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  1. charlie tuna will be logcabining in cali with kochs and scooter!
  2. time for journal to b### scooter
  3. lets see so far with walker we have seen
    child enticement
    kiddie porn
    theft from veterans
    theft from tax payers
    willingness to incite violence
    the trip to cali-a bribe in my book
    bigger budget
    bigger deficit using GAAP
    the working poor taxed more
    the very rich taxed less
    six months of job loss while the rest of the nation is gaining jobs
    increases in administrative salaries

    Just get rid of this unless piece of _______
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  4. time for syskes to give scooter a back rub
  5. "Master Debater: I can see only two options in this investigation:"

    That's because you're not that bright.

    Graeme Zielinski must be stoned. You need look no further than the past occupant of the governor's mansion to find one of his staffers convicted of felony pay for play charges related to Adelman Travelgate. Unlike the charges against the County employees, this was directly related to his administration, not unrelated campaigns or personal shennanigans.
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  6. "When a R gov circles the drain - do they go right or left?"

    Last time I checked, Wisconsin is in the northern hemisphere, so Walker SHOULD go counter-Koch wise.
  7. jeffwee and sykes are logcabin repubalicans for life
  8. jeffwee was married to rock hudson
  9. jeffwee is joining the priesthood
  10. Everyone with an ounce of sense knows Dummy Walker is bought and sold. Those of you who wish to see otherwise will not admit it, because it will only show how dumb and ignorant you were to vote for this uneducated clown. I hope they put his Down-Syndone looking arse under Jail..He's a crook....
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