Maryland DUI Lawyer
If you find yourself facing DUI or DWI charges, an experienced Maryland DUI lawyer can guide you through the intimidating legal process and launch an aggressive defense on your behalf.Charges of driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI) should not be taken lightly. Maryland DWI and DUI convictions lead to criminal, civil, and administrative penalties that can affect you for an extended period of time. With solid defense from a Maryland DUI lawyer, you may be able to avoid or lessen some of the criminal and financial consequences. The maximum penalties for a first-time DUI conviction include:
• Up to one year in jail
• $1000 fine
• Suspension of driver’s license
• Increased insurance premiums
Certain circumstances, such as transporting a minor, causing a serious accident, or driving under the influence as a repeat offender, can worsen the penalties. With skilled defense strategies, a qualified Maryland DUI lawyer may be able to get the charges against you reduced or even have your case dismissed.
Maryland DUI Defense
For a first offense DUI, sometimes the best outcome is Probation Before Judgment. Defendants who adhere to the terms of their supervised probation avoid some of the negative consequences of a DUI conviction. In fact, PBJ does not lead to conviction at all, which means the defendant not only avoids jail time, but also escapes a DUI conviction reported on his or her driving record, points against the driver’s license, and the increased insurance rates a reported conviction would bring.
Probation Before Judgment is not the only tool your Maryland DUI attorney has to help you avoid a criminal conviction. Depending on the circumstances of your arrest and the case against you, a Maryland DUI attorney may be able to make the following arguments for your defense:
• Illegal traffic stop
• Improper police procedure
• Failure to advise you of your rights under Maryland’s Implied Consent law
• Inadequate maintenance or faulty calibration of blood alcohol analysis equipment
DUI Traffic Stop in Maryland: What You Should Know
While there certainly are a number of DUI traffic stops in which an officer noticed erratic driving from an obviously impaired driver, many Maryland DUI arrests follow a traffic stop in which a driver was pulled over for a minor traffic violation. If you have been pulled over, it is usually very clear if the officer suspects you have been driving under the influence. The questions the officer asks, the field sobriety tests you are asked to take, and the preliminary breath test that may be requested of you are all designed to demonstrate your impairment. They are not intended to prove your sobriety.
If you are pulled over and suspected of driving while impaired or driving under the influence, your words and actions will likely be used against you in court. Therefore, it is important to remember a few basic facts that will protect your rights and will help give your Maryland DUI lawyer a solid foundation for your defense:
• You have the right to silence. You do not have to answer officers’ questions about your activities, whether or not you have been drinking, or how much you have had to drink. It is wise to remain polite, but do not answer any questions without the advice of your Maryland DUI lawyer. Your right to avoid self incrimination begins immediately, even before an arrest and being read your Miranda rights.
• You do not have to submit to field sobriety tests or a roadside Preliminary Breath Test. These tests are not designed to help you prove your innocence, but rather to give arresting officers some indication of your level of intoxication. If you refuse these tests, you will likely be arrested, but there is a great likelihood of your arrest if you do submit. By not taking the tests, you avoid giving further evidence to the prosecution’s case, making DUI defense easier and maximizing your chance for a successful outcome to your Maryland DUI case.
• You have the right to counsel from a Maryland DUI defense attorney. If you are arrested for DUI, your first call should be to an experienced Maryland DUI lawyer who can advise you of your rights, protect you from a violation of those rights, and help build a case for your defense.A DUI arrest sets off a chain of events that can be confusing and overwhelming for anyone not immersed in DUI law. A Maryland DUI attorney can help you navigate the criminal court system as well as administrative hearings with the Motor Vehicle Authority (MVA). Call as soon as possible after your arrest.
Aggressive Maryland DUI Defense Attorney Ed Tayter
When it comes to your DUI defense, you want an attorney who is immersed in the relevant law and who has the experience necessary to obtain the best outcome for your case. Before entering private practice as a Maryland DUI lawyer, attorney Ed Tayter served as an Administrative Law Judge, presiding over more than 15,000 driver’s license suspension and revocation hearings. His experience with both the criminal and civil consequences of a DUI arrest gives Mr. Tayter the knowledge to deftly handle all aspects of your case.Call Maryland DUI defense attorney Ed Tayter for a free initial consultation and evaluation of your case. Protect your rights and your record with the help of this uniquely qualified attorney.
If you find yourself facing DUI or DWI charges, an experienced Maryland DUI lawyer can guide you through the intimidating legal process and launch an aggressive defense on your behalf.
With solid defense from a Maryland DUI lawyer, you may be able to avoid or lessen some of the criminal and financial consequences. The maximum penalties for a first-time DUI conviction include:
• one year in prison
• Potential fines of up to $1000
• temporary revocation of driver’s license
• Escalating cost of insurance
Certain circumstances, such as transporting a minor, causing a serious accident, or driving under the influence as a repeat offender, can worsen the penalties.
Maryland DUI Defense
For a first offense DUI, sometimes the best outcome is Probation Before Judgment. Defendants who adhere to the terms of their supervised probation avoid some of the negative consequences of a DUI conviction.
Depending on the circumstances of your arrest and the case against you, a Maryland DUI attorney may be able to make the following arguments for your defense:
• Whether or not the traffic stop was legal
• Failure to operate with proper police procedure
• Not conveying your rights under Maryland’s Implied Consent law
• Failure to keep breathalyzer machine/blood test system in working order
DUI Traffic Stop in Maryland: What You Should Know
While there certainly are a number of DUI traffic stops in which an officer noticed erratic driving from an obviously impaired driver, many Maryland DUI arrests follow a traffic stop in which a driver was pulled over for a minor traffic violation.
Therefore, it is important to remember a few basic facts that will protect your rights and will help give your Maryland DUI lawyer a solid foundation for your defense:
• You have the right to silence. You do not have to answer officers’ questions about your activities, whether or not you have been drinking, or how much you have had to drink.
• You do not have to submit to field sobriety tests or a roadside Preliminary Breath Test. These tests are not designed to help you prove your innocence, but rather to give arresting officers some indication of your level of intoxication.
• You have the right to counsel from a Maryland DUI defense attorney.