Pres. Obama and ‘False Balance’ in the News Media
The NYTimes’ Amy Chozik has a piece on Pres. Obama and his love, hate relationship with the media.
“The news media have played a crucial role in Mr. Obama’s career, helping to make him a national star,” Chozik writes. “As president, however, he has come to believe the news media have had a role in frustrating his ambitions to change the terms of the country’s political discussion.”
While Mr. Obama frequently criticizes the heated speech of cable news, he sees what he views as deeper problems in news outlets that strive for objectivity. In private meetings with columnists, he has talked about the concept of “false balance” — that reporters should not give equal weight to both sides of an argument when one side is factually incorrect. He frequently cites the coverage of health care and the stimulus package as examples, according to aides familiar with the meetings.
What do you think?