Showing posts with label children's drawings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label children's drawings. Show all posts

Friday, 14 November 2014

This week's smiles....week 93

Hi folks.  Thanks so much to each and every one of you who joined in last week.  I'm featuring two little ones snapped on Elizabeth's blog from last week. What a cute Minnie Mouse and Little Mermaid they made.  Thanks for sharing your smiles Elizabeth

It's been another eventful week for me and another one full of things to smile about.
  • Big sister Jo's [Twiglet] surgery eventually went well last week and she was allowed home at the weekend.  She would really like rather more 'get up and go' than she's got but she is making a good recovery and she has to be patient, listen to her body and allow it to heal.
  • We [my darling hubby and I] had a wonderful couple of wonderful days away in London at the weekend.  We went to see the poppies at the Tower of London [pics below] and while down there we also went to see Matilda at the theatre [an amazing show with some really talented children performing].
  • Our eldest daughter has now recovered from her surgery and managed to go back to work on Wednesday so I managed some fun time with the twinnie munchkins.....that is until Sam decided to be very sick all over the floor!.....he's bounced back since thankfully.
So here's a few snaps of what's made me smile this week...

Sam and Lexi really love building with the K'nex and are learning their shapes this week.

Sam made this and said..."Look Nanny it's a rectangle just like the telly"

Here's Lexi with her circle, square and triangle. :-)

We then had a fun art session :-)

This is Lexi's butterfly and

...her duck.....obviously a rare long legged breed :-)

And this is Sam's drawing of his sister, Lexi.

I just love watching how they are developing and seeing their enjoyment with their drawings.

So there you are.  That's just a few of the things that have been making me smile this week.  Please snap and share yours with us by linking them below.

Annie x

Friday, 24 October 2014

This week's smiles....week 90

This week I have many of you to thank for joining in last week, It's so lovely to think that you all had something that had made you smile and you wanted to share it with us all.....keep up the good work girls.

I really struggled to decide which one of you I would feature this week cos each and every one of them made me smile but I eventually decided that I would choose Robyn's post over at Waterlily Cards for her gorgeous photos of her flowers. It's so lovely, when all around us here in England is taking on it's Autumn/Winter coat that, from in my sitting room, I can share the gorgeous flowers from the other side of the world. Thanks Robyn for sharing your gorgeous flowers.

I have had so many things to smile about this week because yesterday was my birthday and I have been really spoilt.  My gorgeous family have clubbed together to treat me [and hubby too of course] to tickets to go to the Tower of London to see the poppies....I'm sooooo excited.  Plus while we are down there hubby is treating me to go to see Matilda at the theatre.  Wahooooooo I can't wait.

So today I am sharing a couple of pics of what the twinnies drew in my birthday card....

Lexi drew me a ballerina.....I've never seen myself as someone who did ballet but had a chuckle at the thought she thought I might :-)

Now Sam is into drawing random pictures at the mo.  Don't you just love his snail?  Quite why he is trapped or what he is trapped in we don't know but Sam was determined that was what it was.  Oh what fab imaginations little ones have.  They never fail to make me smile.

And finally for those that have only seen their smiley faces here they are pulling scary faces.....think they are practising for Halloween cos they have promised to walk round with their three cousins to scare Nanny and Grandad next week.  :-)

So there you go....just a few of my smiles from this week.  I hope you're all having a great week too and will snap a pic or two to share with us by linking them below.

Annie x

Friday, 3 October 2014

This week's smiles.....week 87

Hello all.  Hope you're having a great week.  Thanks to those who joined in last week.

I'm featuring Kate's post from last week......You've just got to love those smiling clouds  :-)
Thanks made me smile.

It's a quick post from me for this week.  It's been an anxious sort of week because our daughter went into hospital early hours of Tuesday morning with severe abdominal pain.  She had ultra scan and CT scan on Tuesday to see what the problem was but it took them til Wednesday lunchtime before they decided to take her to theatre for a laparoscopy to investigate further.  Whilst there they confirmed that it was appendicitis so they cut her yet further and took it out....she now has 4 wounds on her tummy and is looking a bit like spaghetti junction! why am I smiling?

We visited her last night and she had her sparkle back and was looking much better thankfully and this photo she put on Facebook really made me chuckle...

This pic she put on Facebook yesterday morning having not eaten since Monday with the caption..

"Marmite and toast never tasted so good!!!"

I guess you either love it or hate it but she has loved since she was a baby.....and trust me when I say it's no easier having your baby in hospital poorly even when she's 30.

Simple pleasures eh?

The other pics I'm sharing today are the ones her little twinnies drew to make her feel better...and they certainly worked their magic on her :-)

And the funniest thing is that they both insisted on drawing her spiders and she has a real phobia of them....just like me!! :-)
I really hope she makes a very speedy recovery and continues to give us lots more to smile about.

Thanks for calling by today.  Please link up your smiles below and share your happy times with us.

Annie x

Friday, 10 August 2012

Friday's smile....

Many of you have asked to see more wedding pics so today I am making you smile by sharing a few of the professional wedding pics with you.

You should be able to click on my collage to enlarge if you'd like a closer look.  As you can see the day was perfect and I have so very much to be proud of.

I also can't resist sharing this painting that Phoebe [only 3 years old!] did yesterday of Bananas in Pyjamas....who else could it be?
I think we have a little artist in the making don't you?

This was Lulu's painting.  A little more in the pointillism style wouldn't you say?  Maybe a budding Van Gogh?

Here is Steve playing in the ball pool celebrating his little friends birthday.

'Didn't realise these balls were quite this deep Nanny'

And finally here is a snap of the twins enjoying their holiday last week with Mummy and Daddy.  :-)

Such happy little munchkins.

I hope you have enjoyed my pics this week and you all have a wonderful weekend.

Annie x