It's been a tough, demanding news week. Between the Sunni led invasion and revolution in Iraq that genuinely threatens to topple the government and the controversial Bergdahl - Taliban prisoner exchange and the stunning Tea Party election victory over Republican Eric Cantor in the Virginia primary, it's amazing that anything broke into the news stream.
But one huge controversy did break through and occupied significant time on MSNBC, Fox News and CNN: A group called Everytown for Gun Safety released what they thought was a definitive list of all the school shooting since Sandy Hook, a stunning seventy-four examples of gun violence in or around school.
Immediately nearly everyone tore the list apart, claiming it was fatally flawed with non-school shootings, unrelated crimes and events like suicides that should not be included in the list. However, Liberals and Gun Control Advocates trumpeted the list demanding increased gun laws and stricter licensing requirements. After all, seventy-four school shootings is a nightmare.
Now, admittedly the list is a huge exaggeration. CNN recompiled the list into actual school shootings and it only came up with ten (10). But ten is still terrible. And, regardless, the news cycle was dominated by statistics about past events, not a current event at all.
The real question is "Why?" The answer is obvious. School Shootings are horrific. They are easy to visualize. I bet you can see it now ---> Innocent children mowed down by a machine gun wielding rambo-like maniac. Of course we need gun control.
But maybe these school yard shootings get the press and publicity, public outcry and notoriety for another reason. The victims are virtually always white. So are the shooters.
You remember Sandy Hook In Sandy Hook twenty-seven were shot.
Last weekend, Father's Day Weekend, twenty-five (25) people were shot in south and west Chicago. One as young fifteen, another seventeen. By the way, the fifteen year old lived, the seventeen year old was killed. And this happens most weekends. A Sandy Hook every week.
No one reports this, but if they did, no one would talk about it. Why?
Is it because because most of the victims and shooters are black? Is it because Chicago already has the toughest gun laws in America, laws that are rarely if ever enforced?
There is just no milage in discussing America's Genocide. No one can profit. No one can raise money. No one can lobby for tougher laws.
And no one wants to even brooch the real issues of societal breakdown behind the gang related violence.
We Liberals love to blame guns because they are inanimate objects. People? Not so much.
Showing posts with label NRA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NRA. Show all posts
Monday, June 16, 2014
Thursday, June 20, 2013
The Gun Control Debate is Stunningly Stupid
Although the Senate is deep into negotiations about much needed Immigration Reform, there are behind the scene maneuverings to attempt another effort to pass reasonable Gun Control legislation. Of course Conservatives immediately see these maneuvers and are already working to block these efforts.
While I find no fault in the proposed gun control legislation, I personally hate to see Democrats, Liberals and Progressives waste much needed time, effort and money trying to pass a bill that will not reduce gun violence by even a single death. Emotions will run high, passions will be inflamed, the nation will be even more deeply divided (if that's possible), and people will still die in genocidal numbers.
Our problem here as Democrats, Progressives and Liberals is that our Conservative opponents are 100% correct: Guns Don't Kill People, People Kill People! If we genuinely want to reduce gun violence and needless deaths we have got to start attacking the real problems and guns aren't one of them.
I write often about murders and gun violence in Chicago. It's easy to focus on Chicago because reporting is so good, statistics so readily available and the violence is so pervasive. If you were only to read my blog you would think Chicago is the most dangerous place on earth.
The reality is that most of Chicago is just about the safest place in America!! In fact in the parts of Chicago where most of the "known" guns are located (that would be legally purchased, licensed, registered and/or documented guns or rifles) there is little or no gun violence! Curiously guns don't kill people in the North side of Chicago. The guns are there, they people are there, but there is no violence. In half of Chicago's 23 police districts there are virtually no murders.
But on Chicago's South and West sides, in fact in just a small part of Chicago geographically, virtually all the murders and shooting occur. Almost all the guns are illegal, unreported and illegally obtained. The police classify this as "gang violence."
If, as Liberals, we are bound and determined to blame inanimate objects for society's problems, then we must point out that guns are strangely prejudiced against the poor and against blacks, because that's who they shoot, wound and kill. Damn those racist guns!.
The real factors in gun violence are poverty, lack of education and lack of opportunity. In an incredibly controversial speech this week Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis decried the lack of funding for schools on Chicago's south and west sides. She also condemned the lack of effort on the part of city leaders and "white" businessmen in investing in these communities. Unfortunately she blamed "racism" and the resulting controversy obscured the real wisdom in her observations.
We must find ways to invest in children in the poverty stricken portions of Chicago. We must improve education. And we must change the cycle of violence, drugs, gangs and poverty that go on generation after generation.
Curiously, if we do that, the guns will become as silent on the South Side of Chicago as they are on the North side.
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Resources: ABC News: Chicago Teachers Union president calls for tax changes to fund schools
The New York Times: In a Soaring Homicide Rate, a Divide in Chicago
And the very powerful, interactive website that tracks Homicides on Chicago: Redeye Tracking homicides in Chicago
While I find no fault in the proposed gun control legislation, I personally hate to see Democrats, Liberals and Progressives waste much needed time, effort and money trying to pass a bill that will not reduce gun violence by even a single death. Emotions will run high, passions will be inflamed, the nation will be even more deeply divided (if that's possible), and people will still die in genocidal numbers.
Our problem here as Democrats, Progressives and Liberals is that our Conservative opponents are 100% correct: Guns Don't Kill People, People Kill People! If we genuinely want to reduce gun violence and needless deaths we have got to start attacking the real problems and guns aren't one of them.
I write often about murders and gun violence in Chicago. It's easy to focus on Chicago because reporting is so good, statistics so readily available and the violence is so pervasive. If you were only to read my blog you would think Chicago is the most dangerous place on earth.
The reality is that most of Chicago is just about the safest place in America!! In fact in the parts of Chicago where most of the "known" guns are located (that would be legally purchased, licensed, registered and/or documented guns or rifles) there is little or no gun violence! Curiously guns don't kill people in the North side of Chicago. The guns are there, they people are there, but there is no violence. In half of Chicago's 23 police districts there are virtually no murders.
But on Chicago's South and West sides, in fact in just a small part of Chicago geographically, virtually all the murders and shooting occur. Almost all the guns are illegal, unreported and illegally obtained. The police classify this as "gang violence."
If, as Liberals, we are bound and determined to blame inanimate objects for society's problems, then we must point out that guns are strangely prejudiced against the poor and against blacks, because that's who they shoot, wound and kill. Damn those racist guns!.
The real factors in gun violence are poverty, lack of education and lack of opportunity. In an incredibly controversial speech this week Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis decried the lack of funding for schools on Chicago's south and west sides. She also condemned the lack of effort on the part of city leaders and "white" businessmen in investing in these communities. Unfortunately she blamed "racism" and the resulting controversy obscured the real wisdom in her observations.
We must find ways to invest in children in the poverty stricken portions of Chicago. We must improve education. And we must change the cycle of violence, drugs, gangs and poverty that go on generation after generation.
Curiously, if we do that, the guns will become as silent on the South Side of Chicago as they are on the North side.
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Resources: ABC News: Chicago Teachers Union president calls for tax changes to fund schools
The New York Times: In a Soaring Homicide Rate, a Divide in Chicago
And the very powerful, interactive website that tracks Homicides on Chicago: Redeye Tracking homicides in Chicago
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Us Versus Them
Politics has always been a team sport. We divide into teams, Republicans versus Democrats or Conservatives versus Liberals. There are smaller teams, too, Libertarians, Environmentalists, Communists and even more. We self identify and, often, belong to more than one team.
Many don't join a team, at least not officially. But we often side with one team or another with regularity.
Catering to this political division, our television news networks have recently become voices for "primarily" one team. Fox News is often seen as a "Republican" voice. More recently MSNBC has become a "Democratic Party" voice.
We trust and read and listen to people we perceive are on our team. They have credibility. They are seen as honest, intelligent, articulate, wise. People who are seen as members of the "other team" are foolish, gullible, doctrinaire, duplicitous and, generally, just plain stupid.
Hence Liberals tend to fawn over the writings of Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman, giving him nearly unlimited credibility, regardless of what he writes and on what subject. Meanwhile Conservatives see him as foolish and much worse.
On the issue of gun control, Conservatives love Wayne LaPierre, chairman of the NRA, while Progressives regard him a paid lackey for the gun industry who cares nothing about the death of innocent children.
Us versus Them.
Then along comes Pulitzer Prize Winning Playwright David Mamet, author of Glenarry Glen Ross, Speed the Plow and other great plays. He's an Oscar nominated screenwriter for The Verdict and Wag the Dog and more. Generally his movies and plays are clearly anti big business anti Capitalist tomes. As a Liberal and Progressive, surely he's one of us. Isn't he?
I mean he's sure as hell no Wayne LaPierre, is he? Well, Huffington Post readers who actually pay attention already know he is a Hollywood misfit, a conservative is a big liberal pond. But nearly the rest of the world is shocked by his cover story in this week's Newsweek: Gun Laws and the Fools of Chelm
I want to encourage you all to read the Newsweek essay linked above and below. It's stunningly brilliant. And Manet, just like Wayne LaPierre is completely correct. Here's a tiny snippet or two:
Many don't join a team, at least not officially. But we often side with one team or another with regularity.
Catering to this political division, our television news networks have recently become voices for "primarily" one team. Fox News is often seen as a "Republican" voice. More recently MSNBC has become a "Democratic Party" voice.
We trust and read and listen to people we perceive are on our team. They have credibility. They are seen as honest, intelligent, articulate, wise. People who are seen as members of the "other team" are foolish, gullible, doctrinaire, duplicitous and, generally, just plain stupid.
Hence Liberals tend to fawn over the writings of Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman, giving him nearly unlimited credibility, regardless of what he writes and on what subject. Meanwhile Conservatives see him as foolish and much worse.
On the issue of gun control, Conservatives love Wayne LaPierre, chairman of the NRA, while Progressives regard him a paid lackey for the gun industry who cares nothing about the death of innocent children.
Us versus Them.
Then along comes Pulitzer Prize Winning Playwright David Mamet, author of Glenarry Glen Ross, Speed the Plow and other great plays. He's an Oscar nominated screenwriter for The Verdict and Wag the Dog and more. Generally his movies and plays are clearly anti big business anti Capitalist tomes. As a Liberal and Progressive, surely he's one of us. Isn't he?
I mean he's sure as hell no Wayne LaPierre, is he? Well, Huffington Post readers who actually pay attention already know he is a Hollywood misfit, a conservative is a big liberal pond. But nearly the rest of the world is shocked by his cover story in this week's Newsweek: Gun Laws and the Fools of Chelm
I want to encourage you all to read the Newsweek essay linked above and below. It's stunningly brilliant. And Manet, just like Wayne LaPierre is completely correct. Here's a tiny snippet or two:
My grandmother came from Russian Poland, near the Polish city of Chelm. Chelm was celebrated, by the Ashkenazi Jews, as the place where the fools dwelt. And my grandmother loved to tell the traditional stories of Chelm.
Its residents, for example, once decided that there was no point in having the sun shine during the day, when it was light out—it would be better should it shine at night, when it was dark.
Similarly, we modern Solons delight in passing gun laws that, in their entirety, amount to “making crime illegal.” What possible purpose in declaring schools “gun-free zones”?
Who bringing a gun, with evil intent, into a school would be deterred by the sign?
Violence by firearms is most prevalent in big cities with the strictest gun laws. In Chicago and Washington, D.C., for example, it is only the criminals who have guns, the law-abiding populace having been disarmed, and so crime runs riot.
Cities of similar size in Texas, Florida, Arizona, and elsewhere, which leave the citizen the right to keep and bear arms, guaranteed in the Constitution, typically are much safer. More legal guns equal less crime.Read his entire essay here: Gun Laws and the Fools of Chelm
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Solving Gun Violence
A tragic and horribly misplaced approach of today's liberal and progressive leaders is to blame inanimate objects or cultural attitudes or corporations (which today's liberals see as inanimate objects) or, rarely, government for any and all of today's ills. But we avoid any assignment of personal responsibility at all costs. Even if the cost is in human lives.
Gun deaths and gun violence is no exception.
First we blame the guns themselves. And, of course that allows us to blame the NRA. From there it's easy to blame the gun manufacturers, gun sellers and gun owners (as a group, of course, and primarily if they're legal, registered gun owners).
Quickly we blame lax gun laws, gun shows and gun registration. We blame large ammunition clips and semi-automatic weapons.
Next we blame the lack of jobs, poverty in general, or as Reverend Jessie Jackson did this week, a "lack of dreams."
Curiously we don't blame Hollywood or the media culture of violence very often. I'm guessing that's because many of the people in Hollywood are wealthy liberals who contribute verbally and, rather rarely, financially to our causes. Best not bite the hand that feeds. But that's a very minor side point.
But we avoid any assignment of personal responsibility. We do not, under any circumstances blame personal lifestyles, personal choices or personal decisions. We never allow any blame that would insult or hurt an individual or the choices they have made or failed to make.
If a person drops out of school, that's the school's fault. A school system is a great inanimate object. But we never blame the teachers, or even dare to measure a teacher's ability or success. That's personal and we don't do personal.
Because of our tragically failed approach to problems we have the great tragedy of gun violence in our society. And the iconic symbol of our failure in curbing gun violence is not Newtown, Connecticut, but Chicago Illinois.
Chicago had 500 hundred murders this year, 87.5% of which were "gun related." And they took place in city with the tightest, toughest gun laws in America. Babies, children, teen and adults were all killed, with the toughest gun laws in place.
Did you realize that virtually no murders are committed by people with "concealed carry" permits? Nationally. Almost none. It turns out that murders are committed by criminals. Who knew?
I personally have no problem with tougher gun laws. I believe some new gun laws will emerge from Congress this next year and they'll have my strong personal support. They won't solve any problems, but my fellow liberal will feel better.
But no gun law currently being proposed or discussed will prevent the tragedy in Newtown or reduce murders in Chicago (or anywhere else).
Both Ann Coulter and the vilified NRA know exactly how to stop future Newtown's from happening. We will condemn them with our strongest voices of righteous indignation. We will call them "racists" and "neanderthals" and then we will quickly and quietly implement their solutions because they are right. Curiously, Ann Coulter is almost always right.
And Larry Elder knows how to solve the poverty problem, which does lead directly to the gun and gang violence in Chicago. Our problem is that, as liberals, we've decided to take personal responsibility off the table and, therefore we cannot consider Elder's solutions. Let me print some of what Elder has to say:
Poverty rarely occurs in two parent families. School drop-outs are reduced, too. Be honest, a single parent doesn't have the time or financial resources to attend school meetings, join the PTA and lead fund drives for more resources. They often don't have the time to help with homework.
Poor single parents are good people, but they are handicapped financially and functionally. They love their kids, but they are stressed to the limit.
We cannot and must not legislate marriage. But, as a society, we need to realize strong family units are a key to a healthy society. And, as liberals, we must look beyond the inanimate and toward the personal if we are truly to make an impact and begin to actually solve problems.
Gun deaths and gun violence is no exception.
First we blame the guns themselves. And, of course that allows us to blame the NRA. From there it's easy to blame the gun manufacturers, gun sellers and gun owners (as a group, of course, and primarily if they're legal, registered gun owners).
Quickly we blame lax gun laws, gun shows and gun registration. We blame large ammunition clips and semi-automatic weapons.
Next we blame the lack of jobs, poverty in general, or as Reverend Jessie Jackson did this week, a "lack of dreams."
Curiously we don't blame Hollywood or the media culture of violence very often. I'm guessing that's because many of the people in Hollywood are wealthy liberals who contribute verbally and, rather rarely, financially to our causes. Best not bite the hand that feeds. But that's a very minor side point.
But we avoid any assignment of personal responsibility. We do not, under any circumstances blame personal lifestyles, personal choices or personal decisions. We never allow any blame that would insult or hurt an individual or the choices they have made or failed to make.
If a person drops out of school, that's the school's fault. A school system is a great inanimate object. But we never blame the teachers, or even dare to measure a teacher's ability or success. That's personal and we don't do personal.
Because of our tragically failed approach to problems we have the great tragedy of gun violence in our society. And the iconic symbol of our failure in curbing gun violence is not Newtown, Connecticut, but Chicago Illinois.
Chicago had 500 hundred murders this year, 87.5% of which were "gun related." And they took place in city with the tightest, toughest gun laws in America. Babies, children, teen and adults were all killed, with the toughest gun laws in place.
Did you realize that virtually no murders are committed by people with "concealed carry" permits? Nationally. Almost none. It turns out that murders are committed by criminals. Who knew?
I personally have no problem with tougher gun laws. I believe some new gun laws will emerge from Congress this next year and they'll have my strong personal support. They won't solve any problems, but my fellow liberal will feel better.
But no gun law currently being proposed or discussed will prevent the tragedy in Newtown or reduce murders in Chicago (or anywhere else).
Both Ann Coulter and the vilified NRA know exactly how to stop future Newtown's from happening. We will condemn them with our strongest voices of righteous indignation. We will call them "racists" and "neanderthals" and then we will quickly and quietly implement their solutions because they are right. Curiously, Ann Coulter is almost always right.
And Larry Elder knows how to solve the poverty problem, which does lead directly to the gun and gang violence in Chicago. Our problem is that, as liberals, we've decided to take personal responsibility off the table and, therefore we cannot consider Elder's solutions. Let me print some of what Elder has to say:
“To avoid poverty, UCLA public policy professor James Q. Wilson said that everyone — not just blacks — must do three things: finish high school, don’t become a parent until at least the age of twenty, and get married before having a child. Do this and you will not be poor,”
Elder said. “I once asked Kweisi Mfume, then the head of the NAACP the following question: ‘As between the presence of white racism and the absence of black fathers, which poses the bigger threat to the black community.’ He immediately responded, ‘The absence of black fathers.’ Screaming about racism won’t solve this problem.”
“And if every white person, as my friend Walter Williams likes to say, suddenly became as pure as Mother Teresa, the problem of a 50 percent urban high school drop out rate would remain,” he added.I want to be clear. I favor gay and lesbian marriage. But Elder is right, we need two parent families. Two men, two women or a man and women, I don't care. But marriage need to occur before childbirth. And life long commitment is a key.
Poverty rarely occurs in two parent families. School drop-outs are reduced, too. Be honest, a single parent doesn't have the time or financial resources to attend school meetings, join the PTA and lead fund drives for more resources. They often don't have the time to help with homework.
Poor single parents are good people, but they are handicapped financially and functionally. They love their kids, but they are stressed to the limit.
We cannot and must not legislate marriage. But, as a society, we need to realize strong family units are a key to a healthy society. And, as liberals, we must look beyond the inanimate and toward the personal if we are truly to make an impact and begin to actually solve problems.
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