Showing posts with label we three. Show all posts
Showing posts with label we three. Show all posts

Monday, January 18, 2016

Back to blogging in 2016

It's been awhile since I've blogged but I'm going to get back in the swing of it. I have things to say and share. Instagram is great for speed but I forgot how nice a blog is.

I started a new self-imposed 365 day challenge. I'm trying to make sure I do some art every day, as usual. Because I can let things go for weeks so if I have this slight pressure on me then I'll get it done.

Here is what I've done so far. PS I did not start on Jan 1st :) 

There are some awesome artists out the also doing a #365day challenge. One that I particularly like a lot is August Wren. Her work is so inspiring!  I also like to check out Sally Nixon, she has great illustrations. 

I'll do my best, it's all I can do! Will be back again tomorrow:))
Fran xo

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

AEDM Get Back - Nov 5

I miss my house!
I was a bit down earlier today and doodled, sketched, whatever,
this AEDM piece:

 Our 'real' house is up north and it has been months since I have been there.
I can't believe how time passes so fast. C is up there every week for work but comes down to be with us on the weekends.

I miss our rental  house more so now that we're not there. Its been seven days! OK you big mary, get over it and press on. Oh but I like to have a few minutes of the blues ;)

And to add to the crazy, I've signed on for a Pattern a Day challenge this month XD
But RIGHT AFTER I sketched this I got a call that completely made my day, week, month! A friend of mine offered to take Joe and I into their home so that he can attend school [ and I can work off my laptop there]. Her house is right around the corner from ours, yet she has all her utilities, thank goodness! So, now I can go back and forth to check in on the house and take things if I need them, etc. Closer to 'normal'!!!

I will try my best to keep the art and AEDM going. I'll do it as best I can, maybe by phone but I want to keep the challenge going!
Have a great day!

Thursday, November 1, 2012


I cannot believe its already been a year since the last AEDM!!
 Its been a rough week for our family with Hurricane Sandy. All I can say is that I am thankful for just having lost power and heat.
There are so many out there with much bigger troubles than I have and my heart goes out to them all.

Quote by Carl Sagan

This is the challenge that really got me blogging more often.
I am so glad to be able to be here and do this.
If you want to participate ( and I recommend you do!) got to this link for instruction. And don't forget to check the other AEDMers:)

Thanks for stopping by
love thy neighbor,

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle


Monday, October 29, 2012

List It Tuesday

( or are they?)
Aimee's got a great list prompt this week.
Now that I've got it written down, it seems so much more manageable,
I just might do these few:)
This list typically runs on Tuesdays but due to the hurricane
she started the contest early in case power is lost.
I'm doing the same, signing on early due to the hurricane Sandy.
Our lights keep flickering and the tall, tall trees out side are swaying ominously.
It's a waiting game.  And we have our flashlights at the ready:)
 Read all about here:

 Go to Aimee's page to check out other links!
Have a safe and happy day!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Sunday Sketch and then some

I am happy to know that there is a spot in this blogworld for Sunday Sketches:)
I discovered this while checking in on a wonderful blog by Tracy !
This is something I can manage, LOL...let's hope. I struggled with the last challenge
 (ummm, that's why they call it a challenge, Frannie...)

My Sunday Sketch
  I also have a few others that I did this weekend during my travels to the house up north as well as out east to the parents.
 BUT before I do that I have to share my mom's sketches as well. She is such a good artist and probably the main reason why I am an artist. 

These were tacked on her bulletin board...Isn't she great?:

Recipe cards she drew the fruit with her markers

Sorry Mom, this one came out blurry:)
 Mom is so creative and has set up a wonderful working area in a spare room (my old bedroom!) in the house. She paints, sketches, does origami, name it.  She can whip anything up!

I used my favorite makers - microns- for this doodle...
Its a wonderful Buddha quote! Everyone does deserve it!

silly face

Another Pennsylvania Dutch folk art inspired sketch
Now I have to get back to an important questionnaire that I have been struggling with then to bed!
Have a great week this week and be good to yourself.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Keeping busy

Well, I've finally done it. I have got myself an Etsy shop, up and running. I am pretty excited about it and trying to learn the ins and outs of it. Here is my banner. I finally created it, not entirely to my liking but there is something in the spot for now :)

So far I have ACEOs on the shop and plan to add some 4x6 paintings and greeting cards.. A little at a time. The link is I was also included in a few treasuries, which is so exciting for me. I have been trying to keep on with my journaling and did a little sketch while Mom T. was in the hospital. Poor thing had a quadruple bypass. She's in rehab and mending beautifully, thank God. She is in the facility my sister works at, and is in Jen's unit.

I saw this quote and was inspired to illustrate it.

Fun stuff.