Monday, October 17, 2011

A Becca Weekend

It's always fun when Becca comes, when Becca comes, hooray!

A night at the Haunted Corn Maze with Mary. Ooooooooo! (Not my choice, I had my eyes closed at least 50% of the time and one of them on either side of me in my death grip.)

We ran the 5K Barber to Boise with Sum on Saturday morning!

We watched the BSU game and ate dinner in Hyde Park and then had a NERTS tournament with my fam. It was intense! :)

Not the best pic, but we had a blast! Miss her already.

Pumpkin Patch

Sophie's preschool class went on a field trip to the pumpkin patch. I wish I could tell you how much fun we had but it was POURING rain and we were just cold and muddy.

I couldn't decide which pic was cuter, so here they both are:

This is the pumpkin Sophie picked:

It now has a vinyl pumpkin face on it and is sitting on our front porch. :)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Sophie Has Short Hair

After too many days of screaming, crying and running away from me when I try to do her hair...


Doesn't she look so grown up?