Reason Magazine

Haywire and Red Tails

Kurt Loder | January 19

Fight clubs.

End of the Line for the Bullet Train

January 19

High-Speed Rail is Coasting to a Stop, and Not Just in California The Foie Gras Fight - Animal Cruelty or Animal Rights Propaganda?

Zach Weissmueller | January 19

A Libertarian Democrat Considers Mitt Romney

Terry Michael | January 19

So much for the hope that Obama would move the party in a back-to-the-future Jeffersonian liberal direction.

To Boldly Go Where No Wives or Kids Can Follow

Nick Gillespie | February 2012

The final frontier isn't just for misfits and loners.

Don't Trust Your Instincts

John Stossel | January 19

Simple answers are satisfying, but often wrong.

The Golden Age of Libertarianism That Never Was

Nick Gillespie | January 18

Thomas Frank's Pity The Billionaire bounces a reality check.

Will The Supreme Court End New York's Rent Control Laws?

Joshua Swain | January 18

Where Do the Republican Candidates Stand on Science?

Ronald Bailey | January 18

A roundup of the views of GOP hopefuls on contraception, evolution, Internet freedom, and more.

How To Fight Money in Politics: Free Will

David Harsanyi | January 18

Implicit in the crusades of campaign reform activists is a belief that voters are gullible, hapless and easily manipulated.

The Vain Crusade to Purify Politics

Jacob Sullum | January 18

How misguided efforts to prevent corruption gave us the pretense of "independent" campaign spending.

Blast Off Into Space with Reason Magazine's Matt Welch

Matt Welch & Meredith Bragg | January 17

After 2008's Hope and Change, It's Sober and Sane for 2012

Gene Healy | January 17

We're picking a constitutional officer here, not anointing a prophet.

Cancel the War and Fix the Wounded

A. Barton Hinkle | January 17

Most people don’t overindulge. Some do. Let's help the ones who need it, and leave the rest alone.

Space on Earth

Brian Doherty | February 2012

A visit to a wooden hangar where the future is being born

Romney and Hancock

Ira Stoll | January 16

To understand the presidential bid of the 70th governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, it’s useful to remember the career of the first.

Opposing Imperialism Is Not Isolationism

Sheldon Richman | January 16

What Ron Paul's critics refuse to admit

Skyscrapers As Spaceships

Greg Beato | February 2012

The “rampant individualism” and surprising environmentalism of really tall buildings

I Was (Almost) a Teenage Mormon

Steve Chapman | January 16

To many Americans, Romney and Huntsman represent a faith that most of them know little about. To Chapman, it's been a trip down memory lane.

How Liberals Distort Austrian Economics

Sheldon Richman | January 13

The lame campaign to discredit the Austrian school

A Policy of Lying

Jacob Sullum | February 2012

Why does the most open and transparent administration in history lie about government records?

Can a White Libertarian Man Represent NY's Chinatown? Meet Dan O'Connor.

Joshua Swain | January 13

The Pain of Bain Falls Mainly on Romney’s Campaign? Not Quite

Peter Suderman | January 13

Newt Gingrich’s attacks on Romney are good news for Mitt, but bad news for the rest of us.

Another Way California Wastes Taxpayer Dollars

Steven Greenhut | January 13

Golden state lawmakers ignore real problems while spending precious time and money renaming highways.

Ron Paul Rising

Emily Ekins | January 13

Evidence from national polls on Ron Paul’s supporters

The GOP Field: Theocracy, Michary, & Ambiguocracy

A. Barton Hinkle | January 13

The GOP campaign really does present voters with sharp contrasts.

Friday Funnies

Chip Bok | January 13

Mortal Kombat: GOP Edition

Contraband and We Need to Talk About Kevin

Kurt Loder | January 12

A movie with no purpose, a woman with no hope.

Ron Paul's Possible Path to Victory

Brian Doherty | January 12

The Ron Paul campaign positions its man to face off against Romney in a two-man race.

January 2012
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