Hello to all my Wednesday visitors. As always it's been another hectic week over here at Sewing by Annie's.
Jo and I were joined by another new crafty friend on Monday afternoon and the three of us enjoyed creative fun, giggles and most of all friendship. They say most folk can count good friends on the fingers of one hand...well I know I am truly blessed cos I just don't have enough fingers for all mine. :-)
Yesterday was my day with the munchkins so it was another day of fun and giggles for me. They are both growing up so quickly and I am loving every minute of watching them develop....for those who like to see them you will enjoy my Friday pics this week....they are up to mischief and were caught in the act!
So for those calling by to see what I've been creating this week here are a few pics....
My table started off like this this week with lots and lots of chosen wool rovings on it and the start of a week of hand dumfing....yes teddies this week. I buy my rovings from Sara and am now waiting for my next order. My biggest job was to decide which colours to get next cos she has such a lovely selection. Do pop over to browse if you're looking to buy rovings.
By the end of my week I had completed a large order of requested felted bears....Aren't they just gorgeous? Each one takes on it's own little character and I've had such fun making them all.
I was also challenged to dumf a cock and this is the little character I came up with....What do you think?
I was also commissioned to make a special dolly for one of my friend's little Granddaughter. She had to have curly blond hair and a dress designed to match the little girl's. I can now share this pic of her with you cos she has arrived safely through the post and I'm thrilled to say she loves her as much as I did.
The other thing I thought I'd share with you today is a shoe box I was given by one of my newest customers. She said she had been clearing out and could I use any of the contents. It was like Christmas come early for me.....there are buttons, bias tapes, velcro, safety pins, elbow patches, iron on hemming tape, etc etc As you can imagine it will all get used here in due course so this was a real gift to me.
Well folks, that's all from me for now. Don't forget to pop by on Friday to see what children get up to when your back is turned!
If you leave me a comment I will do my best to call by at yours to see what you've been up to this week.
Annie x