Showing posts with label gelatin printing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gelatin printing. Show all posts

Saturday, January 21, 2012

More Gellies

Messed around with gelatin plate printing on this snowy Saturday morning. I'm pretty satisfied with the results and find that Golden fluid acrylics work really well on the gelly plate. I have some other art plans for this weekend....that involve a photo taken by Karen Stiehl Osborn. Karen is an incredible multi-media artist. More later....

Sunday, January 15, 2012


My daughter came to visit today and since I had the gelatin plate ready for printing we decided to give it a go. Of course I completely forgot to take work-in-progress photos but some of the more successful results are below.

The first two are mine. I was just getting into the groove when we had to stop and Feed The Boys as it was getting late in the day and they wanted to get on the road before dark. What a drag when life and commitments interfere with ART!

Heather made the two below. This first one is quite sweet. There is lots of very subtle texture in the background that doesn't show well in the photo. It's very serene and lovely.

This one of Heather's also come out quite nicely. She added some detailing and enhancements with colored pencils. Pretty good for a first go around with gelatin printing wouldn't you say?

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Winter Endeavors

Made this vessel last week. It needs to be scraped, sanded, glazed and fired. Right now I'm thinking I'd like to put this in a cabinet that has a window as the door.....Guarded Memories....of course I need to find (or build) the right cabinet. Hmmm...trips to antique/junk stores? Gee, what a horrible thought.

Today I have prep ready to do some gelatin printing. A media friend I haven't visited in quite awhile. I plan to take wip photos and - if all goes well and I remember to take the photos (sigh) - I'll post a small tutorial to this blog....stay tuned...

Monday, January 2, 2012

Monotype Gelatin Prints

Scrapped the Marks 6x8"s in lieu of some monotype gelatin prints I did awhile back. These will be submitted to the Beacon Open Studios gallery call. I forgot how much I love gelatin print painting and the effects that can be achieved. 2012 will be a great year to do some more!

Sunday, October 3, 2010


I spent most of the weekend steam cleaning carpets and upholstery - wheeee...lots of fun....but at 4pm this afternoon I started messing around with a gelatin plate that I had stuck in the fridge this morning. I was going after imagery that would evoke remind one of this time of the year. I think I'm going to call this Song of the Shawangunks.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Yes! Some more gelatin plate monotype prints. Today, two of my great art buddy friends came over and we got up close and personal with the j-e-l-l-o stuff. I'm going to try sandwiching these pieces between glass and soldering the edges with copper. Yes! Yet another technique/skill to learn.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Gelly Adventures

All of these are gelatin plate prints created with unflavored j-e-l-l-0, acrylic paints, stamps, and paper resists on watercolor paper. Try it, you'll like it!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Not Just For Jello

Last night while watching Precious (yes, I like intense movies and stories) I stiched this. The base is gelatin printed fabric - if you click on the photo it will get HUGE and you can see more detailing. At the end of this month the Wallkill River School will have its annual Starving Artists Sale (side note: starving - I'm not) and I've been asked to participate. I'm going to offer small textile pieces attached to painted canvases at good (great) prices since these seem to popular whenever they've been presented at the school. Also, today I plan to mess around with gelatin printing on paper and see what ends up happening....and then if I add a few pastels and oil paintings to the sale, I just might end of offering a real mixed bag of art. Can you say multi media?

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Rainy Sunday

Today I made French Toast with Blueberry Maple Syrup for breakfast, my husband made a blueberry pie, I froze some green beans (we have them coming out of our ears) and then made some split pea soup. Industrious, huh?
I also took a silk screen I had made of one of my designs, printed it on a gelatin plate and then printed it onto 2 gelatin prints I had done awhile ago. Industrious, huh?
Next I'm going to start work on that fabric paper I make because I've forgotten how special this stuff is. Yesterday at the Pine Bush Art Walk I was reminded when person after person seems fascinated with how it looks. Industrious, huh?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Abstraction Isn't the Same as Abstracts

My husband doesn't quite get abstracts. He does but he doesn't. I've taught him that abstracts are art pieces that create a personal, intimate relationship with the viewer. If a piece keeps drawing you in it is reaching down inside, calling to you. He gets that on some level but being the science guy he is he understands art images that realistic. They can be identified and quantified. I'm getting used to his asking "so when are you going to paint the tomatoes in the garden?"
Did these paintings yesterday that started as gelatin prints and then went on to have many, many other layers added.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Just My Size

Unison is a local arts center near us that - lo and behold! - is sponsoring an art exhibit of small 5x5" art work. Can you imagine how psyched I am about this? Over the weekend I was talking a bit with Melanie about why I like to work small. Manageable is the word that kept coming to mind......I'm able to produce art while living in my often kinetic life, I don't get bored, I can try out ideas without a huge commitment, I can sit quietly with favorite people and stitch while listening to music, or work and get lost in that never, never land of right brainedness that I dwell in so often. Oh....and....I mustn't forget that holding a small piece of textural, fabric art in the palm of my hand is a real visceral pleasure for me.

The piece above (that is not finished) will be a 5x5". It is comprised of one of my abstract paintings printed on silk and then another abstract gelatin print printed on organza and overlaid on the silk. More hand stitching and other textural elements to come.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Love Your Mother

I don't pretend to be a person who does all they are able to help the environment, consume as few fossil fuels as possible or generally practice sustainable living. I grew up as part of the ME generation and those deserving-and-I-owe-it-to-myself thought processes are difficult to realize, acknowledge and change. But I do not know that if there is any chance we humans can turn around or stop the negative impact we've had on the earth (I say this as we continue to emit more carbon dioxide than ever into the atmosphere) it's necessary to stop and think about what each individual can do to adjust their own little piece of the action - NOW. If you think I am an alarmist I encourage you to start reading and watching all the evidence around you. Now is a good time to start hugging a few trees.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Ah Ha!

I had one of those moments last nights. You know the kind....when you try something figuring 'what the heck' and - lo and behold! - the results show promise. I took a gelatin plate print I had done on paper, scanned it into the computer and then printed it on silk fabric. This photo was taken on the run this morning and really does not show the subtle colors and textures very well. This is my new favorite piece (of course favorite pieces hold a tenuous spot in my life) and I think this 'technique' deserves a bit more exploration.

Monday, August 11, 2008


This was created by coating sheer fabric with matte gel and then printed by applying textile paints to a gelatin plate. Add a bit of free motion quilting and some hand stitching and call it a day. Gelatin printing gives effects that are just gorgeous - you get these layers and depth of colors that draw you in and engage your attention. Rayna Gillman has written a great book that includes gelatin printing methods and other ideas for altering cloth If you at all interested in messing around with paints, dyes and fabric (and getting messy in the process) I encourage you to get her book. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Luscious Color

More postcards in the works for the museum. I think I'm going to call the one on the top "The Writing on the Wall" and the other "Hearts Afire". They both feature pieces of gelatin printed fabrics. Writing on the Wall has inspired me to possibly make a larger version. Maybe this weekend I'll whip up a batch of J-E-L-L-O!

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Monotype, gelatin printed papers overlaid with transparent paints applied through hand cut stencils. Nothing I do is every simple and sparse......

Sunday, May 25, 2008


What happens when you screen print on silk organza? All kinds of very cool layers that retain an ethereal effect. This morning I had a 'what if?' moment when I grab a piece of silk organza, some paints and a thermofax screen. Not only are there possibilites for layering on top of other cloth (this is shown on some of my gelatin and screen printed cotton fabrics) but I'm 'what if?' thinking about how different printed pieces would look secured with matte medium on an artist's canvas. More on that experiment later.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Tree Ladies Continue

Another tree lady needed to be made last night. This one will be a 4x6"'er and will find a home in Michelle's great little Maine gallery . Michelle purchased one of my very early 4x6" art quilt postcards on ebay - when? 2 yrs ago? - and has been carrying them in her gallery ever since. Michelle carries work that is unusual and outside the norm, most you'll never find in traditional fine art galleries. She once said that the beauty of my work helps to offset the edginess of some of her other artists. I think that is one of the most unique compliments my work has ever received.

This piece was created using my own gelatin printed and discharged fabric, plus some painted Lutradur.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Cosmic Static

The photo isn't so great because this finished piece is under glass in a clip frame. It began life as the gelatin printed monotype cloth in the post below. I added free motion quilting, hand stitching, dyed cheesecloth and rusted silk organza then I secured it all to the back board of the clip frame. This is the piece I will bring to the Newburgh/Cornwall Historical Society for their benefit art auction next weekend. I already saw all the lovely landscapes and still life paintings that have been donated. I don't remember seeing anything like this - although there was one very cool assemblage that I fell in love with.

On another note, apparently the Stone House Window collage at the top part of this blog is pictured in the new issue of Cloth, Paper, Scissors. I was told there is an article about Virginia Spiegel's benefit auction for the American Cancer Society and this piece is one of the collages featured. To find out more about this benefit please check out the following link:

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Idealistic Ramblings

I'd like to philosophize a bit this morning (sorry). As some of you know I have a day job. In this day job I wear the mask of a competent employee who cares about the work she is being paid to do. While I am there that is the persona they are renting and expect from me. In my real life, I don't care much about this business - it doesn't contribute much (if anything) to the well being of man and just serves to make $$$. Now this is all fine and dandy and is the way of the world but wouldn't it be great if we could turn things upside down and honor those people and trades that benefit mankind? When was the last time a personal care aide for the elderly was searching for investment opportunities for her 'extra' income?

The piece above was created using more gelatin printed cloth I printed this weekend.

Have a great Wednesday everyone!