Showing posts with label love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love. Show all posts

Monday, August 10, 2015


Take me fast, quiet,
two guards at every door.

Wrap me tight
in your extravagant straitjacket,
where the strangling is clean
and silent, since when I kiss,
it will not be as a sister.

You have seen my complete dossier.
I would have made a great man,
but I am a woman,
subtle but effective.

Do not toss me, deranged,
in your landfill;

it is more palatable to give
me something rich
and strange, tribal,
like a Viking funeral.

tk, from my chapbook "Unpressed"

R.A.D. curled up on the steps with my book...

Join Magpie Tales creative writing group

Sunday, August 2, 2015


Thank goodness you found me -
dehydrated, flat, suffering

from a homesickness,
I didn't realize was for you.

I slipped from the page into your lap,
delicate, winter-faded.

You kissed the sleep from my eyes,
unpressed papery petals

with elsewhere hands,
watched me bloom.

tk, from my second chapbook "Unpressed" 

R.A.D. makes my words his own...

Join Magpie Tales creative writing group

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Mother Lode

I squat like a miner;
sift through rubble,
barefoot in Levis.
Memories swirl the pan
most of them look the same;
unfossilized, too liquid to keep.
Ruby lips. The American dream. 
Now and then a sparkle a nugget
looks up at me with human eyes.  
Clementine!  Can't take everything, darling.
Just a few. I pack it neatly in the box
labeled "Initial Boom".
Souvenirs line up like herring.
Gradually decompose,
bloom sweet and pungent;
fertilize a second chance
my destiny.

tk/July 2015

R.A.D. Stainforth brings my words to life...

Monday, June 29, 2015


It calls with a clear
two-fingered whistle;
how a neighbor summons children
home for summer supper. 

Unabashed wooing.  
A lark?  Or Cherokee mother
clothed in twilight sadness,
blade of grass pressed in her lips.

Run.  Feel night-cooled meadow
under sunburned feet.
Find the moth-specked porch lamp,
the scent of belonging.

Without the chatter of song birds,
it seems human in the dark.  Urgent.
Should I leave by back door or front?
Persistent pipe.  O! Come.

tk/June 2015

Beautiful read by R.A.D. ...

*A Midsummer Night's Melancholy by Michael Sowa

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Milky Way

It's the unassuming way
He holds his cigarette.
Peers sideways from his eyebrows. 
Burning blue.  Liquid voice.
Reined in like a well-bred stallion.
Or is it the way she clings?
Hands open and tactile. 
Golden proportion.
Looking for certainty in his eyes.
She seems brash next to him.
Easy.  Not overpowering.
Smiling diamond in Pegasus. 
Riding velvet. 
We worship the contrast.
Hold on to the backs of our seats.
Weightless.  Milky.
Compelling nebula.
Soft and hard shooting stars.
Constellation too good to be true.
Exotic smear in the galaxy. 

tk/June 2015

Delicious read by R.A.D. ...

Sunday, June 14, 2015

If a Cataclysmic Event Shuts Down the World

I would dress in Dickinson white.
Void.  Laced.  Celibate as she.
Hewn open like new wood.
Faces in my pattern. 

Shave delicate sheets
from my discontented timber,
doodle them icky with dots and dashes
maybe a sonnet.  Love hymn.

Roll them in a bale of sacred scrolls,
seal with kisses instead of wax,
corked in the bottle
from the Christmas Cava.

Yelp!  As I heave it from the bridge. 
Watch it bob downstream
in the volume between
my legs and yours.

After months and years,
I would scour my mind for your voice,
open your book and inhale
for your scent.

tk/June 2015

I like what R.A.D. does with my words ... I'll have what he's having ...

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Of That Ilk

From the beginning
kindred voices whisper
between words.
Sea through the windows.
Landlocked roots.

You reel me in without a net.
Gently unhook.  For keeps.
Channels pulse an ancient beat,
deeper in your eyes than blue.
I have been away too long.

Ancestors line the shore.
One of them points
"Your man over there"
I take him literally.
They applaud as rain.

Rush of belonging sweeps
stronger than a tailwind.
I grasp your arm
to keep from flying
put me down!

Look at my pale feet
unearthed from nowhere,
still covered in grubs.
I dig in my heels.
Spread my toes like fins.

tk/May 2015

Lovely retro-esque read by R.A.D. ...

Sunday, April 26, 2015


You sprint down
the platform at Piccadilly.
The first time I see you run.
Boyish.  Easy.

Sun pales gray
through the train shed roof,
as if we are lit for a morning set.
I wait for someone to shout "Cut!"

The doors close.
We're late.  The attendant frowns. 
Next train leaves at 11:11.
I don't mind.  It's lucky.

The carriage is warm.  It sways.
You explain why bricks change to stone
in the crosshatch of hedgerows
and sundry farms.

I find a station in your arms.
Stillness in your eyes.
Think how indecently happy,
should I suddenly die.

tk/April 2015

Lovely read by R.A.D. the gentle sway of a train carriage...

Sunday, April 12, 2015


No beams or trusses
just a simple span of obstacles,

make-do suspension, stubborn enough to find a way,
woven one sleepless night at a time.

I take only memory, ditch the bangles.
Each step aches freedom, dreads narrow spaces.

I want to runbut sidle onfrayed ends exposed
as rope unravels, sways so violently I cry out.

Cavernous echo! I dare not look down;
fear the unknown, some great fish throat.

I hear your voiceand remember
this temporary means from here to there.

tk/April 2015

Lovely dramatic read by R.A.D. ...

Sunday, March 29, 2015


First, I notice
the easy stride. 
You move mainstream.
Two long steps for each of mine.

I think of the time
you wander to Birmingham
for that first punk album
coins in your pocket
like the silver your grandfather earned,
walking nineteen miles
straight up the middle of Yell
to fiddle for a wedding.

Those boyish endeavors bring you luck,
make your heart beat like a drum
ancestral rhythms, word of mouth,
a fine-tuned ear.

You offer me your arm,
my feet barely touch the ground.
We dance a simple reel of lamp-posts,
paving stones, letterboxes
speaking of―we stop the incessant writing,
to walk what's left of our wits.

tk March 2015

*photo: Old Bank Street, Manchester, UK by R.A.D. Stainforth

A most lovely read by R.A.D. ...

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Picasso's Eye

Picasso's eye is lodged
in the sugar maple,
like a scuttled vessel
brooding in the limbs.

It no longer dispenses
late night wisdom,
early morning insight,
from the perch outside my room.

The all-knowing stare
becomes reluctant
under chlorophyll eyelids,
dark spring rain.

My psyche's new caretaker
scries wet kisses in leaves,
with flop of roses,
gentle thrust of trees.

tk/March 2015 

Sumptuous read by R.A.D. ...

Sunday, March 15, 2015


R.A.D. Stainforth on the City Walls, York, UK  (photo by Tess Kincaid)

Like the city, your grip is strong.
You guide me in quiet stride. 

Minster rises distant in paper-gray sky.  
We step the same medieval stones.

Wool-jacketed school children swarm the crossroad,
laughing.  The Ouse laps and sighs "Camelot!"

Creamy limestone becomes mildewed churches.
Rose windows.  Gothic curves.  Human efforts.

You point to chimney pots from station road walls.
I look up, hold tight against the cobbles.  

Our feet touch.  Suddenly, you are an ancient king,
noble as a chess piece, handsome among the yew trees. 

tk/March 2015 

Beautifully reminiscent read by R.A.D. ... 

York City Walls, March 5, 2015, photo by Tess Kincaid

Join Magpie Tales creative writing group.

Sunday, February 15, 2015


Words linger unsaid;
no compulsion to fill space.

They are seen in eyes,
the way the head leans to one side;
half-breaths hang luxurious,
simply for the pleasure of it.

Natural rhythms weave calm;
lull without inflection or solution.

We do not rely on talk;
ours is a contented silence,
not at all awkward.

tk/February 2015

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Secondhand Scent

I press your palm,
inhale a brand new head note.
Dry-down does not alter its mellow ego. 
It smokes grassy through skin,
overrides all previous compounds:  memories,
migraines, cheekbones, jawbones.

Bouquet lingers like the last days of summer.
I hone it, catch it in a Mason jar,
screw the lid on tight; save it for when
I need odorous bliss, an oracle
that calms all sorts of butterflies,
claustrophobia, and scars. 

tk/January 2015

Lovely evocative read by R.A.D. ...

Sunday, January 18, 2015

In the Beginning

I sleep two time zones,
wake in the small day between.
Darkness on the face.
No rest on the seventh.

The dustbin lid cracks down
on kitchen dreams.  Ashtray speaks
with gently-hammered elbows
and knees.

Only a blue-lit kettle
shines through the deep. 
Everything is transformed,

I thank the god of oven mitts;
my fingers free to make
evening and morning,
and it is good.

At last we sleep
on the crumb-strewn floor. 
Evolved.  Immortal.
Creation under my nails.

tk/January 2015

Brilliantly delivered by R.A.D. Stainforth...

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


If you look close enough
a garden becomes a meadow,
walls give way to windows.

A magpie watches from the edge,
jaws at anything complex.

It is time to throw out mismatched socks,
the king-size that never fit;
stuff the cache in yesterday's hamper,
unfence simplicity.

We find beauty in clothespins, hairpins,
a line swaying behind a dryerless nest.
The wet towel we share.

tk/January 2015

A rare glimpse of R.A.D. Stainforth in color...his most beautiful read to date...

Monday, December 29, 2014

Heroic Pink

There is a brave new shade;
coming flush of innocence 
made complete. Color 
stretched globally, wielded 
with a twist; juicy mix 
of wicked and meek.

Archetype hues conquer 
celebrated softness, embody 
giving and release. Rampant
sunset, blush without apology; 
semi-divine pink 
of Amazons and queens.

tk/December 2014

Excellent read by R.A.D. a slightly different venue...

Sunday, December 14, 2014


Our fingers lace,
as if they were always knit;
you guide me into the street,

where centuries of secrets rise
between paving stones,
from under darkroom doors.

Like our first embrace,
my new jacket goes unnoticed 
in monochrome. 

Stolen glance ― snap! 
Your eyes flash Kodak,
encompassing everything north. 

Nothing important is exchanged; 
a few riddles, exhaled laughs, 
camera-shy smiles. 

Under a suspended crescent,
you surprise ― all quick-turn and lips ―
like the Doisneau.

tk/December 2014

Evocative monochrome read by R.A.D. Stainforth...

Sunday, December 7, 2014


Sleep is innocent.
It runs, hides in the dark,

is easily frightened by radiators,
the drop of a digital clock.

I have access no longer
to the lull of manifold sheep.

Time zones are corrupted
with a single cunning sock.

Night spins uncountable hours
in a game of blindfold;

I hear your voice in my head,
misidentify your face on purpose,

wanting always to be it.

tk/December 2014

Deliciously soporific R.A.D. Stainforth...

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Scioto Snow

Prints cross ice;
imagine a doe
coaxed to the river,
enveloped in lust
and white.

Gloved fingers,
breath exhaled
like anxious chimneys;
all of me
in your pocket.

We thrust low,
confound the cold,
unable to see beyond
the crosshatch of blue ash
and sycamore.

Wonder how
this flux can survive;
fresh unbodied rush,
metallic, more feverish
than spring.

tk/November 2014

Exquisite read by R.A.D. Stainforth...