Showing posts with label wool rovings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wool rovings. Show all posts

Wednesday, 20 January 2016


I'm sure many of you are here to see my desk so I'd best show you what's been going on in my sewing room this week.....[sorry but it is a bit picture heavy today]

That much older sister of mine came over Saturday for some dumfing fun [embellishing for those that don't know what I mean....and if you want to know more please click on the link in the right side bar].

I wanted to use my new hall blind as my inspiration to dumf a picture to go on the hall wall....pretty isn't it?

I found some linen in just the right colour for the background in my fabric stash and made a start with dumfing some green wool rovings as a background.

Next I found some threads/yarns and some dumfable fabrics to add some details for leaves and flowers.

Since then I have had a couple of sessions on it to machine embroider some finer details for the stems/flowers.

Here's a closer look to show you a bit of the machine embroidered details.

It's been a long time since I've really enjoyed some dumfing fun and to be honest I'd forgotten just how much I really enjoyed it.  I have lots more detail to work onto the pic before it's finished and may even do some hand embroidery and add some beading.

The other thing I'm quickly sharing with your today is my now finished dust cover I made for one of my sewing machines.....after all I do have 6 machines and can't use them all at the same time and we do have rather a lot of dust here lol.

I hope you've enjoyed your visit today and will leave me a little hello comment to let me know you've called in and I will do my best to pop over to yours so see what you've been up to this week as soon as I can.
Annie x

Wednesday, 23 January 2013


Firstly I would like to invite you all to each week upload a pic of what makes you smile and to link your happy post to my Friday's smile.  I have had a few teething probs with Mr Linky but all being well those are sorted out now.  You can put any pics here on this post up til Friday or wait til Friday and link up with this week's posting.  Many have already joined in the fun so check out the links if you are in need of a smile on these gloomy wintry days.
 I'd like to thank those who have already joined in but to those that haven't yet......don't forget we can't have too many smiles in our lives and you are all very welcome.

Now.......what's on my desk today?

My latest delivery of wool rovings from Sara's Texture Crafts.  The natural colour is for Jo to make some more wet felted background pieces from and the others are just some of the gorgeous yummy colours that I just needed couldn't resist.  :-)

On my ironing board today is some of the fabric I've been sorting out to make a LillyBo quilt or two.  Jozart launched her new blog yesterday to share with us why she would like as many of us as possible to join in making a few of these so pop over to check out the details.....who would say no?...not me cos I know the difference they would make to one of my little Grandees in that situation.

On my kitchen work surface is the latest batch of bread rolls I've made.....they are Parmesan cheese and sun dried tomato rolls and you are welcome to help yourselves to one for lunch....still warm though so mind you don't burn your fingers.

The other pic I just had to share with your today is of my daft dogs who just love playing in the snow but insist on bringing their snow balls in with them.......on their legs!
I have little puddles everywhere.  :-)

That's all from me for today folks.  Thanks for calling by.  If you leave me a comment I will do my best to pay you a return visit and don't forget to take those happy pics and link them on my Friday's post to help with spreading a little happiness round the world.
Annie x

Wednesday, 9 January 2013


It's Wednesday again folks......where does the time go?

Jo and I have had a busy week sorting out our blog shop and would like to give the heads up to all our WOYWW friends that there are 4 goodie bags full [only 3 bags left now!] of Crafter's accessories up for grabs in the January sale.  We have cleared off all that was left on the Crafter's accessories shelf and made up four bags with goodies worth over £40.00 each and they are going on a first come first served basis for just £10.00 a bag!!!  Just click here to have a look and email either Jo or I and we will put your name on the one of your choosing.

 I have emptied all my wool rovings out onto my table today to have a good sort through and decide what colour my next Feltie will be so here's my mess in all it's glory .....

What a table full of yumminess.

I am really loving making my new range of Love Bugs and thought you would like to see them all sat together on my desk today....

You can see the latest addition that has been added after our Funday Monday afternoon on the right of the pic.  Her name is Love Bug Flutter and she has now joined the others in the blog shop.

The other photo I wanted to show you today is my one I am calling.....

 'the promise of things to come'
Everywhere I look in our garden there is new life.  There are bulbs shooting up everywhere and a lot of our shrubs are also shooting out little buds of life.  I love this time of year.  :-)

Thanks for calling by today.  If you would like to leave me a little hello comment I will do my best to pay you a return visit in between my sewing jobs today.
Annie x

Wednesday, 28 November 2012


Phew it's Wednesday again!....where do the other days in between go?

My weeks seem to fly by and every one seems to be pretty manic.  This week I have...
  • Had a table at Marton Craft Fair on Saturday with much older sister Jo and her daughter Maxine [pics below].
  • Been treated to tea out and a night at the theatre in Shrewsbury on Sunday by that much older sister of mine.  We went to see Greg Davies...very funny.  Thanks Jo.
  • Had a FUNDAY Monday with just Jo this week....we talked over ways to sell our hand made crafts and made a display of them in my sewing room for my customers to see.

  • I opened up a Facebook page for our shop to try to advertise it more....if you would like to check it out and maybe 'like' it for us I would be really grateful.  I'm pretty new to it all but it does say we need 30 likes before we can move on to the next step [I think!  :-) ]   Click on this link.  Sorry if this is advertising Julia....we just want to be 'liked'.  :-)
  • I had a munchkin day with my gorgeous twin Grandchildren yesterday....much a fun time was had by all... so today I will be playing catch up with my sewing jobs.
So what is on my desk today I hear you shout....

My latest batch of quick Christmas cards I have made.....yes just a bit of simple paper craft ones this time.

And my latest parcel of gorgeous new wool rovings I have bought from Sara.  What yummy colours they are too....have a feeling I will need to stroke these a while before I will be using them  :-)

That's about it from me for today.  I will do my best to call by to visit all who leave me comments in between my sewing jobs.  Thanks for calling by and I really hope you all have a great week.
Annie x

Wednesday, 10 October 2012


Happy Wednesday to one and all.  It's another of those 'I'll show you mine if you'll show me yours' days for the WOYWW gang.
It's been a week of dumfing for me in between my sewing jobs....I've started a new large poppy picture  :-)

This is where I've been creating.....sat at my craft table dumfing with all my yummy wools, threads and fabrics around me.

This is who was sat across the table from me on Monday!, with my dumfer, and Jo with her sewing machine this week.

This is the chaos organised work space across the other side of my room with all a few of my machines.  My 'to do' rail filled on Monday while we were having fun  and, as I had the twins yesterday, there will be steam coming out of the top of these machines while I plough my way through my sewing mountain today.  The frame on the floor is the one I hope to be filling with my new poppy picture.

This is the stage I have got to with my poppy picture.....  A wet felted background mounted onto a pre felt base with more wool rovings and threads dumfed into it.  I will be machine embroidering details and will probably add hand embroidery and a few beads to it this space!

If only you could smell this you would all be round for tea tonight.  :-)  It's a sign of autumn and colder days I guess when we get out the slow cookers but I do love the aromas in the house while they are cooking.....beef casserole in here today......yum yum

Well folks that's it from me today.  If you'd like to leave me a little hello message I will do my best to pay you a return visit in between my jobs.  Thanks for calling by.  Have a great week.
Annie x

p.s. for those wondering how the little wounded soldier is now....I don't think he even notices the plaster on his leg now thankfully.  We had a great day of fun and giggles on Tuesday.  :-)

Wednesday, 18 July 2012


Good morning to one and all.  Thanks for calling by for a quick update from Sewing by Annie's.  Today sees me catching up with sewing jobs again.  My rail is full and there's more on it's way later.  I'm only working til Friday then I'm shutting up shop for a week to spend my time doing all the last minute bits for the wedding so that means I've got to stay head today down til my work is cleared.  I hope to have it all done and collected by 5 on Friday so I have my room clear to steam a wedding dress, 4 bridesmaid's dresses, 3 little flower girl dresses and two little pageboy suits....exciting times ahead eh?

 I had my little munchkins to play yesterday and they asked me to say hello to all their blogging Aunties from them.  Every day brings about change in them at the mo.  This week Sam has learnt to clap his hands and Lexi has cut her first tooth [Sam already has 3 teeth!].

I want to show you this little work of art I should have shown you last week but forgot.  It is an ATC swap I received from Kate out there in Spain.  Thank you so much Kate, it's just perfect in every way.

This is my table full of our wonderful new order of wool rovings we bought from Sara.  Jo and I share everything but of course this may get a bit of stroking before I can use it  :-)  What yummy colours....I can see hills and heather in the making here.

My latest dumflings are sat here on my table waiting for machine/hand embroidery and maybe a few beads before finishing them off.  The poppies are proving very popular.

Look what the postman brought me from the lovely Di yesterday.  Thank you so much for the promarkers Di...they will be put to good use when I'm dolly making...and that card is really gorgeous.  You card makers out there are such a talented bunch.
You have made me feel really special Di so thank you for your kind thoughts and, always reliable, support.

And last but by no means least....on my kitchen work surface is my latest batch of parmesan and sun dried tomato rolls so please help yourselves to one for lunch be careful though cos they are still hot!

Don't forget to leave me a little comment and I will aim to pop over to say hello when I emerge from under my sewing mountain later.  Here's hoping you all have a great week.
Annie x

Sunday, 25 April 2010

Woolfest goodies...

Twiglet and I had a really brilliant day yesterday at Builthwells Woolfest.

We parked in the car park and had a long long walk to get to the hall but even though I struggled to get there it was well worth the walk. The building was full of stands full of inspiration. Wool rovings, threads and fabrics shouted at us from every corner.

We made our first call to find Sara from Crafts of texture on her stand and to use the voucher she has sent me [£5 off if you spend £30 so who could resist :-) ]. I have been following her preparations for weeks and really looked forward to meeting her for the first time. Here she is next to her stand and don't miss to notice the banner my daughter and her hubby's business made for her [she was very proud of her banner and said what wonderful value it had been]. Do check out the link if you are in need of a banner ....I have 2 either side my drive and I have more than doubled my business in the time they have been there.

We enjoyed a coffee then made our way around all the stands. There were so many fab suppliers of everything woolly. We were like overloaded blotting paper by the end. :-) Twiglet has taken photos of some of the stands and plans to blog them so I'm just gonna show and tell all the fab stash we bought to share.

We got home and emptied our bags out on the table to share our stash between us and thought you'd like to see it all before we split it up. You can see the wool rovings we bought from Sara plus pieces of dyed wool pre felt, silk velvet, wool curls and much more that we found on our search around the stands :-) I'm certain this will all give us fab inspiration for our next projects and neither of us can wait to get dumfing.

Now all we have to do is find space to store it all....or maybe we should just use it quickly :-) To leave you all with a smile I thought I should also include the fab sari silk waste we bought. I can see more poppy pictures being made with this, can't you?