We often bemoan the fact that those in Washington who get it wrong never seem to be held accountable, and those who get it right (even if not right away) always seem to be marginalized. Well, President Obama's nomination of Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense is how the system should -- but seldom does -- work. I'm not saying Chuck Hagel is perfect or that I agree with every position he's ever taken, but leadership isn't about conforming to a checklist. Hagel is being nominated for a particular job, and for that job, he has a strong record. And this is exactly why his critics are grasping for straws -- from questions about his "temperament" to the insinuation that he is an anti-Semite -- because they don't want to discuss that record, nor what this debate is really about: the Iraq War.
We don't need a national discourse on poverty but a shift in attention away from disadvantage toward an examination of the concentrated advantages provided to those already flourishing in our society. It then becomes clear that it is not only poverty but inequality that plagues the poor.
Who came out on top this past holiday season? Shoppers like you and me, hands down. Yet, there's no secret why merchants are getting smarter. They have to. Today's 20/20 digital consumer is dictating the terms of the shopping experience.
I'm apparently supposed to look at each often-humiliated, clueless, insulting, entitled female character as an approximation of me. Are you kidding me?
I'm caught between the age of fertility -- of nausea, butterfly-wing kicks that can take my breath away, swollen breasts and baby blankets -- and the afterward. For the past ten years, an ellipsis has hovered over my head and heart as I wondered if another face would come to our family.
The anti-Zero Dark Thirty camp indicates in their statements that they have little awareness of the principles of irony, catharsis, and sublimation that dramatizations use to separate depiction of heinous activities from endorsement of them.
In an era when the sadly misguided believe that we should fight fire with fire and arm teachers with weapons, I believe we should be supporting programs that don't need the threat of violence to make young people put down their guns.
A survey of 1,000 cell phone owners commissioned by Nuance, a provider of voice recognition software, suggests that people are developing closer relationships with the virtual assistants on their smartphones.
I believe that the prosecution for the United States threatened Swartz's emotional and physical well-being, and, faced with a court battle that he could not possibly finance with his own personal wealth, he took his own life. It bullied Swartz, and it should be held responsible in some way.
Look, I get why rooting for Steven Spielberg can feel like rooting for the New York Yankees, but I think he overcame his worst instincts in this movie and created what you might call a late masterpiece. It's not my favorite movie of the year, but it's the strongest candidate for Best Picture.
Had John Kiriakou actually engaged in torture, he wouldn't be in any trouble at all -- he never even would have been investigated. But because he talked about torture with reporters, he's going to prison.
Ever since last year's U.S. presidential election race ended, the much-discussed concerns over Iran's nuclear build-up have vanished from the national debate. A sudden shroud over Iran, however, does not mean that the dispute is going to go away. The Iranian spectre will pop up again in unexpected ways.
Mr. President, I am writing to you as a wife and mother of two young daughters, whose 34-year-old husband, Matthew Davies, faces 10 years or more in federal prison for providing medical marijuana to sick people in California, even though he complied with state law concerning medicinal cannabis.
While the original choice to give the final 'good prayer' at your inauguration came under fire and withdrew that doesn't mean there aren't plenty of us to rise to this occasion in your time of need.
Nancy Wake, the former WWII spy called 'The White Mouse' by the Germans for her ability to evade capture, died last year at 98. She received so many medals for service, 'she lived out her old age on the proceeds from their sale.' If only this were true of other women spies of WWII.
As we gear up for more deficit-reduction negotiations and potential across-the-board cuts to vital safety-net programs, our charge to President Obama is that he work with Congress to reduce the deficit in a way that strengthens protections around programs vital to vulnerable people.
Keeping people out of the Hall of Fame because of suspected or real connections to steroids may or may not be wise, but keeping people out because the voting rules have not changed to fully recognize expansion is not.
Swartz's persecution can't be passed off as an isolated incident. Instead, it feels more like the exclamation point on an administration whose commitment to maintaining secrecy, blocking transparency, limiting the flow of information and squelching dissent has been both unexpected and shocking.
The climate is changing, it's getting warmer and dryer in some areas and wetter and more flood-prone in others. Extreme weather is the winner in this game of fossil fuel addition, and we are all losers if we don't change our dirty-energy habits.
Recently, I sat down with George Washington Law School professor and constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley and my close friend Kevin McCabe to discuss WikiLeaks' impact on transparency, the government's response, and the comparison to the Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg.
The VA is getting a lot of good work done, using IT to much better serve veterans by helping address the disability claims backlog, maybe their biggest challenge. Sure, the tech is a work in progress, but the greater issue involves skepticism and low expectations.
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced legislation, (NY SAFE ACT), to give New York State the most comprehensive gun laws in the nation, which will keep guns out of the hands of potentially dangerous mental health patients and ban high capacity magazines and assault weapons.
Democrats are more united than ever on immigration. Meanwhile, movement conservatives and Republican leaders alike know that the GOP faces an existential crisis: It has to regain its competitiveness with Hispanic voters or go the way of the Whigs. So what is likely to happen?
By hiding your body and being embarrassed by it, you're buying into our youth-obsessed culture that says that only young, firm, fertile bodies can be sexy and alluring. Let's put that notion to rest right now!
After my dad died, Jack and I didn't talk any more than we had before. We didn't see each other more often -- nothing really changed. But Jack became that important male figure in my life that I wanted to make proud.
It couldn't be a sadder thing to admit, given what happened in those years, but -- given what's happened in these years -- who can doubt that the America of the 1950s and 1960s was, in some ways, simply a better place than the one we live in now?
As a nation we cannot be shackled to an archaic Second Amendment which is being shielded by a minority of Americans that demand the right to use weapons that are continually killing citizens across our country.
I blogged about my own experience with guns and asked gun owners on Twitter what they think about the NRA's stance. Though hardly a scientific survey, most felt the NRA was way out-of-step with the interests of typical gun owners.
The sparse result of months of partisan wrestling over the fiscal cliff portends a reduced likelihood that any of President Obama's second-term priorities, including immigration reform, will be addressed in the manner he outlines in his upcoming inaugural address.
Over the past two decades, chronic fatigue syndrome has won acceptance by the medical establishment. But much about the disorder -- its causes, its mechanisms in the body -- remain largely unknown.
I hate to see a news organization being condemned for trafficking in public information. I would also hate to see journalists end up campaigning to make less information public. Journalists, of all people, should be fighting to make more information public.
What happened to driving in a car and just looking out the window? Your kids are giving up the entire physical world for this narcissistic/sychophantic/addictive need to follow someone or see who's following them.