Thursday, December 19, 2024

The No Decent Achievement Award goes to....

Congress recently passed the NDAA, which included anti-LGBTQ+ provisions which progressives had pushed to get removed. We both failed and were failed.

Both my senators voted "no," which is comforting in a vague sort of way but I can't be truly pleased about it precisely because they were outliers. Being able to say MY senators voted right even as the wrong thing passed just isn't very comforting.

Two observations: Three of the "no" votes were from GOPpers, making the Democrats' failure even worse than initially appears: That's 11 of a potential 51 Democrat votes (including the four independents who caucus with the Dems) - just 22% of Democrat-aligned senators stood up for trans rights as soon as it wasn't easy to do so. Remember that.

The second observation is that the amendment to remove the anti-trans rights provision had 25 declared supporters - but Schumer blocked it from coming to a vote because he wasn't certain it would pass.

WHAT THE HELL KIND OF STUPIDITY IS THAT? Does he think that the GOPpers got to the level of power and influence they have by never bringing up something unless they were sure in advance it would pass? MY GOD the Dems are so afraid of losing that they won't even try.

I stopped reading Talking Points Memo some time ago but I do remember Josh Marshall's insightful observation that, quoting from memory so it may not be exact, "A necessary factor in political success is the willingness to lose well," that is, to push your idea while being prepared to lose, pick yourself up, and try again.

It's wisdom which has entirely escaped the minds of the hierarchy of the Democratic party if indeed they ever possessed it. It's both a shame and a disgrace.

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