We have spent some time compiling comments about the flagship show of Radio NewYork International and the world renound 11L Network, so you will hopefully be lured in to listening to hear one of the unsung radio greats (as John does tend to grate on many!). Here is an edited selection of said comments!
“Smart, funny, intelligent, trenchant, daring and essential… now, as for John Lightning…” David Hinckley NY Daily News Radio Critic
“Tasteless left wing pablum… he needs to wake up to the truth! That’s why I’m sending him a copy of my new book ‘Abuse Of Power’…” Michael Savage Radio Rottweiler
“Insults every true radio great, cheap and tawdry, yet inexplicably engaging” Michael Harrison Talkers Magazine
“Essentially fetid, fecund nonsense. His show is a plangent cry for help, as issued by a dyspeptic, itinerant radio hack” Christopher Hitchens Author, Raconteur, Dead Guy
Now I know the meaning of the Italian word ‘cafone’… it’s Lightning!” Ed Schultz Democratic Party Mouthpiece
“Number one with nappy headed ho’s everywhere… Jesus Bernard, will you shut up!” Don Imus Inexplicably still on the air radio host
“Hear last show… Me love you long time for higher rate Johnny” Kim Kum Chow Asian Escorts Ltd.
“Relax Dan Ingram, your legacy is safe” Rick Sklar Deceased programming genius
“John Lightning? I wouldn’t let him f$*k me even if he had John Holmes Dick” Chesty McClevage Porno Great
“Shoot him in the head” Glenn Beck Crazy like a FOX radio nutter
“Frankly Lemon, I make a better role model” Alec Baldwin Psychotic TV personality
“Back when he was my Shabbos goy, he was such a nice boy… who can say what happened? I’ll pray for him” Rabbi Jeffrey Mendlecase Temple Place Your Beth
“Well, truly, we all do make mistakes” Allan Weiner Owner WBCQ ‘The Planet’
“And you thought I was a sharp tongued, funny talking, loud mouthed cunt!”
Lynn Samuels Deceased loud mouthed cunt
“Everyday’s ‘Worst Person In The World’…” Keith Olbermann The left’s answer to Glenn Beck
“Quite frankly, embarrassing” Bill Bennett Somehow radio host and formerly many things
“He even makes clean words sound dirty” Tipper Gore Formerly of Al Gore fame
“John P. Lightning? No thanks, I’ll pass” Laurie Cantillo former program director of WABC AM (and perhaps that’s why!)
“My belated apologies for helping to make such junk possible” G. Marconi Inventor
“You know gang, if I was alive today, I’d not listen to his fantastic foolishness… Excelsior you fathead”! Jean Shepherd Radio God
“Now here is a guy who deserves his own personal Fatwah” Salman Rushdie Noted author
“I’m putting you in 6 inch stilettos and bringing your corset down to a 26 inch waist after hearing that last show Johnni” Mistress Ann Gina Club Lash Co-Owner
“Me and my husband did consider killing him and making it look like crib death… if only we had known what he would become” Vera Lightning Late Mom of John
“Sounds like he is just horsing around” Jerry Sandusky Short eyed guy
“I’m more of a man than this pantywaist” Chaz Bono Whatever
“If I was still alive man, I’d double my intake of China White and do my best to die before suffering his broadcast” Jerry Garcia Transportation Agent
“Hey John, Ascendi mei…tu se profiono sfachim… and, he is! ” Bob Grant Talk host gold standard
“Leftist liberal loser defined. Unamusing drivel devoid of decency… Hell awaits Johnny” Bill Donahue Catholic League
“Well I’ll say this much, he looks better in a dress than I do” Boca Brian SoFloRadio.com Comedy Goddess
“Nauseating” Bill O’Reilly Tough Guy
“If words were smegma, hey wait, with John, they are!” Radio NewYork International’s Dave THE Boogie Man
“You can’t do that on the radio… can you”? Howard Stern King of some media
“John P. Lightning? Now, that’s GREAT RADIO!” Neil Rogers Deceased talk radio Icon of impeccable taste
Need more reasons to listen to John? Then, don’t bother. On the other hand, if we have piqued your interest use the LISTEN LINK below to hear John live this Sunday, at 8 PM Eastern Time, or anytime via streaming audio, or download his show and take it with you for trouble to go!
Now in our 25th year of inciting opinion, playing great music, fielding (and bobbling) your phone calls, and discoursing deviantly on just about everything, we are the staff of Radio NewYork International and the 11L Network. Your REAL alternative, to radio sedatives.
THE LISTEN LINKS PAGE: http://johnlightning.com/webcast/