Showing posts with label flora. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flora. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Here is ICAD 3.  Today is the day!
My friend has a nice garden so every time
I visit she gives me this amazing mint.
I put a leaf in my water every morning, along with a slice of lemon.
It's so delicious and refreshing.
We have petunias on the porch. I could not resist painting them in my art journal.
I gave this to my mother-in-law for one of her birthday gifts this weekend.
Happy Birthday Julia!

Have a great day everyone!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Watercolor Journaling

gouache and micron

I just started a new watercolor journal after painting
on these loose bits of paper recently. 
Last winter I found large sheets of w/c paper that I had
and I trimmed them all out and have been working away on them.
The jounral I've just started is a custom made sketch book
 that is wonderful and has some great paper:)
 I am going to  have to learn to start making and
binding my own sketchbooks, haha! I wish.
I joke, but actually I really ought to try that.
I'll get started on a YouTube search soon!
Have a Happy Tuesday:)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sunday Sunday

I've posted more ICADs on Flickr and I've got them below.

Leafy goodness
Was looking for inspiration and I asked my mom to give me a single word so I could illustrate it. This is her contribution.

Cherry tomatoes from my dad's garden

Random Flora
After a month and a half, I am really growing to love this small area of art to work in. I'm mostly using my colored Micron pens. I know that I wanted to use my acrylics more but the page is so small and flimsy. I've got all those acrylic paints and some small canvases, but I just don't have the time or the 'oomph!' to want to get set up and do it. Those darn micron pens make it so easy to just grab and doodle/draw/create. It's all good:)
happy Sunday