Hi folks. Thanks so much to each and every one of you who joined in last week. I'm featuring two little ones snapped on Elizabeth's blog from last week. What a cute Minnie Mouse and Little Mermaid they made. Thanks for sharing your smiles Elizabeth
It's been another eventful week for me and another one full of things to smile about.
- Big sister Jo's [Twiglet] surgery eventually went well last week and she was allowed home at the weekend. She would really like rather more 'get up and go' than she's got but she is making a good recovery and she has to be patient, listen to her body and allow it to heal.
- We [my darling hubby and I] had a wonderful couple of wonderful days away in London at the weekend. We went to see the poppies at the Tower of London [pics below] and while down there we also went to see Matilda at the theatre [an amazing show with some really talented children performing].
- Our eldest daughter has now recovered from her surgery and managed to go back to work on Wednesday so I managed some fun time with the twinnie munchkins.....that is until Sam decided to be very sick all over the floor!.....he's bounced back since thankfully.
Sam and Lexi really love building with the K'nex and are learning their shapes this week.
Sam made this and said..."Look Nanny it's a rectangle just like the telly"
Here's Lexi with her circle, square and triangle. :-)
We then had a fun art session :-)
This is Lexi's butterfly and
...her duck.....obviously a rare long legged breed :-)
And this is Sam's drawing of his sister, Lexi.
I just love watching how they are developing and seeing their enjoyment with their drawings.
So there you are. That's just a few of the things that have been making me smile this week. Please snap and share yours with us by linking them below.
Annie x