Showing posts with label Memory Bear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Memory Bear. Show all posts

Wednesday, 8 January 2025


 Here we are at another Wednesday when we link up over at Sarah's to see what our friends are busy with each week....Please feel welcome to join in the fun.

So?  What is on my desk this week?

I made myself a new needle case because my old one has gone missing [holding all the special needles I use for my bear making!!].  I really hate to lose anything especially things I rely on so much...I've turned my sewing room upside down to look for it and it's nowhere to be sewing room has had a good sort out though :-)

This is the first Memory bear made for 2025.  I made it for the school Shell teaches at as a gift and so far I have had two orders because of it :-)

The other thing I am able to share with you is my new little pupil, Izzy.  She had a new sewing machine for Christmas and her mummy asked if I would give her a few lessons with it.  She came for her first lesson on Monday and is really keen and eager to learn....I think she will go far.  During her hour with me she made herself a glasses case and learnt lots of new techniques [especially to slow down a little when she's sewing!!].
She then went home and made herself the little mouse from instructions on Utube and popped back in the afternoon to show me...I was speachless because she had done a really lovely job of making it....I'm so proud of her.

That's all from me for this week.  I will do my best to pop round to visit you as soon as I am able.  Have a great week all.
Annie x

Wednesday, 23 October 2024


 It's certainly been a different sort of week for me.....I've taken on new staff :-) Oh and also it's my birthday today :-) :-)

We had the weekend away in the caravan to visit the breeder that we bought Milly from because we knew  she had a litter of pups due to go to their new homes in December.  When we got there she had two pups that were 12 weeks old and ready little girl and one little meet Peggy.

She is simply was almost as if it was meant to happen :-) :-) :-)

There just might be more photos on Friday.

I have had time to make this Memory cushion for a customer in memory of her dad......the pocket on the front is to put her phone or the remote control in.

The dog breeder had recently lost her grandfather so she gave me one of his shirts to make a Memory bear's now winging its way to Doncaster.....I hope it brings her a lot of comfort.

That's all I have to share with you this week.  I have a feeling my day today is going to be a busy one because I have 5 customers coming [it's always the way when I've had a few days away] and of course there is the new member of staff to train up :-)

I will do my best to call by to say hello but it may take a little longer today so please be patient.


Annie x

Wednesday, 24 July 2024


 Here we are at another catch up with out creative friends around the world to see what they have on their desks this week.  It's such a lovely friendly group so if you're tempted why not join in the fun?  Just pop over to Sarah's Craft Shed where you will find out more details.

I've had another lovely week with sewing and have a couple of things to share with you...

I've been looking through my stash of fabrics and 'found' a bag of tired/old jeans one of my customers gave me.  I wasn't feeling very enthusiastic about cutting them up to make bags with them so I used a piece off 4 of the trouser legs and made this lovely little bear.  I wasn't sure how easy denim would be to use but I rather love how he turned out....what do you think?

I wasn't feeling very creative this week so I needed some mindless sewing to do.  I decided that, as I gave my last two quilts to the charity, that I would make another strip quilt....It's such a lovely way to use up fabrics that are left over from other projects.
It's nearly finished now...I just need do stitch the border now :-)

That's all I have to share this week.  I hope you've had a great week.  I will do my best to pop over to see what you've been up to.


Annie x

Wednesday, 10 July 2024


 Hello all.  Wednesday is the day we join in the fun of checking out all the creative desks of our friends around the world...and all are welcome to join in.  Just pop over to Sarah's blog at Sarah's Craft Shed to check out details and join in the fun.

I've had another busy week here at Sewing by Annie's.  Sally from Harry Johnson's Trust called in on Saturday to collect all the things I'd made for their up and coming craft sales so my desks were emptied...and she really loved all the things I'd I have been working on making more in between my customer's sewing....I never like to sit idle.

I appliqued and machine embroidered covers for 10 shopping list sized books...I love the crazy frogs best.

I made 6 lengths of bunting...10 flags and approximately 2 metre length each.

I've made another school Memory Bear....I love purple and I think the lilac ribbon and buttons are lovely on this one.

I also learnt an important not drop your sharp pointy ended scissors off your work surface onto your toe!!!  It really hurt and bled lots.....I will be more careful in the future.

That's me for this week.  I hope you will leave me a little message so I know you've called by and I will pop over to yours as soon as I can.


Annie x

Wednesday, 12 June 2024


 What a week that was!!!  I not only cleared all the sewing I shared with you last week but I cleared all that was waiting on my to do rail and had another prom dress to shorten [this time there was 6 layers and one of them was 14 metres long!!] and I had to take it up on a shoulders [and they were heavily beaded so a tricky job!!].   I have also had a bridesmaid's dress that I had to shorten and take in and a pair of trousers that I had to here is never boring :-)


I also made this little school Memory bear....this is the second one I've made for the end of this school year.  I do expect more orders before the end of term and they will probably arrive at once lol.

In between my sewing jobs I am making lots of bunting flags for the 10th year celebrations for the Harry Johnson Trust.  It's 10years since little Harry died and there will be several celebrations including one in a very large marquee that they want bunting for.....lots of it.  I have already cut out and made over 100 flags so will see how much bunting that makes. :-)

Thanks for calling by.  If you leave me a little message so I know you've called in I will do my best to pop over to yours to see what you've been up to.


Annie x

Wednesday, 10 April 2024


 I was missing last week.  We had gone of the first adventure in our caravan of 2024...there are details/pics in my Friday post if you'd like to see more.

On my desk this week are the, now finished, army of frogs for the H J Trust...

I hope they all do well in fighting the battle against cancer in children.

I've had my first order for a school leavers Memory bear for this school year....and have another one coming this week....I wonder how many I will get this year?

In between all the jobs I've done for my customers I have also made this lovely Alphabet wall hanging....I will be selling this to raise funds for the charity.

I'm sure it will look lovely hanging on the wall in a baby's nursery.

I hope you will leave me a little message so I know you've called in and I will pop over to your blog to see what you've been up to this week.


Annie x

Wednesday, 2 August 2023


 I've not had a lot of customers this week....I guess many are on their I have been using my time well by sewing for the charity I support.

I loved making the rag doll so much that I decided to make another one....I try to make each one different but have enjoyed making each one.

Harry Johnson's mum, Sally, called in to collect the sewing I had ready for her this week and was really pleased with the quilt and the two rag dolls so, as she was having a stall at Vron Gate show last Saturday, she said she would take the quilt and one of the rag dolls there with her and keep the other rag doll for the Minsterley Show.

So I made her another quilt to take with the second rag doll to Minsterley show.  I am really loving dipping into the gifted fabrics and have already sorted out another batch of fabrics to make another quilt....I'm on a roll :-)

Please note my assistant isn't naked behind the quilt :-) :-)

Amongst the gifted fabrics were lots of ready cut squares ready to patchwork so I have been doing some random patchwork with them and plan to make 3 cushions with it....they are all really good quality fabrics so have been lovely to sew with.

Just so you know, I have had some sewing for my customers.  This is a lovely School Memory Bear for a school that I haven't made one for before and it brings my number of schools up to 39 now.

I hope you have enjoyed your visit today and will leave me a little message so I know you've called by and I will do my best to pay you a return visit as soon as I can.


Annie x

Wednesday, 26 July 2023


 As promised last week I'm giving you the answer to my puzzle.

If you didn't see last week here is the tool I was using and wondered if any of you would guess what I use it for....and most of you had a guess but none of you actually got it right. My Dad made it for me so it comes out like a much loved friend and I have really enjoyed using it.

Firstly I wind it with wool [so yes some you got that bit right] then I remove the wooden bit which is really used as a spacer to keep the metal prongs the same distance apart.

I then sew securely up the centre of the wound wool and then remove it from the frame..... and make 3 more lengths of  loopy wool.

The lengths of loopy wool then get stitched firmly in rounds onto the rag dolls head. 

 I used to make lots of dolls like this when our children were small so I have really enjoyed making this's for a 'Name the doll' money maker for The Harry Johnson Trust.

She then got a face sewn on and a pair of pants made for her.....a girl needs pretty pants doesn't she?

To finish off I made her a pretty matching dress and a pair of shoes.

I've printed off a chart with 100 girls names on it and they will be sold for £2 a guess so she will raise lots of money for the cause.  She will be at Minsterley show on the Harry Johnson stand.

The other thing I have to share is another school Memory bear.....I have another 5 Memory bears coming some time this week too.

Thanks for calling by.  If you leave me a little message  I will pop over to yours to see what you've been up to this week.

Annie x

Wednesday, 31 May 2023


 Hello to all my Wednesday friends from around the world....I love my Wednesdays.

I have a few more ATCs to show you this week....some were here last week but were hiding [it's easy to get lost amongst my stash here lol ].

Each ATC is a little work of art and I love them all so thanks for thinking of me.

The other thing I have to share today is my latest little school Memory bear....I must get my folder up to date and see how many I have made now [when I get the time ].
I have altered 2 pretty pink bridesmaids dresses and shortened a pretty navy prom dress this week as well as the normal alterations/repairs so it's been rather a lovely week.

I will do my best to call by at as many blogs as I can in between my sewing jobs so please leave me a little message so I know you've called by.
Annie x

Wednesday, 17 May 2023

WOYWW 14th Anniversary


Happy Anniversary to you all and a huge thankyou to our Queen of the blogs, Julia for keeping up the group for so long....we have so much to thank you for.

We went on an adventure to South Wales last weekend to deliver our Anniversary ATCs to Jan [of course that wasn't the only reason]. It had been far too long since we had seen her, her gorgeous hubby and youngest son Rhys so, as you can imagine, there was much to catch up on and there certainly were no awkward silences....thanks Jan for making us feel so welcome [including little Milly who is still recovering :-) ].

Being away for a long weekend means I worked yesterday to play catchup with all my sewing jobs and this is the latest very special little bear I have's made from a Grandad's white t shirt and a Grandma's blue stripey blouse [or what was left of it as it had been loved to death and was very frayed].

Well, that's all from me for this week. Sending out lots of love to all our group and hoping we can keep it going many more years.


Annie x

Wednesday, 5 April 2023


 It's been another busy week for me and, as always I have demands from my family when I'm at my busiest.

This time it was to steam Levi's dance outfits.  On Sunday she entered 7 dance competitions and did rather well....results will be coming on Friday cos she sure did make me please call back on Friday if you'd like to know how she did.


I've been making another Memory bear out of a Wedding dress.....thankfully the Wedding dress fitting I had to do this week didn't need anything doing to it so there was no risk that I would make a bear out of the wrong dress.

This brings my Memory bear count up to 676....I'm so chuffed.

That's all I have to share with you this week.  I will pop over to your desk ASAP if you leave me a little message so I know you've called by.


Annie x

Wednesday, 15 March 2023


 What a difference a day makes!!!!

I had no customers all last week but on Saturday morning I had messages from 7 customers and filled in my diary for this week with...

  • A bride and two bridesmaids for fittings on Friday
  • Another bride for her fitting on Wednesday followed by
  • 2 memory bears coming Wednesday afternoon, one of which is wanted for  Mother's day
  • Thursday morning a further 4 memory bears to make from babygros
  • another customer was dropping off her wedding dress on Monday afternoon to have a memory bear made from it....and two more messaged me wanting memory blankets making [which I don't do !]
To say I had a busy week ahead of me was an understatement!!!

Saturday night I started with a head cold and felt pretty rough all day Sunday but, after a burning up all Sunday night I did a Covid test and guess what? Yes it was positive so I had to contact all my customers to let them know.  I would be unable to do any of the wedding fittings but the items fo the Memory bears would still be dropped off for me to make them as and when I felt well enough.

So the only thing I have to share with you today is this gorgeous little Memory bear made from the wedding dress.

It was an embroidered satin fabric so not the easiest to sew but I love the finished result.

I hope you're all keeping well and happy.  I will do my best to pop over to see what you're up to in between naps and paracetamols :-)

Annie x

Wednesday, 15 February 2023


 Another week has passed and I have more to share with you.  Last week I had the emotions of the perfect fitting wedding dress that I'm working on and this week there has been more emotions but different ones.

Firstly, I have more items I've made for the Harry Johnson trust to share with you.

Another batch of key rings....cos I've sold some of the last batch :-) 

I've made another couple of fabric boxes because I have already sold one of the last ones I made....and that has made me smile.

I found a pattern to make some aprons and made one and have 2 more half made.

My emotions came when I was asked to make this latest little Memory bear.  It is made in memory of a very special little girl who died aged 4 years using the gown she wore in intensive care.....I really hope it brings lots of comfort to her family.

I hope you have enjoyed your visit and will leave me a little message so I know you've called by and I will do my best to pay you a return visit.

Annie x

Wednesday, 1 February 2023


 What a different week I've had since last Wednesday....did I foolishly mention how quiet I'd been?

I made a set of heart key rings.....and have already sold several key rings.

A set of pretty little pin cushions.  I was really enjoying creative sewing but then.....

I've had another bin bag filled with factory trousers needing new zips and thanks to my assistants we have now removed all the old zips, put them back in the bin bag and stashed them away in the spare room to allow space for...

My first Memory bears of 2023....they were made for a 32 year old man in memory of his young wife who died far too soon...the red check was the dress she wore when he proposed to her so holds very special memories for him and I hope they will bring him lots of comfort.....I get to know so many lovely people in my job.

I have also .....
  • had a wedding dress fitting and made a start at the complicated work I have to do to make it perfect for her.
  • 3 pair of jeans to shorten
  • a concealed zip to restitch in a lined skirt
  • a lined skirt to shorten and
  • a skirt to take in for Phoebe

Saturday afternoon saw me enjoying an afternoon of sewing with Phoebe and Lulu.....they love to learn new techniques and can confidently use any of my sewing machines now.  They really loved using the machine embroidery stitches to edge their key rings and were both really proud of their finished was I :-)

So, as you can see it's been a busy busy busy week for me....and it's not stopped yet as I still have all the zips to put in the factory trousers, the major work to do on ther wedding dress and have a steady flow of customers booked in for the rest of my I may be a tad busy today 😂😂😂😂
I'm sure there will be times when I need a coffee break so will do my best to visit a few blogs then but please be patient with me.
Annie x

Wednesday, 14 December 2022


 Hello all.  You're here to see what's on my desk today and surprise surprise there's only one little school Memory bear this week....but I do have another one coming later today :-)

This little school bear brings the number of schools I've made bears for up to 36 from all round the world.
It also brings the total number of Memory Characters up to 643 now....I've actually made 22 bears in the last 3 weeks!!

I was brought this jacket this had a 7" zip in the top to be pulled over the head but my customer struggled to get in and out of it so he asked if I could add a panel down the front and put a full length zip in it.....I get asked to do all sorts of jobs and always love a challenge :-)

I will show you a few of my home made decorations that I have up in my sewing room now [no I didn't make the mat but I do rather like robins].

I will be shutting up shop on 23rd and will then be closed until Wednesday 4th January so will hopefully get a good rest and be able to enjoy lots of family times :-)

Hope you're all having a wonderful week.  I will call by to see as many as I can in between my sewing jobs later.


Annie x

Wednesday, 12 October 2022


 Hi all.  It's been non-stop this last week here at Sewing by Annie's.  I've shortened trousers and tops plus I have made this cute little Memory bear...

He's made from tiny baby clothes to be kept as a keepsake of when their baby was small :-)

On top of all that I have also made 10 new Advent calendars.  The 5 I put on my Sewing by Annie Facebook last week all flew out and many more requested I make more so these will be going on my Facebook page today :-)

Watch this space as they say.

I like to grab oportunities when I can....and do my best to please my customers.

On my to do rail today is this lovely purple/burgandy bridesmaid's dress that I have to alter and shorten plus the rest of my rail is full of my winter tops that all need taking in to fit now I'm over 3 stone the saying goes..."A cobblers wife walks barefoot"...these have to wait until I have a few spare minutes to get done [winter may be over by then lol].

I hope you've all had a great week.  I will be popping round ASAP to see what you've all been up to [sewing allowing!!].


Annie x