<i>"The Name of Our Country is América" - Simon Bolivar</i> The Narco News Bulletin<br><small>Reporting on the War on Drugs and Democracy from Latin America
 English | Español | Portugués | Italiano | Français | Deutsch | Nederlands March 16, 2012 | Issue #67

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Narco News Issue #66
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Al Giordano

Opening Statement, April 18, 2000
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Narco News is supported by:
The Fund for Authentic Journalism

Site Design: Dan Feder

All contents, unless otherwise noted, © 2000-2011 Al Giordano

The trademarks "Narco News," "The Narco News Bulletin," "School of Authentic Journalism," "Narco News TV" and NNTV © 2000-2011 Al Giordano


We Have Still Had It Up to Here: The Year a Movement Was Born

Mexico’s Struggle to End the Drug War Is Unlike Any in the World

By Al Giordano
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Aún estamos hasta la madre: El año en que nació un movimiento

March 13, 2012

Drug War-Related Homicides In The US Average At Least 1,100 a Year

However, Full Extent of Carnage Unknowable Because US Government Doesn’t Track Violent Crime Linked To The War On Drugs

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

March 12, 2012

Nothing Is Ever Won Without Organizing

Remarks to the First Nonviolence Training Session of the Mexican Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity

By Al Giordano
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... No se puede ganar nunca nada sin organizarse

February 27, 2012

US Troops May Now Be Coping with "Fast and Furious" Fallout

Reported US Military Ramp-up on the Border Follows Years of ATF-Sanctioned Gun Running

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

en español... Tropas estadounidenses hacen frente a las consecuencias de Rápido y Furioso

February 20, 2012

New Lead Surfaces in Cold “House of Death” Drug-War Case

Man on the Run From the “Cartel” Claims He Is a Witness to a Murder That Threatens the State

By Bill Conroy
Via The Narcosphere

en español... Nuevas pistas en el caso sin resolver de la "Casa de la Muerte"

January 30, 2012

Romney's Pyrrhic Victory

A Likely Win in the Florida Primary Will Come at a High Cost to Republican Presidential Frontrunner Mitt Romney

By Al Giordano
The Field

January 31, 2012

Gingrich Took a Month to Rebound, but Here He Is

The Field Accurately Projected the Winners of First, Second and Third Republican Presidential Primary Contests of 2012

By Al Giordano
The Field

January 21, 2012

Fast and Furious Is One Among Many Similar Drug-War Warts

Turf Wars, Agency Budgets and Case Stats Trump Lives in the Era of Prohibition

By Bill Conroy
Via The Narcosphere

en español... La operación Rápido y Furioso es uno de los muchos defectos similares de la guerra contra las drogas

January 16, 2012

Jon Huntsman Isn't the Anti-Romney; He's the More Authentic Romney

The Field Projected Rick Santorum to Win the Iowa Caucuses. Today it Previews Tomorrow's New Hampshire Primary

By Al Giordano
The Field

January 9, 2012

CBS News Poaches Narco News’ Drug War Coverage

Network Producer Also Concedes “Some Bloggers Were Out Ahead of Us” on the Fast and Furious Story But Were Given No Credit

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

January 2, 2012

“Inevitable” Romney Meets the Santorum Surprise in Iowa

Is The Field Really Projecting a Winner in the Iowa GOP Presidential Caucuses that Has Not Held the Lead in a Single Poll?

By Al Giordano
The Field

January 2, 2012

The School of Authentic Journalism Empowered Me

Help It to Do the Same for More Independent Journalists in 2012

By Arzu Geybullayeva
Class of 2011, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... La Escuela de Periodismo Auténtico me fortaleció

December 27, 2011

Gringrich Could Still Win Iowa, or Lose It and Still Win the Nomination

The Field Begins Its Political Reporting on the US Presidential Campaign

By Al Giordano
The Field

December 22, 2011

Our News Team Worked Harder for You in 2011, so Please Donate to Keep It Going

From Egypt to Mexico to the School for Authentic Journalism, Reporting on Resistance that Gets Results

By Al Giordano
Founder, Narco News

en español... En 2011, nuestro equipo de periodistas trabajó muy duro por ti, ayúdalo con una donación para mantenerlo en marcha

December 21, 2011

They’d Like to “Occupy” Their Own Homes

Meet the Menlo 4, L.A. Crusaders for Justice Who Don’t Fit Time’s Fashionable Image of ‘The Protester’

By Paulina Gonzalez
Reporting from the Grassroots

en español... Ellos buscan "ocupar" su propio hogar

December 19, 2011

Zambada Niebla Case Exposes US Drug War Quid Pro Quo

Prosecutor, DEA Agent Confirm Intel From Sinaloa Mafia Used to Undermine Juarez, Beltran Leyva Drug Organizations

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

en español... El caso de Zambada Niebla expone los acuerdos de la guerra contra las drogas de los EEUU

December 10, 2011

The Urgency of Organizing in the Young Mexican Movement Against the War on Drugs

After Eight Months of Struggle, the Death of Nepomuceno Moreno Obliges the Peace Movement to Reflect and Train Leaders

By Marta Molina
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Urgencia organizativa para el joven movimiento mexicano contra la guerra de las drogas

December 8, 2011

All They Are Saying Is Give War a Chance: "Narco-Mania!" Premiers in Mexico

Greg Berger’s Latest NNTV Video Parodies the Ex-Hippies of the US State Department and Their Psychedelic “War on Drugs”

By Al Giordano
The Field

en español... Sólo le están dando una oportunidad a la guerra: "Narco-manía!" se estrena en México

December 8, 2011


US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Never Got Over the Break-Up of the Beatles... and Now Has a New Drug War Strategy to Break up the Mexican Drug Gangs...

By Narco News TV
World Premier

en español... ¡Narco-Mania!

December 8, 2011

Announcing 40 Scholarships to Learn Strategic Journalism and Civil Resistance in Mexico, March 21 to 31 of 2012

A Four-Week Sprint: Your Completed Application for the School of Authentic Journalism is Due on Wednesday, December 28, 2011

By Al Giordano
Founder, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... Anunciando 40 becas para aprender periodismo estratégico y resistencia civil en México, del 21 al 31 de marzo de 2012

December 1, 2011

NNTV: Javier Sicilia's Call to Journalists

The Mexican Poet Who Inspired the National Movement vs. the Drug War Speaks to Journalists from 40 Countries at the School of Authentic Journalism

By School of Authentic Journalism

November 30, 2011

Was Former DEA Agent Jailed for Exposing ATF Arms Trafficking?

Iran/Contra-Era Whistleblower Cele Castillo Alleged in 2008 That Federal Agents Were Helping to Smuggle Guns into Mexico

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

November 24, 2011

Moving from Occupying Wall Street to Occupying Strategy

City of Los Angeles' Offer Provides a Golden Opportunity, If We Want it

By Paulina González
Reporting from The Grassroots

en español... De ocupar Wall Street a ocupar estrategias

November 23, 2011

Requiem for Sergio Borja, a.k.a. Capitán Flais (1964-2011)

Poet, Painter, Teacher, Philosopher, Father of the Jazz Scene in San Cristóbal de Las Casas, and a Free Man in Militarized Chiapas

By Al Giordano
The Field

en español... Requiem para Sergio Borja, también conocido como Capitán Flais (1964-2011)

November 19, 2011

Occupied Territory

"The School of Authentic Journalism trains a new generation of guerrilla journalistas for the viral-media era of flash mobs and freelance investigation"

By James Wolcott
Vanity Fair

November 16, 2011

NNTV: Ivan Marovic: "Retired Revolutionary"

Three "Easy Steps" Toward Making Revolution in Your Own Country

By School of Authentic Journalism
Narco News TV

November 7, 2011

US Prosecutors Seeking to Prevent Dirty Secrets of Drug War From Surfacing in Cartel Leader's Case

US Government Using National Security to Conceal Evidence, Attorneys for Narco-Trafficker Zambada Niebla Claim

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

en español... Fiscales de los EEUU buscan prevenir que los secretos sucios de la guerra contra las drogas salgan a la superficie

November 5, 2011

A Movie Is Born: James Wolcott’s “Lucking Out” Is a Book of Cinematic Proportions

From Uptown Pauline Kael to Downtown John Cale, America’s Surviving Critic Brings Seventies New York to Life

By Al Giordano
The Field

October 31, 2011

The Day of the 50,000 Dead

In Mexico, a Movement Against the Drug War Mobilizes on a Holy Day

By Marta Molina
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... El Día de los 50.000 muertos

October 29, 2011

NNTV: “Hungry for Justice” Deploys Humor (and Food!) vs. Drug War

Greg Berger's Sympathetic, Overly-Earnest but Hapless Gringo Activist Character Joins the Peace Caravan in Acteal, and Learns a Powerful Lesson

By Al Giordano
The Field

en español... Hambre de justicia despliega humor (¡y comida!) en contra de la guerra contra las drogas

October 27, 2011

Nascent Union in Haiti Charges Reprisals by Textile Factory Owners

Six of Seven Union Organizers Are Fired Within Two Weeks of Its Formation

By Ansel Herz
IPS News

October 27, 2011

Private Paramilitary Training Complex Slated for Border Hits a Hitch

At least $1 million is still owed on the property by the company, called Wind Zero, according to the current notice of default obtained by Narco News

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

en español... En problemas el complejo privado de entrenamiento paramilitar en la frontera

October 23, 2011

Traité du Savoir-Vivre for the Occupy Wall Street Generations

Once upon a time, twenty thousand people descended on Wall Street, the capitol of capital, occupied it nonviolently, and won exactly what they demanded.

By Al Giordano
The Field

en español... La revolución de la vida cotidiana para uso de las generaciones de Occupy Wall Street

October 8, 2011

US Prosecutors Confirm Classified Information Colors Zambada Niebla’s Case

Government’s Pleadings Also Contend U.S. Intelligence Agencies Lack Authority to Grant Accused Narco-Trafficker Immunity

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

en español... Fiscales estadounidenses confirman caso de información clasificada en el proceso de Zambada Niebla

October 4, 2011

US Government Accused of Seeking to Conceal Deal Cut with Sinaloa "Cartel"

Lawyers for Alleged Narco-Boss Zambada Niebla Claim Prosecutors Suppressing Evidence By Invoking National Security

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

en español... Gobierno de los EEUU acusado de buscar acuerdo con el "Cártel" de Sinaloa

October 1, 2011

Canadian Supreme Court ruling opens doors to drug injection clinics across Canada

A landmark decision orders the federal government to stop interfering with Vancouver’s Insite clinic

By Kirk Makin, Sunny Dhillon and Ingrid Peritz
The Globe and Mail

September 30, 2011

A Contrast in Discourses: Sicilia and the Peace Caravan in Oaxaca

The Annihilating Language of the Left Meets the Language of Humanity of Drug War Victims

By Al Giordano
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Contraste de discursos: Sicilia y la Caravana de Paz en Oaxaca

September 28, 2011

The People of Acteal, Chiapas, Receive the Caravan of Peace with their History of Struggle

A Silent Cry Is Offered in Memory of the 45 Tzotziles Massacred and the 50,000 Victims of the Drug War

By Marta Molina
Special for The Narco News Bulletin

en español... El pueblo de Acteal, Chiapas recibe la Caravana de Paz con su historia de lucha

September 21, 2011

NNTV: Mexico's Southern Peace Caravan: Lesson #1

The Forgotten Town of Topilejo, South of Mexico City, Teaches a Class in Community Organizing

By Al Giordano
The Field

en español... NNTV: La Caravana por la paz al sur de México: Primera Lección

September 20, 2011

US Prosecutors Fear Jailbreak Plot by Sinaloa “Cartel” Leader Zambada Niebla

Narco-Trafficker’s Plea for Outdoor Recreation, If Granted, Also May Prompt Assassination Attempt by “Rival Cartels,” Government Lawyers Argue

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

September 19, 2011

“We Don’t Want to Kill Anybody. What We Want Is to Take Away Their Power to Kill.”

Las Abejas of Acteal, Chiapas, Receive the Caravan of Peace with These Words

By Mariano Pérez Vázquez, Juan Vázquez Luna, José Ramón Vásquez Entzin, Victorio Pérez Paciencia and Mariano Pérez Sántiz
Las Abejas (a civil society organization)

en español... "Nosotros no queremos darle muerte a nadie. Lo que queremos es quitarle el poder a la muerte."

September 16, 2011

Nonviolent Struggle Arrives in the Lands of Guerrero, Mexico

20,000 March in Acapulco with Javier Sicilia and Drug War Victims

By Marta Molina
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... La lucha noviolenta llega a tierras de Guerrero

September 14, 2011

Court Pleadings Point to CIA Role in Alleged “Cartel” Immunity Deal

Mexican Narco-Trafficker’s Revelations in Criminal Case Force US Government to Invoke National Security Claims

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

September 11, 2011

The Infatigable Teresa Carmona Will Accompany the Caravan to the South from Cancun.

“We have to learn how to work as a team”, says the mother of Joaquin, who will carry the memory of her son through the entire country

By Marta Molina
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Teresa Carmona, incansable, viajará desde Cancún para acompañar la Caravana hacia el Sur

September 11, 2011

Announcing NYC Workshop on Organizing Journalism & Civil Resistance

Applications now available for a Three-Day Session, October 21-23, in New York

By Al Giordano
The Field

en español... Taller para aprender a organizar el periodismo y la resistencia civil en NY

September 6, 2011

Anti-Government Movement Exacting Big Toll on Minorities

US Government Budget Slashing Disproportionately Affects Jobs Held by People of Color, Data Shows

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

September 5, 2011

US-Trained Assassin Teams Now Deployed in Mexican Drug War

Former CIA Asset Who Revealed Presence of US Special Forces in Mexico Says Hit Squads Targeting Narco Splinter Groups

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

en español... EEUU capacita equipos asesinos en la guerra antidroga mexicana

August 30, 2011

Video: Egypt's Other Revolution (It's About You, Too)

Part II in the Narco News Video Series on The Daily Life of Egypt's Revolution, Narrated by Community Organizer Mohammad Abbas

By Al Giordano
The Field

August 26, 2011

The Infrarealist Journalism Manifesto

"Who thinks that the daily sorrows are because of confrontation between one cartel and another? Infrarealist journalism wants to completely destroy this narrative."

By Diego Enrique Osorno
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Un manifiesto del periodismo infrarrealista

August 22, 2011

US Debt Downgrade May Have Chinese Connection

S&P;’s Action Appears to Have Triggered Enhanced Fortunes for Some US Business Interests in China

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

August 14, 2011

The Best Political Reform for Mexico is the Reformation of the Citizenry

Words of Julian LeBaron in Front of the Presidential Palace During the August 14 March for Peace with Justice and Dignity

By Julian LeBaron with Antonio Cervantes
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... La mejor reforma política para México es la reforma ciudadana

August 14, 2011

Sicilia's Kisses

“I was also in the Caravan in Ciudad Juarez, I went to support myself and my family”

By Rene Torres Bejarano
Letter to the Critics of Hugs and Kisses

en español... Los besos de Sicilia

August 22, 2011

US Government Informant Helped Sinaloa Narcos Stay Out of Jail

Mexican Lawyer Who Was Trusted Associate of "Chapo" Guzman Allegedly Paid Off Corrupt Mexican Officials, All Under the Watch of US Agencies

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

en español... Informante de E.U.A ayudó a narcos de Sinaloa a salir de prisión

August 7, 2011

Statement by Javier Sicilia on Suspending Dialogue With Mexican Lawmakers

Citing Congress's Failure to Listen to the Voices of the Citizens, Movement Organizer Calls for Mobilizations on August 14

By Javier Sicilia
Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity, Mexico

August 6, 2011

The War on Drugs and the Mexican Movement to End It

“It's a Welcome Escape From the Seemingly Insurmountable Sectarianism that Has Plagued Social Movements for Centuries”

By Quincy Saul
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

August 6, 2011

Civil Resistance in Tepoztlán, Mexico: What Can Social Movements Learn Today?

Writer María Rosas Tells the Story of How Residents Defeated Big Business Interests

By Aldo Orellana López
Class of 2011, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... Resistencia civil en Tepoztlán: ¿Qué pueden aprender de esa lucha los movimientos sociales de hoy?

August 4, 2011

40 Stories, 40 Translations, and Two Videos from the School of Authentic Journalism

We Have Only Just Begun to Write

By Al Giordano
The Field

en español... 40 historias, 40 traducciones, y dos videos de la Escuela de Periodismo Auténtico

August 4, 2011

“It's Time to Stop Being Victims”

Words from Julián LeBaron to Congress and the Nation

By Julián LeBarón and Antonio Cervantes
Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity, Mexico

en español... “Es tiempo de dejar de ser víctimas”

August 3, 2011

After Four Months of Struggle in Mexico, a Lesson for the Cynics

The Movement Inspired by Javier Sicilia and Family Members of Drug War Victims Is Already Achieving Policy Changes

By Al Giordano
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Cuatro meses de lucha en México, una lección para los cínicos

August 2, 2011

US Court Documents Claim Sinaloa “Cartel” Is Protected by US Government

Deal Allegedly Gave Sinaloa Bosses Immunity in Exchange for Providing Info on Rival Drug Organizations

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

en español... Documentos afirman que EUA protege al "Cartel de Sinaloa”

July 31, 2011

Remarks of Javier Sicilia to the Mexican National Congress at Chapultepec Castle

The Poet Cited Ezra Pound: “When a man betrays his word, or his word is worth nothing, or that man is worth nothing.”

By Javier Sicilia
Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity, Mexico

en español... Comentarios de Javier Sicilia al Congreso Nacional Mexicano en el Castillo de Chapultepec

July 30, 2011

US Officials Say They Won't Give a Reason for Blocking Mexican Human Rights Defender's Flight

When Asked About the Incident, Transportation Security Administration Agency Cites 'Security' Matters

By Erin Rosa
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

July 26, 2011

NFL Players Showed the Power of Organizing Strategically

They Studied Martin Luther King, the Egyptian Revolution, and Other Struggles to Win their Union Victory over NFL Owners

By Al Giordano
The Field

July 25, 2011

First Fantasy Football-a-thon to Benefit The Fund for Authentic Journalism

Announcing "The Authentic League," Where NFL Football Fanatics Can Make Their Addiction Work for a Worthy Cause

By Al Giordano
The Authentic League

July 25, 2011

Congress Told of Strategy Behind Fast and Furious Months Before Its Launch

Former Deputy Attorney General Laid Out Game Plan in Testimony Delivered in March 2009

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

en español... El Congreso fue informado de la estrategia de Rápido y Furioso meses antes de su lanzamiento

July 24, 2011

Open Letter to Conscious Men and Women Of This World

“Offenses and Threats That Are Always Happening to Us from the Gringo Government... They Touched Me Last Night”

By Raquel Gutiérrez Aguilar
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Carta abierta a los hombres y mujeres sensibles de este mundo

July 22, 2011

Lawmakers Doth Protest Too Much over ATF’s Fast and Furious Scandal

Congress Continues to Ignore House of Death Cover-up Spawned During Bush Administration

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

en español... ¿Acaso los legisladores están protestando suficiente sobre el escándalo ATA Rápido y Furioso?

July 17, 2011

Mexican Military Commander Removed Following Disappearance Investigation

Shake Up Happens After Morelos Lawmakers Support Withdraw of Soldiers from Streets

By Erin Rosa
Via the Narcosphere

en español... Trasladan a General militar mexicano ante investigación de desaparición

July 13, 2011

Mexico’s State of Morelos: "We've Been Trained in the Art of Resistance"

From the Revolution of 1910 to the Civil Resistance of 2011, a Small State Continues to Shake a Nation

By Hanna Nikkanen
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... El Estado de Morelos, México: “Hemos sido entrenados en el arte de la resistencia civil”

July 11, 2011

ATF’s Fast and Furious Seems Colored With Shades of Iran/Contra Scandal

Congressional Inquiry Raising Specter of Spooks in the Soup

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

July 11, 2011

Mexican Military Accused of Drug War Disappearance

Arrest of Suspects in Murder of Jethro Ramsses Sánchez Santana Leaves Unanswered Questions

By Erin Rosa
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Militares mexicanos acusados de desaparición forzada

July 6, 2011

Mexican Government Treats Disappeared Like “Collateral Damage”

Growing Movement Against Drug War Is Pushing Back Against Impunity

By Tadeu Breda, Irene Caselli, Kanya D'Almeida, Candice Vallantin and Katie Walsh
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... El gobierno mexicano trata a los desaparecidos como “daños colaterales”

July 5, 2011

House of Death Informant Files Lawsuit Against US Government

Former Mexican Cop Who Helped Oversee House in Juarez Used for Torture and Murder Claims ICE Still Owes Him Money

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

July 4, 2011

“We Didn't Have Our Sons and Daughters for War”

Indigenous Peoples From Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Paraguay, Peru and Mexico Meet in Cauca, Colombia

By Mercedes Osuna
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... “No parimos hijos e hijas para la guerra”

June 28, 2011

Drug War Victims Confront Mexican President

In a Meeting With Felipe Calderón, Citizens Talk About Their Loses, Their Pain, and the Failed Strategy of the War on Drugs

By Carolina Corral
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... El encuentro en el Castillo: Calderón y las víctimas de su guerra contra las drogas

June 27, 2011

Raided Mexican Ranch Linked to US Drug War Corruption

Former CIA Asset Claims US Special Forces Assisted Mexican Soldiers In Assault on Stash Site

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

June 20, 2011

Video: Barrel of Laughs

Serbian Resistance Organizer Ivan Marovic Explains How to Create a "Dilemma Action" Using Humor to Weaken the Power of Tyrants

By School of Authentic Journalism, artwork by Nathan Mpangala

June 17, 2011

If Crime Is Organized, then Why Not Us?

Sicilia: “We Are Taking the First Steps in this Great Crusade to Dignify Our Country”

By Marta Molina
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Si el Crimen está organizado, porqué nosotros no?

June 16, 2011

A Mexican Movement at a Crossroads: A Paper Pact or an Organized Community?

While the Media and Some Activists Obsess Upon the “National Pact,” a Deeper History Unfolds Among Drug War Victims

By Al Giordano
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Un Movimiento Mexicano en la encrucijada: Un Pacto de papel o una comunidad organizada?

June 16, 2011

LeBaron in Durango: “The Solution is With Us”

Former Municipal Police Officer Oscar Hernández of the State of Mexico Calls Upon “Good Police to Abandon Your Uniforms and Join the Movement”

By Julián LeBaron with Antonio Cervantes
Caravan of Solace

en español... LeBaron en Durango: “La solución está en nosotros”

June 14, 2011

Julian LeBaron, in Zacatecas, Speaks of Community Organizing as a Strategy to End the Violence

“The Neighbors Began to Organize Block by Block in the Neighborhoods Where They Live”

By Julian LeBaron with Antonio Cervantes
Caravan of Solace

en español... Julián LeBaron, en Zacatecas, habla de organización comunitaria como estrategia para combatir la violencia

June 14, 2011

LeBaron in Chihuahua: May This Caravan Live Forever!

“Today I Get Off the Victims’ Bus to Be an Agent of Change and Work in My Community”

By Julian LeBaron with Antonio Cervantes
Caravan of Solace

en español... LeBaron en Chihuahua: ¡Que viva esta Caravana por siempre!

June 12, 2011

Mexico Caravan vs. the Drug War Finds Coherence and Unity in Chihuahua

Thousands, with Javier Sicilia, Install Plaque in Memory of Marisela Escobedo, on the Morning Before the Caravan’s Arrival in Ciudad Juárez

By Marta Molina and Al Giordano
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... En Chihuahua la Caravana en contra de la Guerra contra las drogas encuentra coherencia y unidad

June 10, 2011

“Authentic Journalism Offers a Solution to Problems,” Al Giordano Says

While Traditional Journalism Dies, Social Communication From the People Gets Stronger

By Ingrid Morris
Class of 2011, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... “El periodismo auténtico contribuye a la solución de problemas” afirma Al Giordano

June 10, 2011

LeBaron in Torreón, Mexico: “Do You See How Much Power We Have?”

“There Is Not a Hit Man nor a Kidnapper Who Would Dare Raise His Hand Here”

By Julián LeBaron and Antonio Cervantes
Caravan of Solace

en español... LeBaron en Torreón, México: “¿Se dan cuenta de nuestro poder?”

June 10, 2011

Federal Police Raid Human Rights Center in Ciudad Juárez

The Human Rights Center of Paso del Norte in Juárez Was Actively Involved in Javier Sicilia’s Caravan for Peace

By Candice Vallantin
Special to the Narco News Bulletin

en español... La Policía Federal allana centro de derechos humanos en Ciudad Juárez

June 7, 2011

“The Violence is Not In the Guns or the Drugs. The Violence Is Within Us.”

Remarks of Julian LeBaron in San Luis Potosí, in the Caravan to Ciudad Juárez to Stop the War

By Julián LeBaron
Caravan of Solace

en español... “La violencia no está en las armas ni en las drogas. La violencia está en nosotros.”

June 6, 2011

Javier Sicilia Slams the Politics of Insult and Gives the Movement a Lesson in Nonviolence

“The Violence Begins by Shouting Insults,” He Warns Activists, Who Then Join Him in Five Minutes of Silence and Reflection

By Marta Molina and Al Giordano
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Sicilia rechaza la política del insulto y da una lección de noviolencia al movimiento

June 6, 2011

The National Caravan To End Mexico's Drug War Begins

“This Is a Lesson in Democracy. It Is Proof That You Can Live in Solidarity, United,” Says Javier Sicilia

By Erin Rosa
Special to the Narco News Bulletin

en español... La Caravana Nacional para el final de la Guerra contra las Drogas Comienza

June 6, 2011

US Special Ops Troops Deployed in Mexico, Leaked Briefing Confirms

Document, Prepared At the Request of a “Tea Party” Congressman, Indicates the 7th Special Forces Group “Has Conducted Operations in Every Latin American Country”

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

en español... Tropas especiales de los EEUU desplegadas en México, confirma informe filtrado

June 5, 2011

The Nonviolent Occupation of Ciudad Juárez

Actions of Presence and Actions of Conscience

By Antonio Cervantes
Caravan of Solace

en español... La Ocupación pacifica de Ciudad Juárez

June 2, 2011

Pilgrimage to the Sources of Javier Sicilia, the Poet Who Is Shaking Mexico

The Philosophical, Literary and Political Roots of the Man Who Has Converted Many Struggles into One: to End the Violent War on Drugs

By Marta Molina
Class of 2011, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... Peregrinación a las fuentes de Javier Sicilia, el poeta que estremece a México

June 1, 2011

Sicilia to Journalists: “I Think My Son Would be Very Proud”

Remarks to the Graduating Class of the 2011 School of Authentic Journalism, May 21, Mexico City

By Javier Sicilia
Transcript by Henry Taksier

en español... Sicilia a los periodistas: “Yo creo que mi hijo estaría orgulloso”

June 1, 2011

US Drug-War Policy Planting the Seeds of Civil-Society Destruction

Rising Murder Rate Is Byproduct of Decades of Legal and Covert US Arms Shipments to Latin America

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

May 30, 2011

Torture Firm Risks Incorporated Tied To Destructive Evictions in Haiti

US Security Firm Caught Training Mexican Police in Torture Techniques Is Working in the Caribbean

By Ansel Herz
Special to the Narco News Bulletin

May 29, 2011

“The People Are Ultimately Those Who Are in Charge, and the Government Must Know That”

Oscar Olivera Challenges His Old Friend and President Evo Morales’ Administration from Below and to the Left

By Irene Caselli
Class of 2011, School of Authentic Journalism

May 27, 2011

Organizer of US Families of Murder Victims, Renny Cushing, Responds to Mexican Call for US Involvement in Stopping the Drug War

Caravans from US Cities to Converge on El Paso and Juárez to Meet with Mexican Caravan Inspired by Javier Sicilia

By Terri Bennett
Class of 2011, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... Organizador de familias de víctimas de homicidio en EU, Renny Cushing, se une a los mexicanos a parar la Guerra de las Drogas

May 27, 2011

Javier Sicilia to Narco News: “Journalists Amplify the Voice of Civil Society”

A Surprise Visit to the School of Authentic Journalism’s Graduation Dinner Brought a Lengthy Discussion with Participants

By Henry Taksier
Class of 2011, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... Javier Sicilia a Narco News: “Los periodistas amplifican la voz de la sociedad civil”.

May 26, 2011

The Measure of a Movement: Stephen Zunes on Nonviolent Resistance

The Perpetual Writing Machine Comes to the 2011 School of Authentic Journalism

By Tyler Stringfellow
Class of 2011, School of Authentic Journalism

May 26, 2011

Radio: A Medium that Revolutionizes

Veteran Radio Newsman Andrew Stelzer Teaches Print, Online and Video Journalists the Basics of Audio Reporting

By Sandra Vi Sánchez
Class of 2011, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... Radio: el medio que revoluciona…

May 26, 2011

Janet Cherry: “Even If You Think There Is No Space, You Can Create that Space.”

South African Veteran of the Defeat of Apartheid Cites Four Key Components of a Successful Movement: Sustained Action, Mobilization, Strategy and Common Goals

By Aoife Allen
Class of 2011, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... Janet Cherry: “Aunque creas que no hay un espacio, puedes crear ese espacio”

May 26, 2011

Laughing in the Face of Repression

Serbian Revolutionary Ivan Marovic Shares His Experience with School of Authentic Journalism

By Henry Taksier
Class of 2011, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... Riéndose en la cara de la represión

May 26, 2011

Egypt’s Revolution Retold by Four Who Helped Make It Happen

In Mexico, Noha Atef, Namees Arnous, Joe Rizk and Maria Dayton Share their Experience with Eighty International Journalists

By Alphonce Shiundu
Class of 2011, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... La Revolución Egipcia contada por cuatro de los que ayudaron a hacerla posible

May 25, 2011

Tahrir Square as It Happened

Egyptian Journalist Namees Arnous Recounts for the School of Authentic Journalism Her Days and Nights in the Revolution of 2011

By Alphonce Shiundu
Class of 2011, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... Así ocurrió en Plaza Tahrir

May 25, 2011

Journalist Anabel Hernández Won't Stop Fighting Corruption in Mexico Despite Death Threats

Her Book, "The Lords of the Narco," Has Sold 75,000 Copies in Mexico and Will Soon Be Available in English

By Tadeu Breda
Class of 2011, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... Los tiros de la verdad

May 25, 2011

Egypt: How We Did It When the Media Would Not

The First in a Series on The Daily Life of Egypt's Revolution and a Manual on How a Civil Resistance Was Built to Win

By Aalam Wassef (Narrator)
Narco News TV

en español... Egipto: Cómo lo hicimos cuando los medios no lo harían

May 24, 2011

The Art of Authentic Journalism According to Bill Conroy

“In a better world, his reporting would be given awards,” says Charles Bowden. “Of course in a better world, the US government would not be conspiring to murder Mexican citizens.”

By Candice Vallantin
Class of 2011, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... Bill Conroy y el arte del periodismo de investigación

May 23, 2011

Javier Sicilia and North American Organizers Present Caravan Bound for Ciudad Juárez

“In This March We Are Again Embracing Ourselves Amidst This Pain and Recognizing Ourselves Through Love”

By Lucero Mendizábal
Class of 2011, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... Presenta Javier Sicilia y organizadores norteamericanos a la Caravana con destino a la Ciudad de Juárez

May 22, 2011

“We Will Continue Working Even if Julian Assange Is in Jail”

Natalia Viana, Independent Collaborator of WikiLeaks in Brazil, Speaks on the Organization’s Ability to Transform the Core Principles of Journalism

By Tadeu Breda
Class of 2011, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... “Seguimos trabajando tras la prisión de Julian Assange”

May 22, 2011

"Gringoyo" Offers Another "Flavor" to Video Journalists

Mexico-Based Filmmaker Gregory Berger Melds Parody and Reporting to Make Videos on Social Movements "Go Viral"

By Alex Elgee
Class of 2011, School of Authentic Journalism

May 20, 2011

A Revolution Is Like “Good Sex”

The Ivan Marovic Story Is Coming to a Street Theater Near You

By Kanya D’Almeida
Class of 2011, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... Una Revolución es como tener "buen sexo"

May 19, 2011

Egyptian Noha Atef Shatters Silence on Police Torture

Blogger Demonstrated Coolness Under Pressure, Smart Tactics, Strategy and Vision

By Katie Walsh
Class of 2011, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... Egipcia Noha Atef quiebra el silencio sobre la tortura policiaca

May 19, 2011

Buckle Down and Enjoy the Ride to the Land of Authentic Journalism

Scholars from Around the World Attend the Inaugural Dinner for the Narco News School of Authentic Journalism

By Arzu Geybullayeva
Special to the Narco News Bulletin

en español... Abróchense los cinturones y disfruten el viaje a la tierra del Periodismo Auténtico

May 18, 2011

Javier Sicilia Speech from the Zócalo in Mexico City

The Mexican Poet and Journalist Speaks on May 8 After Silent March from Cuernavaca

By Javier Sicilia
Translated by Narco News

en español... Sicilia en el Zócalo: cambio radical o boicot electoral

May 10, 2011

Mexico Marches Over Deadly Cost of War on Drugs

More Than 90,000 Show Up in Mexico City Zócalo to Demand an End to the Violence

By William Lloyd George
The Independent

May 9, 2011

Zapatistas Flood San Cristóbal by the Thousands, Join Call to Stop the War

Saturday's Silent March in Chiapas Was Prelude to Sunday's Convergence on Mexico City

By Natalie Long
Special to the Narco News Bulletin

en español... Zapatistas inundan San Cristóbal por miles, se unen al llamado a detener la guerra

May 8, 2011

Learning to Walk Again with Javier Sicilia

The Silent March Against the Drug War Entered Mexico City, and with It, a Second Wind for Change

By Al Giordano
The Field

en español... Aprendiendo a caminar otra vez con Javier Sicilia

May 7, 2011

The March Advances to Mexico City Amidst Silence and Cheerfulness

Raúl Vera, Rius, Eduardo Gallo, Julian Lebarón, and Francisco Rebolledo Attend

By Jaime Luis Brito
La Jornada

en español... La marcha avanza hacia el DF en medio del silencio y el ánimo

May 6, 2011

Narco News Is On the Front Lines of Journalism in the 21st Century

The School of Authentic Journalism is Bringing Together Journalists Who are Redefining the Meaning of Journalism

By Quincy Saul
Class of 2011, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... Narco News está en la línea del frente del siglo XXI

May 5, 2011

Cuernavaca March Begins: “It Seems Calderón Didn't Hear Me,” Says Javier Sicilia

Diverse Sectors of the Mexican Public Join the Silent March to the Capital

By Carolina Corral
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Comienza en Cuernavaca la marcha: “Parece que Calderón no me oyó,” dice Javier Sicilia

May 5, 2011

Cuernavaca Preparing for Four Day March to Mexico City to Stop the War

A Contingent of Victims: Family Members of Murdered Immigrants Join the March

By Carolina Corral
Special to the Narco News Bulletin

en español... Cuernavaca se prepara para caminata de 4 días al DF para exigir un Alto a la Guerra!

May 4, 2011

Institutional Violence In Acámbaro, Southern Municipality of Mexico's Guanajuato

Acámbaro Besieged by Hundreds of Police With Weapons and Masks, With Some Dressed in Civilian Clothes in Unmarked Vans

By Andrés Casar
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Violencia institucional en Acámbaro, municipio sureño del estado de Guanajuato

May 4, 2011

The Kind of Work Ethic I Can Relate To

Narco News Tells the Truth and the Story the Way It Is, Without Spin

By Ela Stapley
Class of 2011, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... La clase de ética de trabajo que puede relacionarse conmigo

May 4, 2011

Defend Honest Journalism About Social Movements

“Please support me in crafting my voice and sharpening my tools.”

By Anya Bird
Class of 2011, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... Defienda al periodismo honesto de los movimientos sociales

May 2, 2011

Video Communiqué to the People of Morelos, of Mexico and the World

A Call to the People of Morelos, of Mexico, and of the World, to Hang Plaques with the Names of Those Who Have Died Because of the “War on Drugs”

By Javier Sicilia
Narco News TV

May 1, 2011

I Want to Be a Full Time Authentic Journalist

“Attending the School of Authentic Journalism Will Help Me Report on Social Change at the Source”

By Aoife Allen
Class of 2011, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... Quiero ser una periodista auténtica de tiempo completo

April 29, 2011

Letter to don Javier Sicilia from Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos

“The Indigenous Zapatistas Will March in Silence in the City of San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas”

By Subcomandante Marcos
Zapatista Army of National Liberation

en español... Carta a Don Javier Sicilia de Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos

April 28, 2011

Cuernavaca Peace Fountain Waters Turn Blood Red in Protest vs. Drug War

A Month After the Murder of Juan Francisco Sicilia and Other Young People, a National Forum Begins

By Carolina Corral
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Se tiñe del color de la sangre el agua de la Paloma de la Paz en Cuernavaca

April 28, 2011

Mexico Preparing to Sue US Companies Deemed Culpable for Drug-War Crimes

Mexican Government Will Pursue Civil Lawsuits Over Arms Trafficking and Money Laundering

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

en español... México se prepara para demandar a compañías estadounidenses consideradas culpables por crímenes de la guerra contra las drogas

April 27, 2011

Javier Sicilia: The Resurrection of the Country is the Goal of Nonviolent Insurrection

“Not Only Are There Criminals Outside, There Are Also Criminals Who Protect Them from Inside Institutions” Says the Poet and Journalist

By Patricia Guerrero
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Javier Sicilia: La resurrección de un país, el objetivo de la insurrección pacífica

April 27, 2011

Authentic Journalism Shakes Up the Powers that Be

To Keep the Fire of Resistance Burning We Need Your Support

By Cheyenne Cary
Class of 2011, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... El periodismo auténtico sacude a los poderes existentes

April 27, 2011

Mexican Army Violates University Autonomy

While Congress Pushes Repressive Security Law, Armed Soldiers in Mexico City Enter National University

By Fernando León
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Ejército Mexicano viola autonomía universitaria

April 26, 2011

Mexican Narco-Trafficker’s Revelation Exposes Drug War’s Duplicity

Trail of Government Intrigue Leads Back to Cocaine Jet That Crashed in Mexico’s Yucatan

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

en español... Revelación de narcotraficante mexicano expone la duplicidad en la guerra contra las drogas

April 25, 2011

“Spring Breakers without Borders,” a Documentary From a Violent Mexico

Documentary Filmmaker Greg Berger Satirizes “the Toxic Policies” of the US Against Mexico

By Arturo Rodríguez Garcia
Proceso magazine

en español... “Spring breakers sin miedo”, un documental del México violento

April 25, 2011

Help Me Become a Better Journalist Than I've Ever Been

The School of Authentic Journalism Teaches Us How to Report on the Struggles We Believe In

By Hanna Nikkanen
Class of 2011, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... Ayúdenme a ser mejor periodista de lo que he sido

April 25, 2011


Trailer for the Hard-Hitting Documentary on Paramilitary Violence in Colombia and the Citizenry's Efforts to Seek Justice

By Juan José Lozano & Hollman Morris
Morris Productions

April 24, 2011

Calderón Pal Ugalde Smears Javier Sicilia on Washington DC Facebook Page

Forgive them, Facebook. They Know Not What They Do

By Al Giordano
The Field

en español... Amigo de Calderón desprestigia a Javier Sicilia en página de Facebook de Washington DC

April 22, 2011

Authentic Journalism Means Listening to the Voices of the People

The School of Authentic Journalism Will Teach Me How to Create Media that Matters

By Terri Bennett
Class of 2011, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... El periodismo auténtico significa escuchar las voces de la gente

April 22, 2011

Support Authentic Journalism for a Better Democracy

The School of Authentic Journalism Makes the World a Better Place for Humanity

By Buya Jammeh
Class of 2011, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... Apoyen al periodismo auténtico para una mejor democracia

April 20, 2011

Homero Aridjis: “Only Civil Resistance Will Save Mexico”

“Students, Farmers, the Popular and Middle Classes, Can Do Something Against the Impunity”

By Carina Pérez García

en español... Sólo la resistencia civil salvará a México: Homero Aridjis

April 18, 2011

The State Government of Morelos, Mexico, Kidnaps Memorial Plaques of the Victims of the War on Drugs

Citizens Organize to Put the Names of the Murdered Up Again on the Wall of the Government Palace

By Carolina Corral
Narco News Cuernavaca

en español... El Gobierno del Estado de Morelos México, secuestra las placas memoriales de las víctimas de la Guerra contra las drogas

April 18, 2011

My Chance to Work with Some of the World’s Most Talented Journalists

The School of Authentic Journalism Offers an Escape from Boring and Recycled News Reporting

By Henry Taksier
Class of 2011, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... Mi oportunidad de trabajar con algunos de los periodistas más talentosos del mundo

April 18, 2011

Giovanni Proiettis Has to Return to Mexico

Thinkers, Journalists and Organizers Demand the Return of the Deported Journalist

By Journalists, Intellectuals, and Artists from Mexico and the World
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Giovanni Proiettis tiene que regresar a México
em português... Giovanni Proiettis Deve Voltar ao Mexico
auf Deutsch... Giovanni Proiettis Muss nach Mexiko Zurück
en français... Giovanni Proiettis doit rentrer au Mexique
in italiano... Giovanni Proiettis deve tornare in Messico

April 17, 2011

Mexico: The Hour of the Poet

"There are times in history when unexpected events suddenly alter the social landscape and change the political rules of the game."

By Kent Paterson
The Salem News

April 17, 2011

Deported Journalist Gianni Proiettis Speaks from Rome

The First Journalist Expelled from Mexico in the Twenty-First Century Plans to Return to His Home of 18 Years

By Al Giordano
The Field

en español... El periodista deportado, Gianni Proiettis, habla desde Roma

April 17, 2011

Professor and Italian Journalist Gianni Proiettis Deported From Mexico

Immigration Authorities Held Him Incommunicado Until His Unexplained Deportation

By Mercedes Osuna
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Gianni Proiettis, catedrático y periodista italiano, deportado de México

April 16, 2011

Mexican Government Detains Italian Journalist Gianni Proiettis… Again

Arrested and Released in December, With an Apology From the Chiapas Government, This Time National Immigration Authorities Are Holding Him

By Al Giordano
The Field

en español... Gobierno mexicano detiene al periodista italiano Gianni Proiettis... otra vez

April 15, 2011

Authentic Journalism Tells the Stories That Aren't Told

Support A Committed Journalism That Will Build a Social Transformation

By Aldo Orellana López
Class of 2011, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... El periodismo auténtico tiene la necesidad de contar historias que no son contadas

April 15, 2011

US-Backed Programs Supplying the Firepower for Mexico’s Soaring Murder Rate

Felipe Calderón's Drug War Has Become a Hot Market for US Arms Trade

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

en español... Programas apoyados por los EEUU abastecen armas para el aumento de las muertes en México

April 14, 2011

Stop the War, for a Just Mexico in Peace

The Call for a National March

By Javier Sicilia
Translated by Narco News

en español... Detengan la Guerra, por un México justo y en paz

April 14, 2011

Wide Coalition Calls for National Mexico City “Stop the War” March on May 8

Neighbors and Townspeople Discuss the Creation of Local Constituent Assemblies

By Al Giordano
The Field

en español... Amplia coalición convoca una marcha para "detener la guerra" en la Ciudad de México el 8 de mayo

April 13, 2011

The Narco News School of Authentic Journalism Represents a Point of No Return

Support This Attempt to Move Beyond the Mundane Mass Culture of News

By Kanya D’Almeida
Class of 2011, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... La Escuela de Periodismo Auténtico representa un punto sin retorno

April 13, 2011

Javier Sicilia Posts First Names on Drug War's "Vietnam Wall"

Tuesday's "Dilemma Action" Was Warm Up for Wednesday's Major Announcement to Come

By Al Giordano
The Field

en español... Javier Sicilia escribe los primeros nombres en el "Muro de Vietnam" de la Guerra contra las drogas

April 13, 2011

Javier Sicilia Wakes Up Mexico

One Man or Woman Can Reestablish the Proper Social Order of an Entire Country... See How Javier Sicilia Has Done It in Mexico

The Latest from Narco News TV

en español... Javier Sicilia Despierta a México

April 12, 2011

Seven More Years?

US and Mexican Officials Make Contradictory Claims on Successes and Failures of the “War on Drugs”

By Zach Lindsey
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... ¿Siete años más?

April 11, 2011

Help Us Build an Other Way to Communicate

Narco News Offers View of Reality Away from Large Media Empires

By Iván Sánchez López
Class of 2011, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... Ayúdanos a construir otra manera de comunicar

April 11, 2011

How to Walk Like an Egyptian: Egypt's Tahrir Square, April 8

An Eight-Minute Viral Video that Serves as a Manual on How to Defeat an Army Militarily, without Throwing Rocks or Engaging in "First World Activist" Riot Porn

By AllNighter
Egyptian Viral Video Maker

en español... Como caminar como un egipcio: Plaza Tahrir, Egipto, 8 de abril

April 10, 2011

Why They Are Marching Against Drug War Violence

Mexican Citizens, In Their Own Words

By Erin Rosa
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Porqué están marchando por la violencia de la guerra contra las drogas

April 10, 2011

And This Is What History Looks Like in Mexico

Yesterday's Mass Marches to End the Drug War and Send the Army Back to Its Barracks, and "Arab Spring" in Cuernavaca

By Al Giordano
The Field

en español... Y así es como se ve la historia en México

April 7, 2011

An Authentic Journalist Speaks from a Free Egypt

“Let me tell you a story about media and revolution.”

By Namees Arnous
Class of 2011, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... Una periodista auténtica habla desde un Egipto libre

April 7, 2011

Javier Sicilia Proposes the Legalization of Drugs, Not Impunity for Criminals

The Mexican Journalist and Poet Who Has Sparked a Mass National Protest Has a Solution to the "War on Drugs"

By José Gil Olmos

en español... Javier Sicilia propone legalización de drogas, no impunidad para criminales

April 6, 2011

A Year After Expropriations, Mexico City's Superhighway Suspended

The Federal Bureau of Environmental Protection Orders The Project To Be Postponed

By Fernando León
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... A un año de las expropiaciones, la Supervía se tambalea

April 6, 2011

Mexico, You Have More Power Than You Know!

Time to “Go Egyptian” on the Drug War: A Narco News Editorial

By Al Giordano
Publisher, Narco News

en español... México, ¡Tienes más poder del que crees!

April 5, 2011

Armed Men Burn Down Homes of Family that Blew the Whistle on Mexico's “War on Drugs”

Family Member Says It's “Because We Don't Shut Up” About Military Human Rights Abuses

By Erin Rosa
Via the Narcosphere

April 5, 2011

Javier Sicilia's Open Letter to Mexico's Politicians and Criminals

After the Murder of the Poet and Journalist's Son, a Call to the Nation's Citizenry to Come Out into the Streets on Wednesday

By Javier Sicilia
Translated from Proceso by Narco News

en español... Javier Sicilia: Carta abierta a políticos y criminales
en français... Javier Sicilia: lettre ouverte aux politiques et criminels

April 4, 2011

Keep the Dream Alive, Man!

Help Ensure the Work of a Whole New Generation of Authentic Journalists

By Candice Vallantin
Class of 2011, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... ¡Mantengan el sueño vivo!

April 4, 2011

Bahrain 101

A Small Country with a Big Struggle Needs Global Support and Attention

By Hanna Nikkanen
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

April 4, 2011

US Private Sector Providing Drug-War Mercenaries to Mexico

Job Posting Seeks Former Soldiers to Provide Urban Warfare, Counterinsurgency Training

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

en español... Sector privado de los EEUU proporciona mercenarios de guerra a México
em português... Setor privado dos EUA fornece mercenários da guerra às drogas ao México

April 3, 2011

Where Next for #Revolution?

We Love This Video by Our Australian Friends at Rap News, Which Imagines North Africa's Revolutionary Tide Coming to the United States

By Rap News

April 1, 2011

Mexico's Largest Media Corporation Behind Plan to Censor Drug War Coverage

The “Mexico Initiative” PR Campaign Returns To Distort and Sanitize News Reports

By Erin Rosa
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... El medio corporativo más grande de México detrás del plan para censurar la cobertura de la guerra contra las drogas

March 28, 2011

The Inevitable Spectacle of the Aristide Myth

Historical Amnesia in the International Media about Haiti

By Nick Stratton
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

March 28, 2011

Tahrir and Beyond: Ten Days That Shook My World

From the Heart of Egypt's Resistance to a Madrid Gathering of Authentic Journalists, Something New Is Being Born

By Al Giordano
The Field

en español... Tahrir y más allá: Diez días que sacudieron mi mundo

March 25, 2011

Communities in Jalisco Organize for the Final Battle Against the El Zapotillo Dam

In Addition to a Legal Strategy, Residents are Betting on Community Organizing

By Fernando León
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Comunidades en Jalisco se organizan para la batalla final en contra de la presa El Zapotillo

March 23, 2011

Evidence of “Extrajudicial” Death Squads Emerging in Mexico

Leaked State Department Cable Claims Juárez Business Leaders Hired Former Zetas for “Protection”

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

March 20, 2011

Meet the 41 Narco News Authentic Journalism Scholars, Class of 2011

These Talents of Social Conscience Will Come Together for Ten Days of Intensive Training in Mexico in May

By Al Giordano
President, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... Conozcan a los 41 estudiantes de la Escuela de Periodismo Auténtico de Narco News, generación 2011

March 14, 2011

ATF’s PR Gun Busts Perpetuate Drug-War Fairy Tale

Federal Agency’s “Good Story” Spin Conceals Ugly Underbelly of the Drug War

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

March 14, 2011

Neighbors Score Victory in Mexico City Sports Stadium Fight

Local Government Says Residents Have Won Campaign To Save Two Public Parks

By Erin Rosa
Via the Narcosphere

March 10, 2011

Bolivian President Uses Former DEA Agent’s Book to Send Message to the World

Evo Morales Challenging Media to Read Between the Lines of “The Big White Lie”

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

March 6, 2011

Reyes Family: “Militarization of Drug War in Mexico to Blame for Extortions, Kidnappings and Murders”

The Assassination of Juárez Human Rights Defender Josefina Reyes Salazar Has Been Followed by Continuing Attacks on Her Family

By Fernando León and Erin Rosa
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Familia Reyes: “La militarizacioń es gran parte la culpable de tanta extorsión, secuestros y asesinatos”
em português... México: “A militarização da guerra às drogas é a culpada por extorsão, sequestros e assassinatos”

March 2, 2011

Mexican Government Completes PR Investigation of US Agent’s Murder

Suspects Now in Custody Smell Like Scapegoats, Law Enforcement Sources Contend

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

en español... El Gobierno de México concluye la investigación sobre el asesinato del agente de los EEUU

February 27, 2011

Why Is TeleSur a Flop? Look No Farther than Its Libya Coverage

The People of Egypt Have Sent the Nation-States and Their Leaders Scrambling to Understand How the Old Geopolitical Map is Useless to Them Now

By Al Giordano
The Field

en español... ¿Por qué TeleSur es un fracaso? No busque más allá de su cobertura en Libia

February 23, 2011

Open Letter to Mexico City Mayor Marcelo Ebrard

A Letter From International Organizations About Mexico City's Superhighway Project

By Environmental and Civil Rights Organizations from the United States and Canada
With Twenty-Seven Organizations

en español... Carta abierta a Marcelo Ebrard, Jefe de Gobierno del Distrito Federal

February 21, 2011

Neighbors Affected By Different Mexico City Construction Projects Meet

They Are Coordinating the Creation of a Large Opposition Front Organized as Part of the First Assembly in Defense of the Land

By Fernando León
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Vecinos afectados por distintos proyectos en la Ciudad de México se reúnen

February 21, 2011

ICE Agent’s Murder In Mexico Could Become a Cold Case

Investigation Already Marked by Drug War Duplicity

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

en español... Asesinato de agente de ICE en México puede convertirse en un caso sin resolver

February 19, 2011

Keep Clif Alive

In Memory of Clif Garboden (1948-2011), the Conscience of American Journalism

By Al Giordano
The Boston Phoenix

February 19, 2011

ICE Agents Shot in Mexico Were Targeted, Ambushed, Law Enforcement Source Claims

US Agents Were Participating in Training With Mexican Law Enforcers

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

en español... Agentes de EEUU atacados en México eran el objetivo y fueron emboscados, afirman fuentes

February 15, 2011

US Teaching “Counterinsurgency” Courses To Mexican Military in Drug War

State Department Report Details Special Forces “Mobile Training Teams” South of the Border

By Erin Rosa
Via the Narcosphere

en español... Los EEUU dan cursos de “contrainsurgencia” a militares mexicanos en la guerra contra las drogas

February 13, 2011

Pentagon Fingered as a Source of Narco-Firepower in Mexico

The Big Clubs in Mexico’s Drug War Aren’t Slipping Through the Gun-Show Loophole

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

en español... El Pentágono señalado como fuente de la potencia bélica del narco en México

February 12, 2011

Tahrir Round: This Is What History Looks Like

What We Can Learn from the Strategy and Tactics of the Egyptian Civil Resistance

By Al Giordano
The Field

en español... El Círculo de Tahrir: Así es como se ve la historia

February 10, 2011

Interview with Pepe Luis Acacho from the García Moreno Prison in Quito, Ecuador

Pepe Luis Acacho Speaks with the CONAIE Communications Team at the García Moreno Prison in Quito

By The CONAIE Communications Team
Federation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE)

en español... Entrevista con Pepe Luis Acacho desde el Penal García Moreno de Quito, Ecuador

February 7, 2011

Why I've Removed My Journalism from the Huffington Post

The $315 Million Dollar Merger with AOL Will Have to Proceed Without Us

By Al Giordano
The Field

February 7, 2011

After Criticizing Bankers, Mexican Cartoonist's Account Canceled

Famous Caricaturist “El Fisgón” Says Banamex Closed Account With No Warning

By Erin Rosa
Via the Narcosphere

February 2, 2011

One Authentic Journalist’s Brave Struggle with... Herself

“I kinda sorta want you to donate to the School of Authentic Journalism”

By Katie Halper
Class of 2010, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... La valiente lucha de una periodista auténtica... con ella misma

January 31, 2011

Jailed Iran/Contra Whistleblower Claims US Prosecutor “Lied to Judge”

Cele Castillo Contends Proof of Deception is Now in the Court Record

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

January 30, 2011

An Interview with Noha Atef – Egyptian Journalist, Blogger and Dissident – on the Historic Events Underway in Her Country

“Mubarak’s Regime Is Dead… That Is What the People Want, and I Think That It Will Happen”

By Al Giordano
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Una entrevista con Noha Atef—periodista, blogger y disidente egipcia—sobre los acontecimientos actuales en su país

January 29, 2011

Julian Assange, Interviewed by the Brazilian People

“We have decided to expand our presence in Brazil,” the WikiLeaks Founder Announces

By Natalia Viana
Carta Capital

en español... Julian Assange entrevistado por el pueblo brasileño

January 27, 2011

Citizen Journalism and Civil Resistance: Announcing Workshop in Madrid, Spain, March 20-23

Deadline for Applications is Monday, January 31

By Al Giordano
The Field

January 27, 2011

State Department Looking for U.S.-Trained Zetas in All the Wrong Places

Leaked Cable Exposes Diplomatic Sleight of Hand

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

January 24, 2011

Organized Neighborhoods Oppose Transportation Projects in Mexico City

Mayor Marcelo Ebrard's Response to Nonviolent Resistance: Riot Police

By Fernando León and Erin Rosa

en español... Barrios organizados se oponen a proyectos de transporte en la Ciudad de México

January 21, 2011

NYC's Expert Witness Radio Opens New Year on Narco News Note

Authentic Journalism Hits the Radio Airwaves in Big Apple

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

January 19, 2011

Ten Days Left to Apply for a 2011 Authentic Journalism Scholarship

The January 23 Deadline Approaches to Complete the Application for the Session on Movement Strategies for Journalists

By Al Giordano
The Field

en español... Quedan 10 días para solicitar una beca para la Escuela de Periodismo Auténtico 2011

January 13, 2011

Why I’m Grateful for Narco News

After Ten Years, this Newspaper Has Demonstrated that Yesterday’s Heretic Is Today’s Visionary

By Greg Berger
Class of 2004, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... Porqué estoy agradecido por Narco News

January 13, 2011

Lanny Davis Fails To Secure Funds For Coup Regime In Honduras

Aid Program Through US Government's Millennium Challenge Corporation Won't Be Renewed

By Erin Rosa
Via the Narcosphere

en español... Lanny Davis fracasa en asegurar fondos para el régimen golpista en Honduras

January 11, 2011

Tucson: An Eye for an Eye Blinds All

“Progressive” Voices of Blame and Scapegoating Today Remind of Bush Administration Response to September 11

By Al Giordano
The Field

January 10, 2011

Pro-Coup Lobbyist Lanny Davis' Game Plan For Honduras

Memo Reveals “Rapid Response” Campaign Model To Back Lobo Government in Washington DC

By Erin Rosa
Via the Narcosphere

en español... El plan de juego para Honduras del cabildero golpista Lanny Davis

January 3, 2011

New Heads of DEA, DOJ's OPR Have Skeletons in House of Death Closet

Leonhart, Ashton Now in Key Posts; Cover-Up Continues

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

January 1, 2011

Don Andrés (1910-2011)

In the First Hours of the New Year, the Elder of Mexico's Indigenous National Congress and a School of Authentic Journalism Professor Passed Away

By Al Giordano
The Field

en español... Don Andrés (1910-2011)

January 1, 2011

Open Letter to Evo Morales and Álvaro García Against the Gasolinazo and for the Self Governance of Our People

The People Come First, not Numbers nor Statistics

By Oscar Olivera Foronda, Marcelo Rojas, Abraham Grandydier, Aniceto Hinojosa Vásquez and Carlos Oropeza

en español... Carta pública a Evo Morales y Álvaro García, contra el Gasolinazo y por el autogobierno de nuestro pueblo

December 30, 2010

Here's a Four-Letter Word to Describe Al Giordano: Dean

Narco News' School of Authentic Journalism Survives and Thrives Only With Your Support

By Richard Bell
Professor, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... He aquí una palabra de seis letras para describir a Al Giordano: decano

December 28, 2010

Residents Affected By Guerrero Dam Reorganize

Communities Are on Alert Following The Approval of the Project's Construction Budget

By Fernando León
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Habitantes afectados por presa en Guerrero se reorganizan

December 26, 2010

How the US Sees the Landless Movement in Brazil

New Cables Published by WikiLeaks Reveal that the US Embassy Is Deeply Concerned about the Landless People’s Movement (MST)

By Natalia Viana

December 24, 2010

$100 Million Drug-War Garrison Approved for U.S. - Mexican Border

Complex Will Prepare Soldiers, Law Enforcers to Cope with Mexican Civil War, Founder Says

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

December 22, 2010

Congressional Travel to Honduras Used to Support US Lawmaker's Business Interests

GOP Congressman Traveled With Campaign Contributors and Promoted Their Business Interests to Coup Regime

By Erin Rosa
Via the Narcosphere

en español... Viaje de congresista a Honduras utilizado para apoyar intereses empresariales de legisladores estadunidenses

December 20, 2010

Seasons Greetings & the Gifts that Keep on Giving

A Donation to The Fund for Authentic Journalism? Priceless.

By Al Giordano
Publisher, Narco News

en español... Felices Fiestas y los regalos que siguen dando

December 20, 2010

Chiapas Government Apologizes, Will Set Journalist Gianni Proiettis Free

Prosecutor Claims It Was a Case of Mistaken Identity

By Al Giordano
Publisher, Narco News

en español... Gobierno de Chiapas se disculpa, liberará a Gianni Proiettis

December 16, 2010

Chiapas Police Arrest Italian Professor & Journalist Gianni Proiettis

Il Manifiesto Correspondent’s Family Told Arrest Is for His Coverage of Cancun Climate Talks

By Al Giordano
Publisher, Narco News

en español... Policía de Chiapas arresta al profesor y periodista italiano Gianni Proiettis

December 16, 2010

The Narco Soap Opera: Televisa vs. Proceso

Both Mexican Media Outlets are Accusing Each Other of Being a Part of the Same War that They Have Exploited

By Fernando León
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... La narco-novela Televisa vs. Proceso

December 16, 2010

Authentic Journalism Needs You

Give Today to Support Yet Another Generation of Authentic Journalists from Around the World

By Milena Velis
Class of 2010, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... El Periodismo Auténtico le necesita

December 15, 2010

Announcing 40 Scholarships in Authentic Journalism in Mexico, May 2011

Ten Days of Intensive Training in Central Mexico: Video Production, Investigative & Online Reporting, and Movement Strategies for Journalists

By Al Giordano
President, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... Anunciando 40 becas en Periodismo Auténtico en México para mayo de 2011

December 12, 2010

Calm, Cunning and Courageous: Noha Atef speaks out for victims of torture

One School of Authentic Journalism Graduate, from Canada, Visits Another, in Egypt, and Describes Her Work

By Jillian Kestler-D'Amours
Loudmouth Magazine

December 10, 2010

State Department Cable Release Sheds Light on Bogotá Connection Corruption

Missive Made Public by WikiLeaks Invokes Name of CIA Asset Baruch Vega

By Bill Conroy
Via The Narcosphere

December 10, 2010

The Hundred Years Struggle of don Andrés

School of Authentic Journalism Professor and Co-Founder of Mexico’s Indigenous National Congress Reflects on His First Century

By Fernando León and Erin Rosa
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Los cien años de lucha de don Andrés

December 9, 2010

Leaked Embassy Cables Lend Credence to Prior Allegations of State Department Spying

Documents Released by WikiLeaks Could Serve as Evidence In Ongoing Congressional Investigation Focused on State Department, CIA

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

December 7, 2010

An Exclusive Interview with Julian Assange on the Eve of His Arrest

WikiLeaks Founder Denies Accusations, Says It’s Fascinating to See the Tentacles of the Corrupt American Elite

By Natalia Viana
Opera Mundi, translated by Narco News

en español... Entrevista exclusiva con Julian Assange en la víspera de su arresto
em português... Entrevista exclusiva com Julian Assange na véspera de sua prisão

December 7, 2010

Honduras Government Hires Pro-Coup Lobbyist Lanny Davis

After Defending Media Censorship and Abuses During Crisis, Ex-Clinton Official Now Working For Lobo Government

By Erin Rosa
Via the Narcosphere

en español... Gobierno hondureño contrata al cabildero golpista Lanny Davis

December 4, 2010

Mexican Government Eyes Invoking Martial Law-Like “Article 29” in Ongoing Drug War

Leaked State Department Cable Also Reveals Armed Forces Battling “Cartels” on Thin Legal Ground

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

December 3, 2010

Leaked Cable: Mexican Government Fears Losing Drug War, Public Support

Mexican Officials Were Desperate to Produce a “Tangible Success” in Narcotics Fight and Save President Felipe Calderón's Political Legacy

By Erin Rosa
Via the Narcosphere

December 2, 2010

Banamex v. Narco News Precedent Protects WikiLeaks, Too

Life Finds a Way, and Information Is Life

By Al Giordano
The Field

en español... El precedente de Banamex contra Narco News protege también a WikiLeaks

December 1, 2010

Canadian Mining Corporation Receives Permits in Mexican Indigenous Territory

Local Communities Reject Operations On Their Ancestral Land

By Fernando León
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Corporación minera canadiense recibe concesiones en territorio indígena en México

November 29, 2010

State Department “Secret Cable” Lays Out U.S. Intelligence-Gathering Agenda in Paraguay

Document Calls for Obtaining “Fingerprints, Facial Images, Iris Scans and DNA” on Nation’s Political Leaders

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

November 28, 2010

Memo Reveals US State Department Knew Honduras Coup Was Illegal, Did Not Follow Own Advice

Leaked Cable, Early During Coup, Defined Removal of President Manuel Zelaya as Illegitimate

By Erin Rosa
Via the Narcosphere

en español... Cable revela que el Departamento de Estado sabía que el golpe de Estado en Honduras era ilegal

November 28, 2010

House of Death Informant, Now in Hiding, is Heading to Court

Former Mexican Cop's Lawyer Says Litigation Should be Filed by Year’s End

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

November 27, 2010

Business Group Looking to Invest in Honduras After Coup

The Chamber of the Americas Hosts “Honduras is Open for Business” Event With President Lobo in the United States

By Erin Rosa
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Grupo empresarial busca invertir en Honduras luego del golpe de Estado

November 24, 2010

Coach's Log: On Directing the School of Authentic Journalism

Think It's Easy to Choose 40 Professors from 150 Talents? Think Again...

By Al Giordano
The Field

en español... Bitácora del entrenador: Dirigiendo la Escuela de Periodismo Auténtico

November 23, 2010

City of Cap Haitien Mobilizes to Remove UN Troops

People are fed up with UN peacekeepers and the cholera outbreak is the straw that broke the camel's back

By Ansel Herz

November 20, 2010

Lawsuit Over Flawed CIA Drone Code Is Deep Sixed by Settlement

Terms of Agreement “To Remain Confidential”

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

November 19, 2010

Authentic journalism: weapon of the people

The path out of the crises wrought by commercial journalism opens when citizens steal back the mission that big media claimed but failed to do: Honest, coherent storytelling

By Al Giordano
Open Democracy

en español... Periodismo Auténtico: El arma de los pueblos

November 19, 2010

We Have More to Do Together

Contribute to Keep Us Reporting and Your Donation Will Be Matched Toward the May 2011 School of Authentic Journalism

By Al Giordano
The Field

en español... Aún tenemos mucho que hacer juntos

November 18, 2010

Atenco is on Alert and Organizing Against Government Appropriation of its Lands

Residents View Water Agency Project as a Trojan Horse to Revive International Airport Project

By Fernando León
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Atenco en alerta y organizándose en contra de la apropiación gubernamental de sus tierras

November 17, 2010

Two Sides of the Story in Venezuela

“The important people in Venezuela are not Hugo Chavez," Charlie Hardy told the Students. “It’s ordinary people. And if we lose site of that, we lose site of what’s important.”

By Joe Orso
La Crosse Tribune

November 17, 2010

Mexican and International "Other Campaign" Organizations Gather in Atenco

'It's another way of organizing ourselves, of listening to ourselves, of helping ourselves.'

By Erin Rosa
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Organizaciones mexicanas e internacionales de "La Otra Campaña" se reúnen en Atenco

November 15, 2010

U.S.-Backed Assault on Mexican Narco-Celebrities Lacks Solid Plot

Targeting Heads of Hydra-like "Cartels" Is Futile Strategy

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

November 14, 2010

Mobilization in Tepoztlán Expels Local Police Chief

The Case is Part of a Recent Wave of Mobilizations Against Police in Mexico

By Fernando León
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Movilización en Tepoztlán expulsa al jefe de la policía local

November 11, 2010

The Hemisphere's Social Movements Present in the International Court of Conscience

Neither Governments Nor Corporations Attended Despite Being The Main Defendants

By Fernando León
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Movimientos sociales hemisféricos presentes en el Tribunal Internacional de Conciencia

November 9, 2010

The Farm Labor Organizing Committee Is Making its Mark in Mexico

After Victorious Worker Campaigns vs. Companies like Campbell's Soup and Heinz, FLOC Sets its Sights on Tobacco Growers and Organizing in Mexico

By Erin Rosa
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Comité Organizador de Trabajadores Agrícolas de los EEUU deja su marca en México

November 5, 2010

Fumigation of Coca Crops Still a Booming Business In Colombia

Documents Show State Department Seeking Assistance From Corporations In Aviation Program Run By Colombian National Police

By Erin Rosa
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

November 2, 2010

After the Deluge, the Media

As Jon Stewart put it so well on Saturday, the real threat to democracy stands naked before us all: It’s the media

By Al Giordano
The Field

November 2, 2010

Insult to injury: Cholera has Haiti reeling, and Bill Clinton & Anderson Cooper haven't done enough

Clinton's much-lauded connections with international donors appear to have come to naught

By Ansel Herz
New York Daily News

November 1, 2010

President’s Terror Alert Is Necessary Wake-Up Call

Narco News Reported on Cargo-Package Security Threat Last Spring

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

October 29, 2010

Walmart Corporation Defeated by Two Movements in Mexico

“The victories are a reminder that citizens united can beat the world's largest retail corporation.”

By Fernando León
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... La corporación Wal Mart derrotada por dos movimientos locales en México

October 29, 2010

US Military Unit Tied To New Anti-narcotics Program In Juárez

Northern Command, With Help From State Department's Plan Mexico, Directs Attention Towards Mexico's Most Violent City

By Erin Rosa
Via the Narcosphere

October 27, 2010

Port-au-Prince Fears the Worst As Cholera Spreads in Haiti

“The UN is so top-heavy with bureaucracy that they can’t effectively react to these small outbreaks which quickly snowball and spread across an area.”

By Ansel Herz

October 25, 2010

Sprawling Drug-War Training Complex Planned for U.S-Mexico Border

Massive Facility Would Serve Law Enforcers, Military and Their Drones

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

October 23, 2010

The Military Command Behind Mexico's Violent Drug War

The US Northern Command's Work With Mexican Armed Forces Has 'Increased Dramatically' and May Be Expanded

By Erin Rosa
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Comando militar estadunidense detrás de la violenta guerra contra las drogas en México

October 22, 2010

I Have Seen the Future of US Politics & Its Name is Prop 19

Beyond Legalizing and Taxing Marijuana, the California Referendum Is a Game-Changer for 2012 and All Elections to Come

By Al Giordano
The Field

en español... He visto el futuro de la política de los Estados Unidos y su nombre es la Propuesta 19

October 21, 2010

US Government Attorney Writes Narco News Over CIA Drone-Code Story

Missive Inspires Yet More Intrigue

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

en español... Abogado gubernamental estadunidense escribe a Narco News sobre los aviones no tripulados de la CIA

October 20, 2010

Indigenous Group Condemns Release of Prisoners Involved In Acteal Massacre

Mexican Federal Judge Frees 15 People Accused Of Participating In Infamous Killings That Left 45 People Dead

By Erin Rosa
Via The Narcosphere

October 20, 2010

Mexico City Police Clash With Neighborhood Opposing Superhighway

Riot Squad Attacks Nonviolent Blockade That Sought to Negotiate with City Government; Four Injured

By Fernando León and Erin Rosa
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Policía de la Ciudad de México choca con vecinos opositores a la Supervía

October 20, 2010

The Drug Czar Office's Misleading Claim on Teenage Marijuana Use

Federal Report Cited By Office Contradicts Claims That Young People Are Using Marijuana At Younger Ages

By Erin Rosa
Via the Narcosphere

October 15, 2010

Chief of Mexican Police Appointed Secretary-General of American Police Community

His appointment comes amid controversy over his alleged links to drug traffickers

By Fernando León
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Jefe de la Policía Mexicana designado como Secretario Ejecutivo de la Comunidad de Policías de América

October 14, 2010

Support the Present and Future of Investigative Journalism

I’ve Been a Witness to Ten Years of History in Mexico, a Story that Narco News Continues to Tell More Truthfully than the Rest

By Bruce Miller Earle
Class of 2010, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... Apoye al presente y futuro del periodismo de investigación

October 14, 2010

Ecuador's CONAIE and Defamation by “Journalism of the State”

Historic Organizers of Latin American Struggles Refute the Distortions Made by a US Lawyer

By Fernando León and Erin Rosa
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... La CONAIE de Ecuador frente a la difamación del “periodismo” de Estado
em português... A CONAIE do Equador contra a difamação do "jornalismo" de Estado.
in italiano... La CONAIE dell’Ecuador di fronte alla diffamazione del “giornalismo” di Stato

October 12, 2010

Call for a National Meeting of Organizations and Struggles of The Other Campaign

An Invitation to Atenco on November 13 and 14

By FPDT and The Movement for Justice in El Barrio
Atenco, México and New York, NY

en español... Convocatoria al Encuentro Nacional de Organizaciones y Luchas de La Otra Campaña

October 11, 2010

CIA Drone-Code Scandal Now Has A Big Blue Hue

U.S. Commercial Media Finally Jumps on the Story After British Publication Cribs Narco News’ Coverage

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

October 9, 2010

A Statement by Ecuador's Most Important Social Movements

“We Categorically Refute the Claims that the CONAIE Has Had any Relations at all with USAID or NED, not Today, not Ever”

By Marlon Santi
President, Federation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador

en español... El supuesto golpe de estado, la democracia y las organizaciones indígenas

October 6, 2010

US Lawmakers Used Public Funds To Back Honduras Coup

Republican House members used taxpayer money to boost de facto government as it was criminalizing dissent, shutting down media outlets

By Erin Rosa
Via The Narcosphere

en español... Legisladores estadunidenses usaron fondos públicos para apoyar el golpe en Honduras
in italiano... Parlamentari statunitensi hanno utilizzato fondi pubblici per favorire il golpe in Honduras

October 5, 2010

State Department Backing US Troops In Mexico

Contracts show School of the Americas, Special Ops Group, Working Inside The Country

By Erin Rosa
Via the Narcosphere

en español... El Departamento de Estado apoya a tropas estadunidenses en México

October 5, 2010

The Mexican Fuenteovejuna

Residents of Ascensión, Chihuahua Expel the Local Police

By Fernando León
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... El Fuenteovejuna mexicano

October 2, 2010

Statement by the Office of Ecuador President Rafael Correa

President announces that he will be unwavering with his principles

By Office of the Elected President of Ecuador
Translated by Narco News

en español... De la Presidencia de Ecuador en respuesta al intento de golpe de estado

September 30, 2010

Coup Attempt in Ecuador Is a Result of Secretary Clinton's Cowardice in Honduras

Hemispheric Anti-Democracy Forces Are Not Likely to Succeed in Today's Putsch in South America

By Al Giordano
The Field

en español... El intento de Golpe de Estado en Ecuador resultado de la cobardía de la Secretaria Clinton en Honduras

September 30, 2010

Authentic Journalism: Something to Believe In

There Are Many, Like Me, Who Filled a Reporter’s Notebook with Ideas and Now Work to Make Them Reality

By Hugo Ramírez
Class of 2010, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... Periodismo Autentico, algo en que creer

September 28, 2010

Central American Immigrants: Between Survival and Torture

The Nightmare of Central American Immigrants on Mexican Soil

By Fernando León and Mercedes Osuna
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Migrantes centroamericanos: entre la supervivencia y la tortura

September 27, 2010

Colombian "Democracy" at Work as Government Removes Elected Senator and Human Rights Defender

Attorney General Cites Dubious Evidence to Fire Senator Piedad Cordoba, Opposition Leader

By Erin Rosa
Via the Narcosphere

September 27, 2010

This Week in Narco News

A Summary of Our Online Networks as of September 27, 2010

By Fernando León
Via the Narcosphere

en español... Esta semana en Narco News

September 27, 2010

El Diario’s Hipocrisy on Press Freedom and the Drug War

The Juárez Daily Persecuted Journalist Isabel Arvide in 2002 for Her Reports on Narco-Media in the Border City

By Carlos Ramírez
Indicador Político

en español... El Diario de Juárez tiene su propia historia en contra de la libertad de prensa

September 27, 2010

Lawsuit Against Liquor Makers Illuminates Drug-War Charade

Colombian Government’s RICO Litigation Alleges Global Booze Companies Are Doing Business with Narco-Traffickers

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

September 26, 2010

Venezuela Votes Today

What to Look for in Sunday's Congressional Elections

By Charlie Hardy
Via the Narcosphere

September 26, 2010

Four Mexican Journalists in Exile

Case Studies of the Drug War’s Multiple Harms to Press Freedom

By Molly Molloy
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Cuatro periodistas mexicanos en el exilio

September 23, 2010

Proudly an Authentic Journalist

Narco News’ School of Authentic Journalism Changed My Life; Please Help It Help Others Like Me

By Karina Montserrat González González
Class of 2010, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... Orgullosamente periodista auténtica

September 23, 2010

Journalists Under Fire in Ciudad Juárez

Charles Bowden: “I have no idea why the US press has ignored this. The sole source for covering this is Bill Conroy of Narco News"

By The Brian Lehrer Show
WNYC, New York

September 22, 2010

Spring Breakers Without Borders

Who Could Possibly Defend the US-Imposed War on Drugs in Mexico with all the Violence It Has Wrought? This New NGO, That's Who!

By Gringoyo Productions & NNTV
Narco News TV

en español... Spring Breakers Sin Miedo

September 22, 2010

Telling the Whole Truth About the "Drug War"

Thoughts on the Open Letter by El Diario of Juárez to Narco-Traffickers

By Al Giordano
Publisher, Narco News

en español... Contando la verdad sobre la “Guerra contra las drogas”

September 22, 2010

El Diario Writes to Narcos: What Do You Want from Us?

Translation of the Open Letter Published by a Mexican Daily Newspaper

By El Diario de Juárez

en español... El Diario les escribe a los Narcos: ¿Qué quieren de nosotros?

September 22, 2010

Support the Newspaper that Encourages and Defends My Freedom to Report

“I don't have to worry about how I'm going to be censored. That nightmare is over.”

By Erin Rosa
Staff Reporter, Narco News

en español... Apoye al periódico que fomenta y defiende mi libertad para reportar

September 21, 2010

Mexico's Monument to the Decapitated?

Watch Video of a Strange and Totally Unreported Event from Wednesday Night's Bicentennial Celebrations

By Mexican National Television
Narco News TV

September 18, 2010

Legal Battle May Force CIA to Return Drone Code to Sender

Tech Firm Wants Faulty Pirated Software Taken Out of Circulation

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

en español... Batalla legal podría forzar a la CIA a regresar software de sus aviones no tripulados

September 17, 2010

Enter Narco News TV: Making Cable News Obsolete Since 2010

Advertiser-Free Television, Infused with Authentic Journalism, Now Available Free on Your Internet Screen

By Al Giordano
The Field

September 13, 2010

Mexico's Media Moguls Target Country's Bicentennial

The country's largest media corporation admits to creating the “Mexico Initiative,” a PR extravaganza that critics say is meant to strip the rebel spirit of 1810 and 1910 from this week’s celebrations

By Fernando León and Erin Rosa
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Bicentenario: Objetivo de los magnates de los medios mexicanos

September 12, 2010

The "New Penitentiary Culture": US Designs for Colombian Jails

How the USAID, Federal Bureau of Prisons and the School of the Americas Have Impacted Colombia's Prison System

By James Jordan
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... La “Nueva Cultura Penitenciaria”: Los diseños estadunidenses para las prisiones colombianas

September 9, 2010

ICE Probe of Retaliation against House of Death Reporter Seriously Flawed

Federal Agency Investigates Itself and, “Surprise,” Finds No Wrongdoing, FOIA Records Show

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

en español... Seriamente dañada la investigación de ICE por represalias en contra del reportero de la Casa de la Muerte

September 6, 2010

Coach's Log: The Regular Season of News Begins

Authentic Journalism Is a lot like NFL Football, Our Narco News Publisher Observes

By Al Giordano
The Field

en español... Bitacora del entrenador: Comienza la temporada regular de noticias

September 6, 2010

State Department Withholds Funds For Plan Mexico

Citing Human Rights Concerns, Agency Cuts $26 Million From Drug War Program

By Erin Rosa
Via the Narcosphere

en español... El Departamento de Estado retiene fondos para el Plan México

September 5, 2010

Narco News Seeks Webmaster

“A Better Thing Never Happened to Me” says David B. Briones, Moving On After Four Years at the Tech Helm

By Al Giordano
Publisher, Narco News

en español... Narco News busca webmaster

September 1, 2010

Paging Radical Techies!

Narco News Webmaster Gig Comes with Lots of Work, Terrible Pay and Quite Possibly the Best Experiences of Your Life

By David B. Briones
Cyber Development Director, Narco News

en español... ¡Dirigiéndome a tecnólogos radicales!

September 1, 2010

Journalist At Center Of Bogus Laredo Ranch Story Accused of Plagiarism

Kimberly Dvorak's Lapses in Journalistic Ethics First Surfaced when She Plagiarized Bill Conroy's House of Death Reports from Narco News

By Ryan Grim and Jason Linkins
Eat the Press, The Huffington Post

September 1, 2010

Six American Zeroes: Reason Enough to Support California's Prop 19

The Drug Czars Want to Stop Marijuana Legalization Because Their Own Policies Have, um, Succeeded?

By Al Giordano
The Field

August 30, 2010

Dead End for the Mexico City Superhighway?

One Neighborhood's Resistance Has Stopped the Bulldozers for 35 Days

By Fernando León and Erin Rosa
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... ¿Callejón sin salida para la Supervía de la Ciudad de México?

August 30, 2010

Eye Scanners Being Tested Along US-Mexico Border

The Technology is Reported to Have the Ability to Track Up to 50 People a Minute from Several Feet Away

By Erin Rosa
Via the Narcosphere

September 21, 2010

Looking for a recent report from our previous issue?
Click here for Issue #66

From the Narcosphere

Written and Selected by the 488 Co-publishers of Narco News

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Top Reporters' Notes

Drug War-Related Homicides In The US Average At Least 1,100 a Year by Bill Conroy

US Troops May Now Be Coping with Fast and Furious Fallout by Bill Conroy

Fast and Furious Is One Among Many Similar Drug-War Warts by Bill Conroy (5 Comments)

CBS News Poaches Narco News’ Drug War Coverage by Bill Conroy

Zambada Niebla Case Exposes US Drug War Quid Pro Quo by Bill Conroy (1 Comment)

Was Former DEA Agent Jailed for Exposing ATF Arms Trafficking? by Bill Conroy (2 Comments)

US Prosecutors Seeking to Prevent Dirty Secrets of Drug War From Surfacing in Cartel Leader's Case by Bill Conroy (2 Comments)

Private Paramilitary Training Complex Slated for Border Hits a Hitch by Bill Conroy (1 Comment)

NYC Police Breaking Up Occupy Wall Street Under False Pretext of Cleaning by Benjamin Melançon (2 Comments)

US Prosecutors Confirm Classified Information Colors Zambada Niebla’s Case by Bill Conroy (1 Comment)

Narco News Features

Dark Alliance: The Story Behind the Crack Explosion

The Bogotá Connection: Narco News Investigates DEA Corruption and Cover-Up in Colombia

The House of Death: U.S. Law Enforcement Complicity with Murder in Ciudad Juárez

Banamex vs. Narco News: The Drug War on Trial

The Other Journalism with the Other Campaign

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