This week, last year's Arab Spring blossomed into the first Egyptian presidential election since the fall of Mubarak; private space travel hit the stratosphere, with SpaceX's Dragon capsule's arrival at the International Space Station; the Group of Eight agreed that focusing on harsh austerity instead of growth isn't working but then couldn't agree on a suitable approach -- pushing Greece ever closer to leaving the euro zone; Colin Powell mocked Mitt Romney's assessment of Russia as America's "number one geopolitical foe;" and the Pope's butler scandal shocked the world with the revelation that... the Pope has a butler. Finally, this Memorial Day weekend, be sure to check out this slideshow on ways to honor America's vets and military families.
Many Egyptians may feel confused about what the presidential election means for them and for their country. But there is a time when every revolution reaches the critical pivot point when it should transition from dismantling the past to building a better future. This is that time.
Let's not remember Mary for her despair, but let's take inspiration from her determination to heal the woundedness in herself and in those she loved.
To have Jamie Dimon involved in overseeing the management of the New York Fed, an organization that oversees his activities, decisions, and potential losses, is no longer acceptable. We do not accept such conflicts of interest in other parts of American society.
Financial crises are a lot like childbirth -- they both involve a lot of pain and end up costing you a lot of money. But, after a while, you forget about all the negatives and are ready to do it again.
If we really want to honor the Americans in uniform who gave their lives fighting for their country, we'll redouble our efforts to make sure we're worthy of their sacrifice; we'll renew our commitment to the rule of law, for the rule of law is essential to any civilization worth dying for.
Over a million vets will be re-entering civilian life over the next five years -- one of the largest in our country's recent history. This Memorial Day weekend, we are focusing on the next mission facing our war heroes.
The number of women who died from pregnancy and childbirth complications dropped to 287,000 in 2010. However, these latest statistics also point to the fact that much work lies ahead.
The charges against flame retardant manufacturers have to be hogwash! Just another cheap shot against Big Business. How can so many people, and Americans no less, knowingly turn out a product capable of doing such dastardly harm? Impossible!
When you see my Purple Heart, you see my sacrifice, but I see and feel much more. I see the people I killed, the civilians that I failed to protect, and I am reminded that there will be no Purple Heart for them.
As we head into the presidential election, a tremendous amount of media attention is being focused on Michelle Obama and Ann Romney. While opinions may differ as to whether a First Lady (presiding or aspiring) deserves such levels of scrutiny, there is no denying that the position itself requires strength, dignity and resolve.
In Moonrise Kingdom, the characters own their world, not vice versa. The teenage actors bring life to their oddball characters -- which, in turn, give vitality to the fantastic display around them.
It is no exaggeration to say that since the 1980s, much of the financial sector has become criminalized, creating an industry culture that tolerates or even encourages systematic fraud.
It is for all of the wonderful men in my life that I am raising my voice about a disease that affects more than two million American men and remains the second-leading cause of cancer death for men in the U.S. We can make a difference with the progress of finding better treatments and ultimately, a cure.
This is a new America. An America that believes that drug addiction is a disease and not a crime. We will no longer subject ourselves to the old ways of destruction. We will fight for a fair justice system that uplifts our people from the drug war devastation of the past 39 years.
These days, gay parents are no novelty: We see them strolling through our neighborhoods and appearing on our TV screen. But still many are left wondering: How will these children of gay parents fare?
By no means is the three-year option for everyone. But if we can offer families the same quality undergraduate degree at a significantly reduced total price -- and I think we can -- why not do it?
I hate to be a killjoy, but Facebook, in economic terms, is a mirage, other than for Zuckerberg and anyone else who has founders' stock. It illustrates the need for salvation, not the road to follow to achieve it.
I can see myself, talking about one of those books of life, a source of sustenance for young people refusing the inevitability of an timid existence, one somehow cracked or just rocked softly into precocious old age, a book like a bible, a treatise on savoir-vivre for the use of future generations, Jack Kerouac's On the Road.
The environmental movement failed to change the way we look at the world and our place in it. Nature became "the environment": a reductionist term devoid of relationship. And environmentalism itself became divisive.
The after-party was filled by the most stunning costumes and getups I had ever seen assembled in the same space: truly spectacular, like a tropical hothouse of the wildest, brightest carnivorous plants. We stayed all night, and stumbled out only in time for breakfast.
While in prison, I once had the extraordinary experience of meeting Fariba Kamalabadi. During that brief encounter I wasn't able to learn any of the specifics of Fariba's detention. When I was later released and did some research, I was astounded by Fariba's kindness and bravery that day.
Mitt Romney has periodic breakdowns when asked questions about the economy because he sometimes forgets the need to lie, as happened recently in an interview with Time magazine.
I made a comedy movie to go with this election cycle. But to be honest, I can't claim I was prescient about just how comedic the political scene would become.
"Road movies" may be associated primarily with American film -- from The Grapes of Wrath to Easy Rider -- but the Brazilian director Walter Salles is growing into a master of the genre.
Instead of passing strong legislation to help reverse global warming, Congress continues the giveaways to the 200-year-old fossil fuel industry even as that industry's carbon pollution wreaks devastation on our planet. Enough is enough.