Here, at A Taste of Garlic, I review, share and promote other people’s Life in France experiences as described in their own blogs and websites.
If you know of a blog or website that should be featured here, please let me know on…
Tomorrow will be the 2 year anniversary of the birth of A Taste of Garlic.
When I started it I didn’t realise…..
How it would grow!
How many good and gracious and well loved friends, from all over the world, that I would make from it.
How many people would pay a visit every day (3446 people visited last Tuesday; our second highest ever.) That equates to 2.23 million unique page views over the last 24 months!
How much fun I would have &….
How much time it would take up.
Read more about… That was the week….
Every Tuesday I intend to do a quick review of some of the posts from the last week that have made me smile, made me chuckle or, even…. just made me think.
Some of these you may have seen yourselves.
And some of them you may have missed.
I don’t think of these in any competitive sense at all.
This isn’t a top-ten listing.
They’re merely the posts that have stuck in my head.
Read more about… That was the week….
Every Tuesday I intend to do a quick review of some of the posts from the last week that have made me smile, made me chuckle or, even…. just made me think.
Some of these you may have seen yourselves.
And some of them you may have missed.
I don’t think of these in any competitive sense at all.
This isn’t a top-ten listing.
They’re merely the posts that have stuck in my head.
Read more about… That was the week….
Every Tuesday I intend to do a quick review of some of the posts from the last week that have made me smile, made me chuckle or, even…. just made me think.
Some of these you may have seen yourselves.
And some of them you may have missed.
I don’t think of these in any competitive sense at all.
This isn’t a top-ten listing.
They’re merely the posts that have stuck in my head.
Read more about… That was the week….
Every Tuesday I intend to do a quick review of some of the posts from the last week that have made me smile, made me chuckle or, even…. just made me think.
Some of these you may have seen yourselves.
And some of them you may have missed.
I don’t think of these in any competitive sense at all.
This isn’t a top-ten listing.
They’re merely the posts that have stuck in my head.
Read more about… That was the week….
Every Tuesday I intend to do a quick review of some of the posts from the last week that have made me smile, made me chuckle or, even…. just made me think.
Some of these you may have seen yourselves.
And some of them you may have missed.
I don’t think of these in any competitive sense at all.
This isn’t a top-ten listing.
They’re merely the posts that have stuck in my head.
Read more about… That Was The Week….
Every Tuesday I intend to do a quick review of some of the posts from the last week that have made me smile, made me chuckle or, even…. just made me think.
Some of these you may have seen yourselves.
And some of them you may have missed.
I don’t think of these in any competitive sense at all.
This isn’t a top-ten listing.
They’re merely the posts that have stuck in my head.
Read more about… That was the week….
Well, it’s that time of the month…
When I say thank you to all of you for visiting!
Read more about… Lies, statistics and visitor stats!
It looks like there was a problem with last Tuesday’s That Was The Week…. post and it seems to have been truncated….
Read more about… Whoops!
The Perpetual Passenger is Nikki’s blog about her life and work in Paris.
Nikki says of herself…
“The world works in mysterious ways, and in my case, landed me — an American girl from New England — a job in market research based in Paris. So recently I packed my bags and headed to France to carve out a home and a career in the City of Lights.
Being a market researcher requires me to jet-set all over the globe. In an attempt to stop and smell the proverbial roses, I’ve decided to document my travels as a Perpetual Passenger, and now an American in Paris, and make the most of where life (read: work) sends me.
So like the tagline says, sit back, relax and enjoy the flight. Because I will.”
Well, I’m sat back…
I’m relaxing and…
I’m ready to enjoy the flight so…
Let’s dive right in!
Read more about… The Perpetual Passenger
Now, I hardly like to mention it but…
And I the only person to have noticed a definite increase in the number of Life in France Bloggers to be found in Grenoble, these days?
Firstly there’s Gigi and then that Crystal has moved down that way (to live in a house with a green stripe in the bedroom!) and we mustn’t forget Grenobloise with her bi-lingual blog.
And I’m sure that there are many more!
And today I’m going to take a look at Monica’s blog, Mlle Norvégienne.
Monica says of herself…
“Hello, my name is Monica and I am a Norwegian girl who has lived several years in France, both in Grenoble and Montpellier. I have Bachelor’s Degree in International Marketing from ESC – Ecole de Commerce de Grenoble, and Masters Degree, Master of Science in Marketing, from GGSB – Grenoble Graduate School of Business. In between, I also studied French at the Université Paul Valéry in Montpellier. I’ve had internship, worked and been unemployed – all in France, I have been single and now I am living with a wonderful French man that I will marry next summer. I have a pretty good knowledge of the cultural differences between Norway and France in all these different situations. I’ve always been fascinated by this country and it has only become stronger with time. I’m also a big fan of French cuisine and French cheese and wine.”
To which I can only reply that I’m a big fan of people who are big fans of French Cuisine and French Wine!
Especially if they have spent time in Montpellier (because only a rather special breed of person can cope with that!)
So, without further ado…
Let’s dive in and find out what it is like to be…
A Norwegian Girl in France!
Read more about… Mlle Norvégienne
Every Tuesday I intend to do a quick review of some of the posts from the last week that have made me smile, made me chuckle or, even…. just made me think.
Some of these you may have seen yourselves.
And some of them you may have missed.
I don’t think of these in any competitive sense at all.
This isn’t a top-ten listing.
They’re merely the posts that have stuck in my head.
Read more about… That was the week….
Just when you think you’ve got all this year’s intake of Assistants in France accounted for…
Another busload turns up!
Well, I could have made them wait in the playground as punishment…
For being late but, it looks like rain and so I’ve done the decent thing and let them join the class…
And I’ll introduce them to you here.
This lot are a mixed bunch (and I’m talking about where they come from and where they’re ending up – not the quality of their blogs which is refreshingly high!) but…
I’m sure you’ll find much to amuse and entertain you!
Read more about… Arriving Soon… The New Wave (Part 9 – The lot that were at the back of the queue!)
Well, this year’s new crop of Assistants in France really are crawling out of the woodwork!
I’ve just found a whole new bunch of them hiding behind the bike sheds readying themselves to blog about their experiences here in The Land of Red Wine and Smelly Cheese!
So, let’s take a quick peek and see…
What we’ve got to look forward to!
Read more about… Arriving Soon… The New Wave (Part 8 – That lot hiding behind the bike sheds!)
I normally wait until a new blog has been going for at least 3 months and has more than 30 posts before I review it.
Although, that is a rule that I have broken a few times (Kirsty and Delana come to mind)
And I’m going to break that rule again today!
You just see if I don’t!
You see, I just can’t wait any longer to see what Nikki at A Mother in France has been getting up to!
This is what she has to say for herself…
“Hello and welcome to my blog. I’m a busy English mother of 5, who 7 years ago swapped my life in England as an IT trainer and hotelier, to live the good live in rural South West France.
I live with my husband Gary and our children in a very large watermill in Haute-Garonne, which we will be renovating for the rest of our lives! We run 3 holiday apartments, Kingdom Vegetal Garden Centre and Landscaping business and a Gardening Club. I am in the process of writing a book about our experiences as a family living in France and decided to start a blog to offload ideas and see what people are really interested in reading about.”
So, as long as you don’t say anything to the A Taste Of Garlic Compliance and Sticking to the Rules Department…
I’ll just dive in and….
See what I can find!
Read more about… A Mother in France
Well, just when I thought that I’d rounded up all this year’s intake of Assistants in France I realised that there was another bunch hiding behind the bike sheds!
So, even though they’re all late for assembly….
I haven’t actually read the register yet so…
I’ll let them sneak in!
Ladies and Gentlemen (and anyone who’s been living in Brittany too long to be called either)…
This is the last bunch (I hope)…
The lot that missed the bus!
Read more about… Arriving Soon… The New Wave (Part 7 – The lot that missed the bus!)
Recently burst upon the blogging scene (and I do mean BURST! 150 posts in less than 5 months!) is backyardprovence which is written by Ashley who has this to say…
“I moved to the south of France with my husband, Michael (called dude)and daughter, Presley (Tinki). We actually have 4 children, but the older three remained in the USA, Tinki is the baby of the family, and made the big move with us. This is our journey to becoming French, I would like to think I am living the dream. Although, I have to admit there are days when it is a nightmare. I spend my days working for an international company and my weekends taking road trips to see as much of France as possible. I love history and traveling. This is my life as a tourist. I am not what you would call a “Professional Blogger” by any means. So bear with me. As in life, I am finding my way.”
Now, I happen to be particularly attracted to backyardprovence because there is a whole post dedicated to that most wonderful of things french… The Citroën 2CV!
Now, how could I not review this blog?
So, without further ado, let’s dive in and have a good snoop round!
Read more about… Backyardprovence
Well, I really thought that I’d rounded up all of this season’s blogging new Assistants and Students in France?
However, it would appear that there are a few, hiding at the back of the classroom, hoping to go unnoticed!
We really can’t allow that, now can we?
So, tighten your girdles and…
Gird your loins and…
Prepare to meet the last of this year’s intake!
Read more about… Arriving Soon… The New Wave (Part 6 – There are always some stragglers!)
A selection of Books About France that might interest you
Check out all of our Books About France