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Showing posts with label contests. Show all posts
Showing posts with label contests. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Blog War is About to Begin!!!

It's been a pretty great week so far, and should all plans hold, is set to only get better.
What am I talking about? Let me share a little news...
I stumbled across a new blogging competition not long ago and of course being me, thought it sounded like a ton of fun so I entered with this project...
Ruffled Cinch Bag Tutorial 
The fun thing about this contest is the entry is based purely on luck. Not how big your blog is or how many people you can get to go vote for your entry but just good old fashioned fortune!
(Generally, I have little to none but gave it a go anyway)
Can you guess where I'm going with this?
YEP, I made the contestant list, first on the list in fact!
Color me HAPPY! Heck, color me ELATED!
So how does it work?
The contest is sponsored by different crafting companies. Each contestant will receive a package of goodies from each of the sponsors to create a project from. One per week for four weeks. At the end of each week, the projects are posted and open for voting. The bottom 3 are eliminated and the rest move on until there is only one left.
 So even if I don't make it through, I still win because I get a bunch of goodies to play around with. Can you see why I'm so excited? And if I do make it through...holy moly you should check out the prize packages...A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!
Blog Wars is being hosted by Jonie from Just Between Friends and is sponsored by these amazing companies:
The fun gets started on Monday, May 13th.
Jump on over to Just Between Friends to check out the great list of submission projects. And then again next week to see all 12 contestant entries (don't forget to vote for your favorite starting on Friday 5/17).
I'll be back later in the week to share the rest of the fun happenings going on here at Craft Goodies central, until then...happy crafting! 
Blog Wars Prize Disclaimer:

Thursday, April 19, 2012

SYTYC Round One...Dollar Store Crafts!!!

Here's my week one project/tutorial for the SYTYC Dollar Store Challenge.
And if you haven't yet, go vote this week. The theme is Thrift and the projects are really neat...

My favorite thing about this challenge? It may well be the first time I've ever walked out of the dollar store having spent under $5!!! So what did I get to take on this first challenge? 
Floral wire in four super bright and shiny shades... 

So what can you do with a bunch of pretty colored wire? How about make these...

The wire was perfect for making some fun, kinda-quirky, super cute jewelry.
I was able to make a ring and pendant from each spool--talk about bang for your buck!

These were really easy to make and my girls are loving them. The necklace is basically two rings stuck together--one just a bit bigger than the other, so I'll share with you how I made the rings.

You're going to need a package of floral wire and a pair of wire cutters. Also something round to help you make the band part of the ring, I used the lid of a paint bottle for my hand, and a toothpaste cap for my girls.
Cut off about 18 inches of wire. Leaving about a 3 inch tail, wrap the wire around your frame twice--starting and ending with the wire ends on top, pointing away from each other.

Start shaping your petals with the long piece of wire.

You'll make 5 petals total. I held my thumb in the center of the ring and folded the wire around it to keep them all somewhat uniform. I worked in a clockwise manner so that the following petal overlapped the first.
**Note that the short wire tail is UNDER the petals and off to the side***

When you've finished the last petal, adjust the spacing a bit if you need to. Hold the long tail in one hand, and bring the short tail up, over, and through the center of the petals to hold them in place.

Slip the ring back onto your base frame, and with the wire cutters pull on the short wire to get it as tight as you can and then cut the extra wire off, close to the underside of the ring.

Last, tightly wrap the long tail around around the piece of short wire a few times to create the flower's center. Cut the wire and use the cutters to tuck the cut end under.

There you go!
 One super hip and very budget friendly piece of jewelry.

***For the necklace I just skipped the base part and started directly with the petals. Once I had my two flowers, I laid them on top of each other and used the wire of the top flower to hold the to together and the wire of the bottom flower to make the center.***

Happy crafting.

Monday, April 9, 2012

A Fun {and BUSY} Week Ahead!!!

Today starts our week of projects over at Wood You Like to Craft?

 I'm kicking it off with the tutorial on making my April Showers Umbrella Planter.
It's always a fun week of great projects and ideas, be sure to check it out!

Also, today marks the start of my season on So You Think You're Crafty.
The polls opened this morning for voting on our Dollar Store projects. There are some really great ideas being shared over there so please, go check them out and be sure to vote for you're favorite.
Because I seem to always be a bit behind. I hope you had a wonderful Easte weekend. Ours was great-sunny and warm and because we had no school on Friday, extra long.

Have a great week and as always...
Happy Crafting.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Polls are OPEN...Please go VOTE!!!

Have you noticed the lack of posting going on here lately? Yeah, well, me too!
The problem is, I'm feeling super un-crafty. I'm busy making and doing things they just don't feel "blog-worthy" for one reason or another so I haven 't posted.
{Kind of dumb I know, but it's the truth.}
The solution may have just stumbled upon me but I need your help.
A while back I was approved to participate in the audition rounds for
--they are finally here and they couldn't have come at a better time for my in need of a craft challenge brain.
I can't show you project until later, but can ask you to go check out the audition projects and vote for your favorite. The voting will close on Friday...

Click HERE to see all the audition projects and THANKS!!!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Fall Floral Throw...American Crafter Round 3!!!

Is it still Friday! I can't seem to keep it all straight.
Anyway, just wanted to share my round three project with you. It's nothing amazing, a simple little throw, but it will serve it's purpose here in a few weeks when I can actually get around to using it!

(At this moment, I'm getting my booty kicked so if you'd be so kind as to maybe go vote for me, just so it doesn't hurt so bad, I'd greatly appreciate it!)
American Crafter Round Three Theme: FABRIC!
I chose this week to make one of my favorite {want-to-be}escapes even better.
I love sitting on the back porch with a mug of super creamy cocoa and a good book in hand {wasting?} away the afternoon...

I put together a small throw, about the size of a crib quilt, to keep me cozy while I read--it's actually been cold here in Southern Texas! I wanted to keep it in the sense of "Fall" hence the browns and yellowish-greens, but couldn't pass on a bunch of ruffles and flowers either!
It's soft flannel and super warm, just what my book and I needed.
Best of luck everyone and thanks for another fun week-

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thanks to YOU!!!

Hey there fantastic people!
So I've been a bit missing of late, life is still pretty full and I'm finding I need to be spending my time in other places but I did want to take a second to say 
Because of you I'm still in the current season of American Crafter-we're up to round three. The theme this round is FABRIC and I have to say I LOVE my project.
 {It could be because it didn't involve wood or the buzzing of a saw to create, just saying...}
Here's a  peek at what I made:
...can't give it all away yet!
Check back tomorrow to see the full project. And really, thanks again for your support.
All projects will post for voting tomorrow around 10am MST. Jump on over and vote for your favorites.

Happy Crafting.

Friday, October 14, 2011

House of Order...American Crafter Round 2!!!

You wonderful ladies got me through to round two of American Crafter!!! I can't thank you enough because I seriously can't stomach the thought of being the first cast out! So horribly vain I know, but it's like a childhood fear coming to life all over again...so thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

This week's theme is House of Order and any organizational thing goes. I made this...

{If you like it, I'd LOVE it if you'd go VOTE for it! voting opens at 1 o'clock MST}
One super-sized, super visible all-in-one family message center!  No more clutter on the fridge! No more matching up calendars! No more trying to remember where all my children are because it will be written on the chalkboard!!!!
Loving it already.
It fits right onto my pantry door so you really cannot miss it. It breaks the week down by days, as well as tackles the weekend events and still leaves room for the big days during the entire month-you know like birthdays, big tests, holiday breaks, etc. The board itself is chalkboard so no more paper!!!
Saving trees and my sanity...feeling calmer already.  
{PLUS...it gives my 4 yr old a  "safe" place to take out her artistic flares.}
So the quick how to...I painted a few glued together pieces of backing board with chalkboard paint. Hit the miter box with a hand saw and a few pieces of trim to make it pretty. Gave the trim some love with a few coats of spray paint and then ever so NOT patiently waited for it all to dry. Glued and nailed the trim into place and then spent some quality time with my cricut figuring out the vinyl. All said and done, a morning well spent, a family that much more put together and a rockin' new decor piece! I am happy...

Happy {organized} Crafting.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

OMTWI Final Project...Power Hour!!!

Visit thecsiproject.com

Well, it's over. So much fun, but so much work! But SO totally worth it.
I learned a lot, laughed a lot, and was so impressed and inspired by the other ladies in this contest. I've added a bunch of their projects to my list of must-haves.
And, cherry on top moment-I finished in 2nd!
So here's my last project  for the Season 1 finals of One Month to Win It!
The theme was "Power Hour" meaning our projects had to be done start to finish in an hour.
I  have to tell you, this was the hardest one for me-it took 4 projects before I found one that would  fit in an hour time frame.
But all was well, as this one ended up my favorite!
 I got all the slat boards at a construction site near my home. Hurray for re-proposing!!!
They were the lot markers that had been pulled once the lots were sold and the nice man at the toss pile couldn't give me enough of them...seriously, I think he was trying to put the entire pile in my van!
But then, one shouldn't complain when things are free!

Anyway, here you go my Slat Board Flower box...
(the how-to's follow the original post)

 Stop watch...ready.
safely locked inside the house with instructions NOT to open the door unless someone is bleeding or on fire. Me...
quietly repeating "you can do this, you can do this, you can do this...an hour is plenty of time..."  
Ready, set, (say a little prayer) GO!

15 minutes in...we have a flower box! 20 minutes in...stencils applied and ready for paint! 37 minutes gone by and we are painted, sanded,and stained.
(Children open door-being the good mom I am, I tell them I will be there in precisely 23 minutes!)
Line the planter, fill the planter, add the flowers, check the stop watch.....
48 minutes!!!!
47 min.and 56 sec. to be exact.
WA-HOO!!! I did it, I did it!
 (insert very happy dance here, ignore on-looking neighbors)

One Wood Slat Flower Box done, start to finish in under an hour.
One completely relieved and happy crafter...ready for a nap!

**editor's note: No children were hurt or in danger during the making of this project. Their father was also locked safely inside, and they did in fact only open the door to let me know that they weren't bleeding or on fire...aren't they sweet?
Okay, here's my supply list:
*Let me know if you have questions, I didn't think to take pictures...
7 wood slat boards, cut into 14, 18" pieces
  1x6 board cut into two 6x8 inch blocks, and one 18" long board
nails and a hammer
spray paint
sand paper
(I cut mine from vinyl with my Cri-Cut)
plastic garbage bag
chunky mulch

I used the 6x8 inch blocks as the box ends, (the 8 inch side for the length and the 6 inch side for the height) and the 18 inch board as the bottom of the box. Then 5 slats made up the front and 5 slats on the back sides of the box.
The four remaining slats were used as the legs.
*there is about a 1 inch gap on each side of the bottom of the box for drainage.

Lay out your stencils and paint away!
Then distress as you please...

Line the inside of the box with the garbage bag, cut down to fit the box.
Staple the lining into place.
Add a few slits into the bottom of the lining for drainage.
Fill the bottom third of the box with mulch and then top with soil.
Add in your flowers, step back and enjoy!

Happy Crafting!

Monday, April 4, 2011

I'm Back...

Isn't it amazing what a little down time can do for a person?
Thanks for indulging my need to do nothing for a few days, I can't tell you how much better I feel!
And thanks too, for sticking around, that means  more than I can say.
Alrighty, so back to the business of blogging. My week of nothing left me with a list of somethings a mile long. I've got some fun things brewing in my crazy little head, I'm really excited to share them with you.
So here's what's coming this week...
1. Long over-due tutorials
 (last month's Blockhead kits, some fun Spring projects, and yes, I'm working on tutorial for my Standing Floor Mirror)
2. The Rabbit Romp Easter Basket Exchange is here!
Craft Goodies

Sign-ups will officially start tomorrow, but if you've played before, you know the drill.
 Just shoot me an email letting me know you want in.
3. Wood You Like to Craft? is back with a super fun Easter project!
Krystal from Sassy Sanctuary is hosting-the tutorial goes up today, my version will go up later in the week.
4. May Word...of the Month kits will be out this week! Check back to see the word and blockhead kits as well as something super fun and new to celebrate the end of school...
5. I've got a great giveaway happening on Friday along with the T.G.I.F. linky party, you won't want to miss it!
And last, but certainly not least...
 to all of you that voted and kept me in the One Month to Win It Contest! I ended up finishing in 2nd place! Wa-Hoo!!!

Okay, so lots to do, but lots of fun to come! Have a great Monday...recipes will post later today!
Until then...Happy Crafting!


Thursday, March 31, 2011

Hoppy Easter Banner...

I have to be honest.
I haven't been a fan of all the banners and bunting floating around of late. That is until I saw one that wasn't pennant shaped! Crazy, I know.
I LOVED that it was more square, does that say something of my personality?
Any way, I decided to give it a go. Here's how it came out...
My "Hoppy" Easter Banner:

The images are painted on canvas with a ruffle sewn on bottom...

 ...the eggs and end bunnies are just reversed images so you only get close ups of one each!
Might need a little something still, but not to bad for a first try.
I think my opinion of banners has officially been changed!
Happy Crafting!

Friday, March 25, 2011

National Craft Month...at Kirstikoo!

I'm clearly not quite back to completely normal-or at least as close as I get.
 I mentioned the Simply Create contest going on over at Kirstikoo Thursday and forgot to share the link.
And well, it's probably a good thing cause I was wrong about the entry deadline.
Yeah for more time....
I'm also feeding a few selfish needs to post my entry...I want to play, there and here:

Visit thecsiproject.com

I happily introduce you to what used to be my curtains...

So this was my first time ever attempting pleats, I'm pretty sure it will also be my last!
Those buggers are NOT easy.
Funny thing though, after I got it all done and gave a pleased sigh of relief I pulled out the pleats and liked it even more. (Of course it would go that way!)

But no matter, I got it done and I like it.
And I gave the flower technique shared by Baby Bizzles on Tuesday a try-super easy, love how they came out.

And even better, I got an accidental bonus project out of my pleated efforts...
I measured my pillow wrong and ended up with my pleated (sewn!) fabric being to large.
I cut down to the correct size and ended up with a 3 inch strip of sewn pleats.
No way I was wasting all that effort!

 Now I have a super sassy pillow AND a flirty little headband...sometimes it pays to screw up!
Have a great weekend, I'm off to my first Texas Rodeo...Giddy Up Y'all!
Happy Crafting...
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