Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Draft

She turned away from the computer. Something like this required more of a personal touch. Raising her pen to her lips, she chewed on the end thoughtfully.

This moment shouldn't have come as a surprise to either of them. They had a good thing going in college. But time and distance had driven a wedge between them that love alone couldn't conquer.

Living together this summer taught her a lot. She wore his ring on her finger, but her heart firmly resided with another. She couldn't marry Jeff and couldn't find the right words to tell him.

His insecurity had been palpable. He hid her mail, deleted her phone messages. He checked her email, read IMs over her shoulder. They fought bitterly as he tried to control her every action. Where he used to make her feel so safe, she now dreaded being in his presence. Leaving their apartment each day freed her.

Returning from her internship at the end of the day, it was an effort to walk through the door. Her chest got tight. Panic attacks struck frequently. There was no way this could be her life.

She was so grateful when the summer ended and she returned to school. Safely 10 hours away, the tightness in her chest loosened. For the first time in months, she felt like she could breathe. The relief she felt with each mile she put between them solidified the inevitable.

It was over.

Putting pen to paper, she began to write. The words flowed freely as she poured her heart out onto those pages. One page quickly became seven. Signing her name with a flourish, she stopped to survey her work.

The draft was disjointed at best, incoherent ramblings filling the pages. She alternated between anger and sadness. Rage and pity. They had both taken a risk with each other after the trauma of their past relationships. She never wanted to hurt him but couldn't bear hurting herself any longer.

Slowly, she slid his ring off her finger. No tears fell. It felt right. Like a weight had suddenly been lifted, she felt lighter than she had all summer.

Taking the draft into steady hands, she tore it to shreds. Her hand reached for the phone a split second before it rang. Knowing it was him before a single word was spoken, she answered, "Jeff, we need to talk."

The conversation pained them both. When they hung up the phone, they may have both been heartbroken. But they were free - to find happiness, to find the one they were meant to be with and to find a happily ever after they were never meant to share together.


This week's theme was "draft." Check out the other Theme Thursday posts here.


Kris McCracken said...

I hate it when I chew on a pen, only to realise that someone else has already been having a nibble.

C.M. Jackson said...

Isn't it amazing when we put the words on paper the weight lifts from our shoulders and we are free even if it is just the writer who reads the words? nice take on the theme--happy TT!

Brian Miller said...

whew. great story jaime and one many of us can relate to in some way or another but i imagine they will find their happily ever after...

Mike said...

I can definitely relate to this one!

JenJen said...


This...this was a perfect story.

Jingle said...

heart felt story,
you are cool!
Happy Thursday ahead!

anthonynorth said...

An excellent story. So many will identify with this.

Unknown said...

Good for her! Everyone deserves to be happy!

California Girl said...

Jaime, I really feel this one. It pains me. All of us have been there and some had the courage to move on and some did not.

Harnett-Hargrove said...

Such a great slice... miles put in focus what becomes delayed reaction... -J

järnebrand said...

Excellent. Well done. /Jo.

firecracker! said...

truly wonderful.

moondustwriter said...

Bitter sweet story. Like how the "draft" wended it's way into the story.



Jill from Killeny Glen said...

Ooooooo, this is a good one. Better to KNOW now than to wait and PAY LATER.

Dot-Com said...

How touching and sad, but no matter how hard we try, the one we want isn't always mr right. Happy Theme Thursday!

tony said...

An End To The Draft-Excluder!Yes, I Too, recognise this feeling.

Jan @ Struck by Serendipity said...

That moment of feeling free makes the pain worth it, doesn't it?

Great story.

PattiKen said...

I've been on both sides of this story. Neither is fun. Very moving take on them word.

Candice said...

She did the right thing!

Anything Fits A Naked Man said...

Oh, this was just TERRIFIC writing, Girl!! I can't tell you how much I loved it. You brought us in so beautifully, and I love the happy, bittersweet ending! Cheers!

Baino said...

If only all breakups were as amicable! Then when you know you know, you know?

gayle said...

Such a sad but oh so true story!! Beautiful!!

Tracie said...

Great story. It is such a relief to let it out in writing. I think that's why so many of us blog.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

Happy Tuesday!

Liz Mays said...

There's a lot of me in this one. It's sad, but yet so hopeful.