How to pass the time when it's snowing
So the snow came, not bucketloads of it, not as much as in parts of South Wales, but enough to keep us inside. On Friday there was a driving wind which scoured the snow from some parts of the garden and heaped it in drifts against the kitchen door and the kitchen garden walls. The wind was so hard and cold it snatched the air from your lungs when you ventured out for yet more logs. Yoga was cancelled and we stayed warm and snug by the stove. I was glad Ian had made it back from Devon the day before, beating the snow home. Today was still. Yesterday the wind continued but today, although it snowed gently for much of the day, it was a cold, calm day. The snowdrops all along the bottom of the wall have disappeared under snow. There is enough snow for sledges and to make the hens miserable but not enough to transform the world. But there is enough for tracks to appear all over the garden. Badger and fox I recognise but what are th...