Showing posts with label From someone else. Show all posts
Showing posts with label From someone else. Show all posts

January 19, 2011

Delicious Idea!!!

Unfortunally not mine... but here it is:::

A few days ago I found WhipperBerry Blog... That is a cooperative blog with a few amazing and creative women... and there was this incredible delicious idea that I want to try!!

Hot Chocolate on a stick!

This was posted by Heather and she made this Chocolate and Marshmallow combos sticked and decorated them properly as a gift... the idea is to put the stick on a mug and add hot milk to obtain Hot Chocolate!!!
I borrowed the image from the blog.  (I looked in case it wasn't permited, but I couldn't find anything that said I couldn't and I wanted to show you...)

Anyway, go to their blog to see this fantastic idea!!!

See you soon!

PS... my Crochet Club packages arrived this afternoon, I'll wait for better light tomorrow to take some photos to show you! it is a very pretty yarn! I'm off to work on my tension!

January 07, 2011



I just read at Tecrin's blog about Wordle...
It's a quick, free, website that allows you to make a cloud of the words you used in a text or a blog...
I made one of my blog and this came out... I thing is fun!

Well, I'm off to do some homework::: I'll decorate cupcakes that I made yesterday to practice for my class!!!!

See you soon!

December 02, 2010

Giveaway from Kniterella

No, I'm not hosting this... this is from luvinthemommyhood blog... and she is having a giveaway of Kniterella products... I just discovered her, she makes stationery for knitters... I think not exactly for crocheters...

Have a look!
See you soon!

June 15, 2010

Granny Slippers...

I have to say that I LOVE to read blogs... specially craft blogs... I'm kind of "new" at it, just being doing it for a year or so... but I love to jump to one to another and in one of this jumps today I found The Royal Sisters Granny Slippers

I think they are very lovely... and the pattern is available on Etsy... one more thing I want to do!!!

See you soon!