Two-part discussion between
@JohnCusack, Jonathan Turley & Kevin McCabe on WikiLeaks & Assange: http://huff.to/V7SReU http://huff.to/UJWcOr -
John Cusack: What is an Assange? Part 2 | HuffPost http://huff.to/UJWcOr http://justice4assange.com/
Video: Aaron Swartz on WikiLeaks vs. the New York Times http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9H1zLZ-xS0w …
#aaronswartz -
Does the
#extradition of Swedish national M.Yusuf to US set a dangerous precedent for#julianAssange ? http://ow.ly/gM1ZE@wikileaks -
The US DoJ and MIT sites are down after complicity in bullying Aaron Swartz, friend of WikiLeaks, to death.
#aaronswartz#wikileaks -
http://www.mit.edu and http://www.doj.gov down after bullying Aaron Swartz to death.
Remove United States District Attorney Carmen Ortiz from office for overreach in the case of
#Aaron Swartz https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/remove-united-states-district-attorney-carmen-ortiz-office-overreach-case-aaron-swartz/RQNrG1Ck … -
"Lady Gaga interviews Julian Assange" | PFC http://purefilmcreative.com/main-slider/philosophy-in-the-embassy-lady-gaga-interviews-julian-assange-2.html …
This Day in WikiLeaks (13 Jan): Contribute info to US v WikiLeaks timeline; Zimbabwe apprehensive of upcoming release http://bit.ly/11tBh9H
Dom hemliga telegrammen Wikileaks. Sverige och USA. dokument inifrån SVT http://www.viddler.com/v/c24bba5f
Family: “Aaron's death [resulted from] a criminal justice system rife with intimidation and prosecutorial overreach.” http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/01/12/16485181-family-of-aaron-swartz-government-officials-partly-to-blame-for-his-death?lite …
Formal Whitehouse petition: Remove the prosecutor responsible for bullying
#AaronSwartz (@aaronsw) to death https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/remove-united-states-district-attorney-carmen-ortiz-office-overreach-case-aaron-swartz/RQNrG1Ck … -
Full statement by Aaron Swartz family blaming out of control US prosecution for his death | TPM http://talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/2013/01/official_statement.php …
The US government bullied
#Aaron Swartz to death. He stopped SOPA! Remember him & retweet this speech. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fgh2dFngFsg&sns=em … -
This Day in WikiLeaks (12 Jan): RIP Aaron Swartz;
#ISupportManning trends wordwide; 1863 case cited in Manning hearing http://bit.ly/ZJaqkK
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