Showing posts with label FOOD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FOOD. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Botched Intentions

The photo pretty much spells it out and
 left clicking photo should bring
it up easier to read.
  What puzzles me is.... why is there
even a crumb, let alone a bite, left on the plate?
note: over on the left of this post on this site,
you can click to get on my Flickr site which is used
more then this one....

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

crepes and crikey

Above is my breakfast today---some wonderful crepes made with whole wheat
flour (from Cooks .com) filled with flavored lite cream cheese and chopped
walnuts....topped with lite syrup, more nuts and bit of parsley for color
seems heavenly to find a way to enjoy such a treat that I can
make myself...looked better not sliced for a photo
then below I get a chance to use the English (Cockney?) term
"Crikey ! "---for not moving myself a bit when
taking this horse photo---to eliminate the
tall grass thing in front of his nozzle... my brother in law
was elected for 10 terms I believe
and found a new use for the political signs

Monday, May 31, 2010

On Cheat Day

each week I allow one cheat day for the foods I eat
and don't overdo that hardly ever. I've wanted
to make a banana wrap for awhile so here it is--
I ate all but two bites and should have stopped
sooner. The flat wrap is low cal.... the cream cheese spread
is weight watchers with sweet and low..the
chopped walnuts are alright---the sinful part
is a drizzle of maple syrup and a bit of Fig jam..
as good as it was, I thought immediately
after, that the banana all by itself would
have been enough with maybe some and learn.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


During the Christmas rush it's nice
to be able to throw something together
with what you have in the fridge..
I used yesterday's roast chicken cut into chunks
and put them on a plate I just bought at
a Christmas Bazaar which needs
a pile of food on it to prevent
eyes from jumping around.
Then I spooned on some of CostCo's
Mango Salsa and since we're on
the Aruban route here...sliced on some bananas.
all that's missing is steele drum music
and swaying trade breezes...