho-paths crime on Wall Street?

You do a profile on them and their kind that's how.

There ARE people known as psychopathic liars.

When you couple that fact about psychopathic liars, with the fact that a corporation is considered a person in American lawyer land, you get hundreds and hundreds, if not thousands, of people playing liars poker with hundreds and hundreds of other psychopathic liars and OUR money.

It's simple.

Trying to tell who's bluffing shouldn't be a problem, because they are all bluffing. They are all liars.

Psychopathic liars.

They got nothin'.

Don't let'em bluff ya.

The above link tells the story of dirty deeds that were done dirt cheap by the psycho-paths psy-ops that played mental 'poker' mind games with the public money.

Better known as LIAR'S POKER

Psychopathic Liar's Poker.

Monday, January 2, 2012

The Year of the Mike Check~~~2011~~~~~Revolting People @ Occupy Wall Street~~~And Voices of the 99% That Are Now Being Heard !!!~~~ MIKE CHECK

Back in the day Al Stewart had a song called: THE YEAR OF THE CAT.

Well, I'm singing that tune today, but I'm Changing  the words to THE YEAR OF THE MIKE CHECK.

If you do not know what significance the words "MIKE CHECK" have in this day and age of American history, You are either a brain dead zombie, are paying no attention to anyone or anything going on around you, or so old that saying the words "MIKE CHECK" only mean something you would never do because you're so busy sitting on your couch, watching Two Broke Girls and eating potato chips that a live streaming reality show like the Global Revolution Happening Now, Including the United States, seems very UN-real to you.

BTW, A lot of this is all about money, and the 99%.....and as one woman in the Madison Wisconsin uprisings so eloquently put it, "The Genocide of the Middle Class"

It's time for a Reality Check and a Mike Check now in America.

So There.

Sing The Truth! ~~~Finally 3 Women Have Done It.~~~They Get IT !!!

Sing The Truth! Live In Concert : NPR

It's headphone time.

Friday, December 30, 2011

SOPA Common $enSE.~~A Must See, Must Hear Must Share Video That Explains It All In A SOPA Nutshell

Hmmmm...Things that make me go hmmmmmm....could it be? The anti- SOPA You Tube Video I posted recently suddenly went bye-bye and the embed code has been blacked out on the You Tube channel where I took-borrowed it from....hmmmmm

I'm re-posting it.. from Awakened2Truth's You Tube Channel link which is here.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

~~Some People Say That World War 3 Will Start First Before The U.S. Takes All High Fructose Corn Syrup Out Of It's Food~~~And 2012 Is Not The End~~

Economic Hitmen~~~~ State & City Style In The USA~~~A Christmas Message From America's Rich

It used to be that Economic Hitmen, as told in the John Perkins book of the same name, Confessions of an Economic Hitman, picked on under developed 3rd world countries.  But it sounds to me like Jamie Dimon is now picking on individual cities in the USA to target as 3rd world- like countries. Birmingham Alabama is the latest city to take a hit from the Economic Hitmen.  Jamie Dimon and Chase Bank set Birmingham like a bunch of bowling pins just to watch Dimon and Chase knock 'em all down.
Essentially, Jamie Dimon handed Birmingham, Alabama a Chase credit card and then bribed its local officials to run up a gigantic balance, leaving future residents and those residents’ children with the bill. As a result, the citizens of Jefferson County will now be making payments to Chase until the end of time.

Do you think Jamie Dimon would have done that deal if he lived in Jefferson County Alabama? Put it this way: If he was trying to support two kids on $30,000 a year, and lived in a Birmingham neighborhood full of people in the same boat, would he sign off on a deal that jacked up everyone’s sewer bills 400% for the next thirty years?
Doubtful. But then again, people like Jamie Dimon aren’t really citizens of any country. They live in their own gated archipelago, and the rest of the world is a dumping ground. (taken from the article in Rolling Stone by Matt Taibbi titled A CHRISTMAS MESSAGE FROM AMERICA'S RICH)

Is everyone in the USA really really envious and jealous of the rich because they are rich?  Or is it because people like Jamie Dimon didn't get their money the good old fashioned way by earning it.  I think not. I think people are mad and angry at the rich because  they stole the money. They set people and cities and countries up like sitting ducks and fish in barrel just to take target practice at them.  Essentially creating dead cities, indebted to "the man" the economic hitman for all eternity and into the next. No people are not envious anymore, people are mad, frustrated and angry because there is not a damn thing they can do about their current circumstances the banks helped to create. 

They see people like Jamie Dimon and think to themselves " This guy is holding 5 million dollar parties and inviting Rod Stewart to sing at them, and here I am with my foreclosed on house and bad health just wishing I could eat a decent meal and be able to smell the air those people breathe. This is way way beyond envy and jealousy now.

This is sheer and unmitigated outrageousness.

How's a Come I Only Find Out About Great TALKERS Only After They're Dead?~~~Namely, LYNN SAMUELS

Lynn Samuels
Molly Ivins

Apparently Lynn Samuels was a SOMEBODY in Talk Radio.

I never heard of Lynn Samuels before the  day she died.  That's not to say she was an obscure fringe nobody on the talk show circuit.  It is to say that just because I never heard of her before, does not make her a nobody. There's a lot of people I've never heard of before that are Somebodies.

After seeing Lynn's photo, she instantly reminded me of Molly Ivins, a somebody, who was also a great talker, a great writer, and a great rebel rouser. I think I would've liked Lynn based on her looks alone for that reason.

“She could be very hard to deal with; she wouldn’t listen to reason,” said John Mainelli, a longtime friend who, as program director at WABC, hired her. “But she did her homework, she was funny, compulsively candid, and you just couldn’t help listening to her.” (taken from the NYT article titled LYNN SAMUELS, Brash Radio Talker  Host Dies at 69
“What I admired about her was, she wasn’t afraid. With all these right-wingers around,” he said, referring to her view of him as well, “she just said what she had to.” said Bob Grant a colleague.

Yeah, I think I would've liked Lynn Samuels.  I'm going to go listen to one of her radio recorded podcasts right now to confirm my feelings.

Thank You Internet.

Where Posterity, Voices, and Photos can be recorded, and where everyone can get to know people they've never met but probably would've liked to.

Including this blogger.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

I Work For The Internet~~~ADD YOURSELF~~~Even If You're Just A Blogger !!!

I WORK FOR THE INTERNET is a website started by  nerdy computer geeks who are sick and tired of the authoritarians running and ruining their Computer generated lives.

We work for the Internet. We know first-hand that the Internet powers the American dream. American innovators have built the world's most popular sites, selling products and services to every corner of the globe, creating high-paying jobs from Maine to Hawaii. If Congress passes the Stop Online Piracy Act, America's most promising engine of future jobs and opportunity will be put at risk. Don't stop us now — we're just getting started! Tell the world you work for the Internet.

"We work for the Internet,"  boldly declares. "We know first-hand that the Internet powers the American dream." The internet powers the American Dream. This is certainly a development, probably related to the collapse of the last great toxic ecosystem that powered the American dream, the one involving subprime mortgages, consumer debt securitization and credit default swaps. The American dream is now apparently powered by porn and Facebook and YouTube and Ashley Madison and this here site which you are at this moment reading, and that does sound like a much more solid foundation on which to pin our collective hopes. (taken from the GAWKER website titled: NERDS HORRIBLE POLITICAL SLOGAN IS:
I Work For The Internet. 

So go ahead, put your black framed glasses on and add your picture to the nerdy bunch.

I am.

ParaNoia Rules

In her latest column Maureen Dowd that red-headed siren of a 4 alarm fire, woman, and journalist who lives in Washington DC has this to say about HOMELAND: The TV Series. 

Titled STINKTANK, The Pungent Aroma of Paranoia
Maureen lets loose her tongue, with words, that will make you wonder "What Country Am I Living In"? What Planet Am I On"?  What is American Tee Vee Doing To Our Brains?

Not to worry though, it's just the HOMELAND.
HOMELAND America (the TV Series) and the Stinktank of the same name.
Home of the newly formed NDAA, and SOPA, and PIPA, and all the other Paranoid Machinations of one country's government on it's people.

Maureen uses the words paranoia and paranoid a lot in this article. She even put it in her title.

So sit back read what the red-headed wonder has to say, and see if you might think the same thing as Maureen after watching HOMELAND.

If not, lower your dosage of Zoloft, get real, and for God's sake, quit watching TV.

You'll be glad you did.

A Living Wage: What Is It? And Who Deserves It?

Who knew you could be a fully grown adult working 40 hours a week and still not be able to live, you'll be surviving, but is surviving really living?

So I set out to try to find out what a living wage meant.

First I came upon this article about the major of New York City titled:

In Gilded City, Living Wage Plan Still Stirs Fear.  What on God's Green and why would minimum wage stir fear into the hearts of men.  It made no sense.

There is an indefinable something about a so-called living wage bill that puts New York’s leaders at risk of breaking out in socialist hives. Advocates have amended, sanded down and liposuctioned their bill in hopes of pleasing the mayor and the City Council speaker, Christine C. Quinn.

But this bill strikes Deputy Mayor Robert K. Steel, a former vice chairman of Goldman Sachs, as dire. This autumn, he noted that the bill would apply to the gift shop at the Museum of Modern Art. As the Museum of Modern Art or,MoMA retails a natural stones necklace at $775, the imagination strains a bit to imagine a $10-an-hour clerk shuttering the joint.
 The state minimum wage is $7.25 an hour.As the mayor rumbles about threats to capitalism and Ms. Quinn tries to decide where she will alight on this bill, another truth goes unremarked upon. A living wage bill scarcely pulls a worker out of poverty, much less into working-class prosperity.
To make matters more reprehensible read this from Barbra Ehrenreich's FB Page.

The New York Times reports that Bloomberg's deputy mayor Robert K. Steel is holding out heroically against a bill that would raise NYC's minimum wage to $10 an hour. Steel, formerly of Goldman Sachs and Greenwich CT, had the honor of being listed as "gold-digger bait" on in 2008, despite the fact that he's married. Something for $7.25/hour gals to think about.

As I hear pundits and politician's alike, ramble on endlessly about how American workers are the best hardest workers in the world, (and I'm assuming that they mean people with blue collar jobs and others who perform services for other people) my mind remains numb to the fact that you can have the best workers in the world, but if you don't pay them enough to have any dignity and self esteem left in the meritocracy for an honest day's work, what good is that.

What good is feeling like a worthless loser nobody barely surviving, when you've done the right thing, played by the rules, and are STILL not getting ahead, and essentially are running in place on the hamster wheel of life.

See where I'm going with this.  It is the psychology of it all.

Here's a Living Wage Calculator.

Here's the comments section for the Living Wage Calculator.  It's from
2008 mind you, and I'm sure the people commenting would be even more in tune with the commenters who said:

I haven't opened my mailbox in two weeks. If I were making a living wage, I doubt I'd be so absolutely terrified of my mailbox.

 I've seen the sort of place you can rent for less than $300/month in my part of the world, and if you tried to house prisoners of war in those conditions it'd violate the Geneva convention. Roaches and rats are the least of the problems.

And the list goes on and on from the commenters. Most of them, to paraphrase, in a nutshell, they ask:

What Planet Are The Living Wage Calculators Living On?

Sounds Like The Nickel and Dimed Planet America, if you ask me.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Santa Claus BlackListed and Fined For Tracking Kid's Online Christmas Wishes & Other Stuff)

Santa Claus Caught Being Naughty by the FTC

From his North Pole headquarters, Claus said through a spokesman that he endeavored only to fulfill children’s dreams. “I regret that the world has come to this: treating any adult who wants to make a child happy as a dangerous stranger,” he said. “The problem with our modern world is not technology but fear, suspicion, and cynicism.” He vowed to continue his Christmas mission of joy. 

“What’s the worst they can do to me?” he asked, “cookie me?”

To read more of the FTC's bizarre notions go to Jeff Jarvis' blog BUZZ MACHINE and the article titled: FTC FINES SANTA CLAUS OVER COPPA VIOLATIONS 

Santa Claus SOPA is Comin' To Town~~He Sees You When You're Sleeping~~He Knows When You're Awake~~He Knows If You've Been Bad or Good~~So Don't Say Anything Bad About The State~~Oh You Better Watch Out~~~Blah Blah Blah

Here's a list of the countries the United States is thinking of role modeling their SOPA laws after.  If the list does not bother you in any way, maybe it's time to lower your Zoloft dosage.

For those who are not too poor too even pay attention now in this economy, this will effect you.  You can bet your last U-S bottomed out dollar on that fact. Even more so because of what might, and could happen if the U-S dollar creates even more havoc, than it already has, around the country.

  • China
  • Iran
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Armenia
  • Ethiopia
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Yemen
  • Bahrain
  • Burma (Myanmar)
  • Syria
  • Turkmenistan
  • Uzbekistan
  • Vietnam

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

On "The Bill of Rights Day" Congress Passes The NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) ~~~The Timing Is No Accident~~

Naomi Wolf, who never fails to alert and alarm the masses,  has an interesting reposted blog on her Facebook Page concerning the passage of the NDAA. The article says:

Execllent and disturbing reporting, reposted here: Surefire, a military contractor, gave a quarter of a million to a single senator and stands to earn 23 million in sight raid equipment manufacture -- enough to outfit fifty thousand soldiers. which war? The war in what is now Battlefield America? shows Surefire lobbying for HR 1540 which is the House counterpart to the Senate bill, S. 1867, which was passed on Bill of Rights Day and which two retired Marine generals affirm, in a New York Times op-ed, abolishes the Bill of Rights. Retired four-star Generals Charles Krulak and Joseph Hoar write in opposing the new law:
One provision would authorize the military to indefinitely detain without charge people suspected of involvement with terrorism, including United States citizens apprehended on American soil. Due process would be a thing of the past.

You can bet your last U-S Bottomed Out Dollar that when a Company called SUREFIRE has lobbied and won a 23 million dollar contract because of people like a congressman named Portman, something is amiss.

So what does Surefire make? In a word, night-raid equipment, with a fresh new $23 million contract from the DoD even as we saw troops pulling out of Iraq and they are about to pull out of Afghanistan. The product catalog main categories read things like "weapon lights, helmet lights, sound suppressors, high capacity magazines." The equipment is relatively cheap, not big ticket items in Defense Department terms. That means this is a big contract. A $23 million contract would buy enough of these things to outfit maybe 50,000 soldiers. 
If you were wondering what all those warriors coming back from the Iraq War were going to do for jobs, think no further than that.

Business Insider reports Thursday, “If you’re not completely disgusted by what Congress has done, it’s time to lower your dose of Zoloft and ask your doctor if the "Bill of Rights" is right for you.” (taken from The Hive Daily)

Two retired generals are outraged over this. This article titled Guatanamo Forever
explains their disgust, Maybe they need their Zoloft dosage lowered too.

Al Franken tells us why he voted against NDAA. He needs his Zoloft dosage lowered.
Cenk of the Young Turks is really incensed over the NDAA passing. Maybe he needs his dosage of Zoloft lowered.
This girl who wrote a disturbing blog about being held in a prison for a year titled: What's a Nice Girl Like You Doing in a Place Like This (Or why the NDAA is wrong and should never be acceptable in the USA)   should definitely get her Zoloft dosage lowered.

Maybe everybody in the USA needs their dosages of Zoloft, Paxil, Lunesta, Lustral, Adivan, Cymbalta, and Prozac lowered because you really should be feeling more naturally disturbed by the NDAA news.

And lastly, Colonel Larry Wilkerson, the former chief of staff to Colin Powell, should definitely have his dosage of Zoloft or whatever honesty drug he's on lowered.

It Only Takes A Girl

There Will Be No Tim Tebow Miraculous Comeback Moment for America and THE Money~~` Another Immaculate Reception Is NOT Coming and Neither Is Jesus~~`So There !!

I did not title this article.  I did not write this article.  But I think it took a lot of  guts to write this article.

It is titled:


Tim Tebow kneeling and praying
before a Football Game.
First off, one has to realize here in the U.S., Football is sacred. What we call Football BTW is what the "rest of the world" calls soccer. We call soccer, soccer, NOT football.
Where I come from
MAD MONEY is money
that you have stashed away
just in case you want to
split and git. It is the key
to mobility. It is sacred to one's
freedom to choose.
 Jesse Ventura tells all about it
on Tru Tv.

With that said, Tim Tebow who happens to be a religious icon of some sort in the Football World here in the United States because of what started out as his, and his mother's, stance on anti- abortion  Tim and she and then the way he kneels down to pray on one knee before a game that  has gained him a label of being some kind of miraculous Football Miracle for the way he pulls come from behind, game winning touchdowns out of no-where.
Charlie Pierce has an interesting take on Tebow's religion/football iconism connection here.

So whoever the author of the article is, who wrote the above article which put the religious football icon and Tim Tebow in the same sentence was a genius.  Not only did he criticize a religious athletic star, he criticized the U.S.'s Money System with such honesty and clarity....You can bet your last U.S. bottomed out dollar~~~IT's ON !!!!

Nothing gets to the heart of Americans more than dissing a football star, and a religious one at that, and their Money System and their culture.  The group think mentality of  "We're So Right, You're So Wrong" (rest of the world) attitude to the "rest of world" rolls on in the glorification of Tim Tebow and The American Money Economic System.

The author apparently wanted to kill two sacred birds with one stone, and he did.

Oh Boy did he ever.

For some raw honesty visit the article titled:
The Tim Tebow Comeback Story Continues, But There Will Be No Miracle Comebacks For The U.S. Economy.

For the full story on the Tim Tebow watch Dave Zirin try to explain it to the clueless.

The Universal Music Mind and Stream of Consciousness~~~Lynda Barry Tunes in To Springsteen's "RADIO NOWHERE" In Her Imagination and Everyone Else's~~~It's OK Linda Your Secret is Safe With US.

In regard to Linda's use of Major Tom To Ground Control
Maybe little Lynda would like to take a listen
To what TomDelonge of Blink 182  has to say
about something like that, at his website
One never can be too sure who's listening to whom
and where all those radio songs come from and
originate, can ONE Lynda?.

North Korea~~~A PDF Graphic Novel About One Travellers "Outsider" Observational Experience While Travelling There

I found this PDF graphic novel about North Korea , by accident while searching for other things on the internet.  Ironically I found it in the comics and graphic novels sections. 

In today's Drawn and Quartered Blog there are more graphic novel musings about an "outsider" looking in at the country from a tourists perspective by Guy Delisle.

I think it's very timely considering the death of Kim Jong Il and all the scariness  it might mean for "the rest of the world"accompanying his death.

It gives the reader a good look into the inside of North Korea, minus of course, the nukes and human rights abuses.

On the surface everything appears great.
And that's the way North Koreans like it.

Monday, December 19, 2011

The Most Important News Story of The Past Decade Is Treated Like A "NOTHING TO SEE HERE FOLKS~~MOVE ALONG" ~~~News Story

WTF just happened? 
I have no idea why an American media blackout on NDAA is still in effect -- Anderson Cooper, Chris Matthews, Bill O'Reilly and the other broadcast "journalists" have been disgustingly silent on what is undoubtedly the most important news story of the past decade. The single most important news story since September 11th, 2001.

Combined, NDAA and SOPA simply destroyAmerican democracy. That isn't hype. That isn't exaggeration. Within a few days, your freedom of speech will be gone -- post something controversial online, and the government can legally "disappear" it.

Annoy the government too much, or criticize Congress' infinite wisdom and mercy, and you may find yourself in military prison for the remainder of your life, without access to a trial or attorney. Even if you're an American citizen on US soil. (quotes taken from David Seaman's article titled: NDAA Set To Become Law: The Terror is Nearer Than Ever

This story, that is about the NDAA, and how our rights are being taken away while America Christmas shopped, gets better and more freakier and scarier as I write this today.

The author of the above quotes, David Seaman, Twitter Account was blocked because apparently he kept tweeting and writing about the National Defense Authorization Act. If anyone does not see the freaky scary irony here of Big Brother and the NDAA you're not paying attention. In case you don't know who David Seaman is, never heard of him, don't care because you think he's a nobody,  Think again.  David writes for the BUSINESS INSIDER and creator of the popular finance blog titled Credit Card Outlaw. And here's one more article written by David Seaman recently about OWS, the Tea Party and how they need to all Come Together or Die Moment in US history because the government wants it that way. (his words not mine)

So in case you were pre-occupied with your life and all it's time consuming pleasures, you really need to do a little more independently reading online. This definitely will effect you and yours. Just like it affected David Seaman's life today December 19th, the day America died.  1776-2011. No more music for you Mr American Pie.

You may not have been aware of it, but hopefully now you are.

Who's next huh?

How's your anxiety level now?

Every key stroke maybe? Every link, every website you visited? All being monitored by the NDAA? Every erasure, every typo, every edit.

And to quote Donald Rumsfeld "Anybody who has ever said "THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE, obviously has never heard of the DOJ" (or the NDAA now)

....we interrupt this blog for a word from somebody called "a former 
CIA agent." He told us to blog about him.  Take a listen.

So there.

Flowers - Images by Laurel Smith


When we change the way we communicate, we change society. The tools that a
society uses to create and maintain itself are as central to human life as a
hive is to bee life. Though the hive is not part of any individual bee, it is
part of the colony, both shaped by and shaping the lives of its inhabitants. The
hive is a social device, a piece of bee information technology that provides a
platform, literally, for the communication and coordination that keeps the
colony or from their shared, co-created environment. So it is with human
networks; bee hives, we make mobile phones.

Clay Shirky

Get Buzzed You Busy Bees

Get Buzzed You Busy Bees
Hey ! Where Have All the Bees Gone...Long Time Passing...Where Have All the Bees Gone ...Long Time Ago..

A Buzzy Voice Video with Terence McKenna

This man was obviously Buzzing around on something other than pollen.

AHH...The Sweetness of Being Stuck Somewhere