Summer can't seem to get here fast
enough! I've been ready for it to get here for at least the last month. Hey
there all, it's Wendy from Craft
Goodies here to share my take on our ongoing "Summer"
I have to admit, this one had me
stumped for a bit. Summer is just so many things, I just wasn't sure where to
go with my project. But, leave it to my girls to help me with that! Every
summer, without fail, they ask if they can have a lemonade stand, or popsicle
stand, or cupcake stand, or whatever they can sneak out of the pantry stand. I
decided to finally be the good mom and help them out with a "Summer Fun
Stand" of their own.
This one was a recycled project of
sorts. As life is super crazy right now, I ended up shopping from my pile of
"left over" pieces in the garage instead of the hardware store. I
ended up using a few 1x3's, a 1x10, the side panel of a torn apart armoire, and
the trim that was once on my bathroom wall. I used wood screws and staples to
put it all together.
Here's the quick how-to:
1. Cut the pieces to size. My girls
aren't tall so the overall height of this is 45 inches, the counter is 27
inches from the floor, and the counter is 33 inches long and 19 wide.
2. I used the wood screws to create
the base.
3. I added the roof support, notched
out where the support fit on the counter top, and then attached the
counter top pieces with more screws.
4. The roof pieces went on
next--again screwed into place.
5. I cut the trim to fit the sides,
front, (the back is open for foot room) and roof, and then stapled them
all into place.
I left the trim the color it was, so
just had to paint the counter top and roof supports. And last, added a bit of
generic sale décor so that no matter what they are selling, it will be easy to
change--namely a clip board to post the days wears and a fun rag garland.
Summer is off to a tasty start here
at the Craft Goodies house! Come on over and say hi, you might be just in time
to grab a quick.....(who knows!)
Happy summer crafting-