Showing posts with label Ann Coulter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ann Coulter. Show all posts

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Ann Coulter, Fred Phelps: Two Peas in a Pod

PaddyMac found it noteworthy to post about Ann Coulter's reaction to Fred Phelps and his Westboro Baptist's Church's ongoing harassment of the families of fallen soldiers. Paddy, who is apparently in agreement with Coulter's take, writes:
What the rabble led by Fred Phelps with signs reading "God Loves Dead Soldiers," "You're Going to Hell" and "God Hates Fags" are doing, writes Coulter, is a well known legal concept: the intentional infliction of emotional distress. You can sue for that. "It means what it says: speech or conduct specifically intended to inflict emotional distress. The usual description of the tort of IIED is that a reasonable man viewing the conduct would react by saying, 'That's outrageous!'"
Makes one wonder what they would be saying if Ann Coulter was sued for the same infraction when Coulter attacked the 9/11 widows:
New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton accused commentator Ann Coulter of making a “vicious, mean-spirited attack” on outspoken 9/11 widows whom the television pundit described as “self-obsessed” and enjoying their husbands' deaths.

Coulter writes in a new book, “Godless: The Church of Liberalism,” that a group of New Jersey widows whose husbands perished in the World Trade Center act “as if the terrorist attacks happened only to them.”

She also wrote, “I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much.”
I would say that that was specifically meant to cause emotional distress.

At least we have confirmation that, despite all their hysterical shrieks, it is really people like Paddy and Coulter who are the fascists that would take away the people's rights.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

When you see this:

Doesn't it make you think of this?

Saturday, March 14, 2009

PSA: Beware Of The Ann Coulter Syndrome

From Paul Soglin:
Charlie, like Rush Limbaugh, is clearly suffering from Ann Coulter disease. Faced with the prospects of President Obama fixing the economy, the likelihood that public investment in infrastructure will stimulate private investment, and then continuing progressive majorities, Sykes, like Limbaugh, is now lashing out at anyone and everyone who was ever succeeded in life.


Charlie, just how bad are the ratings?

Charlie, do you find happiness and peace by attacking those who have it?

If you see a right winger foaming at the mouth, do not presume it is just their normal demeanor, and do not approach them. Please make sure you keep your distance, and see your doctor or read Whallah! for the proper immunization.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Wrong On So Many Levels

Who knew that one post could tell us so much about the fragile psyche of Kevin Fischer? Zach's post from Sunday takes a look at how little Kev knows about the Constitution but let's take a look at what else the shrill shill spills.

He's got a crush on the Pornographer, Ann Coulter.
Liberals, if you gotten this far down in the blog (I doubt it) here’s
Coulter’s entire column
if you care to pick up any pointers on how
a truly captivating writer does it.
He's captivated, simply captivated by her premise that GWB may be the ginchiest, most niftiest President ever, wever, ever. Why? Because there hasn't been a single attack on American soil since 9/11. That's why.
Ann Coulter writes about what I’ve been saying for years on radio and TV.
George Bush has been amazing because after 9-11, he protected this

That's right. Bush has been a Daddy-President and he hasn't let anyone...What? What's that? Five people dead from an anthrax attack on Congress and several media outlets. Apparently, Kevin and Coulter put their heads together and decided that 5 dead isn't really enough to call it a terrorist attack. And Kevin's been saying it all along. Daddy is good.

What else can we learn from reading Fischer?

He's firmly mired in the 70's.
The incense and sandals crowd has no life, so to inject a bit of excitement,
they read conservative blogs (like mine) and listen to conservative talk radio
so they can rush to their keyboards ...

Kevin can't stand to believe that anybody but those damned dirty hippies might want to see that troops come home and our economy made whole.

We know he can't count.
I have a kajillion liberal friends and associates...

And doesn't understand his readers.
...(who, by the way, don’t want me to step in front of a train and don’t
hate me) who admit readily they love to read conservative blogs and listen to
conservsative talk radio to, of course, hear what the other side is saying, but

Memo to Kevin: People are entertained by all kinds of things that aren't really valuable. You can draw a pretty good crowd downtown just by flopping around on the sidewalk and hollering, "Potato, potato." People are just drawn to a train wreck to reaffirm their gratitude that they weren't involved. Sometimes they aren't laughing with you.

Throw in his lack of understanding of basic government principles, his pitiful strawman understanding of Liberals and his appalling lack of humility in the face of his inadequacies and you have a good look at a 51 year-old man using the power of his position and a major, once-influential newspaper to say a quick, "neener-neener" to the 74% of America that disagrees with Coulter and Kevin.

He's right about one thing, though. It's really hard to read all the way to the end of his posts when you have to stop to clean the schmutz off your shoes all the time.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

I Always Thought That Elephants Had Long Memories

But that apparently isn't true if the elephant is a Republican. All across the right side of the cheddarsphere, squawking bloggers and blogging squawkers are chuckling themselves silly with the pictures and videos of Hillary Clinton Supporters that were upset with the way the DNC handled the Michigan and Florida primaries.

I still remember how these same squawking bloggers and blogging squawkers were all up in arms as John McCain was nearing clinching the Republican nomination. They were stating that there was no way they would be able to vote for McCain. They would rather switch to one of the Democrats, or just sit it out. Who can forget the goofy Ann Coulter attacking McCain on the Hannity and Colmes show, and threatened to campaign for Hillary Clinton:

It had gotten so bad that even Sykes had to start putting up posts and wasting air time to try to get the conservative faithful back to the mother ship party and get willing to vote for McCain in November, even if they had to "hold their noses" while doing it.

Wow, what commitment on their side!

Those Republicans not only have lousy memories, their insight is more than a bit myopic as well.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Score One For Wiggy

I know James Wigderson isn't technically part of the local right wing media.

Nor is Ann Coulter, thankfully.

But sometimes things are too good to pass up.

Sir Wiggy's post on Ann is one of them:
Ann Coulter describing Barack Obama's book, “Dreams From My Father.”:

Has anybody read this book? Inasmuch as the book reveals Obama to be a flabbergasting lunatic, I gather the answer is no. Obama is about to be our next president: You might want to take a peek. If only people had read “Mein Kampf” ...
I must've missed the part where Obama wanted to eradicate the Jews and invade Poland.

As an added bonus for us, and a burden for Sir Wiggy, there are some classics from mickey in the comments thread.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Vengeance Is Mine, Sayeth the McBride

Tim Cuprisin, a real columnist at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, has posted a couple of items about McBride's role model, Ann Coulter. Coulter, following in the footsteps of Bill O'Really and Rush to the drug dealer Limbaugh, has come out with an indefensible smear, this time against Jews. Here, via Mr. Cuprisin's blog, are the videos and the transcript of Coulter's outrageous statements.

Surprisingly, McBride doesn't rise to the defense of Coulter. What she does instead is seek out a chance at revenge my mocking Mr. Cuprisin. In case the gentle reader has forgotten, Mr. Cuprisin is one of the people McBride has blamed for her downfall from hosting a squawk radio show. His sin was not defending her indefensible lack of taste.

It's good to see that McBride doesn't hold grudges and has moved on with her life.