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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Cost of Thanksgiving meal up 13% this year

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It's a big jump in cost for the best holiday of the year. Click through to see what went up and what went down this year. Read the rest of this post...

You ate 4,500 calories and 229 grams of fat today

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Figured I'd inform you once it was too late ;-)  What you "should" be eating each day depends on your size, your lifestyle (exercise) etc., so it's nearly impossible to find overall recommended guidelines without specific data about who you are, but... what I found seemed to suggest that women should eat around 2000 calories a day (maybe a bit less) and men around 2400 (but again both of these depends on your height, etc).  So you'll eat about twice the calories in one meal that you should be having for the entire day.  As for fat, what I found seemed to talk of between 45g and 80g of fat a day being what's recommended (again, it depends on a lot of things). So that's anywhere from nearly 3x to 5x your recommended daily fat intake.

Okay, time for that midnight snack! Read the rest of this post...

De Niro and Billy Crystal do Thanksgiving

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The one where Joey got Monica’s turkey stuck on his head

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Apparently this one doesn't embed any more. Go watch it. Read the rest of this post...

Sarah Palin and the great turkey slaughter

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President Bartlett calls the Butterball Hotline

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Last minute turkey carving instructional video

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If you've never carved a turkey before it can be a bit intimidating. The reality is, carving a turkey is very easy to do. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes after coming out of the oven and then follow the video. Good luck! Read the rest of this post...

Stan Freberg’s Thanksgiving classic: "Pilgrim’s Progress (Take an Indian to Lunch)"

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A Stan Freberg classic, from his brilliant 1961 album of historical sketches and songs, Stan Freberg Modestly Presents the United States of America, Volume One: The Early Years.

This is the Thanksgiving piece, and it includes the wonderful song "Take an Indian to Lunch (This Week)". He was writing about blacks and civil rights, but this could easily apply to Muslims and immigrants today.


"We know everyone can't be
As American as we."

So true.

In case you missed it, that comment about the Indian candidate "taking orders directly from Chief Powhatan" is a reference to a criticism of the Catholic John Kennedy — that he'd take orders from the Pope instead of being a good secular leader. We've come a long way, haven't we? (More on Powhatan here.)

And in other news, God is an ironist.

GP Read the rest of this post...

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