Showing posts with label LEO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LEO. Show all posts

11 April, 2013

Twenty-seven years ago today brought us this made for TV movie, the Feral Bumbling Idiots to tears and the rage of the Wonder-Nine.

More on this can be found here and there.

Just remember this, from all incidents such as this (the rending of cloth, the flowing of tears and the cries of anguish echo) comes knowledge...


17 May, 2012

CPD Hacked

It was with laughter that I read the following:
Thursday, May 17, 2012
We've been informed about "virus warning" type windows popping up on the Department computers lately. We're told it occurs dozens of times during the processing of a simple arrest.

Guess what happened? And guess who predicted it?
NATO protestors have infiltrated the CPD computers with a worm that is wreaking havoc across the board. 35th Street and OEMC are in a full panic. The entire Department Intranet is in danger of a meltdown on an unimaginable scale, just in time for a potential "mass arrest" situation this weekend that would bring the Department to a grinding halt. (from our e-mail)

Did you see that latest AdMin Fax that told everyone to change their passwords if they haven't been altered in a few years and that efforts were underway to have passwords changed every 90 days? That gaping security risk, pointed out by SCC readers almost a year ago, is coming home to roost. Good thing CPD trimmed the in-house I.T. people and never spent the money/effort on a decent internet security protocol.

This is going to cost big time. And be careful with those detachable drives - you might bring home presents for your own personal computer by accident.
I laughed even harder at this comment by Edison Park:
This is probably just the beginning. Chicago is an alpha city, the CPD is a huge and critical institution and there's no question the eShitheads will target us. Completely gutting our capacity for a real time IT emergency response will absolutely, positively, most certainly lead to a data catastrophe.

How would you like it if they get into the network and rustle up all the personnel info? Wouldn't it be 'thrilling' if the complete employee dossier of every CPD officer were posted to the internet, name, address, family info and all?
Why the utter fear that their fellow Chicagoans could know full well who amongst them are "Peace Officers"?

Go spend some time here before CATO screws it up and visit their archives and then spend some time here and read the writings of a former CPD Peace Officer and you will understand why they fear.

Just realize that cities ("alpha" or otherwise) have these types of problems and that is why "Peace Officers", more commonly called LEO's (Law Enforcement Officers) fear the citizenry- they know we know so many of them are the real thuggish criminals.


14 April, 2012

April 11th- Hopefully A Happy Platt & Matix Day

Twenty-six years ago on April 11th, brought us this made for TV movie, the Feral Bumbling Idiots to tears and the rage of the Wonder-Nine.

More on this can be found here and there.

Just remember this, from all incidents such as this (the rending of cloth, the flowing of tears and the cries of anguish echo) comes knowledge...


20 June, 2011

19 June, 2011

Fathers Day: "When the State Breaks a Man"

I received the Sentinel link on this Friday, spent some time last night reading further and was intending to write today about it but William Griggs has an excellent post on it and how the State of New Hampshire broke this man.
One evening in April 2001, Mr. Ball suffered a momentary lapse of patience with a disobedient four-year-old daughter and slapped her face. He left the house at his wife's suggestion. When he called her a short time later, he learned that his wife -- "the type that believes that people in authority actually know what they are talking about" -- had called the police, who told her that her "abusive" husband wasn't permitted to sleep in his own home that night. Ball was arrested at work the following day. Under the conditions of his bail, he wasn't allowed to ask his wife what had possessed her to call the police.

Years later Ball would learn that if his wife hadn't called the police and accused her husband of abuse, she would have been arrested as an accessory -- leaving the children at the mercy of New Hampshire's utterly despicable Division of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF).

Dot Knightly, who tried vainly for years to win custody of three grandchildren seized on the basis of spurious abuse and neglect accusations, recounts how a DCYF commissar contemptuously batted away both her pleas and her abundant qualifications to serve as a custodial caretaker: "Nobody gets their kids back in New Hampshire. The government gives us the power to decide how these cases turn out. Everyone who fights us loses."
Everyone should read Mr. Ball's statement- not merely Fathers, everyone as his facts and figures should open your eyes. The state is a monster- at every level and for those that think this hyperbole, I remind you of the Ballad Of Carl Dregga who chose another route. From Vin's December 1997 editorial take note of the sections that I have placed in BOLD:
"I sort the incoming letters-to-the-editor for a major metropolitan newspaper. The receipt of such sheafs of heartfelt, illiterate pleadings from folks at their wits' end (child custody leads the list, though property rights also feature prominently), pleading for help from SOMEONE, has become an almost daily occurrence."
For way too long, Americans have taken this abuse and now that more are waking up to the realities of the monstrosities that have been allowed to grow- so does the anger of the citizenry. However, the grip is becoming tighter and what I see coming, as do many of you, is something that is going to be ugly. If you think that Tom Ball's statement is nothing more than the ramblings of a crazy man, that is up to you. I do not and suspect we will see more acts.


17 June, 2011

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer Is Not Pleased With ATF

Found via SSI:
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer Is Not Pleased With ATF

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer (R-AZ) released a statement yesterday after listening to the Operation Fast and Furious hearings. She is not a happy camper - nor should she be given the impact of Project Gunwalker on her state.
It is a good thing that Governor Brewer is angry over this, but like the first comment at SSI, my thoughts at first when I read this is when is she going to get angry at the police forces in her state and their atrocities?

No matter what, always remember- they are politicians.


15 June, 2011

Guerena Killing: “Reasonable And Justified”

WSRA had posted and I found it via WoG's.

Too pissed to speak- go and read!


19 January, 2011

Federal charges filed in San Juan cartel body armor case

Federal charges filed in San Juan cartel body armor case
by Katie Lopez
Posted: 01.18.2011 at 7:08 PM

Luna said, yes it is legal to buy and sell these items, but why does one person need 50 ballistic helmets, over 600 rounds of ammunition, and 24 pairs of tactical boots.

"It serves no purpose of someone owning all of this if you're just going to have them at the house," said Luna.

Luna said he has heard it all----he said for those who say this person might have bought these items wholesale and are going to sell them at the flea market---he doesn’t buy it.

"This person was going to possibly be exporting them to Mexico," said Luna.
So Katie and Sergeant Rudy Luna, what happened to your assertion yesterday that:
"Police told Action 4 News to buy these items a person has to have a special license and the man in possession of these items did not."
Oh, so now the well fed Sergeant Rudy Luna states they should be and no one needs this? Tell us Sergeant Rudy Luna, just where in the Constitution does it say our servants get to tell the citizen what he needs or doesn't need? Or you Katie, asking someone who does not speak a word of English (though you have the text on your site transcribed instead of in Spanish as in the video) which creates doubt as to his citizenship, why his opinion matters? You see Katie, that man, is seemingly Mexican and everyone knows in Mexico, you cannot own a gun without government approval which makes it damnably easy for them to control and dictate to its subjects what THEIR needs are.

Continue to try to justify your well fed existence Sergeant Rudy Luna and keep promoting the War On Some Drugs- however, we know what you spout, "Only One", is a lie. Are you really happy wiping your well fed ass with the Constitution and Bill of Rights?


11 April, 2010

Happy Platt & Matix Day!

Twenty-four years ago today brought us this made for TV movie, the Feral Bumbling Idiots to tears and the rage of the Wonder-Nine.

More on this can be found here and there.

Just remember this, from all incidents such as this (the rending of cloth, the flowing of tears and the cries of anguish echo) comes knowledge...


20 April, 2009

Denton County Sheriff's Dept Owns a LENCO BEAR

Since the photos are fully copyrighted, I can only post a link or two to the proof, but here is a video for you to see exactly what type of attitude our friendly Denton County Sheriff and Deputies, have at their disposal, to intimidate- I mean greet us Texans.

You can find more information about the LENCO BEAR here and from the maw of the BEAR you can read all the specs that they deem viewable by we the taxpayer.

A thank you to Mr. Sharkey for the heads up.



I just read this over at WarOnGuns:
Harris County Sheriff Adrian Garcia wants to spend about $7 million in federal stimulus money to lease and staff a helicopter, buy a covert surveillance van and add machine guns to boats that patrol the Houston Ship Channel.

11 April, 2009

Happy Platt & Matix Day!

Twenty-three years ago today brought us this made for TV movie, the Feral Bumbling Idiots to tears and the rage of the Wonder-Nine.

More on this can be found here and there.

Just remember this, from all incidents such as this (the rending of cloth, the flowing of tears and the cries of anguish echo) comes knowledge...


28 March, 2009

Deputy US marshal found dead in Juarez was wanted in US

JUAREZ, Mexico -- A deputy U.S. marshal who was shot to death in Juarez was wanted in the United States, according to court documents.

The U.S. Marshals Service confirmed that the body found in a Juarez canal on Wednesday was that of 48-year-old Vincent Paul Bustamante, a deputy U.S. marshal assigned to the El Paso office.

Chihuahua state police said that Bustamante died of a gunshot wound to the head.

At the time of his death Bustamante was on administrative leave. Bustamante was wanted for failure to appear in court on charges of criminal theft of public property, according to Jeff Carter, a spokesman for the U.S. Marshals Service.

According to federal records obtained by the ABC-7 I-Team, Bustamante was arrested on the theft charges March 2. He was accused of selling six government handguns, three government shotguns and a pair of government binoculars without authorization.

The charges required that Bustamante's weapon, credentials and badges be retained by his supervisor outside of work hours, Carter said.
That last sentence grabbed my attention. Why was he still working and even ALLOWED to carry a weapon while on duty? Probably because he was one of the Only Ones.

19 March, 2009

Botched Paramilitary Police Raids: Interactive Map

Botched Paramilitary Police Raids:
An Epidemic of "Isolated Incidents"

"If a widespread pattern of [knock-and-announce] violations were shown . . . there would be reason for grave concern."

—Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, in Hudson v. Michigan, June 15, 2006.
An interactive map of botched SWAT and paramilitary police raids, released in conjunction with the Cato policy paper "Overkill: The Rise of Paramilitary Police Raids," by Radley Balko.
CSMK sent me the link to this great tool at CATO (does require Javascript) I just wish it also mapped David Codrea's Only Ones too.



Here is the link to the grab the PDF and notice the document is two years old- makes me a day late at least.

13 March, 2009

Two Posts Elsewhere

I have been seriously pissed since Wednesday after this and that post.

I busted tail yesterday to burn the anger out of me, but did not find myself wanting to post anything serious yesterday so I decided to upgraded (which I have been putting off for the past few months). Not a major mistake and should have put more planning into it. I am going to migrate to something other than blogger and host it on the domain soon (as was the original plan anyway). Everything is NOT fully up to speed here the way I want it, but it is progressing nicely- just want WAY more control than what Blogger is allowing right now.

Nevertheless, I hit David's blog just now and read the following two posts and the links in them and am more pissed than I was Wednesday night.

Here we have David's post about Justice23's reply, off the cuff or not, about being full of desire to confiscate CITIZENS firearms- you know, the ones who pay his salary. Hit the image in the link to see his statement and then go read the thread that is linked there at and then go back and read this post again.

The second is again on David's site and instead of linking directly to the article he linked to, I am LINKING to his post as the second link in it is right on target. The article he linked to is over at the Sipsey Street Irregulars blog, and discusses Alex Jones's interview with Lt. Col. Scott Wile, the Director of Public Safety and Provost Marshall at Ft. Rucker, Alabama regarding their disregard of the Posse Comitatus Act which I questioned here and was the first news article Wednesday night to just PISS ME OFF.

After reading both I am pissed once more and once again, I have no real desire to post anything more right now- may later today, but not right now.


11 March, 2009

“The Modern Militia Movement”

Secret State Police Report: Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Libertarians are Terrorists

Kurt Nimmo
March 11, 2009

Alex Jones has received a secret report distributed by the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) entitled “The Modern Militia Movement” and dated February 20, 2009. A footer on the document indicates it is “unclassified” but “law enforcement sensitive,” in other words not for public consumption. A copy of the report was sent to Jones by an anonymous Missouri police officer.

The MIAC report specifically describes supporters of presidential candidates Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, and Bob Barr as “militia” influenced terrorists and instructs the Missouri police to be on the lookout for supporters displaying bumper stickers and other paraphernalia associated with the Constitutional, Campaign for Liberty, and Libertarian parties.
CSMK sent this in and HE & I are labeled terrorists by some boot licking, lick-spittle, candy-ass bunch of pussies as the MIAC!?!

I am too angry to say anything except:



PS - Al Bundy always said it best- "Bring It."

08 March, 2009

Different Presidents, A Different Corps

Firstly I want to state, for the many new readers I have gained lately, that I have given, deservedly, GW my share of grief, and most of you know EXACTLY what I think of the Kenyan too.

Now, due to my last post, and just getting this video sent to me, I had to post it as it DOES reinforce my firm opinion that, on the whole, the military will not be the problem come the crash, and for those that do not know, I think the major problem will come from Law Enforcement since they, on the whole, NO LONGER consider themselves Peace Officers.


07 March, 2009

Preaching to the choir.

CSMK sent the following link for me to read:
February 09, 2009 Issue
Copyright © 2009 The American Conservative

Homeland Offense

Washington contemplates deploying the Armed Forces for domestic law enforcement.

By Kelley Beaucar Vlahos

Americans have become so inured to the sight of federal troops fighting fires, rescuing flood victims from rooftops, and engaging in drug interdiction on the border that few eyebrows were raised when news broke that 20,000 active-duty infantry would soon be deployed on American soil for so-called homeland defense.

But critics say this development—announced by U.S. Northern Command (NORTHCOM) in October—is unprecedented and further evidence of a military mission-creep into domestic affairs, particularly in areas for which the National Guard and Reserves are already suited.

"I don't get it. I don't understand why they are further encumbering active-duty brigades with this kind of mission," says Winslow Wheeler, author of America's Defense Meltdown: Pentagon Reform for President Obama and the New Congress and one of Washington's few civilian experts on the Pentagon's Byzantine budget. "It sounds like someone is expanding his empire."

Pentagon officials say that having a permanent, ready-reaction force capable of responding to a catastrophic event—natural or manmade—is a sensible and necessary outgrowth of post-9/11 national security. But the move has constitutional experts, civil libertarians, and retired and active military scratching their heads. Politicians are now demanding answers, wondering how close the military is to violating the Posse Comitatus Act, the 1878 federal law passed after Reconstruction to prevent federal troops from conducting domestic law enforcement. A separate Department of Defense directive prohibits the Navy and Marines from engaging in such activities.
Since Waco, I have been an ardent opponent of just such activities. I recall readily when Esequiel Hernandez was murdered by those three Marines- there was an uproar amongst a number of us here in Texas about this. However, memories fade and stories sometimes are never learned. Until we bring them up, and in fact, quite recently, I was called a liar when I related this event to a few people and when I presented the prrof, they never apologized to me, simply hung their heads. I understood thier thoughts as I had already had them myself, years before and the knowledge that more are waking up is enough for me- for now.

Reading the article in full brings up Craig Trebilcock who is quoted:
"These things don't happen in a vacuum," said Craig Trebilcock, an Army reservist and former JAG officer who shared his thoughts with TAC as a private citizen and attorney. The Bush administration's mindset, he added, was to chafe against "any significant restrictions on its use of active duty military forces in the continental U.S.—a tectonic shift from our previous history."
He wrote an article in October of 2000, which is also referenced in the above article, titled. The Myth of Posse Comitatus and from his first paragraph, he comes out swinging:
The Posse Comitatus Act has traditionally been viewed as a major barrier to the use of U.S. military forces in planning for homeland defense.[1] In fact, many in uniform believe that the act precludes the use of U.S. military assets in domestic security operations in any but the most extraordinary situations. As is often the case, reality bears little resemblance to the myth for homeland defense planners. Through a gradual erosion of the act’s prohibitions over the past 20 years, posse comitatus today is more of a procedural formality than an actual impediment to the use of U.S. military forces in homeland defense.
His article is well researched as his footnotes demonstrate and the article can be summed up in the second to last paragraph:
The erosion of the Posse Comitatus Act through Congressional legislation and executive policy has left a hollow shell in place of a law that formerly was a real limitation on the military's role in civilian law enforcement and security issues. The plethora of constitutional and statutory exceptions to the act provides the executive branch with a menu of options under which it can justify the use of military forces to combat domestic terrorism. Whether an act of terrorism is classified as a civil disturbance under 10 U.S.C., 331–334, or whether the president relies upon constitutional power to preserve federal functions, it is difficult to think of a domestic terrorism scenario of sizable scale under which the use of the military could not be lawfully justified in view of the act's erosion. The act is no longer a realistic bar to direct military involvement in counterterrorism planning and operations. It is a low legal hurdle that can be easily cleared through invocation of the appropriate legal justification, either before or after the fact.[12]
The article, and the subsequent articles I linked to are quite on topic. Texas' latest Border War has been receiving much air time- initially, and now very little is seemingly being published or get articles blaming Texas and the States such as Felipe Calderon just did:
Mexican President Blames U.S. For Drug Violence
Arleene Barrios-KFOX News Reporter

Posted: 5:32 pm MST March 6, 2009
Updated: 6:22 pm MST March 6, 2009

EL PASO, Texas -- President Felipe Calderon said corruption on this side of the border has hampered Mexico's effort to combat the drug cartels. The brunt of the violence is being felt across El Paso's border in Juarez where more than 200 people have died in the past two months.

"I think Calderon is making an assessment of the situation. He said there are several people responsible for this (drug violence), the American consumer is one, and an important one. He mentioned it first," said Tony Payan, UTEP political professor.

According to AFP News Agency, Calderon said the main cause of Mexican drug gang problems was quote "...having the world's biggest consumer (of drugs) next to us."

"If the American consumer was not there, and if the U.S. controlled the flow of guns, Mexico would be much better off. He did definitely say those things," said Payan.
Calderon is partially correct, we are the largest consumer nation (the States) of drugs, but he negates just exactly how much is actually being consumed in Mexico.

As for guns, a farmers not is all I have for you Felipe becuase your corrupt failed state will never get it's act together. SO many are already armed in your nation, and the weapons come from all over as I have already pointed out. You are nothing more than a puppet so the feral US governemnt can increase it's usage of the military across our land- from our great Texas borders all the way out to your prize of Mexifornia, but what more could I expect from another graudate of the John F. Kennedy School of Government.

Things are happening so much quicker Paranoid readers, answers slip out and then are downplayed or just ignored- most of you are keenly aware of this and I do not need to point this out to most of you. However, it is for those that are not, eyes still closed and ears shut tight that I do.

The only answer I have right now is to keep preparing, keep your head down, and keep your eyes and ears open.


17 August, 2008

Feral Shoots Self, Other Feral, Drops Pistol.

In front of hallway full of prisoners so I must ask, does laughter ensue?

The only back story I have for this video is this:
> This is what happens when you try to make a college
> boy the Po-Po.
> Bullet: $ 0.10
> Cool Cop Vest: $ 39.99
> Big-Time Federal Training: $100,000
> Shooting your buddy in the leg and leaving your
> loaded gun in a hallway full of cons: PRICELESS
> The US Marshal was treated and released.
> The Border Patrol Agent in the Blue Raid Jacket
> underwent surgery to repair damaged tendons and
> ligaments and now his big toe is disconnected
> and doesn't work.
Not sure if it is truth but the video does speaks for itself.

As always, right click on the title to save it and send it along.


UPDATE - This was an "accidental" at the El Paso County Federal Court House two weeks ago.

Gun goes off in courthouse
Accidental shooting wounds 2 officers

EL PASO -- Two federal law enforcement officers suffered minor gunshot wounds Monday inside El Paso's federal courthouse when one of their weapons fired accidentally, the U.S. Marshals Service said.

The names of the officers were not released but officials said the wounds were non-life-threatening and both were released after being treated at an area hospital.

Gerry Payan, supervisory deputy for the U.S. Marshals Service, said a marshals service deputy fired his weapon once, wounding himself and a U.S. Border Patrol agent about 10:45 a.m. on the third floor of the courthouse.
See here and there for more.

Thanks go to CSMK (Ret.) for the update.