Saturday, January 2, 2010

new year

2010 started off quietly. I was in a house full of people and the only one awake at midnight to watch the ball drop. With no one to kiss or wish happy new year, I thought briefly about the dreaded new years resolution.

And here is what I decided: I am NOT going to make any resolutions.

Why? Because I never keep any of them anyway. What's the point in setting myself up for failure and disappointment?

I could tell you that I'm going to lose 40 pounds.
Or run a 10k.
Take more time off.
Not work as hard.
Cook more.
Stress out less.
Write a book.
Finish my vampire series.
Spend more time with hubby and Andrew.
And dazzle you all with brilliant, well-written, fascinating posts every day.

Yeah...who am I kidding. If I manage to get through the next month, I'll have considered it a successful year! My big construction case is coming up for trial and I'm in charge of getting the thing ready. So virtually every waking moment between now and January 25 are going to be spent in construction hell.

Don't let the whining fool you. By now, you know I like to be busy. To some extent, I thrive off the pressure and deadlines. But there's a difference between busy and insane... I've hopped right over busy directly into insanity overdrive.

I'll get through it. I always do. And I'll make my boss look brilliant. Maybe I'll even get some credit for it at the end of the day.

For now, I raise my glass to all of you and wish you a new year filled of...whatever good things you're looking for.

Crazy drunken sex with a hot stranger you meet in a bar?

Who am I to judge... ;)


Brian Miller said...

lol. hope the new year brings you all your dreams and more jaime! smiles.

Beth said...

Atta girl! Love that attitude!

Baino said...

Crazy drunken (or otherwise) hot sex would be nice! Nah, not one for resolutions myself. I set the same three every year and haven't nailed any of them yet!

Mike said...

Love the last line!! LOL!

I would rather be bored than be so busy that I could not handle things!

Don't worry, Baino, I never nail anything either! haha!

California Girl said...

so res for me either. cheers!

Stacy Uncorked said...

You just keep doing what you do, because you can't really perfect perfection. ;)

Happy New Year, Jaime! :)

Skip Simpson said...

I love the line about "Making the boss look brilliant."
I can identify with that.
My New Year's Resolution was to not make any resolutions. So far... so good.

Ms. Salti said...

I'm going for the crazy drunken sex. I need some.

And you should hire Otin to help you with the construction case. I'm sure he can offer some helpful insight...

Mrsupole said...

I think busy is better than being bored to death anyday, but then that is my day, the bored day. Not working is boring and being in too much pain to do things is freaking boring.

Oh okay, watching the grandkids is okay and trying to figure out what I am "not" going to cook is fun too. Maybe if I cooked I would not be so bored but then how would my microwave get any use.

Good news is that I have no Holiday decorations to take down since I never put any up. That was so smart to do that. Maybe I should sell them on e-bay, but then would that not be work, so that will never happen.

Well I hope you succeed in not doing any of those non-resolutions that you did not make. I too never make any because then that would be work.

All the best to you and Happy New Year too. And for Hubby and Andrew too. Best wishes for your case, but never forget the most important things in your life.

God bless.

Matty said...

I know for sure you will make the boss look good. No resolutions for me either.

Mr. Condescending said...

I think you should cook more, that's an easy goal! The microwave is technically cooking too!

Happy new years Jaime, I hope that case turns out in your clients favor and that you get some time to relax.

rxBambi said...

I haven't really set any resolutions either. Maybe I should try not to be such a bitch to my step-kids, but they make it so easy so I'm not sure that'll work. Oh what the hell. You like me bitchy, right?

Candice said...

Screw the resolutions. My plan is to take it one day at a time.

Auri said...

losing 40 pounds is overrated... okay, not really... but maybe if you say you don't care about it you'll magically lose it? Worse things have been lost unintentionally:

car keys
1 pint B&J phish food (I swear I lost it... )

you get the idea;)

have the fun kicking the shit out of people with your magnificent mind!

Little Ms Blogger said...

So, on January 26th or 27th, you'll be off from work getting a much needed massage...I can only hope this for you.

Liz Mays said...

I am not making resolutions either. I'm simply not capable of keeping them. I'm a fail before I try kinda gal. ;)