Showing posts with label scissors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scissors. Show all posts

Monday, February 11, 2013

List it Tuesday - 6 days late

Well, Artysville left us to our own devices this past Tuesday. I tried to come up with something and had a hard time and was trying to be overly creative.. So I thought I'd just list what I like and keep near to me. Everyday items that I like, that is. I was posting the earlier images on Instagram then I ended up painting the piece. I am not sure if I should let it be now, I may go back and add some more color. But time will tell.
 My list is of things : 
  • A crochet needle - its my newest hobby. I was taught to crochet by my grandmother and whenever I'm crocheting I think of her :)
  • A Sharpie marker - I have a ton of colors and prefer blue and green. You never know when you need to permanently mark something!
  • Super fine, cutting scissors. These CutterBees are amazing. I love 'em and have had them for a few years. I bought them in my scrapbooking days.
  • A recent origami creation. I watched a YouTube video that shows how they are made. I just love holding it and can't believe that I made this little creation from two pieces of paper..
  • My newest knife.
  • 'votive' candles from the dollar store. I use these instead of lighting real candles. I get so nervous with a real flame. I'm forever forgetting to switch these off, that i shudder to think of me leaving a lit flame unattended.
  • Earphones, for my Pandora stations.
  • My ultimate and favorite, fav, fav,fav brush with the clear acrylic handle. I've had this for years and just can't live without;)
  • A shot glass that my husband bought somewhere. I love it because I don't have to haul out all the little measuring cups and has all the different measurements on it.
  • Last, but not least, my little 'prayer' book. I keep all sorts of great sayings and quotes in here that I come across. It has to be unique and GREAT to get into this book. I think I bought that in the city somewhere years ago. Its about 3"x2"
Tomorrow is Tuesday again ...another list:)

Have a great day!