"CBS Evening News Features the Shameless Rep. Rush Holt, Continuing His Shameless Campaign in Support of Touch-Screen Voting..."
(19 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
the zapkitty
said on 2/3/2008 @ 10:38 pm PT...
Is it that time of the month already? Yeah... must be... Reid has the Senate Dems ready to capitulate on telecom immunity tommorow, so yeah...
Reid's urging the de facto immunity tactic of allowing the government to substitute itself for the telcos in court... where Bush and company will just say "State secrets. Go Cheney yourselves." and walk out of the courtroom.
A fig leaf has been arranged to cover the capitulation where the telcos will be allowed to walk only "if" the FISA court finds that they acted reasonably. And this is the same FISA court that backed the government over 99% of the time even before it was massively expanded by Bush.
So with another Dem capitulation imminent it's time for Holt again. Coincidence, perhaps, but it's strange how it always turns out this way.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
Adam Fulford
said on 2/3/2008 @ 11:22 pm PT...
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 2/4/2008 @ 3:49 am PT...
Hock all the machines and buy paper ballots and find some honest folk to do adult chain of custody.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 2/4/2008 @ 3:52 am PT...
... on super screwsday ...
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 2/4/2008 @ 4:16 am PT...
No time to parse:
Democratic House Representative Rush D. Holt, Jr. (NJ-12) talks to CBS about the lack of accountability put on electronic voting machines whose results are impossible to verify.
(Raw Story). It is happening just as I planned it
Dredd: "... McCain is a greater threat than Huck IMO" ... Brad: "... Democrats should be most concerned ... about ... Huckabee" ...
(Brad sedd, Dredd sedd). Everyone is a sedd head these days. I heard the Grateful Dead are going to get back together for a political/musical convention soon to support one of the candidates.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 2/4/2008 @ 5:30 am PT...
Oh hell don't look at it as electronic voting, just think of it as a video game with a backdoor that allows you to blatantly cheat. A good and practiced cheater always comes out ahead in America, just ask KKKarl Rove.
Cheat codes for Diebold voting machines to enhance voting experience
Official: “What good is democracy if it’s not fun and unpredictable?”
Diebold Elections Systems confirmed today that the latest version of their proprietary voting software includes numerous cheat codes which can be used by voters to unlock special ballot areas which award votes to candidates via several unique, interactive methods.
Video-game channel G4’s Cheat! series originally broke the story during last week’s broadcast after a review of Diebold’s brand-new software.
A Diebold official acknowledged the presence of the cheat codes, which have since been published on several websites and in gaming magazines.
“The cheat codes are there to make voting more fun,” said a Diebold spokesperson. “This way, if you get stuck on the second level of a screen of boring amendments, you don’t have to just quit. You can enter a code and it opens a whole new realm of entertainment and interaction.”
“Our research shows that the demographics of voters are changing, that younger people are using our products. This is merely an effort to reach a new audience. We’re a business after all, and satisfying our customers is our bottom line — whether it’s a state elections official or not.”
Reports of working cheat codes and their effects are floating around the internet in forums and chat rooms.
“To get to the networked version of Grand Theft Auto: Washington, DC, you hit ‘Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start’ before you do anything. You’ll then be able to play against any other voters in the same precinct as you,” read one example found at a cheat code community website.
“The best advice I can give you is to find a Rampage power-up and take out as many people who are registered as whatever political party you want to nail — just look for the elephant or donkey icon over their heads — or looking at the skin color often is just as good if you’re mowing people down en masse. Also, the flame thrower is your friend,” the website informed.
Early voters claim that Diebold’s tweaks truly enhance the voting experience.
“They’ve really improved the graphics. The modeling and shading is beautiful, and if you’re any good you can get your candidate an extra thousand-or-so votes,” said a Volusia County, Florida man who voted early.
“Unfortunately, the dude next to me kinda sucked, so he had negative votes for his candidate after it was all over, whoever that was” said the voter. “Sorry dude, but that’s democracy. Right?”
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 2/4/2008 @ 6:29 am PT...
How odd is it when the government's 911 conspiracy theory can be challenged in news outlets by articles of engineers, but vote machine conspiracy theories by the same are generally not so "acceptable"?
I am talking about general MSM type outlets ... (maybe only in Vermont?) ...
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 2/4/2008 @ 6:39 am PT...
OT - shameful too tho ..
Stay true to your oath to protect the Constitution. Stand up against an overreaching executive branch. And, don’t grant blanket immunity to huge corporations that sold out Americans’ privacy.
Call Senator Senator Feinstein at (202) 224-3841 or any of these phone numbers:
San Francisco: (415) 393-0707
Los Angeles: (310) 914-7300
San Diego: (619) 231-9712
Fresno: (559) 485-7430 and say something like this:
I am calling about the spying bill currently being considered by the Senate. I urge you to fight for a bill that’s constitutional and respects the rule of law. Please vote NO on the current Senate Intelligence Committee spying bill, and keep telecom immunity out of any bill that comes up for a vote.
Please reject any bill that allows for the warrantless surveillance or “bulk collection” of Americans’ phone calls and emails.
(ACLU, emphasis added).
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 2/4/2008 @ 7:30 am PT...
Is the battle lost and won? is the hurly burly done?
As we seem to be living in a Shakespearean tragedy, those lines would seem to appropriate
I'm sickened to my heart at the demise of the country, as we hover thru fog and filthy air.
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
said on 2/4/2008 @ 8:21 am PT...
well it seems that our voting machines are worthless pieces of crap! An expensive paper weight. Our super trust worthy reps bought them and now We the people own them. I was Sooooooooooo inspired by that wonderful GO AMERICA ad right before the super bowl that I think I am starting to lean towards voting with the only thing that I know still works and will deliver my vote properly.
MY HAMMER!! Remember that guy that voted using his Hammer? Man that really cracked me up. But he is my HERO! Despite the fact that he got a felony on his record. Folks maybe its time to do some civil disobedience just like our fore fathers who took a simple piece of paper that said FUCK YOU to the authorities of the time.
Every step of the process is pure BS, vote memory cards lost, hackable software, unverifiable everything. Super tuesday is going to be a super mess and give everyone a super headache and the media will snow ball it over as a super landslide for more of the same super policies by the same super people and it will all be thanks to those SUPER machines and our super dupper voting process
So maybe just maybe I will break out my voting machine...
Only my Hammer is going to say one thing on it. JUSTICE! (in big red, white, and blue lettering on the side)
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 2/4/2008 @ 8:41 am PT...
This is all about Holt being able to claim that he wrote and got passed a piece of election reform legislation. That's all. It's not about his writing and getting passed a piece of good legislation that protects the integrity of our elections. Shame on him. He knows better, but he's going for his own pass numbers, and not looking out for our interests.
The very basic problem of why it is that our legislators are not on to this is that this corrupt elections system got them all elected.
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
the zapkitty
said on 2/4/2008 @ 9:35 am PT...
... speaking of super tuesday... it's time for yet another dose of Daily Voting Disinfo...
... today's subject is yet even more preemptive gatekeeping... "The NH recount proved the system works!"...
... let the post-voting purges begin... again...
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
said on 2/4/2008 @ 10:06 am PT...
Maybe we should write in Cynthia McKinny for president and leave the senate and reps. up for grabs. Since the democrats are just as complicit in their silence. Al Gore..John Kerry ..John Edwards. Saw on Democracy Now today that Kucinich is facing major battles to keep his seat in the House. As soon as he asked for a recount..Six heavily moneyed contenders just sprang up to oppose him. We don't know if the backers are dem. or repub. at this point.
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
said on 2/4/2008 @ 11:27 am PT...
The EI movement is not the only one to split on issues from time to time.
Even professional and experienced judges, when making decisions, do not always fall in line with the facts and the law.
In the Federal Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, 8 judges verbally duked it out.
Four accused another four of helping the terrorists, and the responding four said the four accusing judges were drama queens. That is a Dredd paraphrase, but notice the sharp battle lines drawn:
Like Judge Randolph, I would not ordinarily write a separate opinion on a denial of rehearing en banc, but his suggestion that the panel’s decision was not only erroneous but also dangerous should not go unremarked.
(DC Opinion, page 6). The court was split 5-5 on whether to grant a rehearing en banc (where all eleven judges review the decision of a 3-judge panel of the same court).
The Supreme Court, then, will decide the fate of captives of the military once again and it may be a verbal slug-fest along ideological lines too.
These daze the military gummit finds it hard to follow orders, and would rather give them instead. The bushies dig that idea already, having decided to take orders from "military officers on the ground" rather than "civilian office holders on the hill" sent there by the people.
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
Jon in Iowa
said on 2/4/2008 @ 11:33 am PT...
Here's a fun thought: there's some bad weather forecast for tomorrow. What happens with the machines if the power goes out?
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
said on 2/4/2008 @ 11:37 am PT...
Molly #13
The anti-Kucinich money probably comes from the vast amount of "unaccounted for" funds the career pentagon accountants were looking for on 911 when something hit the very offices they were in. But hit no-where else "strangely".
Evidently the "turrists" didn't want Americans to know what the penties were doing with that trillion dollars? Yeah, that's the ticket.
We then saw 13 tons of $100 bills "lost in Baghdad", soon after the penties sent it there in giant C5A military transports.
I expect that the anti-Kucinich wealth was "magic anti-turrist elekshun funds" from the penties.
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
said on 2/4/2008 @ 11:39 am PT...
Jon In Iowa #15
There isn't much difference
in the results when they are "working" or "not working".
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
said on 2/4/2008 @ 11:59 am PT...
My take on the M$M.
Experience tells me they lie. Okay now the analysis!
1. They are lying, (What/fact)
2. Find out who is doing the lying, (who/identification)
3. Find out what interests motivate the liars, (why/motive)
4. Then determine the desire result from the lying. (Effect)
After that analysis is done, the truth is plainly evident.
M$M says: Voting system working A-OK!!!
Step 1: Thats a lie
(truth = voting system isnt A-OK)
Step 2: Who is telling the lie?
(Status Quo types, moneied intestests, propagandists' posing as journalists.)
Step 3: Why would they lie?
Lairs would certainly loose their jobs, reputation or life if the American public determined that the system wasnt A-OK.
Step 4: What is the effect of the lie?
Purpose of lying is to prop up the status quo - keep out of jail, avoid the hang's man's noose, continue to live a life of greed.
The status quo is lying to us - to allow the status quo to remain the status quo. Wow I found the truth! See how easy it is to discover the truth!
Example 2:
M$M says, 9/11 Truthers are abunch of wackos and the goverment version is true.
Step 1: Thats a lie
(9/11 Truther are NOT a bunch of whackos)
(Government version is false)
Step 2: Who is saying the lies?
(The status quo types again - government offcials, or others who receive a paycheck from the status quo types.)
Step 3: Why would they lie?
(NWO, NUA, mass-murder, billion dollar insurance fraud, bankrupting the USA, eliminating middle class, world economic domination through miltiary adventurism.)
Step 4: Effect of the lies?
(Futher step 3)
Government story on 9/11 is false and the status quo is behind it.
Thy this with impeachment....its fun!
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
Mark A. Adams JD/MBA
said on 2/4/2008 @ 3:06 pm PT...
Why do they want to keep using secret vote counting? Would they try to take other rights away, too?
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