Showing posts with label Solidarity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Solidarity. Show all posts

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Alberta Darling Snubs Local Businesses

This morning, on the Charlie Sykes Incite show (which was mercifully without Sykes, who was no doubt enjoying some union-won time off), Alberta Darling repeatedly complained about the people's boycott of Johnsonville products, as well as Coors, Angel Soft and all the other companies that chose to support the anti-worker, anti-middle class, and anti-freedom Scott Walker.

Darling repeatedly stated that not buying Wisconsin made products was wrong and told people to buy some Johnsonville brats and Coors beer.

Perhaps some intrepid reporter should ask Darling what she has against buying from local companies.

Klement's also makes very tasty brats which are made right here in Milwaukee and don't have the same taint as the corrupt Johnsonville leaders permeating everything about them and their ties to WMC.

And Coors isn't even made in Wisconsin. It's merged partner, Miller, is still made here, but even then, they moved their headquarters out of Milwaukee County and into Illinois. So why in heavens is she saying that we should buy a beer brewed in Colorado and headquartered in Chicago, even while she's saying how we need to buy locally?

If Darling was really pro-Wisconsin, she would have recommended something like Sprecher, the brewery that is wholly right here in Glendale.

To recap, Alberta Darling, who is supposed to be the state senator for the Milwaukee area, in an effort to bash the working class people of all of Wisconsin, is telling people to buy brats made in Sheboygan and beer brewed in Colorado, instead of supporting local companies.

Is it any wonder why people are finding her to be clueless and in desperate need of  having to leave her office?

And as an extra dose of the cognitive dissonance from the right wing, neocon Fred Dooley, worried about a non-existent plan to sticker up grocery stores, goes out to show them union thugs by shopping at Pick'N'Save, which is a union shop. Thanks for supporting your local union members, Fred!

Cross posted at Cog Dis.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sykes Condemns Catholics' And His Own Behavior

Last Friday, Jeff Wagner started whining about people exercising their rights in a free market society by opting not to spend their hard earned cash on stores that don't support their personal values.

On Monday morning, Sykes continued the tirade, bemoaning "union thug tactics," by which he meant those union members that they don't appreciate their anti-Wisconsin attitudes.

Gee, it's almost like the squawkers are trying to pick which businesses are winners and which are losers. And we know how bad that is, because they kept telling us that until Scott Walker started doing the very same thing.

But the burning question is, when will Sykes apologize for teaming up with the Catholics and using the same "thug tactics" that he condemned today.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Charlie Sykes, The Cowardly Lion Liar

In case you were lucky enough to miss it on Thursday morning, Charlie Sykes spent at least the first hour or so of his radio trying to show that he really isn't a sniveling coward.

He told of how he bravely put on a suit, with a blue tie even, and drove out to the Capitol Building.

Of course, once there, he goes straight to Koch Brother Media, aka MacGuyver Institute, and got a camera man to walk him across the busy street.

Sykes then shares how heroic he was by walking up to the door and going inside!  No word if it was one of the public doors or through one of the tunnels that Walker uses so smuggle in supporters.

He then shares how he disappointed he was that none of the protesters ran up and started yelling at him.  What a champion!  Of course, his self-imposed mission was made all the easier since he went after the Weasel King, Scott Walker, locked the People's House up to keep it away from the people and the working stiffs that have appeared at the Capitol for every day without incident.

The best part though comes after he is let inside.

He actually admits to going up to some of the protesters with the sole purpose of trying to instigate an incident.  The protesters not only refuse to rise to his adolescent taunts, but don't even know or care who is is.

It's nice to see that he is getting exactly the respect he deserves: none.

I hear for his next act of bravado, Sykes is going to host a panel of ultra-conservatives in front of a group of other ultra-conservatives.  And he'll do it without a net!

Gee, what a hero he his own mind.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Fox News Can Tell Your Future By Reading Your Palms

Bill O'Really? and Faux News reporter Mike Tobin have one the idiots of the week award with this smashing report about the "violent" riots going on in Madison for the past couple of weeks:

Maybe the state of Wisconsin can save some money by not shipping in those palm trees, eh?

Any bets that Tobin's allegations of getting hit was fraudulent as well?