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TYT on Current TV March 1 Highlights

Cenk: Breitbart treated politics like a game, and it's not a game
Cenk examines the legacy left by Andrew Breitbart, the conservative provocateur and media entrepreneur who died Wednesday, just two weeks after appearing on TYT. Despite personal empathy for Breitbart's family, "We have an obligation here to talk about what he did publicly," Cenk says. "When you talk about Andrew Breitbart and his public persona, my problem with what he did is that he treated it like it a game. And it's not a game."

ACORN head on Breitbart: 'He excoriated an organization, and he did it with a lie'
Cenk talks to former ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis about Andrew Breitbart, the late conservative media website owner whose posting of an out-of-context video resulted in the community organizing group's ultimate disbanding. "We set a template for how they would attack other folks going forward," Lewis says. "You put out a lie, and you just repeat it and repeat it through all of your sources... He raised a lot of money off of ACORN. He knew it was a lie. He did it for ideological reasons, political gain, and he did it for the money. He excoriated an organization that for 40 years had a great impact on this country, and he did it with a lie." editor: 'Andrew was never an enemy of Current TV or MSNBC' editor-in-chief and counsel Joel Pollak tells Cenk that Andrew Breitbart's sites will continue to grow even after his unexpected death. "It's business as usual at," Pollak says. "It's not going to be a memorial to Andrew. It's going to be a living legacy." Breitbart, 43, died during a walk near his Los Angeles house. "It was sudden," Pollak says. "It was a shock." Of wild theories on both the left and right about the death, Pollak says it proves Breitbart's beliefs about the damage mainstream media has done to the public trust. "Andrew was never an enemy of Current TV or MSNBC," Pollak says, because the networks were open about their biases. "People would rather believe a conspiracy theory than the straightforward, simple truth."

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Watch YouTube Clips from Feb. 29 Show

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TYT on Current TV Feb. 29 Highlights

Wall Street bonuses drop 14 percent, so bankers cry about losing Aspen vacation homes
Cenk calls out Wall Street employees whining about the 14 percent drop in their cash bonus pool. Although 2011 bonuses were at their lowest since 2008, the average Wall Street employee still took home $121,000 in cash, according to NY State Controller Thomas DiNapoli. "You've got to have a sense of perspective, and these guys don't have it," Cenk says. "They feel like they're owed everything."

Mormons perform proxy baptisms to help release the dead from 'spirit prison'
Author Latayne Scott helps Cenk shed light on why Mormons keep baptizing the dead, including Anne Frank and slain journalist Daniel Pearl -- two Jewish people. Scott says, "Mormons believe you can't go to the highest level of heaven, or to any level of heaven, unless you've been immersed in water." Since the dead have missed the opportunity, Mormons believe standing in for dead individuals is doing them a great service.

Is the White House responsible for changing the conversation on climate change?
Sam Seder and Amanda Terkel join Cenk's Power Panel to talk climate change. After more than 12 different billion-dollar natural disasters in world last year, is it time to admit that climate change is an important issue? "At the end of the day, scientists say this is what we can expect, and then we see it," Seder says. "The real problem is that the press is just not talking about the broader issue." Terkel points out, though, that "part of the reason it's out of the media is that the White House and Congress aren't addressing the issue at all."

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Watch YouTube Clips from Feb. 28 Show

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TYT on Current TV Feb. 28 Highlights

Virginia's ultrasounds-for-abortions bill only exempts rape and incest victims who have a police report
Charniele Herring, the minority whip of the Virginia state assembly, tells Cenk that the slightly less terrible ultrasounds-for-abortions bill, which passed the state senate, is still deeply problematic. While the bill no longer mandates a trans-vaginal ultrasound, and includes an exception for victims of incest or rape -- as long as they have a police report -- Herring says it's a "humiliating" test meant to intimidate women. "This is now tantamount to state-mandated assault on a woman," Herring says. "This was never about science," Cenk says.

'Rolling Stone's' Michael Hastings: Homeland Security monitored Occupy Wall Street, Wikileaks emails show
Rolling Stone contributing editor Michael Hastings tells Cenk how the Department of Homeland Security monitored Occupy Wall Street activists, according to emails from private intelligence contractor Stratfor that were released by Wikileaks. Hastings asks, "Do we want our taxpayer dollars going to the government monitoring what should be a natural part of the democratic process?"

Corporate tax rate was 12.1 percent in 2011 -- a 40-year low
Cenk does the math to prove how totally right Warren Buffett was to say that corporations aren't being taxed as heavily as average Americans. In fact, corporations had a 12.1 percent effective tax rate in 2011 -- a 40 year low. In many cases, corporations are actually getting what amounts to a refund. "At the end of all this, they're still bitching about, 'Oh, we didn't get enough of a tax break.'"

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Watch YouTube Clips from Feb. 27 Show

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TYT on Current TV Feb. 27 Highlights

Granholm on Michigan primary: 'Romney has gone so far to the right, I don't know how he walks it back'
Michael Shure talks to Current correspondent David Shuster, on location in Michigan, and Jennifer Granholm, the state's former governor (and now host of "The War Room"). "Romney has gone so far to the right, I just don't know how he walks it back," Granholm says. "People are loathe to predict [the Michigan outcome]."

Will GOP candidates' right turn on social issues ultimately help Obama?
Michael Shure and Power Panelists Rashad Robinson from Color of Change and Benjy Sarlin of Talking Points Memo talk about whether the "Culture War" issues brought up by GOP candidates might ultimately be good for President Obama. "This isn't a debate that even looks good for them to be having with the economy the way it is right now," Sarlin says. Robinson says, "The Republican candidate who ends up winning the nomination won't have as much time to move back to the middle."

Dan Savage helps us pick a #SantorumCodeName for his new Secret Service detail
When Mitt Romney got Secret Service protection, on viewer contributed code name "RoboCorp," which has become a favorite nickname for TYT. With Rick Santorum now getting his own detail, we asked you for #SantorumCodeName suggestions, and you delivered. Even Dan Savage, the architect of Santorum's "Google problem," sent in his pick. Plus, a gay Marine was welcomed home with a passionate kiss by his partner in a post that went viral this weekend.

Epic Guest Host Michael Shure on his first time in the host's hot seat
"Epic Politics Man" Michael Shure debriefs his first time stint as guest host for Cenk Uygur, who is out sick. "This was a long day," Shure admits. "When I heard last night that I was doing the show, I was obviously incredibly nervous. What Cenk does is unbelievable." Ben Mankiewicz gives Shure high marks. "Somehow I wasn't worried," he says.

[BLOG] Santorum gets Secret Service, so the TYT Army help pick some #SantorumCodeNames

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Hollywood Violence, The Pentagon, & Marlon Brando Oscar Rejection (The Point)

Mimi Kennedy (actress, Midnight In Paris) makes a point about how Hollywood exports violence abroad, and Jordan Zakarin (writer/editor, The Huffington Post) shares his thoughts on the cozy relationship between the film industry and the Pentagon. The final point is on what may be the most controversial moment in Oscars history involving Marlon Brando and Native Americans. Cenk Uygur (host, The Young Turks) leads the discussion with Mike Farrell (actor/activist/writer - president, Death Penalty Focus), Tina Dupuy (managing editor,, and Ed Rampell (film critic and author, 'Progressive Hollywood').

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TYT on Current TV Feb. 22 Highlights

Who benefits from a war with Iran?
Cenk breaks down which people would benefit from war with Iran. U.S. military and intelligence officials are against the country getting involved in conflict, but evangelicals, neo-conservatives, oil speculators, and defense contractors all have a lot to gain. Cenk points to the $3 trillion spent on the Iraq war to help explain what. "Somebody made that 3 trillion dollars," Cenk says. "It didn't just come out of our pockets and go nowhere. It went into someone else's pocket."

Rep. Yasmin Neal fights the war on women with an 'anti-vasectomy' bill
Georgia Rep. Yasmin Neal joins Cenk Uygur to talk about her bill seeking to ban male sterilization. Neal says she hasn't experienced vehement opposition to the bill so far, though some Republican members of Congress also aren't taking the proposition seriously either. "It's funny that when you say, 'hey, let's control men's bodies,' everybody's like, 'oh, that's pretty funny,'" Cenk says, "but when you go to control women's bodies, they're deadly serious."

Tricia Rose and Raul Reyes disagree with Cenk that affirmative action 'reinforces stereotypes'
USA Today's Raul Reyes and Professor Tricia Rose join Cenk's power panel to debate whether the U.S. is ready to eliminate affirmative action. Cenk worries that keeping the legislation paints minorities as people who always need extra help. He says, "at some point, we're reinforcing the stereotype." Rose thinks the national conservation has been distorted to make it seem "that fundamental white rights are being reduced. And that's not it at all." Reyes thinks preferential treatment beyond race should be investigated. "Why don't we start looking at the preferences given to legacy students?" Reyes says. "They receive many preferences and special needs that are not given to everybody."

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TYT on Current TV Feb. 21 Highlights

Rick Santorum actually 'thinks he knows what Satan's up to'
Rick Santorum continues to bring the truly crazy in an increasingly insane GOP primary field. In 1999, he compared a ruling upholding Roe v. Wade to the shootings at Columbine High School. "God protect us from predators who can do whatever they want to do with us," Santorum shouted on the floor of the Senate. Cenk says, "You run that campaign and see how badly you get slaughtered in the general election. The country's nowhere near as extreme you... This guy thinks he knows what Satan's up to. He thinks we're in a war with Beelzebub. The guy's a lunatic."

Cenk interviews Sandra Fluke, the woman Congress was afraid to let testify about access to contraception
Cenk talks to Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown University law student who was scheduled to testify before Congress about access to contraception, then bumped in lieu of...five men. Fluke tells the story of her friend who had to have an ovary removed because she was not able to get medically necessary birth control that could have shrunk her ovarian cysts. "So, women lose their ovaries and I guess Rick Santorum throws a party, 'cause he doesn't give a damn?" Cenk says. "This is really a women's health issue. Who would know better, your doctor or Rick Santorum?" Fluke will testify this Thursday in a hearing called by Rep. Nancy Pelosi, though Republicans have vowed to block televised coverage of the hearing.

Could Jeb Bush save the GOP from their own terrible field of candidates?
Michael "Epic Politics Man" Shure and Cenk talk about the potential of a third Bush presidential candidate. After the "underrated" George H.W. Bush and the "worst president ever" George W. Bush, can Jeb "the smart brother" Bush save the GOP from the not-Romney mess they've gotten themselves into?

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The Young Turks Show February 15, 2012

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TYT on Current TV Feb. 14 Highlights

Andrew Breitbart: 'I stand by precisely what I said'  about Occupy protesters to 'raping people' (Interview, Part 1)
Cenk talks to Andrew Breitbart about a video that captures him yelling "stop raping people!" at Occupy protesters outside the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). "I stand by precisely what I said," Breitbart says.

Andrew Breitbart: It's OK to smear Occupy, because Tea Party has been unfairly portrayed (Interview, Part 2)
Cenk talks to Andrew Breitbart about a video that captures him yelling "stop raping people!" at Occupy protesters outside the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). "What I'm trying to understand is if you're doing it on purpose, like you know you're being unfair, or do you think you're being eminently fair?" Cenk asks. "Do you really think you can smear the whole movement?" Breitbart answers, "I'm being too fair. Fair is playing by the same rules that you and NBC and 'The Huffington Post' played against smearing the Tea Party."

On Iran coverage, Greenwald says 'whoever has any tension with the U.S. is inherently the evil party'
Cenk interviews writer Glenn Greenwald about the similarities between warmongering arguments in mainstream media about Iran and those made about Iraq. "The campaign and the propaganda are still similar," Greenwald says, "but the government seems to be lagging behind rather than driving the propaganda. The way that the American media looks at the world is very nationalistic. It's very simple-minded and very kind of xenophobic. The idea always is that whoever has any tension with the United States is inherently the evil party."

'The Young Turks' crew tells Cenk he was too easy on Andrew Breitbart
Cenk and "The Young Turks" celebrated their 10th anniversary by inviting one of the most hated conservatives in America on the show: Andrew Breitbart. But in true keeping it real fashion, Ana Kasparian, Michael Shure, Jayar Jackson and Jesus Godoy aren't about to let Cenk off the hook for going easy.

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Worst Drunken Experience?


Yeah, yeah, you've probably had much worse experiences drinking than Ana or John (off the top of their heads, anyway.) We want to hear about them!

John details how he made the most of a magic show and defiled the George Carlin experience, while Ana used her feminine charms to gain VIP access.

What about you? What are your worst, best, most disgusting, and most epic stories of drunken excess? Comment down below - or even better, send us a video!

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Oh Carolina! Weekly Enewsletter

Hey TYT Nation!

It was another week on the GOP presidential campaign trail, and therefore another week of Cenk practically jumping up and down like an excited schoolgirl relating a juicy piece of gossip as he covered yet another crazy, unpredictable Republican primary in South Carolina:


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TYT on Current TV Jan. 25 Highlights

GOP pushes ineffective, revenue damaging cuts to IRS, even as tax code gets more complicated
Cenk looks at Romney's tax returns as a case study in how rich people avoid paying more in taxes. With income of more than $57,000 a day -- without a paying job -- Romney pays less in taxes than most Americans. It helps that Republicans have pushed for lower funding for the IRS, even though studies have shown that government auditors can find almost $10,000 in owed taxes for every hour worked. David Cay Johnston explains that with more complex tax laws and a larger population, the IRS actually needs more staff.

'I'd rather have promises Obama doesn't keep than promises Republicans might keep'
Cenk asks his Power Panel -- Michael Shure, Richard Eskow and Robert Borosage -- whether President Obama's strong State of the Union showing is a sign he can win re-election in November. "The guy I saw last night -- I thought, that guy may be able to fight back and make his case and actually beat Mitt or Newt," Cenk says. Eskow praises Obama's "fighting speech" but says it's time for him to think a couple steps ahead -- otherwise the GOP line will be ,"Nice guy, doesn't deliver on his promises." Shure says, "I'd rather have the promises that he doesn't keep than the promises that the Republicans might keep."

MegaUpload indictment strikingly similar to Napster rhetoric, but this time DOJ does the dirty work
MegaUpload owner Kim Dotcom, who was arrested in New Zealand, was denied bail until an extradition hearing in late February. Rhetoric in this case and that against Napster 12 years ago is strikingly similar -- except the RIAA sued Napster and the site stayed open for two years of court wrangling. Compare that to the DOJ's pre-emptive shutdown of "Industry going over to the prosecution's side and shutting these sites down is outrageous," Cenk says.

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TYT on Current TV Jan. 24 Highlights

Obama has to be the adult in the room, no matter how angry he is
Every person on our Power Panel -- Tina Dupuy, John Fugelsang and Zaid Jilani -- has a different opinion on what President Obama should and will say during a major speech such as the State of the Union. Cenk says "I would come out and say, 'These bankers have been screwing you, and no more Mr. Nice Guy. And if I need to, I'm gonna break their goddamned kneecaps." Fugelsang says, "As a black man, he's got to work twice as hard because he's being judged by so harshly." Dupuy points out that Rep. Boehner pre-emptively called Obama's speech "pathetic." "No other president has had to deal with this," Dupuy says. "He has to be the adult in the room."

Robert DeNiro would never settle with big banks that caused housing crisis
Since the beginning of the housing crisis in 2007, 7.5 million homes have been foreclosed, with another 1.9 million in foreclosure. "Not a lot of help has arrived for homeowners," Cenk says, and even a proposed $25 billion settlement with bank owners -- which might give blanket immunity to banks for any wrong-doing -- doesn't come close to the total $700 billion negative equity on houses in this country, and doesn't address the issue of executive pay. Robert DeNiro's got something to say about that: "Clean up, go home."

LAPD coordinated with CIA, former chief Bratton tells 'The Young Turks'
Former New York City police commissioner and LAPD chief William Bratton joins Cenk to talk about his new book, "Collaborate or Perish!" Despite recent criticism of the NYPD for unauthorized coordination with the CIA, Bratton says that communication can be an important strategy. "In dealing with information intelligence as it relates to terrorism, the CIA has a lot of information that is appropriate for use by American police forces," Bratton says. At the LAPD, "We had interactions with the CIA in the sense of meeting from them from time to time, certainly, just in order to make them aware of our capabilities and our needs. There is nothing that precludes that."

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TYT on Current TV Jan. 23 Highlights

'Food stamps' went up 63% under Bush and other stories you missed on 'The Young Turks'
Cenk on Newt Gingrich's giant elbow from the sky on Mitt Romney in South Carolina -- and how Romney's trying to fight back. Even two years of tax info from Romney might not help him against Gingrich's "food stamp" assault on Obama. "Sixty-three percent increase of food stamps under Bush, which no one talks about," Cenk says. "And by the way -- who gave us the goddamned recession?" For more of "The Young Turks," watch weeknights at 7/6c.

Should liberals root for Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich?
Cenk asks his Power Panel -- Karl Frisch, Thomas Schaller and Michael Shure -- whether liberals looking for the best GOP candidate for President Obama to go up against should choose Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich. Shure says, "Democrats have thought all along that Mitt Romney would be the tougher opponent, but I'm not sure I agree," and Cenk agrees. "People have forgotten how much they hate Newt Gingrich," Frisch points out, when his unfavorables were somehow even higher than they are today. "Newt will get the base fired up," Schaller says, "but a vote cast with intensity counts the same as a vote cast reluctantly. It doesn't matter how juiced up the conservative id is. The votes in the middle are going to matter."

Giffords' YouTube resignation a viral hit, but no one's talking about guns
Rep. Gabby Giffords posted to YouTube her announcement that she will resign from Congress this week to focus on further physical recovery from being shot just over a year ago. The video racked up nearly 400,000 views in its first day online, and yet among almost 12,000 Tweets we analyzed via our partner Crimson Hexagon, only about 300 even mentioned guns. "They shot her with a gun, and there was 33 bullets in that gun," Cenk says. "What happened after the shooting? What kind of legislation did we have? What kind of proposals did we have? Nothing. Nothing."

Obama squandered a year of potential gun reform after Giffords shooting
In this exclusive commentary, Cenk talks about President Obama's promised policy proposal on guns in the wake of Rep. Gabby Giffords' shooting last year. "Guns are a tough issue" for Democrats, Cenk acknowledges, but even so the lack of true follow-up has been deeply disappointing. In an op-ed in the tiny "Arizona Daily Star," Obama wrote, "Hunting and shooting are part of our national heritage. And, in fact, my administration has not curtailed the rights of gun owners -- it has expanded them, including allowing people to carry their guns in national parks and wildlife refuges." Cenk says, "It's really disheartening. People wonder why I get frustrated with the president. I don't have any personal animus. I wanted the guy to win. You should have seen the show when he won -- I was ecstatic... But he took that situation and, as usual, squandered it, because he was too afraid to take on the Republicans and the gun lobby."

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Show Update & Fox News Most/Least Trusted News Source - Poll

Ben Mankiewicz and Ana Kasparian will be hosting the show today. Same bat channel, same bat time.


Fox news is the most and least trusted name in news according to the latest Public Policy Polling (PPP) TV News Trust Poll. What about CNN, MSNBC, Comedy Central, ABC News, CBS News, NBC News and PBS? The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.

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