I'm sure many of you are here to see my desk so I'd best show you what's been going on in my sewing room this week.....[sorry but it is a bit picture heavy today]
That much older sister of mine came over Saturday for some dumfing fun [embellishing for those that don't know what I mean....and if you want to know more please click on the link in the right side bar].
I wanted to use my new hall blind as my inspiration to dumf a picture to go on the hall wall....pretty isn't it?
I found some linen in just the right colour for the background in my fabric stash and made a start with dumfing some green wool rovings as a background.
Next I found some threads/yarns and some dumfable fabrics to add some details for leaves and flowers.
Since then I have had a couple of sessions on it to machine embroider some finer details for the stems/flowers.
Here's a closer look to show you a bit of the machine embroidered details.
It's been a long time since I've really enjoyed some dumfing fun and to be honest I'd forgotten just how much I really enjoyed it. I have lots more detail to work onto the pic before it's finished and may even do some hand embroidery and add some beading.
The other thing I'm quickly sharing with your today is my now finished dust cover I made for one of my sewing machines.....after all I do have 6 machines and can't use them all at the same time and we do have rather a lot of dust here lol.
I hope you've enjoyed your visit today and will leave me a little hello comment to let me know you've called in and I will do my best to pop over to yours so see what you've been up to this week as soon as I can.
Annie x