Showing posts with label prim pals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prim pals. Show all posts

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Good Sunday Mornin'

Hi Y'all ! I sure hope this post finds Y'all in GREAT spirits !
This is going to be a very busy busy day for me....And what better way to start it off than sayin' hello to all my Prim Friends ? I have lots to share with Y'all....First and foremost I wanna letcha' know that we are havin' a Home for the holidays swap over at the Prim Pals Forum (click the name to go there) Names will be sent out tonight so you have a lil time to get signed up if you would like to join in....Now you do have to be a forum member to join. One of the unique things about Prim Pals outside of meeting some of the MOST friendly, kind, thoughtful, caring, talented ladies out there...WE DO NOT FORCE YOU TO POST TO CONTINUE BEING A MEMBER...Yepp that's right...You post when you feel comfortable or when you have something to share...No worries about being kicked off for not posting. Anyway come check us out ! We'd loveeee to have you ! Now the next exciting thing I have to share is.....This FANTASTIC giveaway that Prim Pals Forum is having....This LOVELY PRIMTASTIC Snowman was generously donated by Gen of Olde Pear Primitives (click the name to visit Gens FANTASTIC BLOG !) You have to be a member of the Prim Pals Forum and share a Christmas memory to be entered to win. You can also get another entry for posting about it on your blog or Facebook page ! So Come on over to Prim Pals and join in on the fun, make some new friends and get a chance to win this AWESOME snowman handmade by Gen....

I also wanna share some news on my Daddy....Wednesday Dad had to have his right ear amputated. He had a cancerous tumor that had grown so BIG that they had to take the majority of his ear to get it all. We will know in 2 weeks if they were succesful in getting it all. Dad is still in A LOT of pain and was worried about what people will think when they see him. I told him ...Dad who cares what some shallow person may think ! They ARE NOT worth your worries because I'd much rather have you here than have you gone and still have your ear ! This is the first time thru everything Dad has endured that it has gotten him down emotionally. I am soooo used to seein' him be strong and face what has been thrown at him with such strength that it amazes me...I guess we all have to have those moments when we feel weak and vunerable. They also found a skin cancer spot on his left ear and some on his wrist. He has to put chemo lotion on them twice a day. He has been thru worse than this so I know we will come out victorious with this as well. God will see us through this storm !

I also have some health issues going on right now. I had to have a discogram done on my back Friday....and for any of you who have ever had one done you know how horrible it is ! For those of you who haven't...lemme' tell you lol it was worse than childbirth !
I had to take 2 valium before the test...well they may as well have just gave me an asprin ! It relaxed me for maybe the first 20 minutes and that was it ! Once he started putting the needles in and shooting the dye into my discs I don't think anything could have stopped me from my death grip on that bar part of the bed ! Nor the whimpers, tears and the close expletives that ALMOST left my lips !!!! LOL Girlies and Fellas I thought I was gonna die it hurt sooooo BAD ! I am STILL in pain from it and just today was able to actually get outta bed and move a lil. I cannot bend....laying down hurts....standing up hurts.....and I gotta sew ! LOL They did find that L4/5 are the discs that are giving me the most trouble. And L3 is leaking. They sent me to have a ct scan done immediately after the discogram and that will give the Dr even more info on the discs. He said he would like to do back surgery and do it as soon as he can get my insurance to authorize it. He then told me it should stop the toothache throbbing I have constantly in my legs and the burning sensations I have in my feet but that it wouldn't stop my back pain ? Hmmmm I have lotsa questions to ask before I consent to this. Decisions Decisions........Anyone else out there ever had anything like this done ? I would love to hear from you !

On to happier notes.....I have all ready sold my Santa and Snowman Tophat that I showed Y'all in my previous post ! Yeahhhh
Thats why I gotta get busy busy busy hehehehe....They didn't even make it to my booth ! I sold them to a customer at work ! I am working on a reindeer that will have Santa riding on his back right now and a few other Santas and a reindeer wreath. Hope to pour some tarts today as well as long as my back will hold up and let me. Going back to work tomorrow is sure gonna be a struggle !

Anyone out there know where I can find a tutorial on how to set my blog up to the 3 column template ? Or can give me pointers on how to do it or even wanna help walk me thru it ? lolol....My blog needs a renovation !

OHHHHH also be watchin' my future blog posts as I am going to be hosting a giveaway here really soon ! It's gonna be a fun one...
I hope Y'all have a blessed day ! Till next time my Prim Friends
Prim Hugggs n Many Blessins

Friday, July 16, 2010



My ohhhhh my how fast time has flown since my last post here ! It just amazes me how quick almost 2 months have gone ! Seems like a blink of an eye and here it is all ready July. I thought I better get my booty on here and make some time to do a post. I really miss bloggin' like I was doin' but it just seems there's just NOT enough time in a day to do everything I'd love to accomplish. I'm sure y'all know exactly how that goes !!! I'm gonna make an afternoon of just readin' and catchin' up on my fav blogs....I miss doin' that too...
I need to hang a DO NOT DISTURB I'M BLOGGIN' sign up
so everyone knows NOT to bug me for a bit lol....Hmmmm wonder how well that would go over with the family ?!?!? He he he he...
Since I've last blogged my daughter MaKenzie has moved out ! And lemme' tell ya' I am sooooo lonesome for female conversation ! Being here with 3 men is enough to make me bonkers somedays. I thought I could adjust fairly well when she left but there are days I miss her sooooo dang much I just sit in my room and cry ! She does come out and stay the weekend once in awhile and when it comes time for her to leave again I just cringe ! It's funny when they are little you sometimes think I can't wait till they all move out and then when the time comes for it to happen it's another whole story ! lol
I swore I wouldn't have empty nest syndrome but boy it's hit me and hit me hard just thinkin' about it ! Jess is a senior this coming school year and has all ready begun to make plans for college in Florida
=( I can't believe my baby is so grown up all ready !!!!!! I wonder if it's just a Mama thing ? Cause my Hubbs sure seems to be handlin' it much better than me....How about y'all ? Does your DH's seem to handle it much better than you do ? 

My Dad was also in the hospital again...this time it was for pneumonia and congestive heart failure. He is now on 24 hour oxygen at home. They increased his lasics meds to try and keep the
fluids outta' his lungs and from around his heart. I've been doin' A LOT of prayin' for a speedy recovery for him. He sure has been thru alot and he is someone I really look up to not just because he is my Dad but because no matter what he goes thru he stays strong, positive and he never lets his faith waiver. He always says I gotta stay positive or otherwise I might as well throw in the towel and give up.I sure hope if I ever go thru even a smidgen of what he has I can keep the same mentality he has thru the cancer, CHF,
emphysema and the other medical problems he has had over the years. I gotta' say he is takin' it a lil more serious this time too. He is
finally watchin' his diet way better. Stayin' away from salt and tryin' to eat healthier. It's gonna be a challenge for him and my family as well ( we're tryin' to change our eatin' habits too) but it's sure a
challenge that's worth takin' !

My nephew was also shot in Iraq since I last blogged. That was around June 24th. He was standing in an Iraqi Police Headquarters and an Iraqi insurgent shot him. The bullet went thru his wrist, entered thru his side and out the other. He was airlifted to Germany and then brought to Walter Reed Hospital in D.C. He lost 7 pints of blood and has had several surgeries since being shot. They are tryin' to rebuild his bladder and small intestine. He also has to have a colostomy bag but they are sayin' they hope to rebuild his colon so he won't have to have it the rest of his life. He is only 28 and it just breaks my heart ! This was his 3rd tour .....2 in Iraq and 1 in Afghanistan. I have another nephew who was deployed 3 days after
Jason was shot....So now I worry about his well being while being over there. Please say a prayer for Jason to continue to get better and that Jeremy will be safe while serving our great country and pray for all the other service men and women to come home safely to their families and loved ones !

I don't know about y'all but I'm ready for fall. It's been soooo dang hot, humid and muggy here that it just zaps your eneregy and ya' just don't feel like doin' a darn thing after work.....most days anyways and Fall is one of my fav seasons to decorate for. With Christmas/Winter being first. Now I just gotta' make "TIME" to get some of the things I'm workin' on finished up so I can share with y'all ! Geesh that "TIME" word again ! lol
Prim Pals has been a GREAT way for me to escape and I gotta' say there are sure a buncha' sweet talented gals on there !
We did a 4th of July swap and my partner was Deb of Goats Creek Mercantile. Lemme' tell ya' Deb made me the MOST BEAUTIFUL 4th of July penny rug. If your ever lookin' for a penny rug be sure
and check out her sellin' blog. Ohhh heck just lemme' show ya' how
awesome my goodies were *wink* lol

Now isn't that just be~aut~i~ful ? I love it
so much that it will be stayin' out
year around. No way could I put it up !

Then I got this cuteeee birdhouse Deb painted for me

I collect birdhouses soooo this will be stayin' out too lol

Then Deb made me these awesome hand towels

I just love 'em ! And yepp I'll prolly keep
'em out year around as well he he he he....

Then she made me this stitchery

I just love love love it too ! And you know it lol
I won't put it up either ! As a matter of fact my hallway
used to be Americana and I think maybe I'll do that again so
I have a place to keep all my Americana goodies together...

Ohhhhh and she handmade me this cute card too !

The swaps on the forum are such a blast ! The last one we
did was a Christmas in July. I can't wait to see
what everyone gets. There is sooooo many talented
members on the Prim Pals Forum.
This will be our next swap...

You have to be a member to join in....So come on over and sign up to be a member and join inon the fun ! We'd love to have y'all ! And the only requirement to becomin' a member is to do an introduction post. This is our new postin' rule...IT IS NOT MANDATORY that you post to be a member here. No worries for being removed for NOT POSTING ! When you feel comfortable enough to post we'd be glad to hear from you ! Till then enjoy the forum !We know that things come up and ya' might not be able to post and when you can it's a bummer to come back and realize you've been removed for not postin'.....


I thought I'd share a project that my daughter and I worked on together before she moved out =( It was a Happiness swap she had signed up for...Her swap pal was Gen of Olde Pear Primitives who by the way JUST opened an Etsy shop y'all oughta' go check out...

Anyway here are a few pics of the doll Kenzie
and I made together for Gen......

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Pictures to share, a tutorial and some ramblin of course....

Hi y'all I hope this post finds y'all in GREAT Spirits ! Can't believe how fast the days are going ! Seems like just last week I did a post and I look and it's been wayyyyy longer than that ! I thought I'd share a tutorial I did for Prim Pals forum on how to grunge items using paint, modge podge and cinnamon or whatever spices you'd like.... So here is the tut.....

 Save those glass jars n things ! Don't throw 'em out. Just follow this lil ol' tut and grunge 'em up cause I finally got time today to do a grunging tutorial with pictures ! Yippppeee.....So sit back grab a drink and read on hehehehe.....

First for this tuorial you will need the following.....

1.Modge Podge matte-mat

2.Paints...I use folk art acrylic paints in Coffee Bean, Burnt Umber and Lamp (ebony) Black. You can use what ever colors you'd like.

3.Spices such as apple pie spice, cinnamon, ground cloves, coffee grounds, tea bag grounds, any pie spice would work too. These are just a few ideas I'm sure there's lots more ya' could use.

4.Foam paint brushes and throw away gloves. You can usually catch the foam brushes on sale 20 for a buck.

5.Wax or Freezer paper or something to cover your work area and to also set your projects on while they are drying.

6.Paper plate to mix your grunging mixture on.

7.Tin cans, glass jars, candles or whatever you want to grunge up

Once you have all your supplies gathered, tear a piece of freezer/wax paper to protect your work table and a place to set your projects as they dry. Most people brush on the Modge Podge and then roll their project in cinnamon or some other spice, I mix mine all up straight into the Modge Podge. Anyway take your paper plate and pour some Modge Podge on it and add just a bit of water. I can't tell you an exact amount as I don't know how much Modge Podge your using. You don't want it too runny nor too thick. If it gets too thick you can just add more water as you go too. You'll then add a squirt of your paint(s) and shake your spices on top of your modge podge and paint mix.

I put everything on the side to show y'all but normally as I said above I put it all on top of the modge podge. Mix well with your foam brush and it should look like chocolate pudding. (see pic below)

I do add a lil smidge of black to darken my brown up a lil more. I also sometimes add a lil more spice(s) to mine too.

It's all up to your preference on how you want yours....

After your done mixing it up to your liking, take your brush and start brushing it on your can/candle or glass item your grunging. Also keep in mind it will dry darker than it looks.

Here I have a candle drying after brushing it on....

Now while that's drying I'm going to start on my can.

While it's wet you can sprinkle even more spices/coffee to your Modge Podge mixture if you want. After your first layer dries add another layer. Sometimes I add a few layers to mine. You don't have to but I like mine to have a thick coating. I also always let it dry or become a lil tacky before adding another layer to it....

Now you can add a prim label to it if you want or you could just leave it like it is. There are a few people who sell the labels on Ebay,Blogger (Blue Cupboard Primitives) and Etsy. I am working on making my own but for this project I am using one a blogger pal Natalie of Blue Cupboard Primitives sent me over the weekend. To adhere it just brush on some Modge Podge to the back and adhere it to your project. I also put a lil of the grunging mix around the edges of the label.

Here's the finished project.....

I decided to add some homespun tied with jute string to the top...

Notice how dark it dried.I hope this gets yer crafty mojo movin' lol........and if you have any ?'s feel free to ask away !

Here's another item I grungied up.

 This was a small reed diffuser bottle I bought at the dollar tree. It now has a feather and sits atop my slanted lap desk as an old looking ink bottle.

Hope you found this tut helpful =0)
Have fun tryin' this out ! I'd love to see your projects using this tutorial so I hope you'll share. I also forgot to mention above that I use the cans that have lids you pull off. They dont have rough edges like a can opener leaves. If you use ones that you open with can openers maybe sand them ? Just be careful of the rough edges !

There are lotsa' other helpful tutorials on the forum and more to be added so hop on over and check us out ! We have been havin' the most fun on Wed. night live chat ! I've not laughed as hard as I do there in forever ! We loose track of time and end up with tummy aches from all the gigglin'. And the monthly Prim Pal sign ups for June are still open if you'd like to join in !

I have a few new things to share with y'all too....

Hubbs got me this awesome Herb dryin' rack for one of my
Mother's Day gifts....I just love it !
Here's a close up pic of the wood.

He also got me this awesome old barn door....

My hopes were to use it as our bathroom door. The measurements
are a little off so we're hopin' to figure out a way to make it work..
I want to make the bathroom look like an outhouse lol.... I found this old bowl at the flea market in Martinsville for 5 bucks ! It has a small hairline crack but other than that it's in great shape. Couldn't believe it was that cheap !

I've tweaked my hutch and moved the begining of my crock collection in there.....

Darn ! I've ran outta time lol....Gotta' head to work bummer !
Hopefully I will get another post up to share some more stuff sooner than the last time ! Hope y'all have a wonderful day !
Till next time my Prim Friends....
Prim Huggs n Blessins

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Absense makes the heart grow fonder...A GREAT Giveaway & Ramblins

And it really does grow fonder ! Wow I can't believe it's been such a long absense from bloggin' again ! I have sure missed readin' y'alls blogs and keepin' up with how everyone is and whatcha' been up to ! I'm makin' a promise to myself to at least post once a week and catch up on how y'all are doin' ! I sure hope this post finds y'all in GREAT Spirits and that your enjoyin' your weekend ! We sure had some major storms come thru our area last night. Woke to lotsa' limbs and branches on the roof and thankfully no damage that we have seen so far. Here is pic of one of the numerous limbs Hubbs had to clean off the roof this mornin'.......

A few years ago we had some what we believe were straight line winds come thru and knock a tree down on our home ( I'll hafta see if I can find pics to share) and it did some major damage. Myself, the kids and my cousin Kevin were just sittin' in the dining room watchin' the lightnin' show and amazed by how the trees were bendin' with the wind, when all of a sudden there was this loud boom and the walls were shakin' and things were fallin' from the walls and breakin' all over the floor. My first instinct was for us to head to the bathroom as I wasn't sure if it was a tornado or what was happenin' ! Fred ( my Hubbs ) was just drivin' up the road and called and said uhhhh Honey you realize there is a huge tree on the house ? We had cracks runnin' down a few of the walls. It destroyed part of the roof and smashed our gas grill. We're really lucky it didn't break the patio doors or the bay window. It took several weeks of work to get everything fixed and back to normal. So now everytime we have severe weather rollin' in, I tend to get a lil nervous. I swear the ground is never gonna dry up a lil around here so that I can get out there and get some gardenin' done ! We haven't even tilled my veggie garden spot yet 'cause it's just too wet to do it. Will get some pics to share when we get it goin' =0)

My fav barn has a new sayin' up now. Of course I had to get a pic to share with y'all....Here it is......

I just love this !
How true that our wonderful Saviour paid it all ! Please say a lil
prayer that our family find a new place to attend church. We have been searchin' for a welcomin' place to worship but feel we just haven't found the right place yet. I know it's out there somewhere and I know God will lead us to it ! I really miss the fellowship.


Hubbs went mushroom huntin' and found a few. Wish it woulda' been a lil more but glad he found what he did.
This was the biggest one he found.

Anybody else had any luck findin' any ? I loveeee mushrooms. I remember as a kid goin' mushroom huntin' with my Daddy. Seems like I found more back then, than I do now. Hmmmm maybe it was cause I was shorter and closer to the ground to spot 'em ? lol Of course back then I wasn't sooo afraid a stumblin on those....... eeekkkkk well y'all know what I'm thinkin' right ?!?!? Mushrooms are sellin' for 35 bucks a pound here locally ! Everyone is sayin' they are havin' a hard time findin' 'em. I love 'em but can't fathom payin' that much for 'em ! So if we don't find anymore then I guess we'll just hafta' wait till next year =(

How 'bout some Prim Pals news !

We are havin' a fantastic giveaway over on the Prim Pals blog. You have the chance to win a $40.00 gift certificate to use at
 CSN STORES  To enter click the link below and head over to the PP blog and see how to get your name entered to win !
Prim Pals Blog Giveaway Time !

We are also havin' an Americana swap. Deb will be hostin' this one.
Sign ups are only open to Prim Pals forum members. So if your not a member yet come on over and join in on the fun !

We are also doing weekly chats and I gotta' tell ya' we have such a blast ! We talk about everything from what we're workin' on to how our weeks been, to well....the skies the limit lol. We'd love to have ya join in ! Again you must be a forum member to join in ;0)

These wonderful buttons were made by the wonderful crafty, kindred spirit .... Melissa of M's Prim N Country. Be sure and check out Melissa's blog...Here is the link to her fantastic blog...
M's Prim N Country Stop on over and say Hi !

There are lotsa' other fun things goin' on over at the PP forum. I hope ya' decide to come on over and hop right on in on the fun and meet some of the kindest Prim Pals out there ! We'd love to welcome y'all into our ever growin' PP Family =0)


Introducin' y'all to........

I shared this over at PP but want to share it here with y'all too. I am just soooo darn tootin' excited to introduce y'all to my Hubbs and oldest son Josh's new toy they brought home. I have kindly named her....yes boys she is a she lol ! Anyway her name is Scarlett heehee
Now the fellas aren't to keen on the name ( sorry boys majority rules heeheehee) I can't wait to cruise 'er around this summer. It's gonna be sooooo much fun ! if any of y'all are ever in my neck a the woods ....swing on by and I'll take ya' for a ride ;0) Ohhh I guess I oughta show a pic huh ?!
Without further Ms Scarlett the speed buggy..... 

I cannot wait to feel the wind blowin' thru my hair and as Holli said on PP...I need to throw on some Marilyn Monroe sunglasses and take 'er for a spin lol.... I really can't wait ! Her hood needs a lil paint attention and we want to find her some perty black seats. And I'm sure we'll think of a few other things the ol' gal needs to have to spruce 'er up a lil lol.....This is a great family project for us to all do together. At first I was thinkin' there goes my prim step back cupboard I was gonna try and buy but now I'm pea pickin' happy with Scarlett as an addition to the family heeheehee......

  Speakin' of that primtastic cupboard.... I had found one I fell in love with at another antique/flea market in Columbus, Indiana. Girlies this one has over 900 booths ! It was soooooo huge that even I ....yes I felt a lil overwhelmed !!! And y'all that know me know I don't get like that when it comes to antique/flea market or prim stores. It is soooo big that they have rest lounges scattered out for you to be able to stop and take a break and even get a snack or a drink while restin' ! They also had phones that you could pick up and a worker would come and get your things and take them up front to the check out area so you didn't hafta' tote 'em around. We didn't make it thru the whole place. It woulda' took several hours just to see everything and we just didn't know it'd take that long when we decided to go over and check it out. Next time we go we'll figure on spendin' a few hours to gawk and shop lol... I forgot to get pics in there cause like I said I was dazed and in awe lolol.....I did find a few goodies there......Like this crock jug for 11 bucks....

And this crock for 8 bucks......

I've really gotten into collectin' crocks. Now I'd love to add some salt glazed to my collection ! Maybe someday I'll find one within my budget range or I'll hit the lottery lol...... Hubbs just shakes his head and says " Just whatcha' need another thing to collect " Well now it could be worse Honey it could be clothes that take up all his closet space ! Right girlies ? Heehee..... Well I 'spose I've rambled on long enough and I oughta' be gettin' some things done round here so I can spend a lil time either late tonight or tomorrow catchin' up on blog readin' *wink* and maybe even get in a lil craftin' time. I hope y'all are havin' a fantastic weekend ! Till next time my Prim Friends......Prim Huggs n Blessins

Monday, April 19, 2010

Some things to share...A few fellow Bloggers site's...A few Creations....

Hi y'all ! I sure hope this post finds you in GREAT spirits !
Wow how does time pass by soooo quickly ?!? Seems like just a few days ago I posted last...not weeks ago ! I have sooo many things I wanna share with y'all. First and foremost I want to say that my Daddy is still doing well. And that is thanks to the many prayers from loving people like y'all.
My camera was broken but I have a new one finally so I can take some pics to share with ya's.....(which I have done lol)

I have to share this wonderful Prim store we stumbled on in Mitchell, Indiana called This And That Antiques. The owner Vicki is just one of the sweetest gals I have ever met ! She and her husband treated us all as if we were old friends instead of just another customer walkin' thru the door. And it just soooo happens that Vicki also has a blog and a picture trail as well.
Here is Vicki's blog address....Out My Window stop by and say hello to her. Here are a few pics I asked her if I could share with y'all......

Vicki has some of THE MOST Primtastic treasures in her store...
As soon as you step thru the doors there is eye candy galore !

Just look at the goodies on the porch !

A few inside pictures.....

Just look at that fantastic cupboard !
And the mercantile sign and the and the lol
Seriously primtastic offerings to be had at
this Primtastic shop ! From Prim magazines
to cupboards to a real feather for
your ink well to dough bowls. A Prim
Lovers dream.... Vicki thank you sooo
much for the use of the pics ! And for
your warm heart and friendship you have
extended to me ! If any of you are ever in the
area be sure and make This N That Antiques
a stop on your list ! You'll NOT be disapointed.
You can also check out Vicki on
picture trail at
Where you can see some of the wonderful
things she carries in her store.....

I recently wrote a tutorial complete with
pictures for Prim Pals forum on how
to make these
grubby items below....

I used a small reed difuser bottle to make this
look like an ink well to sit atop
my slanted laptop desk...

And yepp the feather came from Vicki's Store
Here it is on my desk .....

I also made this can.....

I recieved the label along with
many more from a fellow Bloggin' Pal
Natalie of Blue Cupboard Primitives...
Natalie has fantastic labels. If your lookin'
for labels be sure and check them out..
here is Natalie's link below

Look at the fantastic labels she sent me....

She also included a few lil pantry like bags
for me. I thought I took pics of them but
I can't find them =(  Natalie thanks
soooo much for the wonderful goodies
you sent to me !
If your interested in seeing the tutorial
to grubby items hop on over to
Prim Pals Forum and check it out =)
The link is on my side bar......

Well my Prim Friends 5 a.m. will be
here before I know it soo I guess I better
close and get some shut eye ! I hope your
week is off to a wonderful start !
Till next time.....
Prim Huggs n Blessins

Monday, March 29, 2010

Sharin' A Few Finds~ New barn I found~ And Ramblins Too...

Hi y'all I hope this post finds everyone in
GREAT Spirits....
I wanted to say Thank You to every one of you
for your prayers for my Dad ! They are very much appreciated
as I know the power of prayer can sure work miracles.
Dad is a little better today. His lips aren't as blue as they
were over the last 2 weeks and his breathing sounds
much better too. Thanks again for your kindness and for
being there for me when I was feeling so down.

Now onto a few finds I have to share....
Found this ol' box at a new antique mall that just opened
up right up the street from my Hubbs job. So of course
Dad, Kenz, Linny and I had to go check it out a couple
of weeks ago. I thought about maybe tryin' ta' rent
a booth there too. It's really a nice clean organized place.
Ooopps I'm loosin' track here lol....Here's the pic...

Ohhh well LOOKIE here lol.....Scooter kept
gettin' in my way everytime I tried to take a pic.

Then of course Tinkie just had to get in the way too lol
You know what they say though 3rd x's the charm ;)

It's 31and a half inches long by 7 and a half inches wide.
It was only 12 bucks so I had to snag it right up !
I thought maybe I'd put my magazines and remote controls
in it till I figure out somethin' different to put in it.
Any ideas ??? I thought about maybe makin' some
fabric sunflowers and maybe a few other different
fabric flowers and putting in it and set it in my bay window.
Watcha' think ??? Or if ya' have a different idea I'd
love to read whatcha' think ;0)

I also found this wool blanket I'd like to cut up and use for
maybe a few penny rugs base and I wanna make a runner
for my table too. The color would be a great base for some
prim flags too. It's in perfect shape and was only 10 bucks !
It's 5 feet long by 3 feet 3 inches wide. A good bargain
for wool. I can't wait to start some projects with it soon.

On our way to the Oolitic Antique mall we ran across a
yard sale that took us down some country roads I'd never been
down before and we ran across this ol' barn.....

I lovvveeee ol' barns ! I love to take leisure drives
just to look at 'em and snap a few pics of 'em too.

I also did some wall tweaking....
Here's a before pic....

And here's after......

Here's another before.....

And after.....

I need to put somethin' above the candle sconce
between the shelf and cabinet.

Welp I best get goin' to get my laundry finished up
cause it's back to work tomorrow. Ohhhh speakin'
of work....they've decided to re~open the store
on Mondays begining April 12th  !!! So that means
my job is secure again for now whewwww.
I sure didn't wanna hafta' look for another one
cause I have really decent benifits now and I'd be
lucky to find another with benifits like I have now.
So that's a lil stress of my shoulders now.
Hope to post again later in the week. I'm thinkin'
I may have a lil tutorial to show y'all how to make
an easter centerpiece if I have time to get it finished.
If y'all haven't had a chance to check out the
Prim Pals forum yet we'd sure love ta' have ya !
Just click on the link below and head on over =)

Till next time my Prim Friends
Huggs n Blessins