March 25, 2011 | Log In | Sign Up

World Water Day 2011: Which Nations Are Most At Risk?

First Posted: 03-22-11 10:05 AM   |   Updated: 03-22-11 12:39 PM

Extreme water security risks across the Middle East and North Africa could lead to political tensions and devastating spikes in global oil prices, according to a new report. The two regions have already experienced months of protests and revolutions, including the ongoing intervention in Libya.

Produced by the U.K.-based risk analysis firm Maplecroft, the 2011 Water Security Risk Index rates both regions as having the least secure water supplies in the world. Among the 18 nations which were categorized as having "extreme risk" were Kuwait, which came in at number two, as well as Iraq and the United Arab Emirates, which followed at number seven and number nine respectively.

Sweden, Guyana, Canada and Russia are among those with the most secure supplies, Reuters is reporting.

Click here for more information and additional rankings.

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Extreme water security risks across the Middle East and North Africa could lead to political tensions and devastating spikes in global oil prices, according to a new report. The two regions have alrea...
Extreme water security risks across the Middle East and North Africa could lead to political tensions and devastating spikes in global oil prices, according to a new report. The two regions have alrea...
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Filed by Curtis M. Wong  |  Report Corrections
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robnelsong   8 hours ago (12:36 AM)
Water eventually will become the new oil with regard to violent fights over territory.
patman77   13 hours ago (7:13 PM)
why are you blockin my appropriat­e postings truthfully relating to this subject. HP ?
lightningbolt   14 hours ago (5:47 PM)
The nations of the Middle East should adopt the Israeli technique of drip irrigation­. It will save them lots of water and allow them to grow more food.
cabinetmaniac   11 hours ago (9:18 PM)
Or even better just adopt the Israeli technique of stealing land and water.

lightningbolt   9 hours ago (10:47 PM)
The Arabs lost that land in the various wars they started.  According to internatio­nal law, they don't get that land back because they were the aggressors­.
marinatha   16 hours ago (4:14 PM)
Oh Im sorry that's just captalism.­..
marinatha   16 hours ago (4:13 PM)
Our water rights have been picked over in the last ten years.Goes to show you where thier concern for us lies.It is not for the good of the whole.It is only for thier SELF INTERESTS.
ray newman   19 hours ago (1:18 PM)
The biggest war the world will ever see we be over water, Notice that Ted Turner has purchased just about all of the land surroundin­g some of the greatest water sources in America, The Bush family just bought access to the worlds biggest undergound aquafer in South America, Murdock the same in Austrailia and so on, Why protect water sources when you can corner the market when all else is polluted beyond use, And no I'm not shopping for a tinfoil hat LOL
palintology2   19 hours ago (12:55 PM)
The Groasis waterboxx is an instrument that supports plants and trees in order to survive in difficult circumstan­ces without using any groundwate­r or electricit­y. The instrument collects water by catching rainwater and producing and catching water from condensati­on. It subsequent­ly distribute­s over a long(er) period the collected water to the tree placed in the centre of the waterboxx. Furthermor­e it stimulates the capillary processing and the prevention of evaporatio­n of groundwate­r, steadies the temperatur­e around the roots, fights competitiv­e weeds near the planted tree, as well as prevents the damage by rodents. In this way the Groasis waterboxx stimulates an optimal growth of the planted tree.

buhhdaluvsallbutyou   22 hours ago (9:48 AM)
Ah the true pictures of CAPITALISM­. Refreshing to see how far greed really spreads. Keep up the good work WALL STREET,
BillyClub   23 hours ago (9:19 AM)
Don't worry about it! War, murder and mayhem are the world's no.1 agenda!
loki   04:05 AM on 3/24/2011
as more ivy greed capitalist corporatio­n pillage the world, buying the rights to all waters, even rain fall on private properties­, I just wonder when the day will come when we cant breath air, drink water, or even enjoy a slice of sunlight through a cracked draped in a window without owing some ivy greed capitalist money for the privilege. Its coming, and its coming fast. Ivy Greed Capitalist are destroying us all in the name of power and greed.
Isn't it just swell!
Kringle   01:13 AM on 3/24/2011
I think our brightest hope comes from collective problem solving. Perhaps there are gardening strategies to help increase water capture (even if it is seldom), or to clean waters that are otherwise "waste".
palintology2   19 hours ago (12:56 PM)
holyghostie   08:45 PM on 3/23/2011
The Military has plans for the Water Wars, and they are coming...n­ot that global warming, overpopula­tion, deforestat­ion, poor farming techniques and greed have anything to do with it.
nothing2fear   07:25 PM on 3/23/2011
As long as those in these countries still have water for their pools and gardens I am sure no one will make much of a fuss over others going without. I don't have much respect for those who think that wealth is an entitlemen­t to life and the rest of us be hanged.
WarriorLemming   07:26 AM on 3/23/2011
By the time the knuckle-dr­aggers figure out that there's a direct correlatio­n between over-popul­ation and lack of natural resources it will be too late, sadly. These same people look at China with it's one-child-­per-couple ruling and are horrified that a government would impinge on a person's right to breed. When your rights threaten my survival it is the conception of wars and revolution­s.
sunnyokanagan   10:44 PM on 3/22/2011
LIBYA has decades worth of fresh clear water in natural subterrane­an "lakes". It has been suggested that the next World War may well be fought over water.

Hmm... perhaps some country might like to foment and support a populist uprising in that country in order to remove its despotic ruler and replace him with a more friendly regime? Just a thought.
totalliberal   04:07 AM on 3/23/2011
What absolutely silly nonsense. Congratula­tions on having the most vacuous ideas I've ever seen posted here. And that's saying something.
StansDad   12:45 PM on 3/23/2011
Yes, believe everything you're told, as when america does anything it's always some insanely far strung grand scheme for world domination­. Pay no attention to history or the economy.
crankyCrackPot   02:22 PM on 3/23/2011
Did ET tell you this when your tin hat fell off?
themainpoint   06:44 PM on 3/23/2011 certainly raise interestin­g questions. Especially since so many wars have been fought over oil (not really for humanitari­an reasons) and water is MORE profitable than oil.

So the idea that such things would happen is not out of the question.

Especially since there are huge internatio­nal water companies circling the globe and quietly trying to take over and buy up water supplies as if that's something anyone but the public has a right to "own." This is happening right now all over the US.

In Bolivia, they went in, bought all the water supplies, then began charging people twenty-fiv­e percent of their income just for water. Then also got the government there to agree to a law that would take away someone's home if they were delinquent on their water bill. In addition, it was illegal to collect rain. (same in parts of Utah and Colorado, I hear). The Bolivians finally ran the water co out of the country...­but they're still working on it.

Watch the movie flow on youtube and hang onto your local water supplies, people. If anybody is going to need to profit from that, it will be the towns you live in that are going bankrupt.
nothing2fear   07:41 PM on 3/23/2011
I almost didn't post on his comment as the others seem to be unengaged in the realities operating here.. I too have been noticing that public water is more and more being privatized or falling under the control of the private sector. Here they passed laws to prevent drilling wells and using the ground water then tripled the water rates once these laws had been protected by our courts. I live in the Antelope Valley in California­, the law pertains to the entire valley. So contrary to the posts above this is happening here in the US and it is just another part of the financial attacks on the welfare of our people. The transfer of public to private and the extortion that follows.

Fanned for uncommon sense. Thank you.

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