Activities and Interests


Chris Kelly, Population Connection, Organic Bouquet, International Bird Rescue Research Center, Greg Palast, Boycott BP, Hornby Eagles, National Geographic, NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council), Portledge School, Deepwater Horizon Response, League of Women Voters of the U.S., Team Tesla, Marcus Borg, Cambridge School of Weston, David Bowie (Official), United Congregational Christian Church, Stop Global Warming, Save Our Pets (Official HSUS),, Animal Rights, "The Cove" - Save Japan Dolphins, Make Animal Abuse A Felony!, 13 Indigenous Grandmothers from all over the world, 'SAVE TARA!' - TaraWatch campaign to save Hill of Tara from the M3 motorway in Ireland, Meadowbrook School of Weston, Can this Pit Bull get more fans than Michael Vick?, Marianne Williamson, Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr., Tanya Fermin, Rob Brezsny's Free Will Astrology, Sleeping in Tents, Dan Brown, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Fred Craddock, Maya Massar,, Van Jones, Andy Warhol, Edward Gorey, Gregory Colbert, Michael Moore, Anne Lamott, The Huffington Post, AlterNet, National Organization for Women, Earthjustice, Interfaith Alliance, Stephen Hawking, Uma Thurman, Stanley Kubrick, George Lucas, International Fund for Animal Welfare, Malcolm X (El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz), The Nature Conservancy,, Greenpeace USA, Christians for Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CCIR), Children's Hospital Boston, Stellwagen Alive!, NRDC Action Fund, SAGE (Straight Americans for Gay Equality), Garage Door Nativity, Matthew 25 Network, Museo Eduardo Carrillo, The Rainforest, Winchester Land Trust, Northern California Nevada Conference, United Church of Christ, Congregational Church of Belmont, CA, Sojourners Magazine, Birthright Earth, Congregational Church of San Mateo United Church of Christ, Books Inc. in Alameda, Anh "Joseph" Cao, First Congregational Church of Berkeley, Marriage Equality, San Francisco Baykeeper, The Christian Church of Pacific Grove, Obama Pride, Youth Spirit Artworks, Costa Rica Outward Bound, California State Parks Foundation, Indian Mountain School Alumni, The Pilgrim Press, First Congregational Church -- Santa Cruz (United Church of Christ), Pacific School of Religion, Danville Congregational Church (United Church of Christ), Kamala D. Harris, Obama Action Wire, Infinity Music Hall and Bistro, Michelle Obama, Women for Obama, Faithful America, Sterling College, Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, United Church of Christ, Graduate Theological Union, Hoefler & Frere-Jones, Alameda County Supervisor Keith Carson, Planned Parenthood, Rainforest Alliance, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, National Parks Conservation Association, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Ted Kennedy, Great Mountain Forest, WomenSpirit, Vestments for Women, Firedoglake, Media Violence Fast 2009, India Joze,, iTunes, James Madison's Montpelier, Frank Bette Center for the Arts, Dream a Little Dream, StarDate, ROSE BRAND, The White House, Juliette Gordon Low Birthplace, Utne Reader, CineVegas Film Festival, The Sun Magazine, CREDO Mobile, Bay Association of the Northern California Nevada Conference of the UCC, Southwest Airlines, Odyssey Networks, Earth911, US News, Girl Scouts of the USA, Intermix: Please Stop Selling Fur, Charles Eisenstein, Berkeley Copwatch, Southern California Nevada Conference of the United Church of Christ, Aspire, Provincetown, St. Luke's United Church of Christ, The Colors of Holi 2012, Japan Earthquake: Before and After, Tornadoes Roar Through South, Midwest, Council of Elders, Occupy Bay Area Jewish Contingent, St. Luke's United Church of Christ, Rocky Anderson, Yale Summer School of Music / Norfolk Chamber Music Festival, AIGA | the professional association for design, One Million Strong for Women, The Movement to Overturn Citizens United Takes Form | Truthout, The BRAD BLOG, Keith Ellison for Congress, Flax art & design, Nothern Ontarians Against The Seal Slaughter In Canada., First Congregational Church Alameda, United Church of Christ, Pastor & Traveling Minister of the ARTS, Occupy L.A, Occupy The Hood, Shut Down Monsanto, Suppressed Histories Archives, Earth. We are one., Energy Artist Julia, Everyday Liturgy, Web of Trust, Blurb - Make your own book. Make it great, The Poster Every Parent Should Show Their Kids, The Most Heroic Response To The Susan B. Komen Foundation You Will Ever See, Beacon Press, NPR's Talk Of The Nation,, In Defense of Animals, Occupy Oakland Live recorded live on 1/28/12 at 1:41 PM PST, OccupyFreedomLA on Ustream, Occupy Faith, Front Porch Spirit,, Rosslyn Chapel, Chartres Cathedrale Notre Dame, Amend 2012, Dr. Cornell West, Starhawk, Caroline Casey ~ Coyote Network News, Bill Moyers, The Gnostic Calendar, Gnostic Sanctuary / Church of Gnosis (Ecclesia Gnostica Mysteriorum), Ecohome Improvement, Occupy the Dream, Resurrecting the Goddess, Wildlife Conservation Society, Occupy Oakland Events, East Bay Institute for Interfaith Studies, San Francisco Interfaith Allies for Occupy, Impeach Clarence Thomas, Occupy Oakland Live on Ustream, WALL STREET BANKERS SHOULD #OCCUPYJAIL, Rhythmix Cultural Works, Epochalypsis: The Age of Unveiling, Turn Facebook Purple For 1 Week to Raise Awareness Against Animal Abuse, Barefoot Botanicals, Occupy Toronto Protest Chaplains, Valley and Mountain, KTVU Channel 2, Blog | Thrive, An Open Letter from America’s Port Truck Drivers on Occupy the Ports, San Francisco Shark Sanctuary, Pace e Bene, Friends of Dr. Sylvia Earle, Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, Nation-wide Rally to End the Federal Reserve, Audit the Federal Reserve, Friends of the California Revels, California Wolf Center, Louie Vitale, California Revels, birdJam, The Animal Rescue Site, Films For Action, Occupy San Francisco, Comment is free, Guardian culture, East Bay Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice (ICWJ), VIDEO: UC Davis police pepper spray peaceful students, SUPERNATURE: ESALEN AND THE HUMAN POTENTIAL, Rev. Laura Rose, Occupy Oakland, Seminary of the Street, Interfaith Tent at Oakland, SALT Project, The Doris Diaries, Pet Acoustics, PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), HumaneWatch, Divinity Clergy Wear, Oakland North, Video: Occupy Alameda Nov. 1 Walk from Wells Fargo to Bank of America, The National Audubon Society, National Wildlife Refuge Association, Mexican gray wolves, The Estuary Art Attack, The Protest Chaplains, Occupy Together - Sacred Space Hosts,, Occupy Alameda, Occupy Hartford, Occupy Hartford CT, Interfaith Youth Core, Special Hope Network, Dashka Slater, Thrive: What On Earth Will It Take?, Occupy Wall St., Alex Grey, After the Storm: The Instability of Inequality | Truthout, Bat World Sanctuary, One World One Ocean, OccupyBoston, Masters in Environmental Education, Conservation International, Occupy Philadelphia (NOW), Speak Algonquin, Cherokee, Mohawk, Apache, Navajo etc. This is America!, Occupy Boston, Occupy Berkeley, Louise Slaughter, sarah dipity designs fan page, Occupy Sesame Street, Get Real Maple, Interfaith Clergy Solidarity Occupy Wall Street SF, Susan Miron, Fiber Artist, TED, Horizon Organic, RIP Steve Jobs, Center for the Constitution at James Madison's Montpelier, Voice of Choice, Positive News -,, Sandra Shuman, Creativity Coach, Counselor and Artist, Church on the Hill, UCC Lenox, Massachusetts, Facebook Platform, A.R.T.S.S. ~ Artists Revitalizing & Transforming Sacred Space, Care2, BirdBeat, UCC Petaluma, Rogers Gourmet Coffee & Tea, Panthera, Sarah Savasky, Style Consultant, Sharpie, United Church of Christ, The Career Resource Center (CRC), Sterling College, Vermont, Sterling College Library, Sterling College, VT, Life, UCubed, Deep Democracy Institute, Luna's Apawthecary, The Gentle Barn, Save Our Oceans and Rivers!, The Getty Museum, Los Angeles, MOCA | The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles,, For the Record, Tate's Bake Shop, Climate Reality, Colortone Staging and Rentals, Inner Sight/Isha Lerner Enterprises, Alliance for Global Conservation, Berber Moroccan Designs, Pet Pardons, How You Can Help Those Affected by the Violence in the Congo, God is still speaking,, United Church of Christ (Open and Affirming), Howard Thurman, A Death Penalty Curriculum, Wisconsin State AFL-CIO, Rita Nakashima Brock, Ph. D., Chelsea Green Publishing, The Climate Project, National Park Service, National Park Foundation, Moxy Vote, Environmental Defense Fund, Lucy the Owl on Ustream, The Baby Hawks Are Here! - TIME, Anti-Gay Marriage Activist Realizes He’s Actually Pro-Gay Marriage, Rachel Maddow Called This A 'Brilliant Idea.' We Agree., Why We're Fasting Against The Immoral Budget, DeMars Images, Mokka Coffee, The Most Aggressive Defense Of Teachers You'll Hear This Year, Politics | The New York Times, The Humane Society of the United States, Consumer Watchdog, Oakland School for the Arts - Instrumental Music, Santa Cruz Radiation Report, I SUPPORT MY PRESIDENT, Stained Glass Association of America,, Healing With The Masters, HuffPost Politics, Left Action, Boycott and Defeat Koch Industries, Dalai Lama, Democrats, Democracy Now!, The Sierra Club, NPR, Audubon California, Egyptians Stage Massive Anti-Mubarak Protest, Solar on the White House, Help send us to Taize!, Lightning in A Dark Wood, Bay Natives Nursery, Request a Prayer, Youth Spirit ArtWorks, Daily Devotional,, Seal Your Cup, The Cambridge School of Weston,, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Darkwood Brew, Ban "kill all the wolves" page from FB, Oregon Wild, Church of Christ Congregational (UCC), We'Moon, Cause an Uproar, Youth Spirit Artworks, Let's Bring Keith Back, Stop Dirty Energy Prop, Believe Out Loud, 1,000,000 Strong Against Offshore Drilling, First Congregational United Church of Christ, Santa Rosa, SAGRADA Sacred Arts, Save The Gulf, New Spirit Community Church, Plymouth Jazz and Justice Church, First Congregational Church of Martinez, You'd like the UCC, Anne Rice, Build an ecumenical interfaith center at ground zero, the Spiral Way - Spiritual Direction, Alameda Patch, Supporters of Rally to Restore Sanity, Alameda C.A.R.E., Drawing on Earth, Climate Crisis - Tell Congress and President Obama to Support a Strong Global Warming Bill, Our Whole Lives, California League of Conservation Voters, NRDC BioGems Defenders, Patriot Majority, The Pollinator Partnership, The Golden Spiral Symbol, The Animal Rescue Site Store, Alameda Coastal Cleanup 2010, Jerry Brown, Yahoo! News, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Enviro Plus, First Congregational Church of Alameda, Yes for State Parks, Organize for Healthcare Reform, Climate Counts, Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, Letters to the Inside --write positive snail mail to San Quentin death row prisoner Rob Young., Crosstown Coffeehouse and Community Center, 100,000 for Peace: Join Protest to Prayer, Environmental Justice, National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty, Stop canadian seal massacre, Stop Animal Abuse, Interfaith Power and Light, Save Pete the Moose..., World Wildlife Fund, 100 Days of Prayer for President Obama AND Beyond, People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), End the Seal Hunt, (Official) Iraq Veterans Against the War, Support Marriage Equality, Save Pete The Moose, End Animal Cosmetic Testing., Help Farm Animals Across the Country (Official HSUS), Christians for Comprehensive Immigration Reform, Gorilla Protection, HELP END BEAR BILE FARMS, Stop The Seal Hunt!, Kevin Richardson, Skidmore College, Historic Buildings of Connecticut, Intersections, Testimony: Equality on Trial, Anne Rice, 27 Powers, Andy Goldsworthy, Slow Food USA, Repower America, Living Green Design Solutions, Gavin Newsom, Dick Price Celebration, Esalen Institute, Weather Underground, Truthout, There is No Future in Oil


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