Showing posts with label Science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Science. Show all posts

17 July, 2011

Phase 7 / FASE 7

Work has had me swamped for two weeks but work also provided the opportunity to see Phase 7 and it is flat out a darn good movie.

The movie starts out with a very simple, oblivious, young Argentinian couple who are doing their shopping- fully unaware of what is occurring in the World until they reach home and Coco, the "man" of the house takes a call from his mother on the land line. She had tried in vain to reach him on his mobile but was unable to and he tells her that it was "probably a dead battery" without any concern or worry (Fully Condition White). She directs him to the television and he and his wife quickly learn of the pandemic. A short time later, he receives a call to be in the lobby of their new apartment complex which has just been quarantined. This starts the journey for Coco, his wife Pipi, and the rest of the tenants locked in. Of course, nearly all of the characters in this movie have NO clue. NONE whatsoever, and even when taught, lessons are ignored, forgotten or both- just like the people in your life and just like in real life- death happens.

Now, I want you to watch the following two trailers and guess which one is trying to see it fail (yes fail).



I wonder why the American trailer really is not about the movie- but the slam of the music, I wonder...

This is NOT a zombie movie, this is NOT REC or the Hollywood remake QUARANTINE- but a study in survival. As such the timing is measured- not slow, measured.

You may read that this is a parody but that is not what I watched. What I watched is a film that speaks about what so many folks in the World know, but are scoffed at for stating- the full hatred of the masses, the manipulation that occurs daily and has occurred throughout history.

(Yes boys and girls, conspiracies DO happen- all the time, just ask the American government which charges people daily with it. Or, simply pick up history books that are not approved for the government propaganda camps known as public education. Oh, that is right, that is just, well- out there, isn't it?)

The end goal is the destruction of all men except for those that planned the pandemic and whom they select (Phase 7). Of course, there will be survivors- always survivors.

You can still see it in Austin by purchasing tickets via Bloody Disgusting or just using the link to see where it is playing (in other locales as well) and buy direct from the theater near you.

This film deserves better and hopefully it will receive the recognition it deserves- it has earned it.

I will be purchasing a copy when it hits the DVD shelves.


24 September, 2009

Foote Cone & Belding searching blogs about Census worker hanged with 'fed' on body.

Why, is Foote Cone & Belding, one if the largest advertising agency networks in the World, which in turn, is owned by Interpublic Group, which is one of the Big Four global advertising HOLDING companies, searching through at least sixteen pages of Google Blog searchs about the dead census worker?

This really does make me wonder what kind of research is being performed- and for whom.


20 April, 2009

Study: 'Green' Training Ammo Carries Cancer Risk

By David Hambling April 20, 2009 8:59:00 AM

In the 1990's the U.S. Army introduced a new set of "green" training ammunition designed to be less toxic and more environmentally friendly than the lead-filled rounds used before. But these new bullets may have left firing ranges contaminated and exposed soldiers to a new health hazard. Soon-to-be-released research suggests that a key element in the new ammo, once thought to be safe, may in fact be carcinogenic. The Army has stopped production of the bullets.

More than 90 million rounds of the "green" training ammunition has been used in the United States, since its introduction. It relies on a blend of tungsten and nylon, or tungsten and tin. That gives the bullets the same density and firing properties as the original, but without using lead. Tungsten was considered non-toxic. And it was thought to be "non-mobile," unlikely to dissolve and travel, so it wouldn't get into the groundwater.

But new research by University of Arizona Research Professor of Pediatrics Mark Witten points to a different conclusion: Tungsten may elevate the risk for cancer.

His study — to be presented later this month at the 2009 Experimental Biology Meeting in New Orleans — is sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The agency wanted to take a fresh look at leukemia clusters in Fallon, Nevada, and Sierra Vista, Arizona. Nearby tungsten mining appears to have raised tungsten levels in the towns.
Yes, how we consistently hear from our wannabe slave owners how dangerous we citizens are supposed to be, but yet how often do we hear how their disrespect and stupidities consistently kill us- seems like everyday. Oh, yes, it is everyday with the rules, regulations and supposed laws designed to impede, hamper and disarm us (oh I mean make our lives oh so much better- BLECH!), without EVER considering the Law of Unintended Consequences.


10 March, 2009

How the US forgot how to make Trident missiles

How the US forgot how to make Trident missiles
Inquiry cites loss of files and key staff as reason for $69m repair delay
By Rob Edwards, Environment Editor

PLANS TO refurbish Trident nuclear weapons had to be put on hold because US scientists forgot how to manufacture a component of the warhead, a US congressional investigation has revealed.

The US National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) "lost knowledge" of how to make a mysterious but very hazardous material codenamed Fogbank. As a result, the warhead refurbishment programme was put back by at least a year, and racked up an extra $69 million.

According to some critics, the delay could cause major problems for the UK Trident programme, which is very closely tied to the US programme and uses much of the same technology. The US and the UK are trying to refurbish the ageing W76 warheads that tip Trident missiles in order to prolong their life, and ensure they are safe and reliable. This apparently requires that the Fogbank in the warheads is replaced.

Neither the NNSA nor the UK Ministry of Defence would say anything about the nature or function of Fogbank. But it is thought by some weapons experts to be a foam used between the fission and fusion stages of a thermonuclear bomb. US officials have said that manufacturing the material requires a solvent cleaning agent which is "extremely flammable" and "explosive". The process also involves dealing with "toxic materials" hazardous to workers.

Over the last year the Government Accountability Office (GAO), which reports to the US Congress, has been investigating the W76 refurbishment programme. An unclassified version of its final report was released last week. The GAO report concluded: "NNSA did not effectively manage one of the highest risks of the programme - the manufacture of a key material known as Fogbank - resulting in $69m in cost over-runs and a schedule delay of at least one year that presented significant logistical challenges for the navy."
Now, an article like this HAS to catch your eye and it did mine, so I contacted the man I knew who would probably know, or at least know where to look find out a bit more about this. So I fired up the E-mail and contacted Mr. Sharkey- his comments were telling and below is the information he sent along:
Not the first time something like this has happened. NASA 'Lost' the detailed engineering plans for the main stage of the Saturn 5. So, they claimed they could not have any more built. I think (and others do as well) is that they took a page out of McNamara's handbook when he had all the tooling for the SR-71 destroyed so it wouldn't compete with the F-15.

Wonder who the contractor was that made the stuff for them?

Look here for more information on Fogbank and here for rest of the story on LANL.
Comments from the post on LANL were knowledgeable, so much so that the following two sum it nicely IMO:
Yawn.... The GAO expressed these same concerns in a letter to the Committee on Armed Services of both the House & Senate on December 7, 2001.

I'm sure the NNSA will give GAO its usual response to this criticism ...We're really thin and need more $$$ to do the job correct.

At times, I really think GAO is producing these reports as a basis for NNSA to get more $$$ from Congress.

NNSA didn't screw up - they just didn't have enough $$$ :(
"Bechtel is just as happy to manage a bunch of people who do nothing but paperwork. NM politicians are happy if the money comes in and nothing is done." (11:19 PM)

Were truer words about this present situation ever spoken? You nailed it, 11:19 PM. You nailed it good!

And this is exactly why the status quo will hold fast, no matter what the damage to morale and science at both LANL and LLNL. Hey, let's do some more studies and waste a couple of more years down this rotten road of decline.
Oh, and for a bonus, read this one- if true, it is the most telling of all.

This article is a bit off the norm for me, however, I have had several like this in the past, because, to me, this speaks volumes about us as a nation, a people, and where we are headed...