Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thursday, January 8, 2009

A New Adventure: Austin, TX

My dad just recently moved to Austin and we were lucky enough to visit for the holidays! Only a few of the things we got to experience: drove to Corpus Christie so Sophie could play on the beach, stopped in San Antonio to see the Alamo and the riverwalk, heard some amazing live music, shopped at a huge outlet mall, and ate really yummy Texas BBQ.

Christmas...a little late.

We had Christmas at my mom's on Christmas Eve, then Christmas with the Masons on Christmas morning and then flew to Austin later that day to visit my dad with Ben & Trish too. It was pretty crazy but somehow we fit it all in. Sophie was spoiled rotten by her grandparents and loved all her gifts. She especially loves the pink chair Lala gave her and her baby doll from Grandma. I'll post all the Austin pics in a separate post. Happy New Year!